Samstag, 9. August 2014

Chapter 8 Part 1

Leksi looked into the mirror. Even though she had a great success today at the court, she didn’t feel like partying. She couldn’t even remember why she wanted Magnus to throw that party. They totally had much more important things to do before winter break was over. Elijah had told her to relax for just one evening but that was harder to do than to say.
Magnus had turned the living room in his apartment in Prague into a colorful place with green and pink lamps. Flashing lights and glittery stuff covered the walls and lead out into the small backyard. Leksi walked down the stairs and captured the impressions. The trees were full of tinsel, tables were filled with all kinds of weird looking food and beverages.
„You look great.“, said a voice. Leksi noticed Elijah next to a swing. He held a  cup in his hand and took a sip of a shimmery liquid.
„Thanks.“, she said and walked up to him. A light breeze stroke her hair and made her shiver. It was pretty cold. Heating lamps warmed up the backyard. Elijah stood far away from one of those lamps. He wore a black shirt which complemented his wonderfully light eyes.
„I know you don’t feel comfortable by having a party tonight. But we may find some stuff out about that demon we are looking for.“, he said.
Leksi looked up curiously.
„A lot of downworlders are coming tonight and they’re actually quite chattery when they were drinking enough.“, he explained.
„Is that the actual reason for the party?“, Leksi wanted to know.
Elijah grinned. „No, the actual reason is to party.“
„The guests are arriving soon.“, Magnus yelled into the backyard. He stuck his head through the door. He wore a snake patterned pair of pants and a lot of glitter in his face.
„You guys are not standing there the entire night, are you?!“, he asked and rose his eyebrows. „You can be all cosy afterwards.“, his lips formed a knowing smile. Leksi immediately flushed and stared at the ground to avoid Elijah’s glance. He moved first.

After a while the backyard was filled with some creatures. Fairies, warlocks and probably some sorts of demons. It was like being in the club just a lot more familiar and not so scary. While Elijah faded into the crowd, Leksi stood next to the scenario. She didn’t want to drink since the last time she did, she was not herself anymore. She was here on a mission, no time for drinking.
„Hey, are you Aleksa?“, a girls voice sounded in Leksi’s ear. A small girl had appeared next to her, leaning at the wall. Leksi wondered who she was.
„And you are?“, she asked, surveying the girl. She had pale skin, blue eyes and dark brown hair tied into a high bouncy ponytail.
„I am Lizzy.“, she shortly answered.
Leksi discovered a rune on her neck and she only now noticed that she was holding her breath.
„Where’s Elijah?“, she wanted to know. Her eyes were searching through the crowd. It was hard to say how old she was but Leksi assumed she was only a few years younger than herself. Her blue eyes were lined with some pitch black eyeliner. She wore a leather jacket and some heavy boots.
„He is over there.“, Leksi answered and pointed in the direction she had lastly seen Elijah.
The girl nodded and left her side. Leksi saw how she patted Elijah on the shoulder, how he turned around, his eyes widened with surprise and he clasped her in his arms. Leksi felt how her heart ached a little. She should’ve known that everything that had happened between them was worth nothing. But nevertheless she felt a little hurt and hoodwinked. She had seen Elijah smile but his smile when he saw that girl, was bigger than she could have ever imagined. It was honest joy. He took her face into his hands and before Leksi even realized her feet carried her inside of the house. She was a little dizzy and directly bumped into Magnus.
„Where are you heading so fast?“, he asked her.
„I don’t know. I just wanted to hang inside a little.“, she said somehow lying. She shook her head and made her way into her room. Leksi closed the curtains and rolled onto the bed. She closed her eyes and tried to blind out the music and voices.
A knock woke Leksi up.
„What are you doing in here?“, Elijah asked. He closed the door behind him and walked up to Leksi’s bed. She sat up, still drowsy.
„I was looking for you.“, he said and sat down.
„You were?!“
„Magnus said he saw you coming inside a while ago but I didn’t think you would hide in here.“, he said.
„I’m not hiding.“, Leksi tried to defend herself.
„Then what are you doing here?“
„I was just tired and wanted to rest a little.“, she said. She didn’t want to admit that she actually just didn’t want to see Elijah getting close with the pretty brunette. 

„Are you okay?“, he wanted to know.
„Sure.“, she said and climbed out of bed. She felt a little uncomfortable next to Elijah and she knew that he saw something was not alright. The only way to escape from Elijah was to head back to the party and mix with the crowd. But before she could reach the door, Elijah already stood behind her.
„Lex! Don’t lie to me.“, he said.
„Did you find something out yet?“, Leksi asked.
„Not yet.“, he admitted.
„Ya well I assume that’s pretty hard while flirting with some girl.“
„I see, I should’ve slept in my room, cause this is way better, right!?“, he spit out.
Leksi didn’t expect such a reaction. She thought he would’ve joked around, played it down or would laugh about her obvious jealousy.
„Don’t turn this thing around now.“, she said angrily.
„I am not! And Lizzy is my cousin.“, he replied.
Leksi’s jaw dropped. That was more than just embarrassing. She could’ve lived with Elijah liking another shadowhunter girl but that she totally misinterpreted the situation was worse than anything.
„I don’t even understand your problem. Magnus sees it, Blake sees it, everyone sees it, just you don’t.“, he almost yelled.
„See what?“, Leksi asked confused.
„I don’t wanna talk about this now. Just forget it and concentrate on that demon because that’s everything you’re doing anyways.“
He pushed her aside a little too harsh than he was going for, walked out of the room into the corridor.
It took Leksi a while to somehow understand what had just happened until she ran after him. She couldn’t see him anywhere and when she was just about to look in the backyard the brunette girl Lizzy appeared next to her.
„He rushed outside the front door and seemed pretty angry.“, she said with a monoton voice, her hands shoved in her pockets. „Seems like you really messed up this time.“
„I didn’t do anything.“, Leksi gasped. „And who are you to tell me what I did.“, her words came out a little to aggressive but Lizzy didn’t take it offensively. She shrug her shoulders. „Like I said, I’m Lizzy, Elijah’s cousin. Should’ve known that he didn’t mention me. But he mentioned you. And from what I heard he’s pretty into you.“
„What are you talking about?!“, Leksi asked. It was one thing to think that Elijah might like her but to hear it from a relative she had never seen before was not only creepy but totally confusing. What did Elijah tell her, that she came to such conclusion?!
„See, Elijah doesn’t like people very much. You don’t think he would just help any girl with some problems and take her to Prague?!“
„Well, no…“, Leksi started but Lizzy interrupted her. „I don’t know what’s going on between you guys, I just know that it’s really rare that a name appears more than just one time in his letters.“
Leksi just stood there, unable to reply anything.
„What are you waiting for?! Go after him.“, Lizzy said and waved into the door’s direction.
Leksi immediately rushed out the door and followed the footsteps that lead from the door down the street. She was totally exhausted when she finally saw Elijah. She ran even faster. Her lungs hurt from the cold air, her hands where numb and her cheeks blood red.
Elijah heard her steps behind him and when he turned around to see who was running after him, Leksi already reached him and threw herself into his arms.
She tried to breathe evenly. For a moment she looked him in the eye. He seemed a little surprised and didn’t say a word.
„I…“, Leksi was about to start. Elijah took her face with both hands. The warmth of his body spread into Leksi.
A second later Leksi felt his soft lips on hers. She gasped, closed her eyes and leaned in. She gripped his wrists, heard her heart pounding faster and faster. He filled her body with so much warmth she didn’t even feel the cold anymore. The city lay quiet underneath the two, with snowflakes swallowing any noises.
His kiss was so intense, the sweet cinnamon scent floated into her veins, made her dizzy. His hands ran into her hair, pulled her closer and she let him. She reached out for his soft skin, ran down his neck, clung her hands into his shirt. His aura caught her. She let go, let herself fall into that demanding kiss which became more engaging. She felt his muscles underneath the soft fabric. She wanted that moment to never end. His soft touches made her forget everything around her.
„Lex!“, he whispered in between the kisses. „We should get back, you’re freezing.“
„No, I’m fine.“, she whispered back and knew how stupid that sounded. Elijah’s blue eyes lay on her. The reality slowly creeped back to her.
He smiled. The setting sun stroke the two. His hair gleamed in the light. That golden hint made him stunningly attractive and Leksi had to admit that he had something really fascinating about him.
„Your lips are already blue.“, he grinned.
Leksi now realized how cold it actually was. Elijah leaned down to her and gave her one more kiss. Leksi was urging to continue but Elijah gently pushed her away and laughed.
„You will get some more chances to kiss me.“, he said. „You really need to warm up.“
Leksi nodded. Her hands were shaking. Elijah put his arm around her shoulder and together they started heading back to Magnus’ house.

© all rights reserved || copyright by J.J.B.

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