Montag, 23. Juni 2014

Chapter 7 - Complete/All Parts

„This is where your friend lives?“, Leksi asked. They had stopped in front of a white building with stairs leading to a porch with some old garden furniture on it.
„Only at this time of the year.“, Elijah said. He walked up the stairs and before he was even ready to knock on the door, it swang right open.
„Elijah! So good to see you. Come here.“, a man said, overwhelmingly hugging Elijah. The man was quite asian looking with blue hair and catlike eyes.
„Who did you bring with you? I wasn’t expecting you bringing any guests.“, he said.
„Aleksa, meet my friend Magnus Bane. Magnus, this is Aleksa Monteverde.“
„Ah, the parabatai girl. I feel very sorry for your loss.“, Magnus said.
Leksi was speechless. Magnus, who seemed to be a warlock, was definitely the most handsome downworlder she had ever seen. His skin was really smooth, he seemed to be in good shape. Some blue sparkle around his eyes reflected the light of the rising sun. He wore a dressing gown that dazzled in all kinds of green tones.
„Did I say something wrong?“, he asked in Leksi’s direction.
She shook her head. „No! Sorry, I… I just…“, she began a sentence but was interrupted by Magnus bursting out in laughter.
„It’s fine, I’m used to reactions like that. Come on in.“, he said and waved the two into the house. The living room was a total mess. Carpet lay over carpet, some pieces of furniture were randomly arranged throughout the room and on top of that books piled up everywhere. 
„What happened?“, Elijah asked after he entered.
„I am redecorating a little.“, Magnus smiled.
„A little. I can see that.“
„Well, you guys have to be tired! Did you have a good time at the club?“
„We did. And yes, thank you.“
Magnus climbed over some books and headed towards a corridor. He showed Elijah and Leksi their guest rooms and made his way back into the living room where he started sorting the books.
„Have a good night.“, Elijah said.
„I don’t want to go to sleep.“, Leksi replied. „I have so many questions.“
„For example?“
„Like, where do you know Magnus from? And is it okay to stay at a warlocks house?“
„I can answer you these questions, when you wake up.“
„I can’t sleep now. I am wide awake. Oh and tell him about the vampires.“
„He knows.“, Elijah said.

„How?“, Leksi asked.
„He just knows.“, he said and entered his room. Leksi stayed in the corridor. She looked at the pictures with a family on them. On one picture they stood in front of a tree, filled with red apples. On the next one they all sat in a boat, floating on the river. Leksi wondered who these people might be. She didn’t recognize Magnus on any of them, so she supposed it could be friends or maybe people who once lived inside this house. A cold shiver ran over her back by thinking about all of them being dead. Like some weird house where a murder had happened. Leksi had heard that buildings like that were pretty cheap, since no one would want to live in such house. Leksi’s glance stroke over another picture. It showed a young boy with an older man. A father with his son. Something was different about this picture. The frame was not out of wood. It looked new. Also there were grey marks on the wall, where an old bigger picture must have been. But somebody replaced it with this photograph. Leksi took a closer look. The boy had pale skin and light blue eyes. It was Elijah. Leksi held her breath. He looked so happy, so innocent. She supposed he must have been around 10 years old on this picture. The man, Elijah’s father smiled over his entire face. His eyes had the same color as Elijah’s. Freckles covered his friendly face and his hair was a dark blonde color.
„Are you coming?“, sounded Elijah’s voice through the corridor. „I thought you needed some questions to be answered.“, he said and stuck his head out of the door.
„Right.“ Leksi entered Elijah’s guest room. It was a little smaller than the one she was supposed to sleep in but it had everything needed. Elijah had already taken off his jacket and changed into some comfortable clothes.
„Do you want to change first?“, he asked her.
„I didn’t bring anything with me.“, she said.
Elijah went to a closet and pulled out a grey piece of fabric. „You can wear this.“, he said.
„Thanks.“, Leksi said and went into her room to change. Elijah had handed her a grey sweater. Since he was a little taller and a lot wider than her, the sweater was a little big. Leksi put her silver dress on a chair and put on some slippers that were set in front of the bed. The sweater smelled like Elijah. The fabric was really soft and gentle on her skin. She felt a little weird not wearing any pants, but since the sweater ended just above her knees she just walked over to Elijah’s room. He sat on a small couch waiting for her. When Leksi entered, he looked up.
„Does that work?“, she asked him.
„Of course.“, he answered. „You mean the sweater, right?!“
Leksi grinned and sat on the other side of the couch.
„So?!“, she began.
„What do you wanna know?“, Elijah sighed.
„Where do you know Magnus from?“
„I actually know him through my dad. They were really good friends.“
„How did they meet?“, Leksi wanted to know.
„I don’t really know. Neither of them were really talkative when it came to that question. Over the years I just gave up asking. All that Magnus told me is that they kept saving each others lives. Until Magnus screwed up.“
„What? He screwed up? It was his fault?“, Leksi asked aware.
„No. It was nobody’s fault. Magnus was there. He couldn’t have done anything.“
„How do you know?“, Leksi kept asking not noticing that Elijah had a hard time talking to her.
„Because I was there, too.“, he said almost whispering.
„You were there?“, Leksi breathed.
Elijah nodded. „I thought is was my fault. Magnus believed it was his.“
„But is wasn’t.“, Leksi finished his sentence.
„Everyone left. And so Magnus and I left. It was too late to save him. I know that today. But right after it happened I hated myself for leaving and not fighting until the end. Isn’t that what shadowhunters do? Protect others with their lives?!“, he said. An angry undertone resonated in his voice.
„In some way.“, Leksi replied. She didn’t really know what she was supposed to say. She was shocked. She would have never thought that Elijah could talk that openly to her.
„Will you ever tell me the entire story?“, Leksi asked after a while.
„Maybe one day.“, Elijah smiled. He seemed relieved and Leksi respired. „You have any other questions?“
„Magnus is a warlock, right?“, she asked.
„Yes.“, Elijah answered. He was more cheerful now.
„That must be quite helpful.“, Leksi assumed.
„In what way?“
„In the way that you have a warlock as a friend.“
Elijah laughed. „But he has a lot of shadowhunter friends. Somehow shadowhunters, including the Council don’t hate warlocks as much as the other downworlders. One more thing that shows how selfish the Council is.“
„But that’s nothing new.“, Leksi grinned. „Did he ever perform magic for you?“, she asked curiously.
„Now and then.“, he answered.
„Really?“, Leksi’s eyes widened.
„That’s really not that big of a deal.“, Elijah replied.
„It is for me.“, Leksi defended her enthusiasm.
„He is not able to help you with the Council, if this is what you’re going for.“
„Did you really have to remind me of my hearing.“, Leksi snorted. „I don’t even wanna think about it. I hate the Council. They should just put me into prison or exclude me or whatever they want to do. Just get it over with.“
„Don’t speak like that. Everything will turn out fine.“, Elijah tried to calm her down.
„How can you be so sure?“, she asked him. Elijah didn’t answer. He only starred at her. There was something in his glance that Leksi believed him. It was a strange kind of knowledge and calmness. It was something that unlike Blake, Elijah could give her. She had to smile.
„I’m pretty tired now.“, she said.

Even though the sun was shining through the window in Leksi’s room and illuminating everything with a golden sheen, she fell right asleep. Her head was hurting when she finally woke up. It felt like she had been sleeping for a few days. Her bones felt numb and she was still really tired. Leksi slipped out of bed. Still drowsy, she made her way into the bathroom. She refreshed her face with some cold water, put her messy hair into a bun and peeked out of the door into the corridor. She heard some noises from the back of the apartment. Since she didn’t have anything else to wear apart from that silver dress and Elijah’s sweater she decided it wouldn’t be too much if Magnus Bane saw her like this.
Leksi followed the noise and found herself inside of a kitchen, with Magnus sitting at the kitchen table.
„Oh hi there.“, he said and smiled. „You finally managed to get out of bed? I know those mattresses are just heavenly. Guests always have a wonderful time sleeping on them. You want some food? I didn’t know what you wanted to eat, so I just ordered something.“
Leksi only nodded and sat down at the table. There were some piles of fruit and rolls. She took a cup of coffee standing in front of her.
„Well, that coffee must be cold by now. It was delivered a while ago.“
„It’s fine. Thank you.“, Leksi said and spied through the kitchen door to see of Elijah was around here somewhere.
„Oh, Elijah left. He should be back soon.“, Magnus said.
„Where did he go?“, Leksi asked and took a sip of her coffee. It indeed tasted awful because it was freezing cold.
„I don’t know. He takes off all the time. Don’t you know that habit about him?!“
„Sure. He leaves all the time. I sort of noticed that.“, she replied and smiled. She should’ve supposed that Elijah was gone. Again. She somehow wished that for once he wouldn’t have left her alone. First at his place and now with a warlock, who was a stranger - for her at least.
„Do I make you feel uncomfortable?“, Magnus asked in his harmonic voice.
„No, it’s actually more the clothes, than you. I didn’t really thought this whole thing through and didn’t bring anything.“, she said and grabbed a roll.
„You were staying at his house before?“, Magnus asked.
Leksi nodded.
„I don’t want to be rude or anything, I’m just really curious about what happened.“
„Last night?“
„No, at his house. I believed you weren’t allowed to leave Alicante.“
„You really do know a lot.“, Leksi laughed. „I met Elijah’s mother. I don’t know what I ever did to her, but she seemed to really hate me.“
„Elijah’s mother?! I see. Tanya just seems to hate everybody. Don’t take it personal.“, Magnus said with a sad undertone. 
„Why?“, Leksi wanted to know. Somehow she felt that Magnus was somebody she could trust. If Elijah trusted him - and that wasn’t often - he must be reliable.
„Love is a great weakness of humans. And not only humans.“, Magnus started. „Love is one of the most powerful feelings. If you loose that love, it leaves you full of hate. Some can’t handle that and turn it against everyone they know or not even now, but meet.“, he explained.
„Is that because of Elijah’s dad? What happened there? Elijah said you were there too. I mean, when it happened.“
„I’m sorry, but that’s a thing between you and Elijah. I can’t tell you more than he wants you to know. That wouldn’t be fair.“
„It’s okay. I shouldn’t have asked.“, Leksi said.
„Elijah is a great guy. You should really honor that he trusts you.“, Magnus said.
Leksi looked at him. She didn’t think of it that way.
„You must have something, Aleksa. You seem to be really good for him.“
„What do you mean?“, Leksi asked.
Magnus smiled at her. „We meat here once a year and he never brought anyone with him. Above all not a girl. You must be special. I can see what he sees in you.“
„You can?“, Leksi was confused. She didn’t expect the conversation to turn into this direction and wasn’t sure if she liked it.
„You’re strong. You’re a fighter. But at the same time you’re incredibly vulnerable. You two are quite alike. You feed from each other’s fear of loosing and that’s what makes you both stronger.“
„How come you think you know so much about me?“, Leksi wanted to know.
„I’m really old, Aleksa. And I met a lot of shadowhunters and downworlders.“
„I see.“, Leksi replied and drank the rest of the cold coffee to fill her stomach.
„You see the good in him and you summon it to the surface.“
The front door opened with a klick.
„Remember my words. Don’t give up on him.“, Magnus said and rose from the chair. Leksi looked at him questioning but there was no time to further ask. Elijah walked into the kitchen. His brown hair was covered with some snowflakes and his cheeks were flushed from the cold.
„What were you two talking about?“, he asked and grinned.
„Nothing special.“, Magnus answered and winked at Leksi.
„I hate to say this, but we have to get back.“, Elijah said.
„So soon?“, Leksi asked.
„The hearing. It is tomorrow.“, he said stiffly.
Leksi’s heart dived. All of the thoughts rushed through her mind. Everything she feared was present in front of her eyes. She saw the Council and all the shadowhunter eyes darting at her.
„Are you okay?“, he asked and kneed in front of her. „You look really pale.“
„I’m gonna be fine. It just hit me.“, she said and tried to smile.
„You will! I will talk to Mrs. Wayland so I can come with you, okay?!“
„You think she will let you?“, Leksi doubted.
„I can’t make any promises, but I’m pretty sure she will.“
Leksi nodded. She felt sick and more scared than she had ever felt.
„I’m sorry, Magnus, my stay is only so short. I will come back after the hearing.“
„You are always welcome here, you know that. And so is Aleksa. I have plenty of room for both of you. We should celebrate her succeed.“, he smiled.
„Don’t speak too soon.“, Leksi said. She liked Magnus’s positive attitude. „Thank you so much for letting me stay here. I really appreciate it.“
„I’m always helping my favorite shadowhunter and his friends. Well, second favorite shadowhunter at least“, he grinned.
„So you and Alec are still all lovey-dovey?“, Elijah asked him.
Magnus didn’t answer but the smile that spread over his entire face spoke volumes.

Leksi changed back into the silver dress. It was still spilled with vampire blood but her coat covered it for the most part. The Blackthorn’s house still looked the same. When they entered, the musty air welcomed them. Elijah’s mother didn’t seem to be home. It already got dark and no light was turned on.
Leksi headed upstairs, directly followed by Elijah. When they reached the top of the staircase, Elijah grabbed her arm.
„Do you want to go to sleep right away, or…“
„Or?“, Leksi asked him and turned around. She didn’t know how she did it but she didn’t got hypnotized as easily anymore. She focused his light blue eyes, that gleamed in the dimmed light.
„I know something quite relaxing we could do. But you have to change first, because blood spilled clothes would totally ruin the atmosphere.“, he smiled.
„I’m always up for relaxing things.“, Leksi smiled back.
„That’s what I thought. Put on something comfortable and meet me in front of my door, will you?!“
Leksi nodded and hurried to get into her room and change. She put on a pair of black leggings and a light sweater that she liked wearing when staying in bed all day. She was a bit nervous but couldn’t figure out wether is was because of her hearing or because of Elijah. Something had changed when they were out at the club. Something between them was different. Not only that she felt like she’d know him forever. It was also a feeling of responsibility - like she had to protect Elijah. It was what Magnus had said. He was vulnerable too. Just not visible for everyone. But since she had seen it, since she knew why he put on his wall of hate, despite and disinterest, she understood his behavior. She would’ve probably behaved the same way. He was defending his self, almost drowning in self doubts and hate. That hate that he had taken from her when teaching her how to fight and how to merge within the music.
Leksi knocked against Elijah’s door. It was dark inside of his room. Only the light of the moon showed his silhouette in the door frame. He opened the door to the left. Behind it was another staircase.
„Shall we?“, he smiled. Leksi took the first step into the darkness. Elijah pulled out a witchlight and closed the door behind them.
„Where is this leading to?“, Leksi whispered.
„You will see.“
The attic spread into both directions. A large window showed the black sky with millions of little stars on it. Underneath that window lay some blankets. Elijah sat down and so did Leksi.
„This is my favorite place in the entire house.“, he said. „There’s something so peaceful about it, don’t you think?!“
Leksi nodded and lay down on her back to watch the sky. The moon was full and round and illumed everything with a silver shine. Elijah lay down next to her. She could hear him breathe.
„Thank you.“, she whispered.
„For what?“
„For everything.“
Elijah turned sideways resting on his elbow. „You’re welcome.“, he whispered back.
Leksi smiled at him. He looked so young in the moonlight. His pale skin glowed white and his hair shadowed his eyes and cheeks, leaving two light blue shimmering dots within the black and white frame. 

All eyes were focussing her. Leksi wore her school uniform. In some way to make a good impression. She tried to look down on the floor, avoiding all the piercing glances. Everyone who came here today was aware of who she was. But she couldn’t tell whether they were with or against her. 
„I’m here for you.“, Elijah whispered in her ear. 
„I know.“, Leksi smiled. Her hand reached out for Elijah’s and found it. Elijah stroke over the back of her hand. He got closer next to her, hiding their hands between their bodies. 
„Look who’s here.“, he said. When Leksi looked up she saw Blake in the mass of shadowhunters. Leksi wanted to immediately run to him, but Elijah held her back. 
„Why not?“, Leksi wanted to know.
„Everyone is watching. Don’t show them your weakness. Don’t show them you’re afraid.“, he answered.
Leksi nodded. She watched Blake as he made his way through the crowd looking around. He finally caught Leksi’s glance. A smile spread over his entire face and he almost started running towards her. His look fell on Elijah, which made his smile crumble but he played it down and hugged her. 
„You came.“, she said, returning his hug, throwing her arms around him. Elijah starred at Blake. It was his usual unhappy face, not really clear, what he was thinking. It was a mixture of repulsion, respect and some kind of disappointment. 
„I said I’d be here.“
„I know, I just didn’t expect it anymore.“, Leksi said. A sort of relief spread through out her body. 
„How was your stay. Was he nice to you?“, he asked, releasing her out of the hug, nodding in Elijah’s direction. 
„Yes he was.“, she smiled and looked at Elijah, who was focusing Blake. 
„You’re not the only nice guy, Blake.“, Elijah spit.
„Oh, no Loverboy anymore? What happened?“, Blake asked.
„I think it’s just not accurate anymore.“, he said with his wryly smile. 
The gleam in Blake’s eyes died. „I can tell.“, he said looking back and forth between Elijah and Leksi. „They opened the doors, I will be somewhere inside there.“, he said and turned to walk off.
„But Blake!“, Leksi yelled after him.
„You’ll be fine.“, he said and disappeared. 
„What’s up with him?“, she asked confused. Elijah shrug his shoulders but he seemed to be pretty pleased. 
„Miss Monteverde! You will be let inside in a minute.“, Mrs. Wayland appeared in front of them. Her hair was put up into a tight updo. She looked around hectically as if she was searching for someone.
„Is everything okay, Mrs. Wayland?“, Elijah asked her.
„Ya, it’s just that…“, she started but broke off in the middle of the sentence.
„What?“, Leksi asked.
„They’re gonna be here.“, she breathed.
„Who? Who’s gonna be here?“, Leksi urged.
„Annabeth’s parents.“, she answered, still looking around.
Leksi’s jaw dropped. She froze, stopped breathing. 
„We have to bring you inside now.“, she said. She grabbed Leksi by her shoulders and pushed her towards the entrance of the hall. 
The seats were all taken by shadowhunters. There was not a single spot that was free. Leksi was wondering why so many people seemed to care. She had never been to any hearing at all. She wasn’t 18 yet, so she wasn’t allowed anyways. Elijah didn’t leave her side. The Council was already present, sitting on their chairs, talking to each other. A large chair was put in front of them. Leksi assumed this was her seat. On a table was a sword, she knew what this was meaning. It was the mortal sword. She was forced to say the truth. She had never seen anyone being asked under the sword. But she had heard that is was painful. 
„You are going to be fine. I promise you that.“, Mrs. Wayland tried to calm her down.  Leksi only nodded. 
„Elijah and I will take our seats now.“, she continued.
Elijah pulled her close. „Lex! I will be here. You can get this through. You’re strong. Stronger than anyone I ever met. You didn’t do anything wrong. Because you are honest and caring. You’re not alone on this. Don’t let them bring you down. I will be at my seat to support you and so is Mrs. Wayland. And even Blake. We’re all here for you.“, he said quietly in her ear. 
Elijah was right. She didn’t do anything wrong and she would now proof this to the Council. She looked Elijah in the eye for one last time, unable to say something. She searched through the shadowhunters, to see Blake’s familiar face. When she was about to give up, she finally spotted him and gave him a smile.
„Silence everyone.“, a women’s voice sounded through the Gard. „Since some of the Penhallow’s family is in some way involved in this case, I will take the spot of our valued Consul Jia Penhallow.“, the women said. A murmur ran through the shadowhunters. 
„Aleksa Monteverde, stand up please.“, she said. „My name is Gemma Gladston, I will be in charge of your case and your hearing.“
Leksi rose. Gemma had a friendly looking face. She seemed to be nervous, which made Leksi feel a little better.
„Miss Monteverde we will start with the hearing now. If you would take the mortal sword for us?!“, she said. Another Council member walked up to the sword. Leksi placed herself in front of it. She took a deep breath and took the sword. A cold shower rushed through her veins, causing her a headache.
„Is it true, that you were Annabeth Kingmills’s parabatai?“, Gemma asked.
„Yes.“, Leksi replied.
„It is true that you swore to protect her with your life, did you have an oath to fight by her side and die by her side?“
„Can you tell us, what happened the night Annabeth Kingsmills got killed? Tell us with every detail.“, Gemma demanded.
Tears pushed against Leksi’s eyes but she swallowed them down.
„I talked to Annabeth that day. It was fullmoon. It was our sleepover night. We used to stroll around the gardens, watching the moon. Annabeth loved the fullmoon. She told me stories, her wishes. She always talked about dancing under the fullmoon, about love, true love. But she came to me that afternoon, telling me she wouldn’t make it that night. She wanted to go see Hayden.“, she said. Her hand was shaking. She sword had such an immense strength that Leksi had to take a pause.
„Go on, if you’re ready. Tell us about Hayden.“, Gemma said. It was totally quiet in the hall. 
„ She met him in summer. We were meeting up in Jarry Park. She got there before me, because I had been at the library to buy a birthday present for Cedrick. She told me she met a boy named Hayden. From that day on they started meeting in the park. It was mostly on weekends or on our free days. She really loved him. I could tell. She smiled all the time, when she talked about him. She was happy.“, Leksi had to smile when she said those words. She remembered how Annabeth was full of joy. She remembered her being all nervous before each date with Hayden.
„Good, Miss Monteverde.“, a man said. It was the Inquisitor, Robert Lightwood. „Now let’s get back to the night of Annabeth’s dead.“
„Right.“, Leksi started. „Annabeth and Hayden were dating for four months. It was their anniversary. She left at night, when Helen and Aline were already asleep. I told her to take a dagger or any other weapon, but she refused to. She was afraid Hayden would find out and ask questions.“
„So Hayden didn’t know she was a shadowhunter?“, Robert asked.
„No. She told him she was homeschooled. He never knew where she lived. She told him her parents were really strict and won’t let her bring home a boy.“
„What happened then?“, Gemma wanted to know.
„I woke up in the middle of the night. My rune was hurting, it was bleeding and fading. I screamed and cried.“, Leksi said. She put on her monotone voice. She didn’t want to break out in tears. Still now she had the feeling her rune was hurting.
„I knew that something had happened to her. Aline, Helen, Cedrick and I ran down to Jarry Park and found them.“
„You found them dead?“
„Yes. They were both dead. Hung on a lantern. Their bodies sliced open. We immediately knew that this was the work of a demon.“
„Thank you Miss Monteverde. Any further questions to the defendant?“, Gemma asked and looked around the group of shadowhunters. „No?! Miss Monteverde you can sit down for now.“
Leksi went back to her seat. She was really tired.
„We like to ask our first witness in this case. Aline Penhallow, please come and take the mortal sword.“
Leksi watched Aline making her way from the really back of the hall. She looked different. Leksi hadn’t seen her since she had to leave the institute. Aline took the sword, not looking at Leksi for a single time.
„Miss Penhallow were you aware about one of your charges dating a human?“
„No, I was not.“
„How was it possible for her to sneak out of your institute?“
„The institute is big, I can not be everywhere.“
„Is it correct, that only Annabeth Kingsmill left the institute, while Aleksa Monteverde stayed?“, Robert asked.
„And she did not tell you, about Miss Kingsmills’s disappearance?“
„No, she didn’t.“
„Any further questions?“, Robert asked. „Miss Penhallow, you may take your seat. Our next witness is Helen Blackthorn.“
Helen also didn’t look at Leksi. They asked her almost the same questions. Leksi felt Blake’s glance on her. But she didn’t want to look up. Somehow the questions made her feel miserable. Everything sounded like it was her fault. She had Elijah’s words in her head, but she had a hard time to still believe what he had said.
„We have one last witness in this case.“, Robert Lightwood said. Leksi looked around for Cedrick. But he wasn’t there.
„Doloris Kingsmill please come down here.“
Leksi stopped breathing. She saw Annabeth’s mom walking down to the mortal sword. She was the first one looking at Leksi. But she couldn’t read her expression. 
„Mrs. Kingsmill, is it correct, that Aleksa Monteverde was your daughters parabatai?“
„And is it true, that they had an oath to fight and die together?“
„Yes.“, Doloris said. Her voice was strong and she seemed a little angry. 
„Do you therefor agree that it was Miss Monteverde’s responsibility to take care of your daughter?“
„No.“, she said and glanced at Robert who seemed to be surprised.
„No?“, he wanted to know. Gemma gasped and Leksi looked up.
„I raised my daughter to be a shadowhunter. She was strong, she was single-minded, she did what she wanted to do. No one could keep her from it. Not only was it my daughters own decision to meet that boy, it was also her own decision not to take a weapon. My daughter did not need anyone to take care of her.“
„But wasn’t it because Miss Monteverde let her go, that she got…killed?!“
„Maybe she would’ve survived if Aleksa would have been there. But it would also be a risk for both of them to die. You are accusing a young girl to be responsible of the death of her parabatai. It is hard enough for her to handle that loss. If I would be you, I would ask the troop that was supposed to be around that area of the park that night. I know they weren’t there.“
„Mrs. Kingsmill please put a bridle on your tongue.“, Robert cautioned her.
„Mrs. Kingsmill, do I understand you right - you don’t blame Miss Monteverde for any of the charges against her?!“, Gemma wanted to know.
„Yes, you understood me right.“, Doloris said.
„No further questions.“, Gemma said. She sighed. Doloris walked back to her seat, giving Leksi a look full of apology. 
„Miss Monteverde please come here one last time.“
Leksi rose and took the mortal sword again. 
„Do you have anything to say in your defense?“, Gemma asked.
„I know that I screwed up. But I trusted Annabeth. I respected her wishes and I wanted her to be happy, to experience love. In our lives we don’t experience that a lot. We have a lot of losses and deaths. I knew that she hated to be a shadowhunter. That she wished for a normal life. That’s why I let her go. Because I cared for her. I cared for her feelings.“, Leksi said. A tear roll down her cheek. She looked at Elijah, who watched her carefully. She supposed he knew exactly what she was talking about. 
„I am really sorry, Annabeth died. But she was happy. She died in love. She didn’t die alone and she didn’t die while fighting for someone else’s life.“
„I understand.“, Gemma said. „We will take a short break. After that we will tell you our decision.“
Shadowhunters started rising. Some headed outside, some just discussed with others. Leksi shut down her ears. She didn’t want to listen to any of that. The Council disappeared to decide the verdict. 
„Are you okay?“, Elijah asked her. Leksi nodded. She didn’t want to talk. Mrs. Wayland patted her shoulder. The minutes the Council was deciding, felt like ages. 
„They’re coming back.“, he said. He and Mrs. Wayland went back to their seats. 
„Silence!“, Gemma yelled again. „Please rise everyone. The Council came to the conclusion that this case is a not-guilty verdict. There will be no further consequences for Miss Monteverde. She may stay at the Blackthorn’s house for winter break and will be allowed to return to the academy after that. She may not return to the institute in Montreal though. At least not until the investigations are still running.“, Gemma announced. 
Leksi’s heart drowned. It felt like all the weight and fear fell off of her. She jumped up and ran to Elijah, who already spread his arms to hug her. She clasp her arms around him.
„I told you.“, he said. 
„I know! I made it.“, she said. She clung her head against his shoulder. She breathed in his familiar smell. „Thank you so much.“, she said sobbing.
„Why are you crying?“, he asked worried.
„I don’t know. It’s just too much for me. I mean what now? It is not over yet.“
„Don’t think of that now, okay?! We will deal with everything.“
„You’re still helping me?“, Leksi asked looking at Elijah.
„Of course. I’m your parabatai-in-law.“, he joked. Leksi laughed.
„I’m so glad Miss Monteverde. And I will be happy to have you at the academy after winter break.“, Mrs. Wayland interrupted the two. 
„Thank you. I will be there.“, Leksi said.
„And if you don’t want to stay at the Blackthorn’s house - no offense - you’re welcome to stay at my house for the time.“, Mrs. Wayland offered.
„I really appreciate that, but I think I will be fine.“, she said, smiling at Elijah. He had lost his smile, obviously afraid about Leksi’s answer. He knew she didn’t like it that much at his house, and even though he wanted her to be happy, he’d like her to stay with him. Also they had a lot of things to do.
„Hey, congratulations to your non-guilty verdict.“, Blake said. He appeared behind Elijah and Leksi.
„Thank you.“, Leksi said and hugged him. He seemed a little stiff. „Is everything fine?“, Leksi asked him.
„Sure.“, Blake said. „Well, I really have to go. I have to get back to my parents, we have a lot of things going on.“
„Oh, ok. Have a good trip. I will see you after winter break then.“, she said. Blake nodded and turned to walk away. 
„I guess you will be fine then.“, Mrs. Wayland said. „Have a good break, but don’t forget to study. School won’t be any easier and finals are coming up for you, Mr. Blackthorn.“
„Don’t worry, I have the ultimate geek here.“, Elijah laughed. 
„Sooo?“, Leksi started. „Are we gonna celebrate?“, she asked when Mrs. Wayland was gone.
„You want to?“, Elijah wanted to know.
„Well, you said you would return to Magnus and he said he wanted to celebrate my success. We can’t turn that wish down.“, Leksi smiled.

© all rights reserved || copyright by J.J.B.

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