Dienstag, 3. Mai 2016

Sneaky Pretty You - SuJu FanFiction - Ending H

It was close to nine, when Ryan was finally heading home form her work. But still she wasn’t done. She had to prepare a presentation for the next day, which meant she probably had to work through the night.
She went to the small coffee place that was near her apartment building. There was no way she would survive this night, without coffee.
Ryan froze in movement. The glass door closed right behind her and an annoyed man mumbled something, while angrily looking at Ryan since she had stopped and blocked the way.
It was Heechul. And as if the moment couldn’t get any worse, he looked up right then. Their gazes met and a sting went through Ryan’s body. Heechul’s eyes went huge and he rose from his chair. Ryan blinked a few times, went from Heechul to the person he was sitting with. It was a girl with blonde hair. 
„Park Minjung?“, Ryan whispered. All the alarm bells inside of her went off.
     „Oh, it’s Ryan.“, Minjung said when she saw Ryan standing at the entrance.
Heechul nodded though he was unable to move.
Ryan looked at him again and then did the only thing that seemed to be helping - she turned around and ran away. She literally started to run as soon as she was outside the cafe. Her heart was beating inside of her chest. She had never imagined, meeting Heechul would be so weird. She couldn’t even think straight anymore. She entered her apartment building and only slowed down when she was already inside of her hallway and almost in front of her door. 
     „I’m sorry, but I have to go.“, Heechul said and grabbed his jacket from the chair. 
Minjung nodded and took a zip of her coffee. She watched Heechul as he went after Ryan and she seemed to be somewhat disappointed.

Ryan tried to distract herself. She simply turned on her laptop, peeled off her coat and started to work on her presentation. Or at least she intended to do so. She mostly stared onto the screen and her head was showing her images of Heechul. And of Heechul with Minjung.
The door bell rang and made Ryan flinch. A shock went through her. Was this Heechul?! 
Slowly Ryan toddled over to the door and looked on the security screen to see who was standing in front of her door.
She almost screamed but covered her mouth with her hands quickly enough. It was really Heechul who was waiting outside.
He rang the bell again. But Ryan didn’t want to open the door. She didn’t want to face him. 
„Ryan?“, his voice sounded. „I know you’re in there.“, he added.
Ryan went back and forth in front of the door. She thought of switching off the door bell. And just then, it went again.
„Please open the door.“, he said. „I need to talk to you.“
„Go away.“, Ryan then yelled.
„Ryan.“, Heechul went again. „I’ll just ask one more time. Please open the door and let me talk to you.“
Ryan sighed. She stared at Heechul on the screen. He glared directly into the camera, before he slowly nodded and turned around to leave. Ryan held her breath. Maybe this was it, maybe this was her last chance to talk to Heechul. He was here, he went after her. She knew he wouldn’t do that again, if she let him leave now.
Suddenly she grabbed the handle and tore the door open.
Heechul turned to look at her, as she stuck her head through a small gap.
„What?“, she barked.
A slight smile flashed over Heechul’s lips. He then went a few steps towards her and invited himself inside. He pushed Ryan back into the hallway so the door could close behind them. His hands went through her hair and he pulled her close.
Ryan was startled, though she let it all happen. 
Heechul then cupped Ryan’s face and leaned in for a kiss. It was a careful kiss, not like all the other kisses they had shared.
Tears pushed into Ryan’s eyes as she was overwhelmed by the sudden feelings that had captured her body. She quickly pushed him away and faced the floor, so he wouldn’t see her tears.
„I don’t have time right now, I have a presentation tomorrow. So can you please leave now?!“, she pressed over her lips.
„Ryan, don’t make me leave.“, Heechul said.
„Why are you here?“
„Because…“, he said, but couldn’t finish saying what he was thinking.
Ryan rose her eyebrows. 
„Do I really have to say it?“, he said and sort of grinned because he felt awkward.
Ryan just looked at him without saying anything.
Heechul approached and Ryan backed off at the same time.
„Don’t do that.“, she said because she knew what he was planning on.
„Why not?“, he asked her and the smirk was back on his face. Where did he take his confidence from? This wasn’t a situation that should be handled like that.
„You went out with Park Minjung.“, Ryan said and noticed how stupid that sounded. He probably thought she was jealous and his sly grin confirmed what she was thinking.
Heechul already had a bunch of jokes ready to throw into Ryan’s face but he knew this wouldn’t help him at all.
He shook his head. „I didn’t.“
„But I just saw you two.“, Ryan commented.
„I went to see her because I wanted to know how you were.“, he explained.
Ryan didn’t know if she should believe him or not.
„Didn’t I do enough to prove that…“, he said. „…that I like you.“
Ryan blinked a few times. „You what?“
„You really never noticed?“, he wanted to know and there was a slight hint of disappointment inside of his voice.
Actually when Ryan thought of it, there had been moments where Heechul had behaved as if he would like her. 
Heechul reached out for Ryan’s hand, took it and pulled her closer.
„I have to work…“, she wanted to say but Heechul put his finger onto her lips.
„I know. And I’ll let you work in a second.“, he whispered and replaced his finger with his own lips. 
Ryan closed her eyes and sucked in the air while leaning in. She went through Heechul’s soft hair and returned his kiss.
He let go of her with a huge smile. „You said you have to work, right?!“, he said.
Ryan nodded. Though she didn’t want him to leave.
Something inside of her eyes must’ve told him exactly what she was thinking. „I can stay if you want.“, he suggested.
Ryan nodded, although she felt stupid by asking him to stay. 
„But…“, Ryan said.
„But what?“
„But what now? I mean how…“
„What do you mean?“, Heechul asked her.
„Does this start all over again?“, Ryan wanted to know. 
Heechul took her hand again and rose it in front of their eyes. „How can it start all over, when I’ve already returned your shoe.“, he smiled and pointed onto the silver bracelet that Ryan was wearing. Ryan blushed, feeling somewhat caught. Though she smiled at him.
„I’d say we just continue, where we stopped.“, he carefully said and searched for Ryan’s reaction. „I’m sorry that I made things hard for you by telling everyone.“, he then stated.
Ryan swallowed down the sudden lump inside of her throat. She hadn’t even thought of it anymore. And she never expected Heechul to apologize.
She shook her head. „It’s not your fault. I was the one who messed up.“, she sadly said.
„Let’s not talk about this anymore, okay?!“, he went and stroke over Ryan’s cheek. „Just don’t date any other guys from now on.“, he grinned. „I don’t want to share.“
Ryan grinned and clasped her hands around Heechul’s body.
He giggled and buried his head into her hair and placed a kiss on her neck.

„I like you too, Kim Heechul.“, Ryan said with a smile inside of her voice.

© all rights reserved || copyright by J.J.B. allejmoon.blogspot.com

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