Samstag, 29. August 2015

RETOUCHED - Chapter 2 - Arrangements

I was sitting in the car with the familiar peppermint scent, caused by Mr. Kwon’s gum. I missed the times where I went to my shootings by train and bus. But Mr. Kwon said too many people already knew me and it would make a wrong impression if they saw me walking around the streets of Seoul.
We sat in traffic for almost twenty minutes. While Mr. Kwon got nervous and started to talk to himself or yelled at the driver, I was resting my head against the window and tried to relax for a bit. I was tired and exhausted. Still.
I didn’t get much sleep these days and I had so many things to do. Mr. Kwon even intensified my diet, which wasn’t helping at all.
I was craving for food but I understood that Mr. Kwon wanted everything to be perfect. He wanted me to be perfect. And that’s what I wanted, too. That’s what I wanted more than anything else.
     We finally made it to Binggrae’s headquarters in Jeongdong. Although I previously worked with the company, they wanted to do some test shots in order to see if I really fit their concept.
„There’s something I didn’t tell you yet.“, Mr. Kwon said when we walked into the building. „You’ll have a shooting partner for today.“, he added.
„Why didn’t you tell me?“, I wanted to know, since I couldn’t think of any reason.
„Binggrae liked the picture of you and Taejung as a couple and they wanted to incorporate this into their new campaign.“
What did he just say?
„The test shoot today is only for the staff. So everything will go smooth tomorrow.“, Mr. Kwon explained.
I nodded.
„There she is.“, a man smiled and walked up to me. Did I know him?  „We’ve been waiting. Hurry, hurry and get into the make-up room. We already started with Taejung, so hurry, hurry.“, he said and shoved me into the elevator.
„And Clover.“, Mr. Kwon said. I starred into the blue pair of sunglasses, seeking for his eyes somewhere underneath. „Don’t forget about that social media thing we talked about.“
The elevator doors closed and we started moving up.
I expected to be nervous, but for some reason I wasn’t.
Some stylists swirled around me, fixed my hair, put some makeup on and discussed whether this was it or it had to be done all over again.
A small, chubby women took me over to the set. She seemed really important and was constantly talking to someone over her headset.
Then I spotted him. He was standing in front of the white background and he changed positions with the flash of the camera.
„You’re here.“, he said when he saw me. The camera man looked quite confused when Taejung left his spot to greet me.
He wore his black hair down, smiling at me with his gorgeous eyes. I wasn’t able to speak.
„Great! Let’s start with the two right away.“, someone said. Probably the director.
Taejung pulled me in front of the camera.
„Just show us some poses. You are a young couple enjoying a romantic trip.“, the director advised and sat down in his chair. He squinted his eyes and observed Taejung and me.
I didn’t really know what to do. This task was definitely a challenge. I was grateful that I had Taejung at my side. He made it really easy to stand in front of the camera. I even started to forget the camera. It was almost like in the music video, where I lost my focus.
I desperately tried to stay concentrated. Everything I did was on camera, so I had to behave. Taejung looked me deeply in the eyes. Even though it was really loud in the room, I heard him breathing. I felt the warmth of his body. He clasped his arms around my body and pulled me closer. I blushed. My heart raced and I was sure he was able to hear it.
„Great!“, the director yelled and pulled me back into reality just before it was too late.
„I think we have it.“, he said. But Taejung didn’t let go of me. Instead he starred at me, slowly breathing, not moving at all.
„We need Clover for the fitting.“, the women with the headset said. She suddenly appeared next to us. Or maybe I just noticed her now since she was so short, she was barely reaching my shoulders.
„I see you after the fitting?!“, Taejung asked.
„Sure.“, I said.
I needed Mr. Kwon to tell me what to do. One day he said I shouldn’t talk to anyone of Level Five and now he set me up with Taejung. 

„We’re leaving really early tomorrow. It’s a long drive to Jeju Island and we probably need the entire day shooting.“, Mr. Kwon explained when we were heading back. I was hoping to see Taejung again, but Mr. Kwon was already waiting after the fitting and we left immediately.
„The entire day?“, that seemed like a really long shoot for me.
„Don’t worry. The pay is really good and once the campaign will come out, you will get a lot of attention.“
„But can I ask you something?“
Mr. Kwon looked at me and finally took of his shades, so I knew I could get some real answers.
„Isn’t this causing more dating rumors?“, I wanted to know.
Mr. Kwon sighed. „You’re just much too smart for this business.“, he laughed and leaned back into his seat. „I’m not supposed to tell you this, but since you asked…“, he started. „Mr. Park is planning on a solo debut for Taejung soon. So he wants him to be, how can I say this…he wants him to get a more mature image, because of the concept they’re planning.“, he explained.
So actually Mr. Park was using me?
„Mr. Park wants the dating rumors because Taejung supposedly dating a pretty much unknown model it good for his image.“
I nodded. „Are you still going to deny all the rumors then?“, I wanted to know.
„We’ll see.“, Mr. Kwon said and put his sunglasses back on. „For now we have to cause those rumors.“, he added and nodded into the direction of my purse.
„You did take some pictures, right?“, he wanted to know. „Give me your phone.“, he reached out his hand and I handed him my phone.
He scrolled through my pictures until he found one that he liked. „Post this one.“, he said. „It clearly shows Binggrae.“
     It all seemed like a game. We were evaluating the next move, we were causing rumors on purpose. We were pretty much manipulating people.

Levelers find suspicious photos regarding Taejung and Clover

The latest dating rumors concerning Level Five’s Taejung, Chaemin, Heojae and model Clover were denied by the agency.
Although Level Five is busy with promoting their upcoming album, Taejung seemed to find some time to visit the Binggrae headquarter this afternoon, telling Fans „Having an amazing time here at Binggrae“ over his instagram account (@L5TJ).
Model Clover (@clover_x98), who is starring in the latest L5 music video Coffee Kiss also posted a picture, clearly showing the Binggrae logo in the background. This ‚coincidence‘ made Levelers suspicious and heated up the dating rumors.
Taejung and Clover only recently met during the shoot for the Coffee Kiss MV. Although rumors say the two know each other due to being part of the same agency. Some even assume that Taejung and Clover are dating since early this year, justifying this with Taejung’s instagram posts of Binggrae’s banana milk in May. 

What is your opinion on the dating rumors of Taejung and Clover?
Join the discussion in the comments below.


I loved Jeju Island. It was the prettiest place on earth. At least of all the places that I had seen so far. The fresh ocean air swept through my hair as the crew and me were walking around to find a good spot to shoot.
The shoot went pretty good. I was satisfied with my work and the exciting yelling of the director seemed to confirm this.
We were running around the island the entire day. Taking endless photos. It even started to feel normal being around Taejung. For the first time I didn’t feel like I was someone he looked down at. Although he never actually seemed to think that way.
The director had the great idea that he wanted to shoot us during sunrise. This meant the entire crew and Taejung and me were staying in a small motel over night. 

It was close to midnight but I was somehow restless. I walked down to the shore and sat down on a small footbridge.
„You couldn’t sleep either?“, a voice said. It was Taejung who walked over the wood and took his seat next to me.
The water was softly moving beneath our feet. It got pretty cold, but the air was nice and refreshing.
„You never really talk much, hm?!“, he stated.
I didn’t answer. I just had no words to say.
„Is it because of me?“, he wanted to know.
„No!“, I quickly said.
He looked at me. I knew he was a good actor, so maybe that was what made me be so careful.
„You know, I’m not some kind of puppet of my manager.“, he said.
I wasn’t sure what he was pointing at.
„I know why I’m doing this advertisement with you. It’s not because Binggrae wanted me.“
„What are you saying?“, I asked.
„Never mind.“, he sighed.
I was looking into the sky, trying to count the endless amount of stars on the black ground.
„Tell me.“, I whispered.
I felt Taejung’s glance.
„I don’t really know how to say this.“, he said.
„I know why you’re doing this advertisement, too.“, I then said.
„You do?“, he said with surprise.
„It’s because of your solo debut, right?!“
„Why do you know?“, he wanted to know.
I turned to him and caught his glance.
He was looking at me, the silver moon reflecting in his black eyes.
„Mr. Kwon told me.“, I answered and shrugged my shoulders.
„And what do you think of it?“
„I don’t really know. I guess, this is just how this business works, right?! Everyone is using everyone.“, I said and tried to smile but it didn’t really work.
„I don’t want you to feel used.“, he said.
„I know. Or at least I think I know.“
We were looking at each other for a while. It was a weird conversation. I would’ve never thought I would have such a serious talk with Taejung. He always seemed so cheerful and careless.
„You said you’re not a puppet. What’s that supposed to mean?“, I wanted to know after a while.
„It means that I don’t want to hurt anyone for my own advantage. I know that dating rumors can end really badly for one side. I don’t want you to get involved and might get hurt.“
„So what do we do?“, I asked and looked on the ground.
Taejung crossed his legs facing me.
„I’m tired of other people deciding what I’m doing.“, he said. „Mr. Park said they would probably never confirm the rumors. They’re just teasing people and come up with some sort of friendship story until it vanishes.“
I nodded.
„Could I take a picture of us?“, he asked when I didn’t say anything anymore. „Just to remember this day?“
We were laying down on the footbridge and starred into the blackness surrounding us.
„Let’s make a pact.“, he said.
„A pact?“
He looked at me, our shoulders touched and I felt the urge to get even closer to him.
„Let’s not do what our managers want. Let’s decide things together.“, he said.
„Okay.“, I agreed and grinned at him.
„You have a beautiful smile.“, he said.
I blushed but luckily it was dark enough so he didn’t notice it.
Taejung took his phone. The bright screen illuminated his face. It was an artificial light that didn’t fit into this scene.
My phone beeped. Taejung smiled at me. ‚L5TJ just took a photo of you‘, it said on my screen.
I opened my instagram account and looked at a picture of the starry sky where he tagged me in.
„I thought we decide everything together?!“, I asked frowning.
„Let’s start right now.“, he said.

I was woken up way too early. I felt like I had about three hours of sleep and my dark circles were screaming it into the makeup artist’s face. 
My head hurt but I had to get through the shooting. It was weird seeing Taejung after last night. Even though we actually became closer, I felt like we drew apart.
He wanted me to know of the dating scandal being set up my our managers. But there were several reasons that could’ve made him do it. Maybe he just didn’t want me to get the wrong idea. Maybe he didn’t want me to like him and even think that he would like me. But also he could have told me because he really cared about my feelings.
I didn’t get much time to think it through, plus I didn’t want to convince myself, he cared about me. Maybe this was his move in the game and I completely fell for it.
     The shooting went by pretty fast. Luckily Taejung and I seemed to be naturals and the director was somewhat satisfied after just a few shots. Furthermore the rising sun was a little fast and the orange and yellow sky didn’t last very long. 

When I was heading back to the dorm. I finally got some sleep.
I noticed Mr. Kwon was observing me weirdly. He seemed angry, but I didn’t have the nerves to ask him what was going on. I wanted to get home, jump into bed and sleep for the rest of the day.
I climbed out of the car, followed by Mr. Kwon. He never walked me up to my dorm before. We entered the building and started taking the stairs. I wasn’t sure if Mr. Kwon wanted to take the elevator, but he did tell me to take the stairs and I had to prove that I was listening to him.
All of the sudden Mr. Kwon grabbed my wrist, pulled me back and pressed me against the wall.
„What the heck are you doing?“, he asked. I saw my frightened reflection in the glasses of his shades covering his eyes.
„Huh?“, he yelled and shoved me against the cold wall.
I tried to free my wrists, but his grip was too harsh.
„You won’t tell me?“, he asked. I was really afraid. I didn’t understand what was going on.
„What did I do?“, I asked almost whispering.
„So you’re trying to tell me, you don’t know what’s going on?!“, he said. He rose his eyebrows, let go of me and wandered around the staircase.
„I will tell you then.“, he said with an awful scary voice.
I was looking around, searching for someone to help. But the entire building seemed to be empty.
„How could you dare to put this stuff on instagram. And don’t tell me you didn’t know anything of it.“
So that was what it was all about. I should’ve known this would have consequences.
„You. Are. Mine.“, he said, emphasizing every single word. „I am your manager and I decide what you do and what you don’t. Is that clear?!“, he screamed again and punched his fist against the wall just inches away from where my face was.
„I didn’t know you would be so angry.“, I said whimpery.
Mr. Kwon pressed his body against mine. I could smell his disgusting breath and could see the drops of sweat that ran down his forehead.
„Why did you do it?“, he spitted out.
My voice was shaking but I tried my best to get a good answer. „You said it would be good for his image if he was dating me. And you said you wanted to cause rumors. That’s why I did it.“
My words seemed to have calmed him down a little. Mr. Kwon started walking back and forth in front of me. He ran his hand through his sweaty, short hair and finally took of his sunglasses. I felt like he was totally crazy whenever he put on those glasses.
„So you’re saying you set this up?“, he wanted to know.
„Yes.“, I lied.
„I’m not sure if I can believe you.“, he said and starred at me. „You never disappointed me, but maybe I’m giving you too much space.“, he said more to himself than to me.
I shook my head.
A moment later the blue shades were back on his actually friendly eyes.
„Well.“, he said and came closer. „You just need to understand, that you are mine. Make him fall in love with you. That stupid kid that doesn’t fit into this business.“, he said with a strong and threatening voice. „What’s his talent anyway?!“, Mr. Kwon threw his hands up in the air. Then he shook his head and started laughing. „You, Hyeonmin.“, he pointed at me. „You are not allowed to fall in love with that bastard. Just stick to the plan and take the advantages of this arrangement. I have greater plans with you. Understood?!“
I nodded and hoped Mr. Kwon’s attack would cease. 


Taejung and Clover dating confirmed?!

Even though Elbi Entertainment didn’t make any other statement than denying the dating rumors around Level Five’s Taejung and model Clover, the two seemed to have taken things into their own hands.
Late last night Taejung (@L5TJ) posted a romantic picture of the night sky, tagging Clover (@Clover_x98) on instagram.
Levelers started to spam the pic immediately, showing support but also hate towards the new couple. #Taever is taking over the web.

Taejung and Clover showed us how good they look as a couple in the MV for Coffee Kiss and just today Binggrae officially launched the concept of their new campaign which features both, Taejung and Clover. This is explaining their recent interactions at the Binggrae headquarter, yet it does not expound why the two apparently spent the night together.
While some find the picture pretty clear, others assume this was only a PR-joke to heat up the rumors since Clover is not even shown in the picture but only tagged.

None of the other Level Five members has yet stated anything regarding the rumors.
What do you think? Are Taejung and Clover really dating? 


© all rights reserved || copyright by J.J.B.

Sonntag, 23. August 2015

RETOUCHED - Chapter 1 - Give me a coffee kiss

Finally it was the day of Level Five’s Showcase. They would perform their new song Coffee Kiss on the famous show ‚Hotchart‘. Every week the show invited the most popular bands and presented their new songs.
Even though I wasn’t part of the band, I was invited. And I was told that I was the only one invited, starring in the music video. I didn’t know how Mr. Kwon managed to arrange this, but I was somewhat excited to see the boys again and to see the music video on a big screen. 
„We have to leave to the salon.“, Mr. Kwon yelled through my door.
When I opened it I looked into a huge pair of blue sunglasses and a gum chewing mouth with stubbles around it.
„Are you going to wear this?“, he asked and looked at me mustering.
„What’s wrong with this?!“, I asked.
Mr. Kwon shook his head, pushed me aside and opened my closet.
He sighed and observed my clothes. „Your style is awful.“, he chewed. „Haven’t I taught you anything? It’s been months that we’re working together.“, he added.
„I know, I just don’t have time to buy new things and mostly I went to occasions where I didn’t get to wear my own clothes.“, I tried to defend myself.
„I see.“, he said and seemed to give in. „Minsoo! Minsoo!“, he then yelled.
Minsoo was my roommate. She was a trainee at Elbi Entertainment. She was a short, skinny girl with a cheeky blonde pixie cut and huge black eyes that she covered with a pair of green contact lenses.
„What is it, Mr. Kwon?“, she came into our room, looking up to him with her saucer eyes.
„Can I borrow some clothes? For Clover?“, he asked her. But I knew that is wasn’t really a question.
„Of course.“, Minsoo answered and went over to her closet.
„Let’s see.“, Mr. Kwon said and pulled out some clothing items. Minsoo watched him with discontent on her face since he was spreading her clothes all over the room.
„This is it.“, he said and handed me some really colorful shorts. I was wondering if he could see the colors correctly with his blue shades.
„Hurry up. I’m waiting downstairs in the car.“, he said and left.
I sighed. ‚I’m sorry‘, Minsoo formed with her lips and closed the door behind her.
I was alone in the room, looked at myself in the mirror. I thought my outfit was picked out well. It wasn’t a public event, so why dress up like this?!
But I thought that was just another thing that I had yet to learn.
     I walked down the stairs, wearing a pink and white striped shorts, that more likely looked like a skirt and a yellow short sleeve blouse with a tied bow in the front. I had a hard time taking the stairs in my platform heels. But Mr. Kwon didn’t allow me to take the elevator, since it would make me lazy and chubby.
I climbed in to the car and off we went to the salon.
I recognized the girl with the light hair who started to work on me with a flat iron.
„Excuse me?“, I asked her.
She jumped backwards, her eyes wide open, as if she was afraid.
„What is your name?“, I wanted to know.
She looked at me in confusion. „It’s Sunhi, Miss Clover.“, she said and continued straightening my hair.
„Do you want to report me?“, she asked after a small pause.
„What? Why?“, I was surprised about that question.
„Usually our costumers don’t ask for our names. Unless they want to report us.“, she explained.
„Oh, really!? I didn’t know that.“, I answered.
„So, Miss Clover, you’re not going to report me?“, she seemed nervous.
„I just thought since I saw you last time, I might see you again and it would be good to know your name.“, I stated.
I noticed that Sunhi was speaking with a low voice and observed the surroundings to check if anyone was listening.
„You really are new to the business.“, she said. I didn’t hear if she meant it in a good or bad way.
She noticed my worried look and smiled at me.
We had to stop our conversation since a stylist started on my makeup.
When I was done, I looked into my reflection. I felt so pretty after the stylists did my makeup. They really knew how to enhance my features. They only put little color on my lips. I sorta got that they were trying a totally different style than what I looked like in the music video.
As if Mr. Kwon could see through walls, he appeared in the doorframe and waved me out. It was time to get to the showcase.
Mr. Kwon put his arm around my shoulder and together we walked outside the salon and got into the car again. It wasn’t a long drive. But it was enough time for me to realize what I had to go through today. Mr. Kwon, who again took of his sunglasses to have some serious talk, explained that I had to walk over the green carpet, the red carpet version of ‚Hotchart‘ and even though nobody would know who I am, I had to act like someone famous and get my picture taken. But, luckily, no interviews. Although Mr. Kwon said nobody would ask for an interview anyway.
I wasn’t sure if I would like this or not. I felt like I was some kind of wannabe walking over the green carpet, getting pictures taken, that nobody would use for anything. Or would they?!
     We arrived at the green carpet. I looked outside the tinted window of the car and spotted Level Five in front of the canvas with ‚Hotchart‘ written all over it.
The door was opened and Mr. Kwon got out of the car. I took some deep breaths, tried to calm down my racing heart.
„Come on out.“, he said, still chewing that gum. It must’ve lost all its flavor by now.
I was standing next to Mr. Kwon and I was shaking because I was so nervous.
„Don’t be nervous. It will be fine.“, he said with his calming voice. Most of the time Mr. Kwon was yelling or he was mad or acting really tough and serious. His calm side only peaked through at some occasions. But I was happy that he at least had this side.
„You just walk over the carpet, pose for five seconds and then leave.“, he explained again.
I nodded.
But it wouldn’t happen that way.
All the sudden I caught Taejung’s glance. I haven’t even noticed that I was starring at him.
When he saw me, his lips spread into a wide smile.
„Clover!“, he yelled. Immediately all of the photographers turned their heads at me.
I was startled.
Taejung waved at me and also the rest of Level Five tried to get me over to them.
I looked at Mr. Kwon, who seemed really satisfied. „That’s even better.“, he mumbled.
Before I could move, Taejung grabbed my arm and pulled me onto the green carpet. He shoved me into the middle of Level Five and I turned on my professional mode.
„Who is this?“, „Is this your girlfriend?“, everyone yelled. Their voices mixed together into a tornado  spinning around my head.
„This is Clover. She’s the girl, who you can see in our new music video. You’ll get to see her beauty in just a bit.“, Chaemin, the leader of Level Five said and winked at the interviewers and photographers.
More questions swirled around but none of them were answered anymore. Level Five and me went into the building and right into the backstage area where Mr. Kwon was already waiting for me.
„Brilliant! The photographers love you. And that Taejung pulled you onto the carpet - AMAZING! This is going to hit the headlines!“, Mr. Kwon grabbed my shoulders and shook me.
Level Five was invited to the couch for the interview with Lee Sooyoung and Lee Shinyoung, the sibling-hosts of ‚Hotchart‘.
„We’ve all been waiting for Level Five’s comeback and we’re all really excited to finally hear their new song AND see the music video premiere, today, here at ‚Hotchart‘!“, Sooyoung announced. She was wearing her hair in a bouncy curly ponytail and a fitted white dress. Her brother Shinyoung, he was younger than her, but still looked older, wore a matching white pair of pants and a simple button down shirt.
„But!“, Shinyoung said with a serious voice and the audience became really quiet. „Before the premiere, let’s ask Level Five some questions about Coffee Kiss, shall we?!“, his voice got louder in the end. The audience started screaming and applauded.
I was sitting in the VIP Lounge on a comfortable sofa and watched the show over the screen.
„Chaemin?“, Sooyoung said. „Can you tell us what Coffee Kiss is about?“, she wanted to know.
Chaemin was really good-looking. He was the only blonde member of Level Five. You could tell by his appearance that he was the leader of the group. He had some sort of authority that made him look really mature and reasonable.
„Of course Coffee Kiss has a love theme. It is about missed chances.“, he said with his lovely voice. Ever since I knew of Level Five I fell in love with Chaemin’s voice. It had something really refreshing to it. It was hard to explain in what way it was unique. But it just was.
„Missed chances, huh?!“, Sooyoung smiled. „Tell us more.“, she requested.
Chaemin laughed and shook his head. „Well.“, he started. „In the video Heojae is a boy, who always gets his coffee in the same cafe, since he likes the waitress working there. But he never confesses to her and so one day he eventually loses her to someone else.“, he basically explained what everyone would see in just a bit anyway.
The audience made noises full of pity.
„So who gets the girl in the end?“, Shinyoung asked with excitement.
„We can’t say that.“, Heojae grinned. He was the rapper of Level Five. He always seemed really tough. Mainly because of the few tattoos he had on his neck and knuckles. His hair was the shortest and earrings embellished his ears.
„There had been rumors that Dreamies’ Jisun was supposed to be starring in your music video. But none of those rumors had ever been confirmed.“, Sooyoung stated.
„That’s true. Jisun was suppposed to play the role of the waitress but due to their Japan-tour she wasn’t able to do it.“, Chaemin answered. He was really good with words.
„You never revealed who the new waitress is. Why is it such a big secret?“, Sooyoung asked. I didn’t expect the interview to go into this direction. I wasn’t sure how I felt about this. I wasn’t someone who could compete with Jisun. She was pretty and amazing. She was a role model.
„Instead of someone already famous we chose to pick someone with a new face. And I’m confident that we made the right choice.“, Baeksoo explained. He barely talked. At least that was my impression of him. I had to admit I was quite fascinated how well the boys of Level Five were able to answer all those questions. It must have been the training that Mr. Kwon promised me to get soon.
„It would have been irritating to see someone of Dreamies or some other idol in the video. We’re trying to show a natural scene. Like Level Five in a cafe with a real waitress. With an unknown face the video gains authenticity.“, Seoljin said. He was the one with the blue hair.
     „This is getting pretty interesting, don’t you think?!“, Shinyoung asked the audience, which replied with applause and yelling and screaming.
„Are you ready to finally see the music video to Coffee Kiss?“, he asked.
Again the audience bursted out into applause.
It was the first time that I saw the video myself. It was weird to look at myself this way. It had been weird when I shot my first commercial for Coffee Montage, but this time it was even weirder since I saw myself interacting with Level Five. I felt how I blushed when the ending scene was shown, where Taejung took my hand and smiled at me. 

„What an amazing video.“, Shinyoung said after it ended.
Level Five was smiling like little kids and seemed really proud.
„I must admit the concept with a new face really got me here.“, Sooyoung smiled. „So Taejung is the one who gets the girl.“, she said and looked at Heojae, who then laughed.
Taejung smiled over his entire face.
„Was this decided beforehand or did you choose while you were filming?“, Sooyoung asked.
„I was pre-picked because I never had one of those scenes in our music videos.“, Taejung said. He wore the same hair as in the video.
„The chemistry between you two seemed really intense. Is there more off set?“, Sooyoung wanted to know. She leaned forward and starred at Taejung with curiosity.
He seemed embarrassed and ran his hand through his side swept hair.
„No, no.“, he denied. „We’re just both really good actors I suppose.“
Even though I knew he had to say this, I had wished for something else. I knew it was stupid of me to think that there had been something, but the credulity inside myself was keeping its hopes up.
„You cannot tell me this was all acting.“, Sooyoung tried to draw him out.
„Maybe there was some chemistry eventually.“, Taejung admitted and surprised everyone with this answer. The audience reacted with ‚oohs‘ and ‚ahs‘.
After the audience calmed down again Sooyoung continued the interview.
Coffee Kiss is only the title song of your new album…“
More questions were asked about the upcoming album and the future plans of Level Five. I was watching carefully, trying to remember gestures and answer patterns that would help me grow as a celebrity. That I hadn’t been yet. 

I was exhausted when I was finally back at the dorm and let myself sink into my pillow.
Leaving ‚Hotchart‘ was harder than I thought. I didn’t know what impact one single video could have. All the photographers were taking photos like crazy and everyone wanted a statement of me, because of what Taejung said about the chemistry between us. But Mr. Kwon had advised me to not answer any questions yet. People were curious about my relationship with Level Five, not about myself as a person.
Nevertheless I was excited. I didn’t care if people were just asking questions because of Taejung. It has been the whole point from the beginning anyway. It was exactly what we wanted. People started talking and I would become famous.


Level Five surprises Fans at Hotchart

Everyone had been waiting for the comeback of the year - Level Five. The promotions for their new song Coffee Kiss started early this year but Levelers all over the world had to wait until now, to finally see their boys perform again.

Level Five is back with a new concept. An elegant and more sophisticated look is what the five boys announced with the teaser pics for their upcoming album, which’s name is yet to be revealed. But not only did the boys surprise with a new look, also the sound of the new song is rather different, and for many fans, unexpected. 
Level Five switched their cheesy ballads into a pop version of MBC’s Coffee Prince with catchy tunes and amazing choreographies, proving that they sure can dance.
Theme-wise the new songs of our beloved boys stay within the love topic. Leader Chaemin explained during the interview at Hotchart that Coffee Kiss is about „missing chances“. Also Chaemin revealed there’s more to come and more to be surprised about on the new album. One song even continuing the plot of the MV for Coffee Kiss. That’s definitely one thing that we don’t wanna miss.

And of course we’re curious if we see more of Taejung and Clover. Levelers went crazy when Maknae Taejung admitted during Hotchart’s interview chemistry between him and fellow actress Clover was right. Someone with good memory might recognize the young newbie from commercials such as Coffee Montage and Binggrae’s banana milk.
Already dating rumors, not only including Taejung, but also Chaemin and Heojae, spread through the web and make Levelers discuss over twitter with #L5CoffeeKiss. 


Have you ever read your name on a website? I haven’t. It was a great, yet strange feeling. I already knew that dating rumors weren’t good rumors. They counted as neutral rumors.
Good rumors were news such as an upcoming collaboration, a comeback or some other activities that fans wanted to see. They created excitement and positive feelings. Bad rumors however, they were rumors like plastic surgery, drug abuse or contract issues. Practically anything people would hate you for. The neutral rumors could cause both. Hate and Love. Some people would take the idol’s side and some people wouldn’t.

Mr. Kwon said that I needed good rumors. Bad rumors were for pathetic celebrities desperate to get attention. I was afraid he would get mad at me for causing those rumors. Even though I didn’t even do anything.
As if Mr. Kwon knew I was thinking about him, my phone rang.
„Yes?“, I answered.
„Did you read the article on kpopobsession?“, he asked.
„Yes.“, I replied.
He sighed. „I must admit I’m not totally satisfied. I was hoping they would mention you within another context. But of course this is was Mr. Park and I were expecting to happen. We’re going to deny all the rumors for now.“, he said.
For now? What was that supposed to mean?
„But I have good news, too.“, he continued. „Binggrae booked you again. It was good that you’re commercials were mentioned in the article.“
„I think we’re already one step further then I was hoping. So after your shoot with Binggrae we need to start to work on your social media accounts and make them more public.“, he explained.

© all rights reserved || copyright by J.J.B.

Samstag, 15. August 2015

RETOUCHED - Prologue

My heart was beating in my chest. Everyone was swirling around in my fitting room. The air was sticky and filled with all sorts of hectic mumbling and nervous questions.
I starred into my reflection. Observed my pale skin, my juicy pink lips and my dark brown eyes. A stylist, I didn’t know her name, put some powder on my forehead and cheeks.
„We need a little hair touch up over here.“, she yelled.
Immediately a girl with light hair appeared next to me. She grabbed the curling wand and redid some of the curls that had fallen out while I was trying on different outfits. She came so close I could see the clogged pores around her oily nose.
The door was opened and I saw a man walking in.
„Is she ready yet? We have a schedule to stick to.“, he said with an unfriendly voice.
„She’s ready.“, Mr. Kwon, my manager, said. He wore his blue sunglasses, like he always did. Even though we were inside.
The girl sprayed some hairspray on my hair and again a stylist fixed my makeup with some powder.
I stood up from the stool and went to Mr. Kwon.
„Isn’t she gorgeous.“, he said with a huge smile on his face. He put his arm around my shoulder and seemed to be really proud.
„She looks better than on the pictures of her comp card.“, the man said.
„I told you, didn’t I?!“, Mr. Kwon smiled.
„Clover, this is Mr. Park, Level Five’s manager.“, he introduced me.
I bowed. So he was the one who booked me.
„Ya ya, we don’t have time for that. We have to start shooting.“, Mr. Park said and led us out of the fitting room. „Time is money.“
We walked down the hallway, followed by a bunch of stylists, who were supposed to come with us to set and fix my makeup and hair if necessary.
I felt really awkward. I felt special in some way but there was also some kind of discomfort. My dress was way to tight and I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to breathe anymore.
We got into the elevator of Elbi Entertainment. My heart started racing when we arrived the lobby. I was totally nervous, my stomach turned upside down. Or maybe it was because I didn’t eat yet.
Mr. Park and Mr. Kwon were blocking my way, but still I tried to peak and get a better view of what was awaiting me.
„You guys just head out the side door and give the boys one more minute to sign autographs.“, Mr. Park said. So we were leaving without him.
I could hear the fans scream and tried to recognize one of the boys in front of the Elbi building, but Mr. Kwon grabbed my arm and dragged me to the side door, before Mr. Park went outside and the glass door opened.
     A car was already waiting. Black with tinted windows.
I got into the car and the door was closed.
I tried to calm down. My head was spinning and I got really tired. But I had to stay focused. I couldn’t pass out. There was no time to feel exhausted.
„Here, drink something.“, Mr. Kwon said and handed me a water bottle. „But not too much. Or else your belly will show.“, he added.
The car’s engine started. It drove around the corner to the main entrance and stopped again.
I looked outside the dark windows and watched Level Five get into their car. Some of them were already inside. I recognized Baeksoo waving at the fans. Seoljin was the last one who got into the car. He just recently colored his hair blue, that way I remembered him the most.
„So here’s the rules.“, Mr. Kwon started. „The boys will get pretty close to you during the shoot. I want you to act professional. I don’t want anyone to notice you’re a beginner, okay?!“, he said with a serious tone in his low voice.
I nodded. Act professional.
„Furthermore, don’t touch the boys, don’t stare at the boys and also, don’t talk to them.“
I looked into Mr. Kwon’s black eyes, hammering all of his words into my head. He only took his sunglasses off, if something was really important and serious.
„Are we clear?“, he asked.
I, again, nodded.
„If this goes well, those…“, he said and pointed out the window, „…will be your fans soon.“, he said and grinned.
I took some deep breaths. The car started rolling, following Level Five’s car.

I wasn’t introduced to them. Some women just showed me my spot and told me what I should do. Mostly my job was to stand around and look good, while one of the boys would interact with me. They told me just to act naturally and that the band would know what to do.
„Action!“, a man yelled.
The set was a small cafe. I wore a light blue dress and was supposed to be a waitress in the cafe. I wasn’t the only girl around, although the others wore white aprons. I observed them carefully, searching for some flaws. I felt something like jealousy.
„Clover!“, someone yelled. I looked into the eyes of an angry director. I had to get used to this name. „Could you focus?!“, he said. Some of the other girls started giggling.
We started all over again.
„Really nice!“, the director said. „Cut!“, I heard again. „Hair!“, someone then yelled.
Immediately the girl from before came rushing and took care of my hair.
     I started to feel a little bit better in front of the camera. Slowly the nervousness started to wear off. Although I didn’t see anyone of Level Five yet.
We took a short break. I felt a little dizzy and went over to the buffet table to grab some water.
„Don’t eat anything.“, Mr. Kwon’s voice sounded in my ear. „You can eat later.“, he stated.
My tummy started rumbling.
„Hey!“, I heard someone say right behind me. I didn’t even hear Mr. Kwon leave.
When I turned around I looked into Taejung’s face. He was the Maknae of Level Five.
I remembered Mr. Kwon’s words and didn’t say anything in reply.
„I’m Taejung.“, he said. „I was told I’m supposed to shoot with you in a second.“, he smiled.
Taejung was a bit taller than me. He wore a light blue shirt, matching the color of my dress and his hair was neatly swept to one side.
„You’re Clover, right?!“, he asked when I didn’t reply.
I only nodded. Clover, that was my name now.
„Taejung!“, Mr. Park came to us. „We’re starting with the middle part.“, he said.
While I had no idea what this meant for me, Taejung seemed to be pretty knowing of what was going on right now.
„So I guess I see you later then.“, Taejung said and smiled at me. Mr. Park squinted his eyes at me and left together with Taejung.
     I did my best to act professional. Shooting the middle part meant that all the boys at once were dancing around the cafe. Mr. Kwon and Mr. Park, as well as the rest of the team seemed to be pretty happy with what I offered them. We barely had to retake any scene because I messed up and I started to feel extremely confident.
I had been giving the other girls jealous looks, but now it was them who looked at me that way. I was the center of attention. I was the main girl in the music video that everyone of Level Five was after. I felt amazing, I felt like I did it. For the first time I thought that Mr. Kwon’s words might actually become true. This was only the beginning of my career. And I was using Level Five’s popularity.
     Finally it was time for my scene with Taejung. Since he was the one who got the girl in the end. Or I could also say, he was the one who got ME in the end.
I enjoyed acting together with him. I felt like there was actually something between us. There was this scene where he leaned over the counter, looked me deeply in the eye and took my hands into his. When he looked at me like that, I totally startled. But luckily no one noticed that I lost track, starring into Taejung’s amazing eyes. I felt a shiver run down my back when he touched my hand for the first time. 

„Great job everyone!“, the director yelled and clapped into his hands.
We were done shooting.
Mr. Kwon led me out of the cafe right away. No words of goodbye. Nothing.
We got into the car and went back to my dorm. I was tired and hungry. But still, I was happy. Now I only had to wait until the video would be released.

© all rights reserved || copyright by J.J.B.