Freitag, 23. Mai 2014

Chapter 6 - All Parts/Complete

Leksi felt quite awkward in the silver dress. It reminded her of Annabeth. She and Annabeth both bought this dress but never actually wore it besides in their rooms in the institute. Leksi was glad that the dress still fit but felt a little uncomfortable, since the fabric was really tight. It showed off her slim figure and small hips. When she left her room she already saw Elijah waiting in front of the stairs. He was wearing a v-neck shirt and a jacket with wide shoulders and golden buttons in the front. He looked at Leksi surprised and speechless.
„Is that fancy enough?“, she asked and blushed when she looked into his eyes.
He only nodded. He had never seen her this pretty and until now he thought there wasn’t even a way she could look even better than before.
They headed down the stairs and towards the door.
„Where are you two going?“, a voice interrupted them. Elijah’s mom stood in the kitchens doorframe and watched them.
„You don’t have to care.“, Elijah said and opened the front door. He waved with his hand so Leksi went outside.
„Just walk!“, he said and pushed Leksi forward. He gave Leksi her coat and put his own on.
„Isn’t she coming after us?“, Leksi wanted to know. It was really cold outside. The house of the Blackthorn’s lay a little outside the city. No lights lighted the surroundings.
„No she won’t.“, Elijah said. He didn’t seem to be in a good mood.
„Where are we going now?“, Leksi then asked. They headed upwards the street. The sun vanished in the distance. The view over the city was mind-blowing. Leksi even stopped and starred at the little gleaming light points.
„We’re just going a little farther from the house so I can open a portal.“, Elijah said, waiting for Leksi to move on. He ripped her out of her overpowering: „Open what?“, she gasped.
„Open a portal, so we can leave.“, he said as if it was nothing strange about that.
„How can you do that? Nobody can open a portal.“, Leksi determined.
Elijah smiled at her and denoted to continue walking.
„Since it was quite hard to get out and most particularly into Alicante the Council let Warlocks come up with some kind of spell that allowed steles create portals. You know the entire existing of portals, we owe warlocks.“, he explained.
„Are you serious about this?“, Leksi asked. She couldn’t believe what he just said and had never heard of anything like that.
„Indeed. The steles of the Council were marked so they could open a temporarily portal. It made the communication between the institute heads much easier.“ Elijah had shoved his hands inside his pockets wandering up the street.
„Well, if it’s true what you say, then how come you have a stele like that?“
„It’s my fathers stele.“, he said. His voice became softer. He looked down on the road. „When he died…“, he began another sentence. Then took a deep breath as if he was about to start crying and swallowed down the tears. „A friend of mine took his stele. He told the Council he couldn’t find it and…“, he abruptly stopped talking.
Leksi heard her own footsteps on the street. The night was so quietly. The sun had already set but because of the snow she was still able to see everything. After a long pause Elijah continued: „Well, he kept the stele and gave it to me on my eighteenth birthday.“
„And the Council doesn’t notice you using it?“, she wanted to know. She decided not to talk too much about the dead father subject since she noticed how hard it was for Elijah to even speak about him. She was wondering if anybody knew that Elijah’s dad had died. It was mostly known in the shadowhunters world when someone died. Even though you won’t recognize any of the names. But on an academy with lots of students, somebody must have noticed the relation.
„Traveling with a spelled portal doesn’t affect the shields.“, he said. „Here we are.“
Elijah stopped in front of a brick wall. It seemed to be an old ruin of a huge house that must have been there.
„You ready?“, he asked and had his smile back on his face.
„Always. Show me some magic!“, Leksi laughed.
Elijah pulled his stele out his pocket and began to draw a rune onto the rock. Leksi stepped back when the rune began to shimmer in an awkward light. It started to swirl in itself and a watery whole appeared on the wall.
„This is so weird.“, she said still not believing what she was seeing.
„It won’t be open for long so we have to go.“, he said.
„Is that save?“, she asked and rose her eyebrows.
„Just try and think of nothing.“, Elijah said. He took her hand and pulled her towards the portal.
„You’re hand is freezing.“, he determined.
„Sorry.“, Leksi answered but couldn’t concentrate on anything else but the swirling something in front of her.
„When we jump through the portal you have to hold my hand. Don’t let go. No matter what happens don’t let go.“, he said.
„Why?“, Leksi wanted to know.
„Because you don’t know the place I’am taking us and it would probably rip us apart.“, he said and tried to sound as calm as possible.
„Just admit this is just another way to be close to me.“, Leksi grinned at him.
„What?“, he asked puzzled.
„I was just joking.“, Leksi calmed him down.
„There’s no time for joking. We need to go now.“, he said with a slightly angry face.
„There’s always time for a good joke.“, Leksi said and rose her chin theatrically. 
„But your joke wasn’t good.“, Elijah replied.
„It sure was good.“
„Can we leave now?“, Elijah asked.
„You are the one discussing this entire joke thing.“
Elijah just shook his head. „When I count to three you start running and jump into the portal. Try to think of nothing and keep holding my hand.“

It didn’t took more than a few seconds and the portal spit them out. Leksi hit the hard ground. Her knees hurt and her hand was slightly skinned.
„I will get some serious bruises from that.“, she moaned. Elijah stood next to her tapping dirt off of his coat.
„Don’t complain. Be happy that it worked.“, he said.
„What worked? I thought you’ve done this before?!“, Leksi asked confused.
„The portal is actually only conceived for one person.“
„Are you freaking serious? How could you make me travel with you. We could have died in there.“, Leksi yelled at him. Only now she realized they weren’t alone. Leksi and Elijah had arrived on the end of a stone staircase that lead to a jetty for boats. The water of the river was almost black and it smelled a little rotten. Some passengers walked by and curiously watched them.
„But we didn’t die and don’t yell at me.“
„What the heck is wrong with you?“, Leksi wanted to know. She shook her head unbelievingly and started walking up the stairs.
„Where are you going?“, he asked and headed after her.
„Somewhere where you cannot risk my life.“, she said madly.
„You are totally exaggerating this situation.“, he now yelled.
„Why can’t you understand that I like living and want to be informed if anything could cause my death.“, she replied and rushed down the sidewalk.
„If I would have told you the risk you wouldn’t have come with me.“, he put into consideration.
„Of course not. That’s the point.“, she turned around screaming at him.
„Could you please stop rushing and screaming?!“, Elijah said. „I was pretty sure that it would work, okay?“
„How sure? Like eighty percent?“, Leksi rolled her eyes.
„Just stop picking on that. We survived that’s what matters.“
„You could at least apologize.“, Leksi said. She stopped and leaned against the rusty railing beyond which the river flowed.
„I am apologizing. I am sorry. I really am. But there’s no point of running away from me. You don’t know the streets and you won’t be able to get back without me.“
„Point for you.“, she admitted. „So where are we?“, Leksi wanted to know. She was done arguing with Elijah since she couldn’t win anyways.
„Prague.“, Elijah answered. Leksi’s eyes widened. She turned to the railing and watched the houses on the other side of the river.
„You said you wanted to see Prague, so I figured why not now.“, he shrug his shoulders.
„Thank you.“, she whispered. She smiled over her entire face. Even though it was quite dark and Leksi wasn’t able to actually see much, she already loved it. She loved the rotten smell of the dirty water, the frozen air, the brick houses and white covered streets with footsteps all over them.
„I knew you would like it.“, Elijah said and stepped next to her leaning on the railing watching the reflecting dancing lights in the broken water.

„What is that?“, Leksi asked confused and looked at the old building in front of which Elijah had stopped.
„It’s a club.“, he said.
„It doesn’t look like a club. It looks like someone died in there.“
„Don’t judge a building by its outer looks.“, he grumbled.
„I feel overdressed already.“, Leksi said and looked down on herself.
„I promise you, you won’t be.“, he smiled.
Elijah started moving to the left side of the building. A staircase lead down to a door which was covered in awkward neon lights. A man stood in front of the door, watching the two as they were heading down the stairs.
„Mr. Blackthorn, how nice to finally see you again.“, the man grinned with quite an accent. He was obviously glad to see him.
„I said I’d come back.“, Elijah replied.
„How is everything going?“, the man wanted to know. He had black hair and a huge scar in his face, running from his ear to his lip.
„Everything is fine so far. How have you been? Is the club running well?“
Leksi was a little confused by the smalltalk Elijah and that guy had. She had never seen him talking to anyone, especially not in that nice way.
„Better than ever. Since the vampires behave, everything is perfect.“, he answered.
Immediately Leksi wasn’t sure anymore if she really wanted to go inside this building. She was afraid being confronted with vampires. Not that she hasn’t seen one before, but somehow they were her enemies.
„Who did you bring with you?“, the man wanted to know and pointed at Leksi.
Elijah turned around. „That’s a friend of mine. She’s going through a hard time so I wanted to take her mind off things.“
„This is definitely the right place for that. But please don’t cause any trouble.“, he winked and opened the door. Loud music filled the air. Elijah and Leksi went inside. A sweet scent overwhelmed Leksi. It reminded her of Elijah’s cinnamon smell just way sweeter and more penetrant. The club was a huge room. Right behind the entrance was a bar with some colorful servants. The barstools were golden with leaves all over them. Also leaves were covering some of the pillars that seemed the entire room. To the sides were small benches and tables that were mostly taken by weird looking creatures. Leksi spotted some fairies and also recognized a few vampires in the middle of them. Since she couldn’t identify the other creatures she thought they must have been demons. She didn’t see any shadowhunters though.
„This place is really scary.“, she yelled against the loud music. She felt the bass vibrating through her veins.
„You’ll get used to it.“, Elijah smiled and pulled her into the masses. „Just let yourself go.“, he said. There was a light in his eyes that was scaring Leksi. He seemed to be another person. The music overtook him. That was not the concentrated Elijah she had seen during training. This was a guy having fun, dancing to the music, not thinking about anything.
„I think I am not the person to do so.“, she said leaning towards him. She felt really uncomfortable. But at least not overdressed anymore. There were half naked bodies and glittery girls everywhere.
„I can get you a drink if you want.“, he said.
„I don’t know if that would be a right thing to do.“, she put into consideration.
Elijah pulled her back to the bar. Leksi felt really watched. She had the feeling that every pair of eyes was starring at her.
„Are those people watching me?“, she asked and pressed herself against Elijah’s body. 
„Of course they are.“, he said when they finally reached the bar.
„What can I bring you?“, a fairy servant wanted to know. Elijah ordered something that Leksi didn’t understand.
„You wanna sit down?“, he asked and pointed at a free stool.
„No, I’m fine.“, she said and looked around the club. She caught the eye of a young man with blonde hair. He was wearing long black coat and a white shirt with open buttons so you could see his chest. He held Leksi’s glance. She smiled weirdly and turned back to Elijah.
„I don’t like them starring at me.“, she said. Her blonde hair covered half of her face, trying to hide behind the streaks.
„Just ignore them.“, Elijah said and pulled the glasses near them. „Here you go.“
„What is that?“, Leksi asked. The liquid in the glass was somehow blue and green mixed with some silver particles in it.
„That doesn’t matter.“, Elijah said and drank his glass with one zip.
Leksi shrug her shoulders and also emptied her glass.
„You feel anything yet?“, he asked her.
„Should I?“, she rose her eyebrows.
A girl with long purple hair neared behind Elijah. Leksi had already noticed her watching him.
„Hey shadowhunter.“, the girl said. Elijah turned around. „What brings you into a club like this?“, she asked with a flirty tone. She blinked with her flattery lashes and stroke over Elijah’s arm.
„The great atmosphere.“, he replied.
„I actually don’t hook up with shadowhunters but I make an exception for you.“, she said and got closer to Elijah.
„I’m sorry but I’m attended by someone.“, he said and tried to push her back.
„Oh, I saw that boring blonde girl. She’s a shadowhunter, too?“
„She is.“, he replied with an unimpressed voice.
„Shadowhunter with shadowhunter, isn’t that quite unexciting?“, the girl fluted and grabbed Elijah’s collar.
„If I ever feel the need for more excitement, I’ll get back to you.“, he said and took her hands off of him.
„It doesn’t seem like your girl is that satisfied with you.“, she said and nodded into Leksi’s direction. She had enough of seeing Elijah flirt with the pretty purple haired and got into an unwanted conversation with one of the servants. She already had her fourth drink of something she didn’t know and that didn’t even taste that good.
„And that is the excitement.“, he winked and turned away from the girl. „How many of these did you drink?“, he asked and ripped the glass out of her hands.
„I stopped counting.“, Leksi said. In her head the world was spinning. She felt overjoyed and light like a feather.
„Are you okay?“, he wanted to know.
„I never felt any better.“, she smiled. „What’s with the girl?“, she asked and looked over his shoulder searching for her.
„What should it be with her?“, he asked and shook his head.
„She was pretty.“, Leksi said softly and started laughing. The servant slowly disappeared to some other guests.
„You really had enough.“, he determined.
„Let’s go dancing.“, Leksi said. She took Elijah’s hand and pulled him onto the dance floor.
„Are you sure?“, he asked.
„Aren’t you? Oh, do you wanna dance with that other girl? I can go look for her.“
„No. I just wanted to make sure that you’re fine.“
Leksi smiled and shoved herself through the crowd. The vibration of the bass made her feel like someone else. She started enjoying that light headed feeling and dizziness. She danced to the beat and after a while Elijah seemed to get a little looser and joined her moves. All the sudden Leksi felt someone touching her hips, dancing pretty close to her. She turned around and looked into a black pair of eyes.
„Hello, my beauty.“, the guy grinned. Leksi saw his fangs and moved back a little bit. The vampire grabbed her hands.
„Excuse me?“, Leksi gasped.
Elijah stepped between the two, pushing the vampire back.
„Don’t you think you’re a little too old for her?“, he smiled challenging.
„And you are?“, the vampire wanted to know in an arrogant tone.
„Her boyfriend, so you better back off.“
„I’m sorry I don’t meant to hit on your girlfriend, Nephilim. Lucky you.“, the vampire said and vanished into the masses with a grin.
„Interesting.“, Leksi said when Elijah faced her.
„Vampires are easy to ward off. They don’t like to get into fights with couples. They just take what they can get.“, Elijah explained.
Leksi nodded. She didn’t really realize what was happening. Her hands were shaking and tingling. She pressed herself against Elijah’s body. She ran her hands into his hair and over his back. His hair was tickling her face. His skin was hot and a little sweaty and he smelled more like cinnamon than ever.
„Lex?!“, he gasped totally overwhelmed by her sudden closeness.
„Deja vu.“, she laughed in his ear.
„Are you feeling okay?“, he asked. He enjoyed her touches but also felt like this was wrong.
„I’m letting go.“, she explained. „You know, you smell like cinnamon.“, she whispered in his ear. „How come I can whisper and don’t need to yell anymore?“, she wondered.
„It’s the drink.“, Elijah said. He grabbed her hips and pulled her even closer. He felt her skinny body and bones. She felt so frail.
„Why do you smell like cinnamon?“, she asked but let him no chance to even reply. „You smell so good.“, she whispered and closed her eyes, soaking in his scent. Leksi stroked his hair away from his neck and leaned her head on his shoulder. The music made them move together. Elijah’s thoughts were rushing through his head. Whether to push her back or not. He got crawlies all over his body. He felt her breath near his neck. Leksi clawed over his back, digging her nails into his skin.
„Stop me, if you don’t want anymore.“, she whispered. Elijah felt her soft lips on his bare skin. Smooth kisses covered his neck and jawline. He felt like he was about to faint any second. He closed his eyes and let himself go within the cold kisses.
„Lex!“, he gasped and tried to clear his mind. Leksi stopped and raised her head to look him in the eye. His pupils were almost as big as his iris, which made him look quite demonish. Now he exactly looked like his mother. His breath was quickly, almost like he was hyperventilating.
„You’re not yourself right now. You shouldn’t do this.“, he panted.
Leksi only smiled at him and shook her head.
„Please. Stop. I don’t want you to do anything you don’t mean.“, he said and held her away from hisself.
„But…“, she said but Elijah shook his head.
„You’re not looking too good, aren’t you feeling well?, he asked.
„I don’t know.“, Leksi answered. She was indeed feeling a little different. The joy became something like a sad feeling and she felt really sick. Her head was still spinning but it also started to hurt. Elijah pulled her off of the dance floor to one of the empty benches.
„What is happening?“, Leksi wanted to know as she sat down. It felt like her head was about to explode. The blood inside her veins started burning. But not the kind of burning she had before, it was a caustic pain.
„I can’t move my hands.“, she said and tears filled her eyes. „Elijah, what is happening?“, she whined.
„The impact is decreasing.“, he explained.
„It hurts.“, she said. „It really hurts.“
„I’ll go get you some water.“, Elijah stated and wanted to rise but Leksi stopped him.
„No, don’t leave me alone.“, she moaned. She cuddled against his shoulder. Elijah took her hands. He had experienced this before and knew how Leksi felt.
„You’ll be feeling better in a bit.“, he said and put his arm around her. Leksi closed her eyes and tried to focus on the pain and make it disappear. She wanted to cry because she felt so helpless and weak.

Elijah breathed in her scent. He had his eyes closed and held her tight. He somehow felt bad for Leksi’s condition. If he hadn’t talked to the fairy, Leksi wouldn’t have drunk without him noticing. He knew that she would never blame it on him. Knowing this he tried to relax and wait until Leksi was moving again. She lay in his arms, breathing slowly. He wasn’t able to see her face but he noticed the wet drops on his right leg, that must have been tears that fell from Leksi’s eyes.
It was a weird feeling being in the club with her. All the time Elijah came here, because he wanted to shut down and forget everything that was bothering him he was all alone. He wasn’t interested in any of the girls here. He had this sort of bad boy image but had no idea where that came from, since he never did anything to any girl. Slowly the effect of the drink vanished. His ears hurt from the loud music. He wasn’t able to hear Leksi breathe anymore. He was wondering if she fell asleep. Some of the creatures looked at them pretty curious and some seemed like they were even worried about Leksi.
„Can we leave?“, Leksi mumbled but noticed that she hasn’t been heard. She looked Elijah in the eye. He smiled at her and helped her stand up.
„Are you felling better yet?“, he asked her yelling against the music. Leksi nodded. She put her hands on her ears, since she had the feeling the music was making her eardrum rip apart.

The sun started rising beyond the snow white city. The air was fresh and cold. The sky was already light blue with red and orange stripes. A few clouds shoved their way in front of the sun.
„Was it that cold before?“, Leksi asked.
„I guess so.“, Elijah replied.
„This feels really good.“, she said and took a deep breath. The icy air cleared her mind and head.
Elijah started walking up a street that lead in small curves to a bigger road with cobblestone.
„Where are we even going?“, Leksi wanted to know. She felt better but weariness made her walk slower. She wanted to immediately fall into a soft bed with lots of pillows and cushions.
„Trying to get rid of someone.“, he answered grinding his teeth.
„We’re followed.“, he said.
Leksi turned around and noticed a few figures a little further behind them. When she took a closer look, she recognized that vampire from the club.
„Why are they following us?“, she whispered. She was surprised by herself that she remembered to whisper since the vampires were probably able to hear her talking in her normal voice.
„I don’t know. When we’re around that house, we start running, okay?!“, he said and tried to not turn around anymore. Leksi had a bad feeling but as soon as they passed the building she started to run. She deep snow made it hard for her to move forward and she was a little afraid she would stumble over her own feet.
All the sudden a man stood in the middle of the road, baring his teeth and grinning.
„Where are you two going so fast?“, he asked. Leksi saw the other two vampires on the rooftops on each side of the street.
„What do you want?“, Elijah asked in an angry tone.
„Well. First of all you lied to me.“, the vampire started.
Elijah rose his eyebrows.
„You are clearly not in a relationship with that young lady. So I feel pretty hurt you didn’t think of me as the perfect candidate to make her happy.“, he said and starred at Leksi. She felt quite uncomfortable but managed not to back off.
„I find it quite interesting that you are apparently something like a love doctor knowing who is in what kind of relationship.“, Elijah joked.
„Anyhow.“, the vampire sighed. „We want that girl.“, he said and pointed on Leksi. Something in his glance had changed. He seemed now pretty angry and his creepy smile was gone.
„You can’t have me though.“, Leksi replied. Elijah looked at her surprised.
„There were plenty of pretty girls, why do you want her?“, Elijah asked wary.
„Because she is the one.“, the vampire answered.
„You thought there were many pretty girls?“, Leksi asked alarmed.
„What?“, Elijah asked confused.
„You just said there were plenty of pretty girls.“
„Typically you.“, Leksi grunted and crossed her arms in front of her chest. The vampire seemed really confused and looked back and forth between them.
„What is typically me?“, Elijah wanted to know.
Leksi just shook her head.
„And that’s typically you.“
„If you two would be so kind and stop. This is really annoying.“, the vampire interrupted.
„Oh maybe I just go with the vampires then. If there were so many pretty girls you could just take anyone with you. You wouldn’t even notice the difference.“
„That would be wonderful.“, the vampire smiled.
„Are you jealous?“, Elijah gasped.
„I am not jealous.“, Leksi replied.
„So are you coming now?“, the vampire asked and reached out for her. Elijah shoved himself in front of Leksi.
„She’s not going anywhere.“, he demanded.
„Why do you even care?!“, Leksi said.
„Are you serious about this?“, he asked her.
„You heard the girl. She said she would come with us.“, the vampire tried again.
„Could you just stop talking? I’m dealing with something here.“, Elijah said.
„You two are really exhausting. I want that girl now.“, the vampire yelled.
Leksi noticed that the vampires from the roofs slowly started to climb down, nearing the scenario.
„I tried to get her the easy way but it seems like you want to fight.“
„Why do you want her? What is it about her. Tell me and maybe you can have her.“
„What?“, Leksi panted and slapped Elijah’s back.
„She is the one.“, the vampire replied.
„The one what?“, Elijah asked.
„The parabatai our lord is looking for.“, he said.
„What do you mean? How do you know about parabatai?“, Elijah squinnied his eyes.
„We know a lot about the shadowhunters. Our lord likes to see your kind suffering.“
„What do you mean?“, Leksi interrupted the conversation.
„Well, our lord likes to kill parabatai. But that one is missing his collection.“, he said and nodded into Leksi’s direction.
„I am missing?“, she asked. Her head was spinning and she slowly started to realize what was happening.
„My lord killed one of you. Your parabatai. You are the missing part. So I will bring you to my lord and receive the reward.“, he grinned.
„She’s not the missing part.“, Elijah yelled.
„Yes she is.“
„No. She’s my parabatai.“, he said.
„I don’t believe that.“, the vampire said and looked at Elijah challenging.
„I can prove it.“, Elijah said and started to pull up is sleeve. „Here.“, he said and presented the academy rune on his arm.
„What is that?“, the vampire wanted to know.
„I thought you knew so much about us. That is the parabatai rune. We get them in the ceremony.“, he explained.

„So she got the same rune?“, the vampire asked and rose his chin.
Leksi immediately pulled her sleeve up to expose the academy rune.
„Well, that’s a remarkable point. But see, my lord didn’t tell me about those runes and the girl still looks like the one we are searching for. So unfortunately I have to take her anyways. In fact I can take you both in case she really isn’t the one. Oh, my lord will be so pleased.“
Elijah slowly moved his hand to the grip of the knife he carried underneath his jacket in his belt. He knew they wouldn’t get out of this without fighting.
„Seize them!“, the vampire demanded. The other two started running towards them. Elijah used the moment of surprise and pulled out his knife, running it into the vampire’s body. He turned the blade around, moved it upwards and slammed him on the ground.
„Is that all you got?“, Elijah spitted.
In the meantime Leksi was struggling with the other vampire. She wasn’t fast enough to grab the knife she put around her leg underneath her dress, so she first had to fight with her hands. The vampire tried to grab her but he was pretty clumsy so Leksi had an easy job beating off his claws.
Elijah already attacked the last vampire.
„I won’t be as easy to kill.“, he said and his fangs appeared.
Elijah indeed had a hard time fighting with him. He was much faster and easily avoided Elijah’s stabs.
Leksi finally pulled out the knife. She kicked the vampire’s knees. A dull cracking noise sounded and the vampire groaned, sinking on the ground. With a fast movement Leksi slashed his throat. Bitter red blood ran out of his body, dripping on the white snow. Lastly Leksi stabbed her knife into his heart. The vampire spluttered more blood, hitting Leksi’s hands. She looked at the secretion disgusted. For one second the wanted to wipe it off in her dress, but decided not to, since it survived the fight until now.
Elijah still tried to finally stab the last vampire. He seemed to enjoy this little game, avoiding Elijah’s knife. He almost looked like he was dancing.
„Hey!“, Leksi yelled to get the vampire’s attention. „I am the missing part. Your lord killed my parabatai Annabeth.“
The vampire focused her with a gleam in his eyes.
„I suppose you’re quite busy over there, so I just leave now.“, she said and turned around. She heard the vampire running after her.
All the sudden she turned around running towards the vampire. She caught Elijah’s glance and nodded. He also started running into the vampire’s direction. The vampire got confused by Leksi facing him. He stopped moving, waiting for Leksi to arrive in front of him. A few feet away Leksi jumped high in the air over the vampire, landing on the other side. Her ankle made a weird noise when hitting the ground behind the vampire and Elijah. When the vampire turned to see where Leksi landed, Elijah already stood behind him grinning.
„Sorry.“, he smiled and ran his knife into his heart. 
"Great. My dress is ruined.", Leksi complained, looking at the blood stains on the silver fabric.
Elijah laughed. "That was a great fight.", he said. "I was really surprised when you whipped out that knife."
"A shadowhunter has to be prepared.", she answered. "Do you think, he said the truth?"
"What do you mean?", Elijah wanted to know.
"Is there someone killing parabatai? And he's now looking for me?", she asked looking on the ground.
"He knew quite much about parabatai. I can't imagine he made the story up."
"So there is someone out there killing us as a joke? Annabeth had to die because she is a parabatai? Does Helen know that? Is anyone aware of that?", question over question was in Leksi's head and none of them could be answered.
"First we should go get some rest. Then we can see what we can find out about that 'lord' the vampire mentioned.", Elijah said. 
Leksi nodded. 
"What happened?", Elijah asked when he noticed Leksi was limping. 
"It's okay, I just twisted my ankle or something.", she replied.
"I can carry you."
"No, I can still walk. Is it far where we're going?"
"No, it's actually around the corner.", Elijah said. 
"What's with the dead vampires?", Leksi asked.
"A friend of mine will take care of that, as soon as we get there."

© all rights reserved || copyright by J.J.B.

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