Donnerstag, 27. März 2014

Additional Part - Flashback / Inside Look

The fog was creeping over the grass, raindrops fell from the sky and the cold hurt Elijah’s hands, he could barely hold his sword. He turned around and stabbed the next demon right in his chest. With a hand move he slashed his body. Black blood spilled on the ground, almost hitting Elijah. The demon immediately became dusty grey ash. The next demon already started his attack. His mouth was open widely, his teeth long and sharp. Blood sticked to them, but it was red. It was the blood of Nephilim. Elijah had a hard time breathing. The rain wetted his gear, his hair was a mess full with clotted blood, ash and dirt. The demon made weird noises, while writhing forward. A light blue blade hit the demon in the back. It screamed. Elijah flinched.
A man with dark hair stood behind the demon, stabbing it again so he finally died.
„Where are those coming from?“, Elijah yelled against the rain.
„I have honestly no idea!“, the men yelled back.
Elijah looked around the field. Shadowhunters were fighting against at least a dozen of demons. Grotesque faces, creatures with black and yellow eyes, scales and claws. Dead bodies lay around, the grass was almost completely covered with secretion and blood.
„We don’t have a chance.“, Elijah said to himself. He took a deep breath and started running in a demon’s direction.
It was almost midnight. A cold day in October. The trees had already lost all their leaves. The smell in the air was sickening. Elijah could smell the cadavers. Light breezes came over from the near river, mixing something old and tainted in the air.
A demon was about to attack a women with light blonde hair. Elijah ran faster, lunged out and smashed the demon. The head fell off, the women jumped back but the secretion touched her arm. Elijah kneed next to her.
„It’s okay, I’m fine.“, she said, trying to smile.
„Are you sure?“, he asked.
She nodded. Then Elijah heard someone scream. It was his voice. He turned around and saw his father fighting with a huge demon. He didn’t look like the others. He was larger with two heads and tentacles reaching in every direction. He already held another shadowhunter in his claws. His eyes widened. He didn’t pay much attention to the blonde women anymore but was unable to move.
„They open the portal now, you need to come.“, Adam yelled, pulling Elijah with him.
„No! I have to help my father.“, he screamed at him and rushed over the field.
The portal was open and the shadowhunters began to escape through it. They had no chance at this point of time to kill all the demons. Every second appeared more and more on the grass and too many shadowhunters had died already.
„Elijah no!“, Adam tried to stop him, but he was too far away. Elijah felt an unbelievable anger in his chest. He tensed his jaw, cutting the demon as hard as he could. A tentacle immediately hit him. The prickles gored his gear trenching into his flesh. Tears filled his eyes. He sank on his knees, holding his chest. Blood dripped on the floor but there was no time to rest. There was no time to escape. He had to stand up and fight. The demon let go of his father hurling him on the dirty grass. He didn’t move. For a second Elijah just starred at the inert body of his father. He almost looked like he was sleeping. But he was spilled with blood and Elijah was pretty sure it was his own. He snatched up, holding his chest with one and the angel sword with the other hand. He had no strategy. He just randomly tried to hit the demon with the blade. Secretion dropped on his shoulder and his neck, burning into his skin.
„Why don’t you die already?!“, he yelled. It seemed like the demon was laughing, which made Elijah even more furious.
„Elijah stop it! You need to come.“, he heard a voice. But he didn’t want to listen.
„Elijah!“, it was his father’s voice now. He tried to squint over to him, not letting the demon out of his view.
„Elijah, please go.“, his father sputtered. „Please!“
„I can’t“, he yelled. Another tentacle grabbed for him, briefly missing him.
„Yes, you can. Go!“, his father answered still lying on the ground. He was badly injured and there was almost no other shadowhunter left helping.
„I can’t hold the portal open any longer.“, a voice screamed worried.
„I don’t let you die!“, Elijah started crying, stabbing the demon over and over again, avoiding his tentacles.
„Elijah! Listen to me. If you’re not going, we’re both dying here. Think about your mom. She wouldn’t want that. She needs you. Please go. I love you son and you have to leave me here. We can’t make it both.“, his father said.
Tears ran over Elijah’s face. An arm grabbed him, pulling him back.
„Elijah come with me.“, the voice said. He tried to escape but the grab was too hard.
„Please Elijah! Go with Magnus. Please.“, his father bagged. In the next moment a tentacle  pierced his chest right were his heart was.
„No!“, Elijah screamed. He wanted to sink on the ground, but Magnus held him and pulled him constantly into the portal’s direction.
„It’s all my fault!“, Elijah cried. „Why? I could have helped him.“
„No, you couldn’t!“, Magnus said. He hugged Elijah, pulled him closely and tried to calm him down. He was shaking, hyperventilating and his body was cold as ice.
„Because everyone left. Why did everyone leave?“, he asked, still not under control.
„We had no chance. Everyone would have died, if they stayed.“, Magnus said with a soft voice. He didn’t seem shocked at all.
Elijah didn’t even notice how they got inside a house. Magnus pushed him onto a bed with a set of blankets.
„You need to get some rest.“, Magnus said.
„No.“, Elijah said.
„You are injured and you should sleep.“
„Don’t just say no to everything I say.“, Magnus said stroking over Elijah’s hair. „I’ll stay here until you fall asleep.“, he added.
Elijah’s eyes were red and swollen from the tears. He didn’t feel the pain from his injuries anymore. He felt numb and like someone had ripped his heart out. He wanted to fall into a black whole. He wanted to sleep and never wake up again. This had to be a nightmare. But it wasn’t. He stopped shaking, cuddling up in the blankets.
„Drink that.“, Magnus said and held him a cup. Elijah did what he said and felt a little better. Only now that the warm fluid found its way down his throat he noticed how cold he was.
„It’s my fault. I let him die.“, he whispered almost like in trance.
„Elijah! It is not your fault. A lot of Nephilim died today. It could have been anyone.“
„But it was my father.“
„I know it’s hard. But you will take it. Like he said, your mom needs you. Your family needs you. And they need you now. They’re all suffering from this loss. But they will be happy that you return. I send them a message immediately so they know you’re alright.“
Elijah nodded. It was a strange feeling that Magnus gave him. He didn’t really know him. Only his father had told him about the warlock a few times. They had become friends and Elijah knew that Magnus was reliable. His father had never said a single bad word about him. That made him trust Magnus. And made him believe what he said. He didn’t know yet that Magnus was the only one seeing the death of his father that way. He didn’t know that Magnus and Lizzy would stay the only ones protecting him and believing that he was an honorable shadowhunter. Even though no one had been there at the field, no one had seen what was happening, everyone seemed to know much better, seeing only their own version of that night. Excoriating Elijah for something that wasn’t his fault and for something his father wanted him to do.

© all rights reserved || copyright by J.J.B.

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