Freitag, 4. März 2016

Sneaky Pretty You - SuJu FanFiction - Chapter 3

It was early Monday morning. Seven to be exact.
Ryan had packed her stuff back into her suitcase and was ready to leave the hotel. She would move by the end of this week and this was as early as she could even imagine. But still the hotel would be to expensive and she had made a reservation at a small pension a little further outside the city center. 
Ryan went down the elevator, wearing a pair of leggings and a comfy sweater. She still had some time before heading to her interview at Marie Claire, so she would change into something more appropriate once she had checked in at her new hostel.
The drive with the taxi wasn’t too long. Luckily the driver seemed to know exactly how to not end up being stuck in traffic. He let Ryan out in front of the pension and took off again.
Ryan breathed in the morning air of Seoul. She looked on her phone. Still no message or call from Eunhyuk. She didn’t like that they parted when fighting. But she didn’t see a reason to apologize, since she didn’t know what she had actually done wrong. She had thought about it all Sunday, but his behavior didn’t make sense in any way she could imagine.
Ryan quickly shook off her thoughts. There was no time to think of this now. She had her interview today, getting the job was the most important thing right now. Everything else needed to wait. 
She went inside, her suitcase right behind her and went to the receptionist. 
„Good morning.“, she greeted the woman.
„Good morning. How may I help you.“, the woman replied.
„I booked a room. Ryan Song is my name. Uhm Song Ryan.“, she said not sure if she should say her last name first or not.
The woman opened up a book and scrolled her finger down the pages.
„I’m sorry, but I don’t have a reservation on that name.“, the woman then said.
A bad feeling creeped over Ryan. She had filled out the Korean application form back in Montana and had never received a confirmation. Well not exactly.
„I got an email.“, Ryan said and searched for her phone. She opened the mail app and after a minute she showed the mail the hostel had sent her.
„I can look again.“, the woman said. But she shook her head after scanning the names for the second time.
„When did you make this reservation?“, she wanted to know.
Ryan checked the date. „It was January 7th.“, she said. „I made the reservation for February 15th.“
The woman seemed sorry. „We didn’t send you a confirmation?“, she asked.
„Only that one mail. Isn’t that a confirmation?“
The woman shook her head. „It’s only stating that we confirmed your request. But unfortunately we didn’t book the room for you. So there is no reservation.“, she explained.
„Oh.“, Ryan went. „But can you give me another room?“
The receptionist blinked at her. „I’m afraid we’re completely booked.“, she said. 
Ryan dropped her shoulders in disappointment. „Then is there another hostel nearby?“, she asked.
„There is one down the road, but it’s probably booked too. You should try in another area.“
„Thank you.“, Ryan said and bowed. She took her suitcase and left the hostel. She sat down on the sidewalk. What was she supposed to do now?! She had no idea how she should find another hostel. Also she didn’t have a lot of time anyway.
Her phone interrupted her worries.
„Hello?“, she answered, although she knew who it was.
„Hey, Ryan.“, Eunhyuk said a little hesitant. „I wanted to apologize.“, he added.
„I’m so glad you called.“, Ryan sighed.
„Do you maybe want to go for some breakfast?“, he asked her.
Ryan checked her watch. Her stomach rumbled as if trying to make her go. „Sure.“
„I can come pick you up in a few.“, Eunhyuk said.
„No!“, Ryan almost yelled. „Let’s meet there.“, she said. She couldn’t tell Eunhyuk she wasn’t at the hotel anymore.
„Okay.“, Eunhyuk replied, although he was a little confused.
He told her the address and Ryan went for the next taxi that was supposed to bring her to the cafe they had been to before.
     Eunhyuk was already waiting in front of the cafe, again wearing his mask to cover his face.
„What’s with the suitcase?“, he furrowed when Ryan approached.
A weird smile flashed over Ryan’s lips. 
„Tell me.“, he demanded. He knew exactly how Ryan looked when she was hiding something.
„Only if you tell me why you freaked out last time.“, she countered.
Eunhyuk wrinkled his nose and sighed. „Let’s go in first.“
The two went inside the cafe, Ryan walked over to an empty table, while Eunhyuk ordered some coffee and sweet fried bread.
He sighed when sitting down at the table and handed Ryan the Caramel Macchiato. 
„You go first.“, she said and took a zip from the sugary hot liquid.
„Okay.“, he said and paused. He didn’t know what to tell her right now.
Ryan looked at him and started to rip the bread into tiny pieces.
„It’s just weird.“, he started.
„What is?“, Ryan rose her eyebrows.
„I sort of get jealous when the others are around.“, he said and looked at her guiltily. „I don’t know why. But I was so happy when you decided to come to Seoul and now you’re involved with all of the boys and that sort of felt weird, you know.“
„Oh, Hyukie-ya!“, Ryan slapped him. „You know you’re my best friend in the entire world.“, she said.
Eunhyuk nodded. „Still.“
„I promise you, I will spend more time with you, okay? Don’t be jealous. I thought you would be happy if I’m getting along with your friends.“, she said.
„I am.“, Eunhyuk quickly said. „But maybe you’re getting along with them too well.“, he sadly added and faced the table. 
Ryan nodded. She looked at Eunhyuk, observing his expression. She was a little scared he would ask about Heechul and her. He must never find out.
„Listen!“, she then said. „I’m really only here for you, okay?! If you want me to hang out with you and your friends, I’m fine with that. But if you want to hang out with me alone, it’s also fine. They’re your friends, not mine.“
Eunhyuk looked up at her again. „I feel sort of stupid now.“, he said and a wry smile captured his lips.
Ryan grinned at him. „You should feel stupid.“, she agreed.
„But now tell me, what’s with the suitcase.“, Eunhyuk changed topics and nodded towards the suitcase, which tried to be invisible next to Ryan’s feet.
Ryan made a face, leaned back in her chair and gasped. „Do I need to tell you?!“, she went.
Eunhyuk nodded emphatically. 
„I couldn’t afford to stay at the hotel for more than a week.“, she started out. „So I’m moving to some other place.“
„Where are you moving?“, Eunhyuk wanted to know.
Ryan pressed her lips together. „I sort of made a reservation at a hostel.“, she slowly said, still thinking what to say while speaking.
„Sort of.“, Eunhyuk furrowed. He knew her all too well.
„I went there this morning and it could be that they maybe didn’t make the reservation for me.“, she admitted.
„So you basically don’t have a place to stay?!“, Eunhyuk figured.
„I’ll find something.“, Ryan said and nodded.
„Why are you stressing yourself out?“, he went. „Just come stay with us for the time.“
„I can’t do that.“, she replied.
„Why?“, Eunhyuk asked her challengingly. 
Ryan had more than just one reason inside of her head and several of them contained the word ‚Heechul‘ in them. „I really don’t want to intrude. I already captured so much of your time and living with you would just be too much.“, she used as an excuse.
Eunhyuk seemed to think about it for a second until he said: „Don’t be ridiculous. It’s only for a couple of days.“
Ryan pouted.
„Don’t you have an interview?“, Eunhyuk asked and checked the clock on the wall.
„Right.“, Ryan said. She rose from her seat, took her suitcase and left the cafe, directly followed by Eunhyuk.
„Let me take this.“, he said and reached out for the handle of the suitcase.
„Can’t you just look for a cheap place instead?“, she sort of begged him.
But she already knew this wouldn’t change his mind. „You go to your interview and I’ll prepare the room for you. I have a schedule later, but until then everything will be ready for you.“
„Thank you.“, Ryan said even though she still didn’t want to stay at the dorm. 

Ryan arrived at the Marie Claire office. Her heart was pounding like crazy. She was nervous. Probably as nervous as she had never been in her entire life. If she wouldn’t get the job, she wouldn’t be able to pay for her apartment. But all of her stuff was already on its way from the US to Korea. She needed this job and she needed the money.
Ryan had changed into a neat pale pink blouse, a pair of black skinny jeans and neon pink pumps. It had been a little complicated, changing in a small toilet cabinet at the cafe, but there was no other way. 
She entered the building, asked the receptionist where to go and eventually went up with the elevator. A young woman, probably her age walked towards her and bowed slightly. This was probably also someone who wanted this job. 
Ryan’s hands tingled. She took a deep breath, checked her watch. It was about time for her to start her interview.
*knock knock knock*
„Come in.“, she heard a voice.
Slowly Ryan opened the door and slid inside.
„Hello, my name is Ryan Song.“, she said and bowed.
„Ah, the girl from the US.“, the woman smiled. She offered Ryan a seat and placed herself opposite to her.
„I’m Sohn Kee-yeun, editor in chief.“, she introduced herself. Sohn Kee-yeun was a woman with shoulder length, black shiny hair. She looked flawless. Her white pencil skirt hugged her slim figure, the grey blouse matched a pair of pearl earrings sparkling on her ears and her complexion framed her appearance. 
Ryan swallowed down the lump inside of her throat, folding her hands in her lap.
„Miss Song.“, Sohn Kee-yeun started out.
„You can call me Song Rina-ssi, if you want.“, Ryan interrupted her right away.
Kee-yeun gave her a look.
„Since Ryan is a rather unfamiliar name I’m used to be called Song Rina.“, she explained.
„Song Rina-ssi.“, Kee-yeun went. „How long have you been in Korea now?“
„I just moved last week.“
„Where did you work before?“, Kee-yeun asked. She had a folder in front of her nose - Ryan figured it was her application letter and CV - and seemed to make notes.
„I worked for a local magazine in Montana. It’s called ‚Hearted‘, not really famous.“
„Hearted.“, Kee-yeun mumbled. „What was your main task?“
„I had my own column. Sort of giving advice on any love topics.“
„Love topics?“, Kee-yeun rose her eyebrows and looked up from the folder.
Ryan nodded.
„So you’re some sort of love expert you say?“
„I wouldn’t go that far.“, Ryan shyly answered. She felt a little uncomfortable.
„What do you wish to do at Marie Claire?“, Kee-yeun focused the folder again.
„I’d wish to write reports on fashion related things or celebrities.“, Ryan said. Her hands started sweating.
„Do you know Korean celebrities?“, Kee-yeun asked.
„I guess so.“, Ryan answered. It wasn’t like she had lived behind the moon or anything.
„Well, I read some of the test articles you sent us and honestly I’m not quite sure, if you’re fitting into our magazine.“, Kee-yeun said.
It felt like Ryan got hit in the face. 
Suddenly it knocked at the door.
„Come in.“, Kee-yeun said. A girl stuck her head into the room and looked from Ryan to Kee-yeun and back.
„I’m sorry to interrupt, but I really need to show you something.“, she said.
„What is it?“, Kee-yeun wanted to know. She seemed annoyed.
The girl slid inside, a tablet in her hands. She quickly approached Kee-yeun and showed her the screen of the tablet.
„This is real?“. Kee-yeun asked.
„There are a lot more.“, the girl confirmed.
„Is that so!?“
The girl nodded.
„You can leave now.“, Kee-yeun said and waved with her hand.
The girl quickly left, closing the door behind her.
„Song Rina-ssi.“, Kee-yeun sighed.
„Hm?“, Ryan went.
„How is your relationship with Super Junior?“, she asked and her eyes squinted at Ryan.
„What?“, Ryan gasped.
„Apparently you seem to spend time with them. So I’m curious about your relationship.“
„Lee Hyukjae is my childhood friend.“, Ryan quietly said. She didn’t like this topic at all. 
Kee-yeun thought for a moment. „You can start on Wednesday.“, she then stated.
„What?“, Ryan gasped again.
„You can start on Wednesday. Report to Kang Sunji’s office. They will break you in.“, she said.
Ryan looked at the editor in chief, her mouth opened, somewhat in shock. Did she really just got the job?! 
She should probably jump up and celebrate her success. But she didn’t feel like that at all. She felt hurt for some reason. First Kee-yeun had said she wasn’t sure if Ryan fit their company. But after knowing she was friends with Super Junior, or at least with Hyukjae she had completely changed her mind.
Ryan said goodbye and left the Marie Claire building. Now that she didn’t have her suitcase with her, she went to the subway station and decided to take the train to Hyukjae’s dorm. She really didn’t want to go there and she regretted that she had given in so quickly.

„Can you please take the trash out already?“, Eunhyuk frowned.
Yesung sighed but then took the plastic bag and left the apartment.
Ever since Eunhyuk was back from his breakfast with Ryan he ordered everyone to clean up. The apartment Super Junior stayed in wasn’t a total mess. But for someone who always cleaned everything, it was a complete chaos. 
Eunhyuk wanted everything to be perfect for Ryan. He wanted her to feel welcome and he wanted her stay in Seoul to be as comfortable as possible. He knew she wasn’t too happy about staying with him and the other members. But he believed she would like it once she would be with them. Also he tried to shove his jealousness into some corner of his body that couldn’t be reached anymore.
„I think Ryan should take the room next to my room.“, Eunhyuk said while watching Kyuhyun vacuum the living room and Donghae was drying the dishes. Well, at least he was supposed to dry them. Instead he seemed to build some sort of dish tower that didn’t seem too secure.
„She should take the big room with the great view upstairs.“, Leeteuk rose his eyebrows.
„I’d rather like her down here.“, Eunhyuk admitted.
„But the room upstairs is much more comforting.“, Leeteuk countered.
Eunhyuk sighed. 
„He’s right.“, Kyuhyun yelled over the sound of the vacuum.
„Who’s right?“, Yesung made Eunhyuk flinch by suddenly appearing behind him.
„Ryan should stay in Ryeowook’s old room.“, Leeteuk said.
„Who’s against that?“, Yesung wanted to know.
„I am.“, Eunhyuk barked.
„Why? Don’t you want her to have the best room?“, Yesung asked.
Eunhyuk finally gave in. Still he wanted Ryan to be next to him, but he knew the room upstairs was much nicer and Ryan would like it a lot.
He went upstairs to set up the bed and move some stuff around.
„Hyung?“, Donghae’s head popped into the room.
Eunhyuk didn’t turn around but continued to make the bed.
„Can I ask you something?“
„It’s about Ryan actually.“, Donghae said.
Then Eunhyuk looked at him.
„Do you like her?“, Donghae went with a careful voice.
„What sort of question is that?“, Eunhyuk replied.
„I was just wondering because your temper is sort of on fire when you’re around her.“, Donghae tried to explain his assumption.
Eunhyuk sighed and let himself fall onto the bed. „Why are you asking me that?“
„I just said why.“
„Do you like her?“, Eunhyuk countered.
„What?“, Donghae gasped though Eunhyuk noticed the short flush on Donghae’s cheeks.
„It’s nice that you’re checking with me first. But you really don’t.“, Eunhyuk continued.
„I don’t even know her.“, Donghae defended himself.
„Yet.“, Eunhyuk added. „I saw how you looked at her. And I haven’t seen you like that in a long time. Maybe I did get mad because of that. But it’s not because of what you think.“, Eunhyuk lied. Of course he liked Ryan. He liked her all along. But he couldn’t tell Donghae when his own chances where pretty much zero. Even though Ryan hugged him and payed attention to him, he knew she did it because she saw him as a friend. Only as a friend.
He always saw Donghae’s smile inside of his head. It was a smile he had missed. And if it was Ryan who made him smile like that he wanted Donghae to be happy with her. Not that it was his decision anyway.
„You really don’t like her that way?“, Donghae needed him to confirm.
Eunhyuk nodded. „We’re just friends. Always have been.“ Sadness lay inside his voice.
Donghae was out of words. He felt awkward talking with his Hyung about something like this. He didn’t want to steal his friend away. But he had noticed that there was something different about Ryan. The way he felt when she was there, was something he had not experienced yet. He wouldn’t go as far as saying he liked her. But he was curious to find out what may cause his change of emotions.
„I think she would like you too.“, Eunhyuk then said.
Donghae rose his head to find Eunhyuk’s gaze.
„She said you’re handsome.“, he reported.
Donghae flushed once again. „Did she say that?“
Eunhyuk nodded. „She told me on the first day. She said she didn’t know any of the members but her favorite song was one from us.“
„You know I don’t want to take her away from you.“, Donghae sadly said.
„I know.“, Eunhyuk said and forced a smile onto his lips. He rose from his seat on the bed and went over to Donghae to pat his back. „Just be considerate and don’t rush things. As far as I know Ryan is not really easy to impress. She isn’t superficial and definitely not easy, though her standards are pretty high set.“
„This is so odd.“, Donghae said and scratched the back of his head.
„That’s the beginning of love my friend.“, Eunhyuk replied.

Ryan arrived at the address Eunhyuk had given her. She looked up the high skyscraper and then went inside and up to the apartment.
She pressed the door bell and waited for someone to open up.
„Who’s there?“, a voice sounded into the hallways.
„It’s Ryan.“, she replied.
The door was opened and Ryan starred into Leeteuk’s puppy eyes. „Ah, you came.“, he said and smiled at her.
Ryan nervously smiled back at him.
„I actually have to leave, but let me just show you your room.“, he said.
Ryan followed him inside. There were a lot of shoes flying around the entrance hall. Leeteuk guided Ryan into the rest of the apartment and up the stairs.
„We decided to give you the neatest room. Even though Eunhyuk wanted you to stay downstairs, the rest of us, thought you might like it better up here.“, he explained.
„Who’s living up here?“, Ryan wanted to know.
„It’s me, Donghae and Heechul.“, Leeteuk smiled.
He had to be kidding. That was sort of the worst constellation, she could think of.
Leeteuk and Ryan reached the living room of the upper apartment, which was directly hooked to the stairs. The TV was on and a blurry figure with black hair lounged on the sofa.
Ryan simply ignored him and followed Leeteuk down another corridor to which’s end there was a rather large and really neat room.
„This is yours. I hope you feel home here. I’m so sorry I have to leave. And I guess there’s no one really around. Heechul’s here though. Just do whatever you want, feel home.“, Leeteuk blabbered.
„It’s fine.“, Ryan quickly cut him off. She actually wanted to be alone anyway.
„I’ll see you later then.“, Leeteuk said and with that he left her room.
Ryan sighed and collapsed onto the bed. She turned to the side and looked through the large window. The sight was amazing. If it wasn’t for her stomach, Ryan would’ve probably stayed there all day. But she had last eaten with Eunhyuk, which was hours ago and so she decided to look for the kitchen to find something edible.
She walked down the corridor only to find Heechul in the exact same position as before. 
„May I ask where the kitchen is?“, she interrupted the silence. Maybe she was too polite, but she didn’t want to start out another awkward contention. 
Heechul didn’t look up from his game. „It’s downstairs.“, he simply stated.
Ryan nodded. „Thanks.“, she mumbled and headed down the stairs. It wasn’t hard to find the kitchen, since it was right next to the stairs. She wondered why she hadn’t noticed this before. She had probably been to focused on Leeteuk’s words.
Ryan opened the fridge, which was filled with all sorts of delicious foods. She didn’t know if she was allowed to eat any of it, so she just took a yoghurt and went back up.
„Do you know when Eunhyuk is coming back?“, she asked Heechul.
Heechul shook his head.
Ryan sighed and started to walk towards her new room, though Heechul’s voice made her stop: „What’s wrong?“, he asked.
„Hm?“, she went.
„You didn’t get the job?“, Heechul asked, still focused on his game.
„I did get hired.“, Ryan stated.
„Then why are you so upset?“
Ryan blinked at him. How could he tell she was upset. She had tried not to let it show. 
Ryan went over to the couch and sat down on the other end, far away from Heechul.
„They hired me because I know you.“, she said. „I mean not you, but all of you.“, she explained.
„Sucks.“, Heechul spat.
Ryan looked at him. He was wearing a purple pair of sweat pants and a hoodie with a weird flower pattern.
„I really wanted to get this job, but…“, she started another sentence, though suddenly the disappointment overwhelmed her and pushed tears to her eyes.
Heechul seemed quite confused. He now actually paused his game and slid over the couch to sit right in front of Ryan.
„First hey offered me the job because I was Korean. And now they only hire me because I know someone famous?! I wanted them to hire me because they thought my writing was good. I am a good writer. But no one ever acknowledges it.“, she cried while holding back the tears.
„Just see it as a chance.“, Heechul said.
„What?“, Ryan was surprised and looked up to find his intense gaze.
„Now you’re hired and you can prove that you deserve the job for the right reasons.“
„I guess so.“, Ryan said.
„You’re really not helping anyone by crying and drowning yourself in self-pity.“, he added.
Ryan wrinkled her nose. 
„Are you playing Survinia?“, Ryan changed the topic and stared at the paused game on the huge TV screen. „Can I play?“, she asked him.
„I don’t want you to screw up my game.“, Heechul said and glared at her.
„Oh, common, I’m not going to screw it up.“, Ryan blared and attended to climb over Heechul to get the controller.
„What are you doing?“, he asked her and pushed her back.
„Let me play!“, Ryan demanded.
„You’re annoying.“, Heechul said but leaned back to grab the controller and give it to her.
Ryan grinned happily and started playing.
„Did you already go to the troll?“, she asked.
„I was on my way there.“, Heechul replied. He was confused that Ryan actually seemed to know the game.
„You unlocked the cloud spell, right?“, she went while concentrating onto the game.
„Cloud spell?“, he asked.
„I knew you wouldn’t have it. There’s no way you can defend the troll if you don’t have the cloud spell.“, she explained. Then she opened the map and switched over to a place called ‚Navibia‘.
„What do you want in Navibia?“, he rose his eyebrows. 
„You remember when you mastered the first task for Master Huzu?“, she began to explain. Heechul nodded, though Ryan didn’t look at him. „He gave you all sorts of stuff. And he gave you a key. When you go into the cave in Navibia you can find a treasure box.“
„I remember the box, though I couldn’t open it.“
„That’s because your level wasn’t high enough. It’s different for every element and you need to have the second script for it.“
Heechul got interested in what Ryan was telling him and excitedly stared at the screen.
„See, there it is.“, Ryan said when the box appeared right in front of Heechul’s character. „And now you can open it.“, she said and pressed some buttons that would unlock the box with the key.
„Your welcome.“, she grinned.
Heechul squinted his eyes and leaned over to Ryan to fetch the controller back.
„Don’t“, she said while opening the inventory. „You have the wing boots?“, her eyes went big.
„Yes.“, Heechul shrugged his shoulders.
„Can you trade them?!“, she gasped. „I was looking for them everywhere, but no one seemed to have them.“
„I won’t trade.“, Heechul spat.
Ryan pouted and glared at Heechul, who looked at her with his expressionless face. „You don’t even have any use for them.“, she yelled.
„You have a Windrunner?“, Heechul asked her.
„That’s why I need the boots.“, she basically screamed.
Heechul used her rage to finally get the controller back from her. „You played enough.“, he stated.
Ryan crossed her arms in front of her chest.
„Fine, I’ll trade.“, Heechul said after a pause.
Ryan squeaked. She jumped up on the couch and threw her arms around Heechul in a quick hug.
„Ya, don’t do that.“, he spat and pushed her away from her.
„What, you’re allergic to body contact now?!“, Ryan barked.
Heechul didn’t answer but rolled his eyes and concentrated back on the game. 
„Scoot over.“, Ryan then said. „I want to lay down.“ She tried to push him over into the corner of the couch. But he didn’t move an inch.
„Don’t you feel a little but too homey?“, he replied.
His comment startled Ryan. He was right. „Sorry.“, she quickly said and felt pretty stupid. It was just so comfortable around him that she had totally forgotten she was a guest at somebody else’s home. Wait…did she just admit that she felt comfortable?!
Ryan blushed and her body heated up. She shook her head to get the thoughts out.
„I was joking.“, Heechul said because he noticed Ryan’s sudden weird behavior.
Their eyes met again.
„Are you blushing?“, he asked her with a smile on his face.
„No.“, Ryan pouted.
„It’s fine. You don’t need to be ashamed that you want to live with me.“, Heechul warbled. „Maybe you should write about that. There are so many girls who would wish to be right here in your position and you can tell them how it is to live the handsome Heechul.“, he grinned and put his hands to his face for some aegyo. 
„Aish, you’re so full of yourself.“, Ryan spat. She took a pillow clashed it into Heechul’s side and rested her head against it, spreading her body over the rest of the couch.
Heechul blinked in confusion. He looked down on Ryan, who was now really close. He could feel her breathing, as her body moved up and down and he felt the weight of her head on his leg.
„Maybe I should write about that.“, she said. „But it wouldn’t be fair since you would loose so many fans once they’d know what you wear when you’re at home and I don’t want to do this to Hyukie.“
Heechul shook his head and grumbled. 

It had already gotten dark outside and finally Eunhyuk and Donghae entered the dorm.
„We’re home!“, Donghae yelled. „Is Ryan already here?“, he asked Eunhyuk.
Eunhyuk shrugged his shoulders while taking off his jacket.
„Hyukie!“, Ryan yelled. She had jumped up from her comfy spot next to Heechul, ran down the stairs and right into Eunhyuk’s arms.
„Wow.“, he laughed. Her sudden appearance and her overwhelming joy immediately hit his body and he started to get all tingly. „I suppose you got the job?!“, he asked and looked down on Ryan. He patted her brown hair as she smiled with her eyes squinted to tiny slits.
„I did.“, she said proudly. Even though she had been disappointed earlier, she didn’t want to show Eunhyuk. Heechul was right when he said she now had a chance to prove her talent. So there was no need to be whiney.
„I’m really proud of you.“, Eunhyuk said and sort of hit her in the face with this comment. But Ryan decided to smile it away.
„When will you start?“, Donghae interrupted the two.
Ryan let go of Eunhyuk so he could remove his shoes and looked at Donghae. He seemed tired and exhausted, though he still looked stunning. Ryan liked the smile that always sneaked into his eyes. He seemed playful and fun.
„Wednesday.“, Ryan replied and grinned at him.
„Did you have dinner yet?“, Eunhyuk asked.
Ryan shook her head.
„Perfect.“, he said and grabbed a few plastic bags that were waiting on the ground to be picked up.
„We brought food.“, Donghae explained the bags.
„Is anyone else home?“, Eunhyuk wanted to know as the three of them headed into the living room with an ivory colored sofa and a rather large coffee table.
„Just Heechul.“, Ryan said.
„I’ll ask him if he wants to eat too.“, Donghae said and jumped upstairs.
A few seconds later he came back, Heechul following him. They sat down at the table and Eunhyuk unpacked all sorts of side dishes, chicken, rice and noodles.
„So what have you been up to all day?“, Eunhyuk asked her.
„I was playing games with Heechul.“ Ryan said and reached for some chicken. She noticed Eunhyuk’s expression. He looked surprised, not in a happy way but doubtfully.
„We were taking down the troll.“, Heechul grinned. He knew no one actually knew the game but still he liked to annoy them with all sorts of unnecessary details.
„The best thing, once my stuff arrives, he’s trading me the wing boots.“, Ryan added with sparkles inside her eyes.
„He’s trading you what?“, Eunhyuk asked and wrinkled his nose.
„They are boots that my character really needs, since I’m a Windrunner. It’s hard to find these boots. I don’t even know how Cinderella managed to get these when he didn’t even find the cloud spell.“, Ryan munched.
Heechul frowned.
„Did she just call him Cinderella?“, Donghae asked and looked from Ryan to Heechul to Eunhyuk.
„That’s what I heard.“, Eunhyuk said and shook his head.
Ryan shrugged her shoulders. „It’s not my fault he’s totally full of himself and calls his character like that.“
A fist flew threw the air and hit Ryan’s arm.
„Ya! That hurt.“, she gasped and rubbed over the spot where Heechul had hit her.
„Watch it. I have a fairy godmother. If I want to she will turn you into a mouse.“, Heechul said.
„She turned the mice into horses. Get the story straight if you’re trying to threaten me.“, Ryan spat.
„Can you pass me the rice.“, Eunhyuk interrupted the conversation. He was actually annoyed that Ryan seemed to play the same game as Heechul. Furthermore that they had been playing together this entire day. He clenched his teeth as Ryan handed him the rice.
„Are you okay?“, she asked him. She could tell he was mad.
Eunhyuk forced a smile onto his lips.
„Tell me about your promotions.“, Ryan changed the subject. „What did you do today.“
„We went to another shooting for more teaser images.“, Eunhyuk said.
„Wow, that must’ve been fun.“, Ryan sparkled.
Donghae nodded while munching on some kimchi.
„Do you get to do shootings too? At the magazine I mean?“, Eunhyuk wanted to know.
Ryan shrugged her shoulders. „I don’t know. I mainly applied for the position as an editor. But I guess I probably get to see shootings too.“
„Maybe you can come with us tomorrow.“, Donghae suggested and looked over to Eunhyuk to get his approval.
„Is that even possible?“, Ryan wanted to know. She didn’t want to put Eunhyuk into a difficult situation.
„Maybe this isn’t a good idea.“, Eunhyuk said. He couldn’t decide what he would hate more, Ryan being with Donghae in front of his eyes or Ryan being with Heechul again. „What are you doing tomorrow?“, he then asked towards Heechul.
„I’m busy.“, he simply replied and took more chicken onto his plate.
„I’m free tomorrow.“, another voice interrupted the dinner.
Everyone turned their heads just to see Leeteuk enter the living room and joining the group. „What are we talking about?“, he wanted to know.
„I wanted to take Ryan to our shooting.“, Donghae said.
Leeteuk made a face. „I don’t know if that’s a good idea.“, he said.
„That’s what I said too.“
„I really don’t want to bother anyone.“, Ryan quickly said, although she was a little disappointed.
„But we can’t let her alone again. She’s already been by herself this entire day.“, Donghae said and completely blinded out that Ryan had in fact been with Heechul.
„I thought Heechul was home.“, Leeteuk rose his eyebrows.
„I was.“, Heechul stated.
„Whatever. I don’t want her to spend the day alone.“, Donghae said with a serious tone.
„Like I said, I’m free.“, Leeteuk repeated.
„So that’s settled. Ryan is spending the day with Leeteuk.“, Eunhyuk summed up.
Donghae gave him a darting look but Eunhyuk just shrugged his shoulders at him.

Ryan rolled from one side to the other. Sleepless, staring outside into the black night sky. She switched on the lights, took a book and started to read. She knew when there was no chance in getting sleep anymore. And so reading seemed like a more satisfying action.
A knock made Ryan flinch. She looked at the clock next to her bed. It was already past three in the morning.
She tiptoed over to the door and opened it just to look into a pair of black eyes.
„Aren’t you sleeping?“, Donghae asked her and eyed inside of her room.
„I sort of can’t. But why are you still awake?“, Ryan replied.
He shrugged his shoulders. „I couldn’t sleep either. I wanted to get something to drink and then I saw the light coming from your room.“
Ryan didn’t say anything.
„Can I come in?“, Donghae then asked.
„Uhm, sure.“, Ryan said and opened the door further, so Donghae could slip inside. He wandered around her room and let himself fall onto her bed. „Were you reading?“, he asked and picked up the book that was laying on Ryan’s pillow.
Ryan nodded.
„It’s all English.“, Donghae noted. „Can you read me something?“
„That’s embarrassing.“, Ryan said and placed herself next to Donghae, while snatching the book away.
„How’s that?“, he wanted to know and rose his eyebrows.
„It just is.“, Ryan said. „I don’t want to keep you awake.“, she then changed the topics.
„You aren’t.“, Donghae quickly said. „How do you like it at our dorm?“, Donghae asked.
„It’s okay, I guess.“, Ryan admitted.
„So you don’t like it?“
„I do like it. Though it feels a little awkward.“, she said.
„But I’m glad you and Eunhyuk aren’t fighting anymore.“, he said.
Ryan nodded.
„What was the fight about?“
„I’m not quite sure.“, Ryan said. She didn’t want to tell him that Eunhyuk had been jealous.
„You should turn the lights out, so you can see the stars better.“, Donghae said. He immediately reached over to turn off the small lamp that was placed next to the bed.
„It’s so dark now.“, Ryan said. She tried to see Donghae’s silhouette, but he was completely swallowed by the blackness. It took a while until their eyes got used to the darkness. Donghae turned around to face the window and so did Ryan.
„It’s too cloudy tonight.“, he sighed.
„I’m scared.“, Ryan suddenly said.
„Afraid of the dark?“, Donghae gasped.
„No.“, Ryan laughed. „Afraid of my new job.“, she explained. 
„I only got the job because I know you.“, she said and it sort of felt like some deja-vu. 
„Oh.“, Donghae said. Of course he was aware of the pictures that were spread around the internet and figured what Ryan was talking about.
„It’s so embarrassing.“, she added.
„I wouldn’t think that way.“, Donghae said. „Vitamin B is sort of common, isn’t it. And I mean you didn’t do it on purpose. It’s not your fault they judge you because of something like that.“
Ryan knew it wasn’t her fault. But still it didn’t feel right.
„I’m tired.“, Ryan said. She let her head sink against Donghae’s shoulder and closed her eyes.
„Seems like you like my shoulder, huh?!“, Donghae joked.
Ryan smiled but she was already too sleepy to reply anything.
„You should lay down and sleep properly.“, Donghae said. He carefully lifted Ryan and placed her head on the pillow. She automatically spread her legs across the bed and Donghae covered her with the blanket.
Ryan grabbed Donghae’s hands the minute he was letting go of the blanket and pulled him down.
Donghae got surprised from her sudden move and flushed, blinking at Ryan’s face that was now only inches away from his.
„You smell good.“, Ryan said drowsy. 
„What?“, Donghae gasped. He tried to move, though Ryan was still holding his hands. 
„Your hands are so warm, too.“, she smiled and placed his palm on her cheek so she could cuddle her face into the warmth.
Donghae gasped in shock.
„Donghae-ya.“, she whispered and talked to him as if they were close friends. But Donghae didn’t care that the beautiful girl in front of him wasn’t talking formally with him. In fact he liked it, because he felt that Ryan was looking at him as someone close. 
„Yes?“, he whispered back. He noticed the smile on Ryan’s lips and had to smile too. She released his hands, only to make Donghae feel a tiny bit disappointed and forced her eyes open so she could look at him.
„Can you hug me?“, she asked.
Donghae looked at her, not believing what his ears just heard.
„I really need a hug every now and then and since I’m in Seoul there’s barely someone hugging me.“, she explained with a whiney voice.
„But…“, Donghae started his sentence though he didn’t even know what to reply. He was frozen in movement. Of course he wanted to hug her, but there was something holding him back.
„I’m sorry.“, Ryan then said. „I shouldn’t have asked. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.“
„No. I…I just…“, he stuttered.
Ryan reached out for Donghae’s face. He put her hand to his cheek and slowly let it fall back down to her chest. His skin was unbelievingly soft and his face seemed to burn.
„Good night, Donghae-ya.“, she whispered.
Donghae held her gaze for a minute too long. He knew he was supposed to leave her now. But he couldn’t. He kept staring at her. He searched for something inside of her tired eyes, something that would make him move. Her dark lashes framed her perfectly almond shaped eyes, that had two black sparkling dots inside of them. Her skin was lit by the dull light digging inside from outside the window. The smile on her lips, juicy, pouty lips, barely noticeable but still as bright as one could imagine.
Donghae bent down, shoving his arms under Ryan’s body and pulled her close.
„Omo.“, Ryan gasped. She was overwhelmed by his sudden embracement, although she had asked for it. Her arms caught between her own and Donhae’s chest, she felt his heart beating. She breathed in his scent as he dug his head into her hair.
It almost felt like his heart was about to stop. It felt like the time was standing still. His stomach turned around and made him dizzy. He never imagined being so close to her. All of the sudden he realized what he just did. He opened his eyes in shock and slowly let Ryan go.

„Good night.“, he whispered and quickly left her room. This was probably not what Eunhyuk meant when he told him to be considerate. He had totally lost himself that moment. That was something that must not happen again.

© all rights reserved || copyright by J.J.B.

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