Dienstag, 1. April 2014

Chapter 4 - All Parts/Complete

Nolan bolted into the large hall in the middle of Leksi’s training session with Elijah. His face seemed worried.
„Mrs. Wayland wants to see you Aleksa“, he said numb.
„What does she want from her?“, Elijah asked. Leksi got nervous. It could only mean that Mrs. Wayland would tell her about her stay after this week. She couldn’t think of anything else. Nolan nodded into the door’s direction and denoted her to follow him. Lost in thought she started moving. She didn’t even notice that Elijah also followed Nolan.
„I don’t think you are supposed to come, Elijah“, Nolan hissed. His serious look made her worry. He looked like there were bad news to tell and Leksi didn’t want to hear those. It was bad enough that besides her own lost, she haven’t gotten over yet, also Blake lost his aunt. Even though Leksi didn’t understand their relationship, she knew that it really got to him. They had spent the entire day in the library. Mostly Blake had only starred outside the window but then he started to talk. He told Leksi everything about his aunt he seemed to remember. First there was a portrait in Leksi’s head, then a landscape and finally something like a video that showed young Blake together with his beloved aunt. It was hard for her to see him like this. But it was even harder to leave him there and head to training with Elijah.
Nolan rushed through the corridors and stopped in front of the wooden door that lead to the office of the headmistress. Leksi swallowed. Her stomach started to tingle. Nolan knocked on the door and Mrs. Wayland’s voice invited them in.
„You better stay outside.“, Nolan said to Elijah when Leksi had already entered the stuffy room.
„Not gonna happen.“, Elijah said harshly and slipped by his trainer. He stopped in the room puzzled. Mrs. Wayland wasn’t alone. Blake was inside and went back and forth nervously. When he saw Leksi he smiled compunctiously. 
„What is Loverboy doing here?“, Elijah wanted to know and crossed his arms in front of his chest demonstratively.
„The question should be, what YOU are doing here.“, Blake answered and raised his eyebrows. Mrs. Wayland sat in her chair and watched the scene silently.
„You wanted to talk to me?“, Leksi then asked and looked disquiet from Blake to Elijah.
„Yes, that’s true.“, Mrs. Wayland confirmed. „Sit down please.“, she said. Leksi wiggled past Blake who stood on the left side of the desk and starred at Elijah.
„Don’t you think, Elijah should leave now?!“, Blake said and looked expectantly at the headmistress. She didn’t really know what to answer.
„I believe Miss Monteverde has to decide this. It’s her we’re talking about.“. she finally said. Blake didn’t seem to like this answer and had guessed that Leksi wouldn’t send Elijah away.
„If it’s okay, I would like to have him here.“, Leksi said quietly. It was awkward for her to admit this in front of Blake. The headmistress nodded and folded her hands on the table in front of her. Nolan stood in the back of the room and felt uncomfortable. He would have preferred to not been pulled into this concern. Elijah stepped behind Leksi and smiled and Blake challenging.
„Alright, Miss Monteverde.“, Mrs. Wayland started and breathed in air. „Unfortunately I don’t have any good news for you.“
Leksi’s heart was in her mouth. She clutched to the armrest and looked at Blake quizzically.
„The Council decided to summon you to a consultation.“
„A consultation? What for?“, Leksi bursted out.
„Since Miss Kingsmill was your parabatai and died without your presence, the Council came to the conclusion you broke your pact as a parabatai, because you left Miss Kingsmill alone with your awareness.“, Mrs. Wayland explained. Leksi felt sick. She would have never thought someone else than herself would make her responsible for Annabeth’ death. Her eyes widened unbelievingly. Speechless she struggled for words.
„The Council can’t do that.“, Leksi stuttered.
„Mrs. Wayland, you can’t be serious about this.“, Elijah said. His voice sounded serious and bitter.
„I’m afraid, I can’t do much about it.“, Mrs. Wayland admitted.
„I’ve never heard something so stupid.“, Elijah nagged. „How is it Aleksa’s fault, when her parabatai leaves without her. Is she supposed to stick to her heels twenty-four hours? „Where you’ll go, is where i will go is not meant in this context.“ His eyes squeezed to small slits.
„You might be right with his, Mr. Blackthorn, but the Council is the Council.“, Mrs. Wayland said thoughtfully. Leksi knew it wasn’t easy for her to tell her those news. Even though she didn’t quite like the headmistress, she knew that she always had an open ear for everyone and stood with a saving hand behind her students. The thoughts spinned in Leksi’s head. She saw the Council in front of her pointing with their fingers on her and exclude her from the shadowhunter community. But where was she supposed to go?!
„I am sure the verdict will be in your favor, Miss Monteverde. Just regard the coming trial as a tentative and demonstrative step. You see, your situation went around under the shadowhunters and the Council sees himself forced to react. They can’t just ignore it.“, Mrs. Wayland tried to calm Leksi down. She nodded.
„Sadly this isn’t everything.“, Mrs. Wayland sighed. Blake looked surprised in this moment. Apparently Mrs. Wayland didn’t told him anything else. He was only present because he was the headboy and Mrs. Wayland had been told that he took care of Leksi.
„Since the academy is closing on friday, you are supposed to go to the City of Bones.“, Mrs. Wayland added.
„What?!“, Blake asked. He starred at the headmistress aghast.
„The Council told me that Miss Monteverde wants to be seen in the custody of the Silent Brothers to secure her abode.“
„They believe I would run away.“, Leksi said quitely. She didn’t find the right words to say, no thoughts in her head gave her a clear image. She was confused and upset. This felt like a nightmare. Everything around her seemed to collapse and to bury her under the ruins.
„She can stay with me.“, Blake suggested. „Her abode would be secured.“
„Your abode is outside of Idris. Don’t believe I haven’t told the Council of this idea.“, Mrs. Wayland was obviously dejected.
„Then she can stay with me. If the Council wants her to stay in Idris - I live in Idris.“, Elijah said all of the sudden behind her. Leksi almost forgot he was even in the room. Mrs. Wayland looked at him surprised.
„My mother will agree. If you’re worried about her safeness, Blake can come too.“, he said and pronounced Blake’s name with an annoyed undertone. Leksi felt his hand on her shoulder and she almost grabbed for it. Even though she could hardly imagine anything more eerie than going to Elijah’s home, she liked this much more than going to the City of Bones.
„You have to admit this idea is brilliant.“, Nolan interrupted the conversation. „I give you my word that Elijah is one of my best students and I know he is capable of this responsibility.“
A kind of relaxation spread inside Leksi. Everyone took part for her.
„I will let the Council know of this suggestion and of course of your recommendation.“, Mrs. Wayland said and nodded into Nolan’s direction.
„Would it even be possible for you in case to stay with Mr. Blackthorn?, Mrs. Wayland wanted to know from Blake. He nodded extensively.
„And what is even more important, would you, Miss Monteverde, respond to this generous offer?“, the headmistress turned to Leksi. 
„I don’t want to cause any circumstances.“, she said meekly.
„You’re causing those since you came here.“, Elijah laughed. He reaped a furious glance from Blake for that, but Leksi had to smile, because she knew how he meant it. She was unbelievingly thankful for his concession and would never find a way to make up for this.
„Alright, I will inform you as soon as I get an answer from the Council.“, Mrs. Wayland said and seemed to be relieved.
„This will work out.“, Blake, who tried to encourage Leksi, added. She sat sad on her chair, looking like a picture of misery and she felt exactly like it. The compunctions got to her more than usual. She wanted to throw herself into Blake’s arms and cry, but she would never do so. She was a shadowhunter and she was strong. At least she wanted to be and wanted to stand above all of this. She pushed back the tears and rose from the chair. She looked into Blake’s green eyes for a little while, but was pulled out of thoughts by Elijah who grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the room. Blake immediately joined them.
„I have to admit that was very honorable. I didn’t trust you to do something like that.“, Blake said over Leksi’s head to Elijah.
„I don’t expect you to find anyone honorable besides yourself.“, Elijah spitted.
„That says the right one. Who is running around with such an arrogant attitude, everyone gets scared?!“, Blake barked.
„That isn’t arrogance, it is healthy self-assessment.“
„Healthy might be something, but your self-assessment sure not.“
„I forgot, nobody is as amazing as our great headboy.“
„That hasn’t anything to do with it.“
„Oh it so does, Loverboy.“, Elijah shook his head.
„Stop it already!“, Leksi screamed. Both boys stopped moving and looked at the little blonde girl in front of them.
„I have more relevant problems than listening to you two fighting. You are both arrogant in a way, Amen!“, she said resolutely.
Blake opened his mouth to say something. „Amen, I said.“, Leksi said quickly and stomped through the corridor.

„Nolan said we don’t have to participate in the test anymore.“, Leksi heard a voice next to her all of the sudden.
She was on her way to the dining hall, when Elijah consorted with her.
„Why not?“, she asked but was somewhere else in her thoughts.
Since Mrs. Wayland told her she had to stand up in front of the Council the day before, she was quiet confused. She didn’t know what to expect, what the charges would be. She wanted to already prepare a speech but didn’t know what to talk about. She didn’t sleep at all. Elodie had noticed her obvious unrest, but Leksi didn’t want to tell her. She didn’t want any compassion, nor being talked into everything would turn out fine. That just wasn’t Leksi’s way of behaving. She didn’t want to think that it would turn out to her satisfaction. Because if it wouldn’t, the verdict would hurt even more. 
So she didn’t even think about the outgoing of the process. She was more concerned about the looks of the Council, the question if Helen and Aline would be present and if it was them who pilloried her. She had hoped that she could just return to the institute and keep on living a normal life as much as this was even possible. Everything here should have only been an unpleasant transition phase, that would be forgotten as fast as she could. Even though Leksi had to admit to herself that she would miss Elijah and of course Blake. Something like a gentle feeling had sneaked into her and every time she saw Blake she felt her heart skip a beat. His smile was the best thing of the day. Besides training with Elijah, which was a lot of fun actually. He really achieved that she wasn’t as furious while fighting. She had to listen to music over and over again and learn the choreography that the two had come up with. In the beginning Leksi found it really strange that someone like Elijah fought to music. But in his behavior lay something so trustworthy and devoting, that Leksi took the training as a welcome distraction and looked forward to dinner with Blake. It was more than obvious that the two couldn’t stand each other, but Leksi didn’t know if they were actually fighting for her attention or if she just fancied that. After all it was the farouche and weird Elijah, who has always been unfriendly to everyone. Just not to her. But why should he make an exception for Blake just because she was friends with him. She actually only had this thoughts in her mind because otherwise she would think of the Council. And much worse – about the stay at Elijah’s home. She knew that he lived in Alicante but he never said a single word about his family. Plus Leksi didn’t even understand why he was living in the academy when his home was so nearby. It just didn’t make any sense to her. She herself hated the academy and the way Elijah seemed to hate everyone in this building, she couldn’t imagine him liking it that much. She somehow had an uncomfortable feeling when thinking about going to his house. It was probably one of those big magnificent houses with shiny roofs and heavy blinds. In her head the house wasn’t really appealing though and oddly abandoned. She asked herself if he had any siblings or other relatives that lived in the house. Lastly most shadowhunter families were really big and lived together in one place when they came to Alicante and not stayed in one of the many institutes all over the world.
„Are you even listening?“, Elijah asked. Leksi snapped out of her thoughts. They stood right in front of the door to the large dining hall.
„Sorry, I’m just thinking about some stuff.“, she said and shook her head to get rid of the promiscuous thoughts.
„I noticed.“, Elijah sighed. „Well, Nolan said because of the circumstances we don’t have to take the test. He said we already have enough to deal with and he doesn’t want to stress us even more.“
„But the training is the only reasonable distraction.“, Leksi said. Elijah looked at her surprised. This didn't seem like the answer he expected to hear.
„So you still want to perform this friday?“, he asked puzzled.
„Of course. Everything else would be a waste of our talents.“, she said and grinned.
„Great attitude!“, Elijah laughed. All the sudden something in his expression changed. A weird glance that Leksi didn’t know how to interpret.
„Loverboy is here to have dinner with you.“, he said and nodded in the door’s direction. When Leksi turned around, she saw Blake heading towards them. Elijah turned to walk away. 
„Why don’t you stay with us?“, Leksi asked and knew in the same moment that it sounded really stupid. Elijah grinned at her amused and walked off.

It really calmed Leksi that Blake would stay with her at Elijah’s house. But he had already told her he had to leave for a couple of days to go to Moscow for the funeral of his aunt. He didn’t seem sad anymore or he was just good in hiding it. Leksi stayed carefully with this subject and tried to avoid anything going in this direction. She also didn’t want to tell Blake that she was somehow afraid of being left alone with Elijah. Not that he was frightening – well he actually was – or that he would do anything to her, but it was a strange oppressive feeling with him. Leksi couldn’t describe what kind of feeling it was because on the other hand she enjoyed being around him. But maybe it was only because she felt pretty lost in the academy, so every human oder angelic person surrounding her was comforting. Even though the building was held in warm colors and the corridors were filled with students, she felt alone. It seemed to be the loneliness that brought Leksi and Elijah together. They got along without talking too much and just lived in the presence of the other, which gave them the feeling of somebody living existed in this building and not being drowned in the silent grey mass. But in an empty house without this mass, Leksi feared she would get lost in the emptiness, because there wasn’t anything you could stand over and keep away from. She wouldn’t have anything to tell Elijah then either and they could hardly train or at least it wouldn’t be the same at all. Somehow Leksi knew she was thinking too much about this but she liked it better than thinking about anything else.

Elijah stood in front on the window, that lead to the curtilage. The snow kept falling and falling, leaving the yard looking like a soft white cloud. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He had talked to his mother. The first words after a really long time. It was one year ago that he had seen her for a few days, for what they had only lived next to eachother without looking the other in the eye. He spent most of the time in Prague last winter. Everything had been better than staying in the squalid house with the women who called herself his mother. She had never asked were he had been or asked for his grades. Actually she hadn’t said anything at all. It was hard for him to talk to her about Leksi’s stay and for the first time he was thankful that Mrs. Wayland tended to stick her nose into every issue. To his luck she had been the one arranging everything with his mother. And she couldn’t contradict her. Elijah was sure that she would have just starred at him confusedly, shaking her head and didn’t stop thinking he was totally out of his mind. She couldn’t imagine that he would help anyone, after all it was him who let his own father die. An indescribable anger had rose in him when he stood opposite of her. But he pulled hisself together and tried hard to not look at her hatefully. Mrs. Wayland barely knew what happened between them, but she seemed to feel the tension and kept an caring eye on him like a dog mom over her puppy. It was quite awkward that he felt more secure with Mrs. Wayland than with his own mother. He actually had to admit to himself that he saw the headmistress more as family than that women, who looked at him like he would be scum. He didn’t want to go „home“ at all. The academy was his home. Even Prague was more is home, or any other city on this planet. Just not the house of this women. He hardly thought the word „mother“ but knew exactly that this was pure habit and had nothing to do with their familiar status. If he could choose he would turn his back on her. And he probably had done this already, weren’t Lizzy constantly reminding him that family is family and you aren’t able to choose who is in it – you have to love them. Lizzy seemed to be the only one to understand him. Even though she was a lot younger than him, he knew that she was really smart. She was one of the few who wasn’t avoiding him. She loved him and he felt that. It hurt even more to know that she was so far away. He didn’t want to disappoint Lizzy, no matter what and so he bore the icy and cutting glances of his mother. Elijah thought that his mother might look like this at Leksi too. Or that she would hold against him that Blake was such a reputable boy and why Elijah couldn’t behave a little more like him, so she could at least stand his presence. But he had decided to get through this. For Leksi. Maybe he just wanted to prove to himself that he could help people and wouldn’t betray anyone. But maybe he only wanted to prove it to every one else. He was a shadowhunter and he was honorable, no matter what his mother would say. Elijah had already accepted that she would never respect him and not think of him as honorable like ever. So who actually cared how she would look at him this time. He swallowed his anger down. He had decided not to think about that anymore and to finally finish with the painful memories. He would suffer the presence of this mother one last time. He would go out into the world next year and would never return into the home of his childhood. Never again, not even for Lizzy. 

Leksi took a deep breath. Elijah looked at her strongly. It was really quiet in the large hall. Everyone was holding their breath and waited excitedly. Leksi nodded. Elijah and she bowed to each other. Immediately the song started to play in Leksi’s head. That one song, they had been practicing to hour after hour. Nolan stood with his arms crossed in front of his chest at the border of the scenario. His glance seriously as always. Leksi rose her sword and made a cut parallel to Elijah. Shallow moves, like some kind of dance. They swirled around each other, a blade almost stroke Leksi’s face, her blonde hair flow through the air. The humming in Leksi’s head got louder. Adrenaline flowed through her veins and she felt a strange inner calmness. She had to smile. Elijah caught her glance and laughed at her wryly. Only a last move, one more precisely conducted cut and the choreography would be over. Leksi only now noticed that she had held her breath and released the air relieved. The two bowed again and the test ended. A wave of euphoria got over her. The other students applauded. Leksi ran to Elijah and hugged him effusively.
„Not so vehemently.“, Elijah gasped, lurching backwards.
„Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful!, Nolan’s voice overtook the applause.
„Luckily you were our first contestants, so the others know how this is supposed to look like.“, he said looking at the other shadowhunters, who seemed quite dicontented. 
Leksi noticed Blake’s look. He smiled at her nicely, still watching Elijah.
„You two are done and can leave then.“, Nolan said.
All the sudden Leksi realized that after being finished with the test there was nothing that held her here anymore. She would have to see the Council in a few days and it made her even more nervous that she didn’t know the exact date. She would be together with Elijah for an uncertain period of time.
She walked through the corridors feeling numb, closely followed by Elijah. He didn’t say anything and seemed to be as fraught as her. He hadn’t even said a snappy comment when Blake had taken Leksi in his arms. Only when Leksi arrived in her room, she noticed Elijah was still with her.
„You didn’t even pack.“, he said.
„Because I don’t want to leave.“, she said sadly. She let herself down on the bed next to her suitcase.
„Well that sounds quite new to me.“, he laughed and so Leksi had to grin. She shook her head laughing.
„Can I help you?“, Elijah asked.
„I believe I can do this myself.“, Leksi said. When Elijah turned to leave, she stopped him: „Can you stay here anyways?!“, she asked. Somehow she felt awkward to seem this weak. She actually didn’t want to show any weakness and ask him to stay. But it just came over her. She just really didn’t want to be alone now. Elijah could at least cheer her up a little and wouldn’t let her obsess about her fear or getting depressed with his sarcastic manner. 
Elijah walked to the window and leaned against the sill, while Leksi watched him vigilantly.
„We will get a good grade, right?!“, she then said.
Elijah looked at her surprised. „Of course! But we will get it next semester.“, he answered.
„You mean you will get it next semester.“, Leksi determined.
„Actually you have to get the grade for both of us. I won’t be here.“, Elijah said coldly and turned away from Leksi.
„What do you mean?“, Leksi wanted to know, rose from the bed to randomly put clothes into the suitcase.
„This was my last year.“, he said.
„But I won’t be here either.“, Leksi said and didn’t really know what else to say.
„I think you will.“
„But why? I want to go to Montreal.“, she said hesitant.
Elijah didn’t answer. Leksi didn’t know how he meant that but didn’t want to ask further questions. Instead she tried to push the conversation into another direction: „Where are you going then?“, she asked.
„Prague.“, Elijah answered. Leksi saw his reflection in the window glass and how he was starring at her. His light eyes melted in with the patch of blue sky that showed over the roof of the academy.
„To the institute there?“, she asked. Elijah shook his head. His brown hair gleamed in the light of the lamp on the ceiling. The leather of his gear clung around his wide shoulders that didn’t really fit to him.
„Probably not.“, he answered shortly. Leksi already had enough of packing and joined Elijah at the sill. 
„I would wanna go to Prague one day.“, Leksi said lost in thoughts. She felt the warm leather of Elijah’s gear on her bare skin. Automatically she moved closer so their arms touched completely. She looked at his pale hands, that seemed wonderfully soft even though they should have been covered with weals. Elijah didn’t wear a family ring. Leksi noticed that for the first time. But maybe he took it off for the test. Leksi had to admit that she didn’t pay much attention to his hands by then.
„You can come with me.“, Elijah said quietly, almost whispering.
Leksi was confused and it took her a few seconds until she realized what he just said.
„You’re not meaning that, are you?!“, Leksi asked and tried to not seem as aghast.
„Why not? We are a great team.“, he said and turned in her direction. Leksi also turned towards him. His eyes were somehow iridescent, like something was swirling inside them. His look was to hypnotic that Leksi forgot what the conversation was even about. But she was quite sure that Elijah knew exactly what his look was causing. A queasy feeling overcame her. Soft crawlies spread over her back and creeped over her arms.
„Are you cold?“, Elijah asked without loosing his look for only one second.
Leksi shook her head numb.
„But you have goose bumps!“, he determined and stroke over her arm softly. Leksi swallowed. His touch didn’t make the crawlies any better.
„Why are you like that?“, she said shaky. She was annoyed by her own petty voice. 
„Like what?“, Elijah asked. A smile played around the corner of his mouth.
Finally Leksi managed to look away. She felt dizzy when she looked down to her hands, that seemed to be shaking. What was just happening. She felt Elijah’s warmth, heard his quiet breath and sensed how his look was still daggering her.
Strangely Leksi wanted to huddle against him, but something kept her off. She had the oppressive feeling to deliver herself defenselessly.
„What is with you?“, Elijah asked whispering.
„Nothing.“ Leksi said still looking at her hands.
„I…“, she started another sentence. Elijah looked at her waiting, not moving at all.
Leksi looked at him, she got overwhelmed and caught by his cold eyes. She got lost in the beautiful contours of Elijah’s face, the rough jawline, his dark eye circles, the pale lips and honey colored hair. She had never seen such a sheen coming from him. It was like he was capturing her with his aura. Her hands began to tingle, everything was spinning. In the next moment she felt how she shoved her hands underneath his jacket, clinging into his shirt. Her breath flickered, her eyes burned. She inhaled his scent and noticed how she calmed down a little. His vibrant warmth spread onto her and made her heart pounding in the same rhythm.
„Lex?!“, Elijah exhaled wonderingly. He held her shoulders, looking down on her blonde head of hair.
It knocked at the door and the handle was pushed down in the next moment. It flashed through Leksi like a lightening. She pushed herself off of Elijah, lurched backwards and crashed into the desk.
„Am I interrupting something?“, Blake asked and rose his eyebrows. Elijah didn’t look at him and held his glance with Leksi, who was looking shaken.  
She turned her head to Blake: „No, I am just packing.“, she sputtered. Blake exchanged a fast glance with Elijah, who then moved into the doors direction.
„Now that Loverboy has arrived, I will be no longer needed.“, he said sharply and shoved himself by Blake outside the door.
„Elijah…“, Blake started.
„Don’t even try.“, Elijah spitted out. „We’ll see us later.“ he said more turned to Leksi and went off.
Leksi smiled at Blake embarrassed. He didn’t know how to handle this situation either. He couldn’t escape the feeling that they were hiding something from him and Leksi’s conscience tried to talk her into believing she got almost caught by doing something forbidden. She could not allow herself a single weak moment anymore. Even though this would be getting really hard the next days.

© all rights reserved || copyright by J.J.B. allejmoon.blogspot.com

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