Dienstag, 22. März 2016

Sneaky Pretty You - SuJu FanFiction - Chapter 4

Finally it was Friday and Ryan could move into her own apartment. Leeteuk had taken care of all the paper work, although Ryan had tried to do it herself. 
Leader Leeteuk and Siwon drove Ryan to get her stuff from the container and moved it into her new apartment. Ryan offered to pay a moving company for helping her but since Leeteuk and Siwon were both free that day, they insisted on doing it themselves. 
It was late afternoon when all of the boxes where inside of Ryan’s apartment and she could start unpack them.
„What are you doing here?“, Ryan heard Leeteuk’s voice coming from the door.
„I had some free time.“, Heechul shrugged his shoulders and went inside the living room.
Ryan blinked at him.
„I’m here to help.“, he said and smiled.
„There’s no help needed anymore.“, Ryan stated.
Heechul shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants and looked around. „But all of the boxes are still full.“, he replied.
Siwon came from the bed room and flinched when he saw Heechul.
„What are you doing here?“, he went.
Heechul sighed. „Is everyone going to ask that?“
Leeteuk approached and put his hands onto Heechul’s shoulder. „You couldn’t come to help any sooner?“, he asked.
„I don’t carry boxes.“, Heechul simply said and rose his eyebrows at Leeteuk.
„I really have to leave.“, Siwon interrupted.
„Thank you so much for your help. I hope it wasn’t too much of a burden for you.“, Ryan said and shyly smiled.
„Not at all.“, Siwon replied and took his jacket from the couch. „Are you coming?“, he asked towards Leeteuk who nodded.
„Is this okay?“, Leeteuk asked Ryan.
Ryan looked from Leeteuk to Heechul and back. She didn’t want them to leave her alone with Heechul. But she couldn’t say that, right?!
„Sure.“, she forced herself.
„Then we’ll see you soon.“, Leeteuk smiled and left together with Siwon.
It was deadly quiet inside the apartment. Heechul and Ryan looked at each other. 
Ryan wore her hair up in a ponytail. She was only wearing a tank top, since she was hot from carrying all the heavy boxes.
„Where should I start?“, Heechul broke the silence. His left eye was covered from his black hair, making the stare of the right eye even more intense.
„You’re really here to help me?“, Ryan rose her eyebrows.
„What else should I be here for?“, he asked and a devilish smile sneaked onto his lips.
Ryan blushed feeling caught, although she herself didn’t know what she was actually believing Heechul was there for.
„You can start unpacking the kitchen boxes.“, she quickly said. „I’ll go to the bedroom.“
Ryan left him behind, taking a few deep breaths inside of her room. It was once again weird being around him. The last few days had been weird as well. Sometimes they had played together, well mostly Heechul had played and Ryan had watched him. But sometimes there were those awkward moments between them, that Ryan couldn’t evaluate. He had this sudden new side to him, that was rather unexpected. He was sort of nice?! Was that the best way to describe it?
Ryan shook Heechul out of her head once again. She couldn’t have him hooked in there all this time. And once they would be finished unpacking she had no reason to see Heechul again. She would concentrate on work and on Eunhyuk of course.

Heechul opened one of the boxes which was filled with glasses. He wondered why Ryan even brought those instead of just buying new ones. But he shrugged his shoulders and started sorting them in one of the cupboards hanging above the kitchen counter.
He didn’t even know why he came to help her. He had been meeting a friend earlier, but after that he felt bored and something made him come to her apartment. Ryan wasn’t that bad actually, he thought. She wasn’t his type at all, though right in this moment he didn’t even know what exactly his type would look like. Still, there was something else that had caught his interest from the very first moment he saw her. He thought of how he touched her face and kissed her soft skin and a strange shiver ran over his body.
„Are you okay?“, Ryan asked. She had suddenly appeared behind him and only now Heechul realized he had frozen in movement, a glass still in his hand ready to be put onto the shelf. 
„Why?“, he tried to act it away and turned to face Ryan.
„You’re supposed to put the glasses into the cupboard and not hold them up in the air like the statue of liberty.“, Ryan stated and rose her eyebrows.
„Watch it.“, Heechul warned her.
„Or else?“, she giggled. „Will your fairy turn me into a mouse?“, she asked and stepped closer. „And then you will make me sew you a pretty dress?!“, she changed her voice and made a puppy face, blinking at him. „It would at least be better than this.“, she added and pointed on Heechul’s flower track suit.
He smiled at her, amused by her joking. „Maybe I’ll just give you to my cats.“, he grinned and grabbed Ryan to tickle her. 
„No, no, no, no, no!“, she screamed and laughed at the same time, feeling Heechul’s hands running over her waist and stomach.
„Are you ticklish?“, he asked although he already knew the answer.
Ryan tried to escape from him, though he was fast enough to grab her wrists and pull her back. Ryan clashed into his body and they both froze. There were only inches between their faces. 
Heechul stared into Ryan’s eyes as she stared back. He felt her breath and tried to suppress the goosebumps that were slowly creeping up his arms and neck.
Ryan swallowed down the lump inside her throat. There he was again, way too close and way too attractive. She tried to focus on his eyes and not let her glide sweep down to his lips. But it wasn’t helping and the urge to kiss him grew stronger. Kissing him would be like giving up, wasn’t it?!
Suddenly a sparkle gleamed in Ryan’s eyes and a quick evil smile flashed over her mouth before she closed the gap between their lips. 
„Revenge.“, she then whispered and used Heechul’s state of distraction to free her wrists and start to tickle him. Heechul screamed like a girl and curved his body to get away from Ryan’s hands. He pushed her away and ran over to the couch, protecting himself in save distance. Ryan went after him. They were facing each other, the couch between them. Heechul looked around for somewhere to go, but there seemed to be no escape.
„Let’s stop it here.“, he then said. 
Ryan squinted her eyes. „Are you scared?“, she teased again.
„No.“, Heechul shook his head. 
Ryan jumped onto the couch, climbed over it and reached out for Heechul. He reacted by running to the side and around the kitchen counter, still followed by Ryan. Near the couch again she finally managed to get a hold of him and wrestle him down to the sofa.
She climbed on top of him, tickling him. It was almost like bull riding, since she was close to fall off of him.
„Stop it.“, he laughed and grabbed Ryan’s wrists to make her stop.
They were both exhausted, Ryan on top of Heechul.
He looked so beautiful when he was smiling. Ryan bent down to place another kiss onto his lips.
„Why do you keep doing that?“, he asked her.
Ryan shrugged her shoulders. „I just like kissing you.“, she said.
Heechul was taken aback by her honesty. He stopped breathing for a moment. But then his hands travelled over Ryan’s back and held her while he sat up with her still on his lap. His lips found hers again and she sucked in the air. He carefully ran his tongue over her bottom lip, as Ryan shoved her hands underneath his flower printed jacket.
*ding dong* the doorbell went.
But both of them ignored it.
*ding dong* again.
„You should open the door.“, Heechul said in between their kisses.
„Mhm.“, Ryan went.
A third ring made Ryan push Heechul away and climb from his lap to go over to the door.
     „Hey. I’m sorry I rang the bell so often.“, a young woman, probably Ryan’s age said.
„Oh, hi. No problem. I’m sorry I answered so late, I was unpacking.“, she said.
„I’m your neighbor. I was just curious who moved here.“, she said and handed Ryan a plastic container with food.
„It’s homemade kimchi from my mom as my welcoming gift.“, she grinned. „I’m Park Minjung by the way.“, she introduced herself.
„I’m Ryan Song.“, Ryan said automatically.
„Oh, you’re not from here?!“, Minjung asked. „I was wondering where your accent was from.“, she added.
„I lived in the US for quite a while.“, Ryan explained while making a face. Why did everyone have to point out her accent?!
„That sounds pretty nice.“, Minjung nodded.
„Am I the only one unpacking?“, Heechul’s voice neared.
Ryan closed her eyes and shook her head while taking a deep breath. He was one of the most annoying people she knew.
„Oh, who’s that?“, Minjung gasped and tried to peer into Ryan’s apartment.
„No one.“, she breathed.
„Didn’t seem like no one just now.“, he grinned at her.
Minjung stared at him and Ryan was sure she exactly knew who he was, though she wasn’t saying a word.
„Just shut up and go back to work.“, Ryan grouched.
„Kimchi, how nice.“, Heechul said and grabbed the box from Ryan.
Minjung’s expression remained unchanged.
„We should go eat it now.“, he said and intended to pull Ryan away from the door. „That’s okay with you, is it? Park Minjung?“, he sparkled.
„Yes.“, Minjung breathed with huge eyes.
„Great.“, Heechul replied and Ryan stumbled backwards so he could close the door.
„That was sort of rude.“, Ryan rose her eyebrows.
„What was?“
„You basically cut her off.“, she explained.
He shrugged his shoulders. „She was talking too much.“
Ryan rolled her eyes. „I’m hungry. Let’s order some food.“, she suddenly said.
„But we have kimchi.“, Heechul blinked.
„You’re a lousy helper so all my cooking essentials are still in the boxes.“
„You were the one who distracted me from unpacking.“, Heechul defended himself.
„Actually you were the one who started it.“, Ryan noted.
Heechul wrinkled his nose and followed Ryan back into the living area where she stored the kimchi into the fridge.

Ryan sat in front of her computer and had to sort mails into different folders. Apparently no one ever sorted the mails, so there was a tone and Ryan hasn’t been doing anything else since she started to work at Marie Claire’s.
Her phone lit up.
‚Come online.‘, it said. ‚I will trade you the boots.‘
Ryan only looked at it with a smile but continued to put mail after mail in its folder.
‚Are you working?‘ ‚I’m bored.‘, followed.
„Who’s texting you?“, Ryan’s colleague Lee Yoon-ji asked her.
„Not important.“, Ryan replied.
‚When will you be home?‘, another text reached her phone.
„As if.“, Yoon-ji snapped and grabbed Ryan’s phone to read the messages.
„Ya!“, Ryan yelled. „Give me my phone.“
„Who’s HC?“, Yoon-ji rose her eyebrows. She opened the messaged and read through them. „Is this some sort of dirty-talk?“
„No?!“, Ryan gasped and fetched her phone back.
„Tell me, tell me, tell me!“
Ryan looked at her. 
„Come on!“, Yoon-ji urged her to tell her.
„He’s a friend.“, Ryan said.
„A friend? I want to know the entire story.“
„There’s no ‚entire story‘.“
Yoon-ji rose her eyebrows again. „Song Rina-ssi! I’m your friend, aren’t I?“
That was the question that Ryan had asked herself. Was Yoon-ji a friend? She only knew her since a few days. Of course she was nice, but when would you call each other friends?!
„I see.“, Yoon-ji said with disappointment when Ryan didn’t answer.
„Okay, okay.“, Ryan quickly said. „He’s maybe more than a friend. I’m not really sure.“
„Who’s he?“, Yoon-ji asked now with excitement sparkling inside of her eyes.
„His name is… Kim Himchan…“, Ryan lied. She could’t think of any other name starting with Heechul’s initials. „I met him when I arrived and…“
„And?“, Yoon-ji wanted to know and danced with her eyebrows.
„It’s weird to tell you.“, Ryan giggled.
„Did you go on a date?“
„Not really.“, Ryan stated. „We just met a view times.“
„He’s totally in to you.“, Yoon-ji clapped.
„What?“, Ryan blinked.
„He’s texting you this entire time and even asks when you get home. He’s totally missing you.“, she raved.
„I don’t think that’s the case.“, Ryan noted.
„How come? Don’t you think he likes you?“
Ryan didn’t want to answer this question. Because she didn’t want to think about it. She didn’t want to think whether she liked Heechul or not or whether Heechul liked her or not. Whatever had happened, happened. There was no reason to think any more into this.
„Did you guys kiss already?“, Yoon-ji interrupted her thoughts.
„Huh?“, Ryan gasped and blushed right away.
„Oooh. You kissed.“, Yoon-ji sparkled. „Is he a great kisser?“
Ryan was now redder than a tomato.
„Why do you feel so embarrassed  to talk about this?“
„I guess I never talked to anyone about something similar.“, Ryan admitted.
„Are Americans like that?“, Yoon-ji asked. 
„I don’t think this has anything to do with it.“
„Then you should feel more comfortable. I won’t tell anyone, I promise.“, Yoon-ji said.
Ryan nodded. „Thanks.“

Ryan was brushing her teeth when the door bell interrupted her. Wearing a pair of shorts and a tank, with her hair up in a messy bun, she went to get the door.
„What are you doing here again?“, she asked while rising her eyebrows at Heechul.
„I told you I would stop by on Friday again.“, he said and invited himself inside.
„Right, I totally forgot.“, Ryan said and went back to the bathroom to spit the tooth paste out.
     „You look terrible.“, Heechul stated when Ryan came back into the living room.
Ryan wrinkled her nose. She was already used to his rude comments and decided not to start another argument about this.
Heechul had already started the game and launched on the couch, while Ryan placed herself next to him.
They had been playing together quite often, since she had moved. At first Ryan had felt uncomfortable because of Heechul’s and her ‚relationship‘. But after a while it got better, since they were actually only playing games until Ryan would fall asleep eventually.
„I’m tired.“, Ryan said yawning.
„Shut your mouth, you smell.“, Heechul spat.
„I just brushed my teeth, I’m not smelling.“, Ryan countered and glared at him.
„How’s work?“, Heechul asked for the first time even though Ryan had been working this entire week.
„It’s okay, I guess.“, Ryan nodded.
„Okay? That doesn’t sound too good.“
„I just don’t get to do much important stuff. For now I had to organize emails.“, she explained.
„Sounds boring.“, Heechul admitted, still focused on the happening on the screen in front of him. „Can I ask you something?“, he then went without facing Ryan but the TV.
„Sure.“, Ryan replied. 
But Heechul didn’t get to ask his question before Ryan’s phone rang.
„Oh it’s Donghae.“, she said before picking up the call. „Hello?“
‚Hey Ryan.‘, Donghae said and he sounded nervous.
Ryan squinted at Heechul who was not paying attention to her. Or at least she thought so.
‚Are you free tomorrow?‘, Donghae asked.
„Yes, I think so. Why?“
‚I don’t know how to ask you, I actually wanted to know if you would maybe want to go out with me, like on a date, or not a date, if you don’t want it to be like a date, then maybe as friends, or something.‘, he blabbered.
„You’re asking me out?“, Ryan needed to confirm she had understood correctly. Heechul pricked up his ears.
‚Is this stupid? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you with this.‘, he said now sounding rather sad.
„No, no. I would like to go out with you.“, Ryan quickly said.
‚Really?‘, Donghae squeaked. 
Ryan needed to laugh because of his sudden excitement. „What are we going to do?“, she wanted to know.
‚That’s a surprise.‘, Donghae giggled. ‚Is five in the afternoon okay?‘
„That’s fine.“, Ryan confirmed.
‚I will come pick you up then.‘, Donghae said. ‚Have a good night. I’ll see you tomorrow.‘
„Goodnight.“, Ryan grinned and ended the call.
     „What was that all about?“, Heechul asked her. He had overheard her conversation and this was quite obvious, though he wanted to hear it from Ryan herself.
„What do you mean?“, Ryan played dumb.
„You’re going out with Donghae?“, Heechul continued to ask her. He paused the game and turned to look at her with his chocolate fudge eyes. A deep sparkle arose as a slight blush sneaked over Ryan’s cheeks when he looked at her like that.
„Is that a problem?“, Ryan breathed. She was caught by his gaze that seemed to drown her and make her mind cloudy again.
Heechul didn’t reply anything. He kept staring at her. Was it a problem? He didn’t like hearing Ryan would go out with Donghae. But why? Maybe because he had claimed her for himself?! He shook his head and with that cut off the eye contact with Ryan, who now found back to reality.
„Did you find the next stone?“, Ryan asked about the game, changing topics.
Heechul shook his head, took the controller back into his hands and restarted the game. Ryan yawned again, the sleep slowly pulling at her. 
It didn’t take long and she fell asleep on the couch.
     „Can’t you stay awake for once?“, Heechul asked even though he knew his question wouldn’t be heard anymore.
He sighed and then turned off the TV to take Ryan to her bed. Every time when Heechul had been to Ryan’s apartment she had been falling asleep on the couch and Heechul was the one who had to carry her to her bed. 
He laid her body down, pulled the blanket over her and kneed down next to her. He observed her pale skin and watched her chest go up and down from her steady breath as she looked like an angel when she was sleeping. 
„Ryan?“, he whispered. „I think I might like you.“, he continued. A sad smile flashed over his lips. 
„Why are you going out with Donghae, when I’m right in front of you?“, he stroke her brown hair behind her ear and left her room. He switched off the lights, looked back only to make sure Ryan was still asleep, arranged the pillows on the couch the way she liked it and finally headed outside of her apartment.

Ryan was at work, even though it was weekend. She had been nervous the minute she woke up. It was a date. A DATE. She hasn’t been out on dates in ages. At least that’s how it felt. To be honest, Ryan was not the type of girl that was usually preferred by guys. Mostly it was her friend Kimberly who had been getting the attention from any male people around them.
     „You’ll get used to it.“, Yoon-ji laughed when Ryan sighed for the hundreds time.
„I hate weekend work.“, Ryan complained.
„It’ll get better.“, Yoon-ji said.
„Really?“, Ryan wrinkled her nose.
Yoon-ji nodded. „But you seem nervous.“, she stated and squinted her eyes at Ryan.
Ryan looked at her. How was she able to tell?!
„You’re bobbing your leg up and down the entire time. It moves the table.“, she giggled.
„Sorry.“, Ryan apologized.
„Are there news from Himchan?“
Who the heck is Himchan. But then it popped into Ryan’s head. It was the name she had given Heechul, since she couldn’t use is actual name.
„Not really.“, Ryan said. 
„But?“, Yoon-ji teased her.
„I’m going on a date today.“, Ryan finally said.
„On a date?“, Yoon-ji’s eyes went big. „With Himchan?“
Ryan shook her head. Maybe even a little tiny bit disappointed.
„You already have another guy? Wow!“, Yoon-ji stated. She turned in her chair to face Ryan and of course wanted more details.
An awkward smile went over Ryan’s lips. „Well,… he’s a really cute guy. I met him through some friends and yesterday he asked me out. I’m really nervous, I usually don’t do dates.“, she scratched the back of her head.
„You don’t do dates?“, Yoon-ji rose her eyebrows. „But you said you met Himchan a few times.“
That name always sent a twinge through Ryan’s body, reminding her once again that she had lied.
„That’s different.“, she stated.
„How is it different?“
„Why are you so curious?“
„Oh come on. There’s nothing happening in my life. It’s so boring, I need some juicy stuff. Plus I’m a good listener and I can help you.“, she winked.
Ryan sighed and finally paused her computer work. „I sort of met both of them at the same time. But I never had any intentions on meeting them or anything. It was more like a friendly environment, I guess.“, Ryan started out. „Then the first guy and I…“
„Himchan.“, Yoon-ji interrupted her.
Ryan rolled her eyes. „Yes, Himchan. Himchan and I sort of just…“, she said but didn’t want to tell what had actually happened.
„You what?“, Yoon-ji asked, now more curious then ever.
„We sort of hooked up.“, she finally said it out loud and made Yoon-ji gasp.
„You didn’t tell me.“, she squeaked.
„It’s not something you brag about.“, Ryan stated. 
„What happened after that?“, Yoon-ji’s eyes sparkled in excitement.
„We met a few times, but only because we belonged to the same group of friends. But we both acted like nothing had ever happened.“
„That’s rude.“, Yoon-ji wrinkled her nose.
Ryan shrugged her shoulders.
„Tell me more.“
„We just get along pretty well. Because we’re playing the same game. So we sometimes met to play together and that’s basically it.“
„And now you’re going on a date with a different guy? You don’t have any feelings for Himchan?“, she wanted to know.
Ryan didn’t know what to answer. Because she didn’t know what the answer was. 
„That isn’t a no.“, Yoon-ji furrowed.
„I don’t really know. The guy I’m going on a date with is just so cute and romantic. We were getting along so well and I think he would be really good for me.“
„And Himchan wouldn’t be good for you?“
Why did Yoon-ji had to put Heechul and Donghae on different sides. There had never been an option between them. There was no evaluation, who might be better or something.
„It was just a one-off and that’s it. There’s nothing more to it really.“, Ryan tried to explain how things between her and Heechul were.
„I’m just telling you, you should end things with Himchan if you’re serious about the other one.“
„There’s no ‚thing‘ to end.“, Ryan barked.
Yoon-ji gave her a weird look and then started to focus on her computer again.
„Is that Himchan guy hot?“, she suddenly asked. „If you don’t want him, maybe I can date him?!“
Ryan blinked in disbelief. Was she serious about this?!
„I’m just kidding.“, Yoon-ji laughed. „But that face of yours was definitely worth it.“
„Don’t do that to me. I’m completely opening up here.“, Ryan shook her head.
„Sorry, I won’t do it again. But seriously, who’s hotter?“, Yoon-ji asked.
„Stop it already.“, Ryan shouted.
„Fine, fine.“, Yoon-ji pouted.

Since Donghae had said he planned a surprise, Ryan didn’t know what to wear. Finally she decided for something casual and comfortable that would keep her warm just in case.
The door bell made Ryan flinch. She ran over into the hallway, took a deep breath and opened the door. Donghae was looking at her with his brown, friendly puppy eyes. His hair covering his forehead, framing his face that held an innocent smile.
„Hey.“, Ryan smiled. 
Donghae replied with an even greater smile, that reached his eyes and made them sparkle.
„Are you ready to leave?“, he asked her.
„I guess so. Is what I wear okay? Or are we going somewhere fancier?“, Ryan asked.
„No, it’s totally fine. You look great.“, Donghae said. 
His hands started shaking when looking at Ryan. She was one of the prettiest girls he had ever seen, and she didn’t even know of her own beauty. 
     The two went down with the elevator and took Donghae’s car. He wasn’t the best driver, but it was the fastest way to get to Hangang.
„I hope you like what I have planned for us.“, Donghae said nervously.
They had parked the car and wandered over to the grass. It was still a little cold, though spring was already present.
„I’m nervous.“, Ryan said and giggled.
„You’re nervous?“, Donghae asked. „I am nervous.“
„Where are we going?“
„We’re almost there.“, Donghae said and looked for the perfect spot. „This seems to be good.“, he then said and pointed at the grass in front of them.
Ryan didn’t quite understand. Donghae started to unpack his bags. He had a blanket, that he spread on the ground, some sorts of snacks and drinks, more blankets and a laptop. 
„What’s all this?“, Ryan asked.
„I wanted to watch a movie with you. But the theaters are so dark and you can’t talk. So I thought why not making our own movie theater.“
This was one of the cutest things someone had ever done for Ryan. 
„You don’t like it?“, Donghae asked with fear inside of his voice, because Ryan didn’t talk anymore.
„No, I love it. It’s such a cute idea.“, she said and placed herself next to Donghae on the blanket.
„Here you go.“, he said and put a blanket over Ryan to keep her warm. „If you’re getting cold, just tell me.“, he said. „Do you want some tea?“
Ryan nodded and the next moment Donghae had a thermos bottle ready to pour some of the hot tea into a cup.
     Even though the movie was running on the laptop’s screen, Donghae and Ryan kept chatting instead of watching. They felt comfortable with each other, there was no weirdness between them.
When the closing credits started running and turned the screen black, Donghae leaned back with a sigh and laid down on the blanket with his hands crossed underneath his head. 
„It’s a much clearer night tonight.“, he said and looked into the stars.
Ryan laid down next to him and observed the tiny spots on the dark sky.
„It’s pretty right?“, he asked with a smile on his lips.
Ryan turned her head to look at him. She was freezing a bit and pulled the blanket up to her chin. 
„Are you cold?“, Donghae wanted to know. 
„It’s fine.“, Ryan said because she didn’t want to make him feel bad.
But Donghae took his own blanket and spread it out over the two of them.
„Hm, Dongae-ya?“, Ryan interrupted the silence again. 
„Yes?“, he turned his head to face her. He looked into her smiling eyes and felt the urge to reach out and touch her face. But he had sworn to his self that he wouldn’t go too far, he wouldn’t let his feelings control him. 
„I really like it here.“, Ryan said. She scooted over closer to Donghae, resting her head against his shoulder. His body tensed from her sudden closeness. 
„You like Seoul?“, he asked.
Ryan giggled. He felt her breath close to his neck and shivers ran over his back. 
„I like it here with you is what I meant. But I like Seoul too.“, she explained.
„Oh.“, Donghae flushed. 
Ryan cuddled her face into his jacket and wrapped her arms around him. „Is that okay?“, she wanted to know.
Donghae nodded, barely noticeable. „I need to leave in a couple of days.“, he then said. It was a topic he didn’t want to talk about, but he felt like Ryan needed to know about his schedule.
„Will you be here for my birthday?“, Ryan wanted to know.
„When’s your birthday?“
„March 4th.“, she grinned.
„That’s good.“, he sighed. „I’ll leave March 7th.“
„For how long?“, Ryan wanted to know. She didn’t know if she was actually sad that Donghae would leave. There was something about him that made her want to be near him. But also it felt unreal. It felt like some sort of dream, maybe too good too be true, or maybe just not meant to be.
„For two weeks.“
„That’s not too long.“, Ryan said.
„It still feels like forever.“, Donghae sighed.
„Are you sad that you have to go?“, Ryan asked him.
Donghae nodded. „Somehow.“
„Don’t be sad please.“, Ryan tried to make him feel better.
Donghae turned his head again. His face was inches apart from Ryan’s. The tension started to rise and made Donghae hold his breath.
„I’m more likely scared.“
„Scared?“, that didn’t make any sense to her.
„Scared that I will loose you when I’m gone.“
Ryan gasped. How could he be so honest to her. Wasn’t this a little risky?!
„Sorry.“, he smiled.
Ryan shook her head. She wanted to tell him that there was no way he could loose her. But exactly the moment she had thought this, Heechul creeped into her head. If only she knew what Heechul meant to her. He was constantly in front of her, making her mind go crazy. Even to the extent that she missed her racing heart whenever he wasn’t around. There was no heart racing with Donghae. Though there was something else. She felt comfortable and save. He was reliable. He was like warm sunshine that made you feel good. 

„You won’t loose me.“, she finally said. But at the same time she felt a small pain inside of her chest, that reminded her that she was lying. Again.

© all rights reserved || copyright by J.J.B. allejmoon.blogspot.com

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