Dienstag, 15. April 2014

Chapter 5 - All Parts/Complete

Leksi sat in the middle between Elijah and Blake on the bench of the carriage. The feeling was somehow oppressive and it was so quiet, that the silence burned in her ears. She had packed the rest of her stuff in Blake’s presence. Then they went into the foyer. The minutes when Blake went to his room, felt like hours. But then everything went really fast. Elijah came around the corner, his suitcase in his hands, Blake following immediately. While that the carriage drove onto the court in front of the academy. Cars didn’ work in Idris and there were only a few exceptions like the school bus that worked with witch lights.
Blake had turned his head to the window, while Leksi noticed from the corner of her eye that Elijah was watching her. When she turned her head, he smiled at her amused. He seemed to notice that Leksi felt really uncomfortable. But it was probably quite easy, since she tensed all her muscles and sat stiffly.
„How long are you staying, Loverboy?“, Elijah cut the silence. Leksi looked at him surprisedly, but he didn’t look at her anymore. Instead he starred at Blake. He turned away from the window to return his glance.
„I have to leave the day after tomorrow.“, he said and turned back towards the window.
The carriage had already past the forest that separated the academy from the city and jolted over the uneven streets of Alicante.
„And you have no concerns leaving Aleksa alone with me?“, Elijah wanted to know. Something provocative lay in his tone.
„Why should I?!“, Blake replied.
„Aren’t you afraid we could elope together?“, he smiled. Leksi looked at him confused. When Elijah noticed that glance, he winked at her smiling. An insensible wince went through Blake’s body. Elijah probably hadn’t notice, but Leksi who sat next to him, felt it. 
„No.“, Blake finally said. „Leksi wouldn’t do so.“
„Charming as always.“, Elijah grinned and leaned back pleased. His attack on Blake was over for now. They kept quiet for the rest of the drive and Leksi tried to get the catchy tune out of her head, which was the song of the training with Elijah. It seemed like the test was a couple of days ago and not only a few hours. Slow but steady the sun shoved herself towards the horizon. The city shimmered in a golden gleam.
The carriage abruptly stopped. Leksi heard the rush from the near river and the rustling of the leaves being blown over the streets. She climbed out of the carriage right behind Blake and looked on a giant house, standing on the bottom of a slope.
Dark menacing windows seemed to watch them like eyes. Ivy grew over the brick wall and almost scarfing the front door. Leksi took her suitcase and walked slowly over the narrow path leading to the house. The yard was quite big, the fence brittle. On some parts you could see that the wood was once varnished golden. Shallow wind stroke through Leksi’s hair and made her shiver. Elijah walked a few feet in front of her and even he seemed tensed. He opened the heavy front door. Darkness lay behind it. A few seconds later a large chandelier covered the foyer into a dimmed light. Some witch lights were missing in the bejeweled lamp. Leksi carefully walked into the house. She was blasted immediately by a smell of mothballs and dust. On the floor was a round carpet with runes, spitting out dust with every footstep. To the left a wide staircase lead upstairs to a gallery from which you could see the foyer. A fine layer of dust covered every step and the entire handrail. Not a single fingerprint showed, as if no one walked up this stairs in a while. The house was indeed eerie. 
„Give me your jackets.“, Elijah, who already peeled off his coat, said. Leksi also took of her coat and handed it to Elijah. A broken mirror was the center of the opulent coatrack, carved out of wood, showing a couple of angels with swords. Only now Leksi noticed that the room extended at the right of the staircase. This part of the room was not lighted though and so Leksi could only rarely see shadowy contours of a piano.
„Excuse the lightly dusty surroundings.“, Elijah said and looked around appalled.
„You can actually apologize for something?!“, Blake asked.
Elijah grinned but didn’t react to the comment.
„Your rooms are upstairs. I show you where.“, he finally said and walked towards the staircase. Leksi followed him but before she could take the first step, Elijah took her suitcase out of her hands.
„Thank you.“, she stuttered, being really surprised over that gesture.
The floor upstairs stretched into both sides of the building. Elijah walked into the left direction. He hit a door open with his foot: „Loverboy.“, he said and nodded in the direction of the open door. Blake entered the room annoyed. A quite large room with a huge bed and some other furniture out of dark wood. It wasn’t as dusty as in the rest of the house. Blake walked to the window that lead to the front yard.
In the meantime Elijah reached the back of the corridor and stopped in front of the last door.
„Far enough from Loverboy?!“, he said and opened the door. Leksi had to grin. The first time since her arrival. The queasy feeling slowly ceased.
„Doesn’t anyone else live here?“, Leksi asked.
Elijah’s look became serious. „My mother, but she doesn’t seem to be here.“, he said and struggled for a smile. Leksi nodded and entered the large room. Green curtains lined the windows, above the bed was a giant painting of a landscape and in front of the window stood a wing chair, that already looked really inviting.
„I hope you like it here.“, Elijah said.
„Of course.“, Leksi said and looked around curiously. She discovered an old trunk that she wanted to take a look inside. To the left of the room stood a large dresser with convoluted knobs. Even a fireplace was set in this room. Firewood was neatly stacked next to it.
„And where’s your room?“, Leksi wanted to know.
„So you can sneak into my room at night?“, Elijah had his wryly smile back in his face.
„But..“, Leksi started a sentence.
„That was just a joke. My room is on the other side. All the way back there.“, he said. He stepped into the corridor and pointed on the opposite side when you walked to the right from the staircase.
„And I believed you would put me to the end.“, Blake said in this moment. He sticked his head out of his door.
„I didn’t think of that.“, Elijah determined. „Next time I’ll try to suit your wishes.“ He grabbed Leksi’s shoulders and pushed her back into her room. He waved at Blake and closed the door behind him. Leksi looked at him confused.
„Are you sure you can bear him?“, he asked and rose his eyebrows.
„I will, but if you can is more what I’m worried about.“, Leksi said.
„I don’t even want him here.“
„I know you don’t get along. But it's only for two days he’s here. Then you’ll have your peace. And I won’t get on your nerves and stay in my room reading.“, Leksi said.
Elijah’s serious look vanished into a soft expression that almost seemed a little hurt. He looked her deeply in the eye and opened his mouth to say something, when it knocked on the door.
„Everything okay in there?“, Blake asked through the wood. Elijah rolled his eyes. He teared the door open and looked at Blake annoyed.
„Your timing is unbeatable, Loverboy.“ he said and rushed down the corridor.
„Don’t call me like that.“, Blake yelled furiously.
„Loverboy!“, Elijah replied.
Leksi stood in her room, watching Blake, who seemed really angry. His brown hair fell on his forehead enhancing his green eyes even more.
„You got a nice room here.“, he determined and entered. Leksi nodded.
„Should I leave you alone? So you can unpack and stuff?“, Blake wanted to know.
Leksi loved this manner of him. He never obtruded himself upon her and wasn’t mad when she wanted to be alone. Leksi nodded and smiled at him. She now noticed how tired she was.
„I’ll see you later then.“, Blake said quietly. The sound of his voice gave her crawlies. When Blake closed the door she went onto the large bed. She sank into the soft mattress pulled the blanket over her and cuddled into the pillows. She inhaled the musty smell and closed her eyes. Even though the house was foreign, she felt oddly home. She had the strange feeling that she was safe. She had felt exposed in the academy. But here she was protected from the looks and mumbling. She slowly relaxed. Her head was free and a smile flitted over her lips. The sleep took her. A deep dreamless sleep. 

Leksi heard the quiet sound of a knock on her door. She opened her eyes drowsy. All the sudden she realized she had fallen asleep for quite a bit since it was now dark outside the window. The knocking appeared a second time. Leksi switched on the dusty lamp on the nightstand and crawled out of bed to walk to the door over the cold wooden floor. She was wondering who was knocking and had no idea what time it actually was. When she opened the door, the blazing light from the corridor blinded her.
„Did I wake you up?“, a voice asked. Leksi nodded. She looked into Elijah’s light blue eyes but managed to immediately look away and not being hypnotized again.
„I made you some sandwiches.“, he said. Only now Leksi noticed he was holding a tray in his hands. She let him in and closed the door behind him.
„What time is it?“, she wanted to know.
Elijah smiled at her, putting the tray on the end of her bed. „It’s shortly after midnight.“, he then said. „Since you didn’t come when Blake asked for you at dinnertime I thought you’d either decided not to see him or fell asleep.“
Leksi’s stomach rumbled in that moment.
„I suppose it was a good idea to make you something.“, he said and nodded at the sandwiches on the tray.
Leksi climbed back into the bed and pulled the tray closer. Elijah turned and walked to the door when Leksi stopped him.
„Don’t you want any?“, she asked.
„I had enough, thank you.“, he said but walked back to the bed and sat down on the small bench standing in front of it.
„Are you still tired?“, he wanted to know.
„No, actually not.“, Leksi answered. „But aren’t you tired? Have you been awake all day?“, she asked.
„A little.“, he replied.
„You look really tired though.“, Leksi determined.
„Do I?!“
Leksi nodded as an answer and took a bite of one of the sandwiches. Elijah watched her. Her hair was messy and her mascara smudged under her eyes. She still wore the academy sweater that made her appear even paler.
„Why are you looking at me like this again?“, she interrupted his thoughts.
„Like what?“, he asked puzzled.
„It’s that one face.“, she said. Elijah then smiled. „That face.“, Leksi pointed at him. He turned away shaking his head and when he looked at her again she noticed how her heart skipped a beat. She felt uncomfortable and exposed.
„Stop it already.“, she said angrily.
„I’m not doing anything.“, Elijah said and raised his hands defensively.
„I don’t believe you. You’re doing it on purpose.“, she said and squinnied her eyes.
„What?“, he asked and stood up. Leksi pushed the tray back and got out of bed again, walking up to Elijah.
„Why are you coming in the middle of the night?
 Why didn’t you leave me asleep?“, Leksi yelled at him.
„Is that what you wanted?“, he asked and rose his eyebrows.
„That’s not important. But the fact is that you exploit my weak moments.“, she replied.
„So your weak moment is when you were asleep and when you’re about to pack your suitcase, during training,…“, he said. Leksi slapped him on his arm.
„Stop it!“, she said furious.
Elijah smiled at her.
„What is so funny?“, she wanted to know.
„You just look pretty weird.“, he said and laughed. Leksi gasped and turned away from him. But he held her arm and pulled her back.
„I don’t mean it that way. It’s just that your hair is quite a mess.“, he said and tried to smooth it down. Leksi breathed pretty fast and didn’t know what to do. Elijah’s touch made her blush and she was instantly hoping he wouldn’t notice. She could smell his cinnamon like scent and asked herself what it was that made him smell like that. The dark circles under his eyes made his icy eyes appear even more white and colorless. His hand was warm and so Leksi realized how cold it was in the room.
„I am not exploiting your weak moments, Lex!“, he said with a soft voice. „You are making me weak.“
Leksi looked at him surprised.
„Because when I see you…“, he started.
„Don’t!“, Leksi interrupted him. „Don’t say anything!“, she said and shook her head.
„Why?“, he wanted to know whispering and starred at her.
„You’re doing it again.“, she whispered back. 
„It’s not my fault you’re totally in to me.“, he said.
„What??“, she asked unbelievingly. „I am not totally in to you.“, she said totally snapped out of her tiredness.
„Sure.“, Elijah said with a sarcastic undertone.
„What makes you believe that?“, she wanted to know.
„It’s that look you give me whenever we are alone. And those blushing cheeks of yours.“, he said stroking over her face with his fingertips. Warm shivers crawled over her body. Dizziness overcame her. She blinked a few times.
„I… I don’t feel well.“, she said. Her face started to prickle and she saw everything blurred. Right before she passed out Elijah grabbed her shoulders and caught her.
„Are you okay?“, he asked. „I’m sorry.“
Leksi shook her head. Tears pushed against her eyes. She desperately wanted to get closer to Elijah, let her sink down in his arms so he had to hold her up.
„Can you walk?“, Elijah wanted to know. Leksi shook her head again. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Elijah grabbed her body and carried her back onto the bed.
„You should lay down.“, he said. When he let her down Leksi held him tight on the neck. He got surprised by her sudden strength and sank on his knees next to the bed. Leksi put her head on his shoulders. Elijah put his arms around her and stroke her back.
„Lex?“, he asked.
„What?“, she replied with his lips near his neck so he got crawlies all over his body.
„Now I am the one to determine you got goose bumps.“, she said.
Elijah laughed. „I guess that’s just fair.“

The next morning Leksi felt weird. She only barely remembered the happenings of last night and it felt like an odd dream. Her head hurt and she wasn’t quite sure, if Elijah had really been in her room. But when Leksi saw the tray on the floor next to her bed, the memories popped back into her head.
After she took a hot shower, she got dressed and decided to go downstairs and see what the others were up to.
„Good morning!“, Blake smiled at her when she reached the end of the staircase.
She tried to respond his smile but it hardly worked. She felt uncomfortable and was afraid to see Elijah any minute.
„I made some breakfast.“, Blake said and waved her into the kitchen. The room was huge and covered with yellow tiles. It smelled like freshly pressed orange juice and eggs.
„Isn’t Elijah here?“, Leksi asked and looked around the kitchen.
„No. He actually left a while ago.“, Blake said and pulled a chair off the table for Leksi to sit down.
„When is he coming back?“, Leksi asked trying to sound as casually as possible.
Blake shrugged his shoulders. „He didn’t say anything.“, he said and started to fill a glass with orange juice.
„Thank you.“, Leksi said when he put it next to her plate already filled with scrambled eggs.
„I hope you like eggs.“, he said. Even though Leksi was not a big fan of eggs she just nodded and started to shove the food into her mouth. Somehow she felt really hungry. Blake sat down towards her.
„What are your plans for the day?“, he asked.
„I don’t know. I don’t feel like doing anything.“, she admitted.
„I don’t think it would be good, if you just sit around here all day. We could see Alicante.“, Blake suggested.
„I don’t like that city.“, she said.
„I thought you found it beautiful?“, he asked surprised.
„I did. But now it just reminds me of the Council. I don’t want to see anyone.“, she said and took a sip of her orange juice.
„But you can’t just sit around this house?!“, Blake put into consideration.
„Why not?“, Leksi asked.
„Ya, why not Loverboy?“, Elijah said. He stood leaning at the doorframe. Leksi was so surprised she almost spit the juice over the entire table.
„I’m happy to see you too.“, Elijah laughed and winked at her. 

Blake took his suitcase and carried it down the staircase. He felt a little sad leaving Leksi behind. He also didn’t like the thought of her being with Elijah. Even though he had accepted, that Leksi liked Elijah, he couldn’t manage it and feel any sympathy for him. But that was probably because he knew him for a few years already. He noticed that change in his eyes about a year ago. But he was mean and arrogant before so he never thought of anything had happened. Only the empty and dusty home of Elijah made him overthink. Still he didn’t know what was it that Elijah turned into a quiet and angry looking shadowhunter. He had lost all his friends but never seemed to care. Since it was his last year Blake thought that could be Elijah’s reason. He probably didn’t want to get close to anyone so the leave wouldn’t be as painful. But then again he sort of connected with Leksi. That didn’t fit in his pattern at all. Blake decided not to think about Elijah anymore and just let him behave the way he wanted to without analysing. 

Leksi already waited in the foyer. She stepped from one foot on the other. She hated to wait for anything and it made her even more nervous that Elijah didn’t show up the entire day. Not that she wanted him here, but she was a little scared being all alone in this house. The last day they had cleaned up a little, so most of the dust was gone, but it was still an eerie mood.
„The carriage is already there.“, Leksi said when Blake came to her.
„Oh. I thought we’d have a little time left.“, he said and looked at her.
Leksi shook her head and pointed out of the dirty window. „It seems like the driver is pretty impatient.“
Blake stepped next to her and shoved the curtain aside to get a better view.
„I better leave then. I feel very bad to leave you here.“, he said.
„It’s okay. I know that you would stay if there was any way.“, Leksi calmed him down.
„But it’s just that…“, Blake started.
„It’s fine. I’ll be fine.“, she interrupted him and smiled. Blake nodded.
„I’ll be back as soon as possible.“
„Do whatever you have to do. Don’t stress yourself.“, Leksi added. Blake took his suitcase and opened the door. Cold and wintery air filled the musty room. Leksi inhaled the fresh breeze.
„Be sure to behave.“, Blake said with a smile.
„I’ll give my best.“, Leksi grinned.
With that said Blake turned and walked down the small path through the yard. When he sat in the carriage he waved at Leksi. Something in her expression changed. She immediately felt alone. She was wondering where Elijah had gone off to and if he did this because he didn’t want to say goodbye to Blake. But that actually didn’t make any sense.
Lost in thoughts Leksi went directly into the kitchen. She searched through the foods and beverages in the freezer. It was barely filled what explained the trite breakfast and dinner she had the last two days. Since she felt really hungry she took some veggies out of the crisper. It was so quiet in the house that every cut Leksi made echoed through every room. After a while Leksi heard a key in the front door. She went into the foyer to see if it was Elijah. But when she expected to look into his light eyes and messy hair, she shrugged. A tall, skinny woman entered the house. She stopped when she saw Leksi. At first she seemed surprised but then she squinnied her eyes. Leksi immediately knew that the woman was Elijah’s mom. She had long curly hair in the same color as Elijah’s hair. She had pale skin with rosy cheeks and almost white lips. Only her eyes were the opposite of Elijah’s eyes. They were as black as the pupil, what made her look quite scary and demonic. Which was ironic since she was a shadowhunter. Leksi couldn’t estimate how old the woman was. She had light wrinkles around her eyes and the corners of her mouth but then again she looked really youthful with her skinny jeans and boots.
„You must be Aleksa.“, she said. Her voice sounded stiff.
„You must be Elijah’s mom.“, Leksi replied.
„I don’t even know why I have to host all the renegades.“, she said and took of her coat.
„Pardon?“, Leksi asked.
„You are the girl that let her parabatai die. You had one task. What was so bloody hard?“, she asked. Leksi took a minute to understand was Elijah’s mom was saying.
„I don’t think you are in a position to judge me.“, she said and got angry.
„Then who is?“, Elijah’s mom wanted to know. Leksi found that she was behaving like a stubborn teenager who wasn’t allowed to go to a party. She wanted to slap her or yell at her but she was also afraid of her reaction since she seemed unpredictable and lightly excitable.
„I just mean that you don’t know the entire story and you don’t know the relationship  Annabeth and I had. You just can’t say I let her die.“, Leksi said. Tears pushed into her eyes. She wanted to cry but had to stay strong and swallowed down the anger. All the sudden she understood why Elijah didn’t talk much about his mother. Even though she didn’t know how she was behaving towards Elijah she had the bad feeling she wasn’t as nice.
„Just excuses. You and Elijah make the perfect couple, I must say. You are both selfish and full of excuses.“
Leksi just shook her head and turned away to walk up the stairs. But right before she took the first step the anger overtook her.
„You know what?! You are disgusting.“, she yelled at her. Elijah’s mom opened her mouth unbelievingly and her eyes widened.
„Yes, I said disgusting. It is one thing that you insult me, a girl you don’t even know. But insulting your own son? That’s just obnoxious.“
„Who do you think you are to talk like that?“, Elijah’s mom asked indignant.
„I could also ask you that question, don’t you think?“, Leksi replied. She already felt a lot better. Not only that she could defend herself, she just had to defend Elijah. She didn’t see that he deserved to be treated like that.
„Just so you know, you are not welcome in this house and I only accept you because Mrs. Wayland wanted me to.“, Elijah’s mom answered and rose her chin.
„I don’t even want to be here.“, Leksi said and stamped up the stairs, slamming her door. Now she was the one behaving like a stupid teenager but she was just so furious. She boxed into her pillows and threw them at the door to calm down. Leksi took a book and sat in the comfortable wing chair. But she wasn’t able to concentrate. A little later she heard someone coming up the stairs. Her heart started pounding faster. She was afraid it was Elijah’s mom looking for her and kicking her out of the house or starting another fight.
„Aleksa, it’s me.“, Elijah’s voice sounded through the door.
Leksi rushed to the door. She flung her arms around Elijah’s neck.
„I am so glad you are here.“, she whispered.
„I suppose you met my mother.“, Elijah said. He freed himself and pushed Leksi back into her room, closing the door.
„I am so sorry. I should’ve warned you. What did she say?“, Elijah sputtered.
Leksi told him briefly what his mother had said but left out the parts the conversation was about him.
Elijah tensed all his muscles and hit the wall with his fist.
„Don’t.“, Leksi said worried and tried to hold his hands.
„I am just so furious.“, he said and tried to slip out of Leksi’s grip.
„Look at me.“, she said and put her hands on both sides of his face, so he had to directly look her in the eye.
„Don’t let it get to you. You taught me this. It is not that bad, okay?!“, Leksi said.
„It is not okay.“, he grumbled.
„I heard worse things. I can handle it. And so can you.“, she said still holding his head. His brown hair covered his one eye. Leksi took the streak and wiped it away. Elijah slowly nodded.
„Just one question.“, Leksi said and let go of him.
Elijah looked at her waiting.
„Is there any chance we can go somewhere else as long as she’s here?“
Elijah smiled. „I believe you are one of a few who don’t like my mother.“
„Is that a yes?“, Leksi wanted to know. She hated the thought of running into Elijah’s mother. And even though she told Blake she would behave she had to break the rules and leave this house and maybe leave Alicante. If Blake didn’t want her to do anything bad, she had to go somewhere else. Staying in this house she wasn’t able to promise not to murder a specific person in her sleep.
„But you need something else to wear.“, Elijah said and looked down on Leksi.
„What is wrong with my clothes?“, she asked.
„Where we’re going you have to look a little fancier.“, he said and winked at her.
„I better don’t even ask where you’re about to take me.“, she said and rolled her eyes, already walking to her suitcase looking for something dressier to wear.
„Great idea.“, Elijah said. „I meet you in an hour.“, he said and opened the door to leave.
„Wait!“, Leksi said. „Do I have to take anything else?“, she wanted to know.
„I don’t think so.“, Elijah said and closed the door.  

© all rights reserved || copyright by J.J.B. allejmoon.blogspot.com

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