Mittwoch, 9. Dezember 2015




Kwon Joosuk out on bail

Former Elbi Entertainment manager Kwon Joosuk is now out on bail. He was arrested for several actions including falsification of documents. But much more important was his mishandling with prosecutor Baek Hyeonmin.

Elbi Entertainment had reacted immediately and dismissed Kwon Joosuk from the agency and put him on the red list of managers once again.
But also one familiar face, Dr. Yoo Hyojin, was involved in this case. He was the doctor who gave Ahn Jaerin the false medication. Even though he could have easily disappeared, he testified and confirmed that Kwon Joosuk forced his clients to take medication instead of caring for their health and real problems. 

The evidence was clear and Kwon Joosuk was convicted for his crimes. Even more shocked are people now, since he bought himself out of prison. 


Trial against Yoo Hyojin begins

The incidents referring to the case of Baek Hyeonmin seemed to have passed already and it became rather quiet. 
But everyone is remembered of Kwon Joosuk’s doings with the start of the trial against former doctor Yoo Hyojin, who was involved in several cases of illegal drug prescription. 


Yoo Hyojin finally convicted

It has been a long process and a lot of court meetings were needed to finally convict Yoo Hyojin, former doctor, and lock him up. 
During the entire trial, Yoo Hyojin and his defending lawyer were pleading guilty. Though the amount of damage Yoo Hyojin had been causing when he was still active as a doctor needed to be evaluated. Since he was working illegally no actual records could be found. With no evidence, the defendant could not be convicted. 
The police was even gathering witnesses to speed up the process, but for some reason there was no one who wanted to speak up.
Finally the judges came to a final conclusion and convicted Yoo Hyojin for three years in prison and 128 hours of community service.



It was a cold winter day. School was finally over and I was heading back home. Christmas was right around the corner, the streets were filled with beautiful lights and it seemed like the first few snowflakes would come soon.
I noticed there was something strange. Something was different when I arrived at the small fisher house I was living in now. I walked up to the front door, unlocked it and went inside. I could smell the burning wood inside the chimney and followed its warmth into the living room. 
I was startled.
Everyone stopped speaking when they saw me. 
I looked inside a pair of perfect black eyes that seemed so familiar, I almost forgot I haven’t seem them for more than a year now. I dropped my bag, starring at Taejung, who was sitting on our couch and having tea with my parents.
„I think this is a successful surprise.“, my mother said. She was the first one to get up. She put her arm around my shoulders. I wasn’t able to move. I wasn’t even sure if I was only imagining Taejung being here.
But then he moved. He rose from the couch - He must think I live in a total rat hole - and came over, placing himself right in front of me. 
„Common honey, I think we should let those two alone.“, my mother waved my father.
„What why?“, he asked and didn’t want to leave the warm living room. 
My mother squinted her eyes and so my dad followed her with a sigh. As soon as I was alone with Taejung, I couldn’t hold myself back anymore. I stepped forward, clasped my arms around his body and dug my head into his shirt. I breathed in his sweet smell. I wanted to remember this forever.
Tears started to fill my eyes. „I missed you so much.“, I whispered. 
Finally Taejung returned my hug. He pulled me closer, I felt the warmth of his body, heard his heart underneath his chest and felt every breath he took. For the first time in one year, I really felt alive. My entire body started to tingle and I almost felt like loosing my consciousness.  
„I missed you, too.“, Taejung said. His voice overwhelmed me. All of the sudden he was so close I felt like choking. His voice was too loud, too near. 
I always imagined how it would be to see him again. I even dreamt of seeing him over and over again. But I never thought this would actually happen.
I backed off a little, observed his face. He looked the same. His hair was gleaming red, but apart from that, nothing had changed. It wasn’t even weird to see him with a new hair color, since I had seen it on so many pictures already. I had tried to force myself to not look him up on the internet, to not follow his solo actions, but I wasn’t able to. My entire school was pretty much obsessed with Taejung and of course with teasing me about it. 
„Why are you here?“, I finally brought over my lips.
Taejung smiled at me. „To bring you back.“
„What?“, I breathed.
„I already talked to your parents.“, he said.
„You what?“, I was close to freak out. I didn’t know why, but I got really scared that moment.
„They agreed. You can come back to Seoul and start working again.“, he smiled. „Of course only if you want to.“
I was speechless. I didn’t know what to say. My head was entirely empty.
„Hey, are you okay?“, Taejung asked and looked at me worriedly. „Let’s talk about this after you sat down.“, he said and lead me over to the couches.
„I always thought you would want to return, if I was wrong, I…“, he said but I interrupted him.
„No. You were right. I’m just not prepared for this right now.“
Taejung nodded. „See, I arranged a meeting for you with Mr. Lim.“
„Sihyun’s manager?“, I asked. 
„He’s willing to sign you on.“
Every word Taejung said just seemed too good to be true.
„He was actually suggesting this when you were still at my place recovering. He wanted to buy you out of the contract with Mr. Kwon and Elbi Entertainment. We were all shocked when you announced you would return home. And I was even more shocked when you left without saying goodbye.“, he said and his tone became sadder. 
„I’m sorry. I was too afraid I wouldn’t be able to leave if I would have seen you again.“, I said and for some reason I even said the bitter truth. 
„I know you’re probably afraid to come back, but it’s different this time.
„How is it different?“, I wanted to know.
„You have a new manager, who you know you can trust. And a new agency that takes care of you. And you got me and Sihyun. And apparently you have other friends too.“
„What do you mean?“
„You remember Jung Junyoung?“, he asked.
Of course I remembered him. He was that weird guy, who was talking too much. He was forced by Mr. Kwon to kidnap me into his apartment. 
„What’s with him?“, I replied.
„He wants you for his new music video?“
I starred at Taejung. I heard his words but my head didn’t want to believe them.
„A few months after you left he contacted me and asked if you would return soon or if you left for good. He told me about the incident in his apartment and that he feels sorry for what he did. He said when you would return in time, he would consider you taking part in his new music video. I didn’t know if you would come back with me right away, so I gave you some space. Maybe it’s too late now, maybe you want to stay here now. But if you want to leave and go back so Seoul, there are a lot of opportunities waiting for you.“, he finished his explanation.

My parents came back into the living room.
„Well, it’s almost time for dinner. Taejung, do you want to stay?“, my mother asked him.
Taejung shook his head. „I need to get back I have a tough schedule.“, he said.
I followed Taejung outside to his car. Now I knew what looked weird when I came home. I was just wondering why I didn’t recognize Taejung’s car right away.
„Hyeonmin.“, he said when he was about to get into his car.
He turned around and looked at me with his stunning black eyes. My heart was going crazy again and I already felt a weird pain. It was the pain I felt all year long because I was missing him so much. 
„I don’t want to miss you anymore.“, he whispered. „Please come back to me.“
He came closer and embraced me once again. I never wanted him to let go of me. 
„Do you know how hard it was to not see you for so long? I wanted to visit you earlier but I was afraid that you didn’t want to see me.“
I wasn’t able to reply anything. So I just shook my head and pressed myself closer to Taejung.
All of the sudden Taejung grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me back. „Hyeonmin, if you don’t want to return to Seoul, please tell me. I won’t stand another day missing you, hoping you would come back. If you have decided to stay here and live your normal live, just tell me so I can let you go.“, he said and I heard how shaky his voice was.
„Don’t push me away.“, I said and searched for something inside Taejung’s face. He wasn’t looking at me but starring into the distance. 
„Look at me.“, I whispered. „Please.“ I was about to start crying again. I tried to swallow down the tears and speak with a somewhat strong voice.
Finally Taejung’s eyes caught mine. It was a weird moment. It felt like all of my emotions started to heat up inside of my body.
„Don’t let me go.“, I said. 
Taejung’s grip on my shoulders loosened and for a second I was afraid he would let go off me. But then his hands found my cheeks. He lowered his head, coming awfully close. And then his lips collapsed with mine. Goosebumps covered my entire body. I got dizzy, tasting his sweet and soft lips. I closed my eyes and breathed in every bit of this moment.


Baek Hyeonmin stars in Jung Junyoung’s new MV Telescope

It has been a long time since we heard anything of the beautiful model Baek Hyeonmin, who was mostly known under the name Clover.
More than a year has passed since the young girl revealed the truth on TV and decided to quit her career and finish school in her hometown. 

The now 17year old model apparently signed under a new management and landed her first job. 
We all remember the dating rumors of rocker hottie Jung Junyoung and Baek Hyeonmin back in 2015.
Apparently Jung Junyoung was impressed by the visuals of Baek Hyeonmin and offered her a role in his new music video for ‚Telescope‘.

Fans are excited for the comeback of Jung Junyoung and they even showed their support for Baek Hyeonmin. Any sort of dating rumors caused by antis, don’t effect the true JJY fans.

What do you think of Baek Hyeonmin’s return? 

Jung Junyoung’s Telescope enters the charts

Jung Junyoung just released the title track of his new mini album titled ‚Telescope‘. The first single, which titles the same, instantly ranked number 1 in this weeks Music Bank single charts. 
Also the music video surpassed 1million views over night and the comments go crazy about the talented singer and the beautiful female lead, Baek Hyeonmin, who plays Junyoung’s love interest.

Lee Taejung and Baek Hyeonmin confirm to be dating

Apparently history does repeat itself. In 2015 Level Five’s maknae Lee Taejung and model Baek Hyeonmin (former known as Clover) confirmed to be dating by Elbi Entertainment. Although Taejung later claimed the relationship was set up and only for promotional reasons.

Now the two officially released a statement in which they say they are dating for real this time. 
After the last confirmation Hyeonmin gained a lot of haters, especially Levelers were against that relationship.
It’s really brave to state they are in a relationship, after all Hyeonmin just recently entered into business again.

Baek Hyeonmin opens up instagram account

Model Baek Hyeonmin finally responds to fan requests and opens up her own instagram account. And isn’t it cute how she follows Lee Taejung (@L5TJ), Kang Sihyun (@kingshu) and Jung Junyoung (@sun4finger) only?!
Find her instagram account here: @100hyeonmin*

Baek Hyeonmin to be the face of Etude House’s Fruity Lips

Etude House announced a new line of lip products for the upcoming spring season. After a lot of rumors if fx’ Krystal might be the face for the line once again, Etude House now confirmed that model Baek Hyeonmin will be the official face for their Fruity Lips. 
We’re already excited for the campaign pictures and of course the fruity tastes that are promised with those new lip products.

At the end of the rainbow most watched drama of 2017

We all loved Yoo Han’s drama ‚At the end of the rainbow‘, starring Kang Sihyun and Jeong Ara. But now it’s official as ‚Ater' becomes the mot watched drama of this year. 

If you haven’t watched ‚Ater' yet, start now on 


*baek is the korean word for 100 = 100hyeonmin = baekhyeonmin

© all rights reserved || copyright by J.J.B.

Sonntag, 22. November 2015

RETOUCHED - Chapter 13 - My name is Baek Hyeonmin

Where am I, was the first thing I thought when I woke up. I was laying on the floor, a soft blanket covered my body. I looked around and recognized a traditional house. The unknown surroundings made me panic right away and I sat straight up on the futon. This wasn’t the greatest idea. My head immediately started spinning. 
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. When I opened them again I reminded myself to stay calm. I slowly let my gaze wander around the room. I found my jacket on a hanger next to the slide door. Also my purse was there. I crawled over the floor to get it and searched for my phone. The battery was dead and I didn’t bring my charger. 
My fingers started tickling as I got more curious where I was and more important how I even got here. I didn’t remember anything from last night. Or from whatever night it was. I wasn’t even sure if it was only the next day or if I was maybe passed out for more.
     The door slid open and I backed off, holding my purse in front of me as if I could hide behind it.
„You’re awake.“, a woman said. I looked at her with huge, scared eyes. She replied with a nice smile. „Don’t be scared, Clover.“, she said. Why did she know my name?
„Where am I?“, I asked her with a shaky voice. I hated that my voice never sounded strong when I wanted it to.
„I’m Lee Junha, Taejung’s mom.“, she said.
„Taejung’s mom?“, I stuttered. 
She nodded. Junha had short black hair and a fringe that covered her forehead. She looked young but there was something inside of her face, that made her look mature.
„Taejung brought you here last night. He said you weren’t feeling well and that you needed to stay here for a while.“, she started explaining.
„Taejung brought me here?“, I asked because I couldn’t believe her. Was this still a dream?!
„Why is it so astonishing?“, she grinned. „You should go wash up and eat something.“ And with these words she left the room and closed the door behind her.
I was confused. Why would Taejung bring me here. What had happened? I tried to remember but there were only blurry pictures. The only thing I seemed to remember was lying in Taejung’s arms. But until just now I thought that was part of my dream.
I did as Junha said. I discovered a small bathroom behind a door and that this traditional house was more modern than I first thought.
I slipped inside some comfy clogs and tried to make my way to the kitchen. I followed the smell of rice and the quiet babbling I could hear.
The kitchen was actually a rather big room with a cooking place and a huge table which was surrounded by a bunch of chairs. It didn’t look like only one family was living here. Although there were only few people sitting on the table, eating rice and side dishes.
„Come sit.“, Junha said with a friendly voice and a bright smile while placing another bowl of hot steaming rice onto the table. I nodded shyly and took my seat on the empty chair next to a grey haired women. I wasn’t sure how to behave but bowed my head a little to greet them. They were obviously elders but I didn’t know how conservative they were. The old lady grinned at me, showing a row of yellow teeth. 
„You must be Clover.“, she oinked.
„Who else is she supposed to be. We don’t even have guests.“, Junha said and frowned.
The old lady immediately starred at her and symbolized her to shut her mouth.
„Clover.“, the old lady said towards me. The name made me flinch again.
„Please, call me Hyeonmin.“, I said. It was the first time I brought those words over my lips.
The ajumma looked at me with her blurry eyes and even the man who was sitting with us looked up from his dish. Everyone was silent, waiting for my explanation. 
„My actual name is Baek Hyeonmin. Clover is some sort of stage name.“, I said and tried to avoid their looks.
„Why didn’t Taejung tell us her real name, Junha?“, the women gasped. Junha shrugged her shoulders in apology. 
„Eat your rice, Hyeonmin.“, the ajumma said and I thought I saw something like a smile. 

After eating I was supposed to help the ajumma to clean the driveway. It was pretty cold outside and I was happy that Taejung’s mother gave me a warm coat to wear.
„Hyeonmin?“, the ajumma asked me, when we were sweeping the driveway. I looked up, but she wasn’t focusing me.
„Why did my Taejung bring you here? Junha won’t tell me.“
„Why wouldn’t she tell you?“, I asked in reply and just noticed how impolite that was.
But she answered anyway. „She always wants to protect me and I’m not even her mother. But she has a good soul. She always had. That’s why I allowed my son to marry her. I wasn’t happy with her in the beginning. She was a terrible cook. Do you know how to cook?“, she blabbered.
„No.“, I said a bit startled.
„You better learn to cook if you want to marry my Taejung.“, she said.
„But, Lee…“, I said and then noticed I didn’t know her name. 
„Call me halmoni*.“, she said before I could even end my sentence.
Taejung’s grandma nodded with a huge smile on her lips.
„But I don’t think Taejung and me are going to marry.“, I said and I couldn’t hide that I was somehow sad about that.
„Oh yes you will.“, she said. „He never brought a girl home. So you must be someone really special to him.“
„He never brought a girl home?“, I wanted to know.
„He brought you here, so that means he wants the approval of me.“, she said.
I needed to smile because I found it really cute how she thought Taejung wanted the approval to marry me. I was wondering if she didn’t read the news or knew anything at all about what had been going on with me and him.
„I really don’t want to object, but Taejung and I aren’t a couple.“, I carefully said.
Taejung’s grandma stopped sweeping. „Let’s take a short break.“, she said and together we rested on a small bench underneath some trees.
     „Where is Taejung now?“, I asked.
„He’s back in Seoul. He has to work with his band. That’s what he said. He doesn’t visit us often and it was quite said when he came to drop you off but left right away.“, her voice sounded sad.
„Do you know why he brought me here?“
She looked at me in confusion.
„I can’t remember anything that happened last night.“, I admitted and looked onto the ground.
„It’s not right for a young girl to not remember what she did.“, she said. 
I nodded. 
„Are you bothering Hyeonmin?“, Junha interrupted us. 
Taejung’s grandma squinted her eyes, took her broom and started to sweep away the leaves again. 
„Can I talk to you for a while?“, Junha asked me. There was something serious inside her voice that made me worry.
„Taejung said he found you at a dangerous place yesterday. That Seoul is a dangerous place and that someone is looking for you. So you have to stay here.“, she said.
„Someone is looking for me?“, I breathed.
Junha nodded. „Taejung doesn’t really trust me, so he didn’t say much. He just said to watch you and to not let you go until he comes back to get you.“
My heart jumped when I heard he would be coming back for me.
„But he trusts you enough to bring me here.“, I said and my attempt to cheer her up seemed to work since a barely noticeable smile sneaked onto her lips.
„Do you want to talk to me about what happened?“, she asked me.
I sighed. „I don’t really know actually.“, I admitted. „There had been so much that was going wrong and it feels like a relief that I’m now far away from everything.“
„Taejung must’ve known this.“, Junha said.
„Which is the weird part about it.“
I saw inside Junha’s eyes that I had to explain myself. Sometimes I wished the words wouldn’t just pop out of my mouth.
„We didn’t separate well. We had a huge fight. Well, things weren’t exactly neat.“
„Why did you fight?“, she asked.
I looked into her black eyes, which had the same shape as Taejung’s.
„Oh, I see.“, Junha suddenly said. „It’s okay if you can’t tell me. But you should get things straight with Taejung. He has a good soul and I’m sure this was all just a misunderstanding.“
It was remarkable how she used the exact same words to describe Taejung as her mother-in-law had used to describe her.

It was a few days later when I was washing rice in the kitchen. Even though I had no access to my phone, nor did I call anyone, I felt pretty comfortable. I didn’t even want anyone to know where I was. I enjoyed being myself and I enjoyed being loved for myself. I didn’t have to pretend to be Clover anymore and no one was calling me by that name. It felt like the cloud that had constantly rained onto my head was finally gone.
„Hyeonmin!“, I heard the excited voice of Taejung’s grandma. A second later she appeared in the door frame. Her cute grey hair was a little messy and she was somewhat breathless. 
I didn’t know what she wanted but I was about to find out a moment later.
He was here. 
He wore a black T-shirt, competing with the darkness of his hair. 
„Hyeonmin?“, he asked and looked at me like an owl, turning his head.
I almost dropped the colander by looking at him. 
„I will finish this, just go.“, Junha said. She was nervous but probably not as nervous as I was.
     We walked outside. Well, I followed Taejung outside. 
He had his hands shoved into his pockets. I knew this was a gesture of refusal. He didn’t want to be here. At least not with me. 
„I’m sorry I made you go through so much.“, I said. I didn’t know what else to say and it didn’t seem like Taejung would make the start of this conversation.
I tried to look at him, his eyes pierced me. I wished he would smile, like the many times we spent together. But things had changed. 
„I’m sorry, too.“, his voice broke the silence. „I should’ve protected you. I should’ve never left you when you asked me to“
I shook my head in disapproval. None of this was his fault.
„Please don’t be sorry. I deserve that you hate me.“
„Why?“, he asked. And I knew he was only asking because he wanted me to explain to him with my own words and my own voice.
„Because I lied. I lied to you and everyone all this time.“, I finally admitted what I wanted to say for so long.
Taejung sighed but he didn’t seem too surprised.
„Why did you lie to me? I thought you trusted me.“
„I trusted you. I still do.“, I replied. I felt like crying. This conversation hurt so much and I couldn’t even explain why.
„Then why couldn’t you be honest with me?“, his voice was so incredibly soft that I wanted to melt down onto my knees and beg for forgiveness. 
„I was afraid.“, I said sobbing. 
„Afraid of what?“
„That you wouldn’t like me the same.“, I looked onto the ground.
„None of your actions make any sense.“, he said and surprised me with that.
I looked at him and found a weird smile on his lips that I wasn’t able to interpret. 
„Aigoo, what should I do with you?!“, he sighed.
I didn’t understand what he meant. 
„First off, you should stop crying.“, he chuckled and wiped my cheek. „And then we should discuss what we do about Mr. Kwon.“
Mr. Kwon was really someone I didn’t want to think of. I actually didn’t want to think of any of that.
„You know you can’t run away from him, like you did with me.“
„I didn’t run away.“, I wanted to defend myself. Although I sure knew what he was talking about.
Taejung rose his eyebrows. 
„Hyeonmin.“, he said my name and made me shiver. „What is there that I need to know about you?“
„There’s not too much.“, I carefully said.
„No lies you want to put straight?“, he asked me.
„I actually didn’t lie when I was around you. I felt like I could be myself with you. That’s why I got so scared.“, I confessed. „I was afraid you would make me careless and that someone would find out eventually. I wanted you to like me for me and I hated to be called Clover more and more. So I started to push you away.“
„I understand. I’m not sure if I can forgive you though.“, he said.
I sadly nodded. 
„I set up an interview for you.“, he added. „I want to you confess everything on MBC Daily. I want you to tell the truth about Mr. Kwon and everything that he did. I know it’s a lot that I request…“
I shook my head. „No, it’s okay. I’ll do it.“, I said even though the thought of telling everyone the truth on TV scared me a lot.

The sticky air inside the car made me feel sick. It was a long drive back to Seoul and to the MBC studios where their show MBC Daily was recorded. I wasn’t sure what was awaiting me. But I was scared. I knew everyone would hate me after that. If they didn’t already. 
I knew there would be massive consequences for Mr. Kwon and that I would probably have to attend to court. After all I would tell serious offences and crimes that Mr. Kwon had committed. Not to mention Dr. Yoo. 
I looked through the car’s windows and saw the amount of reporters that waited for me to go inside the building. I should’ve been used to it, but I still wasn’t. I felt weak and alone. I wished my mother would be with me. But she would probably say things like ‚we told you from the beginning‘ and ‚see, you’re not good enough‘. 
All of the sudden the door was opened. I flinched. I wasn’t ready to be left out into the lions cage yet. I needed some more minutes to prepare myself.
A hand reached inside the car, waiting to be held. I recognized Taejung’s hand right away and grabbed it. He gently pulled me out of the car and put his hand around my waist. 
„Shall we?!“, he smiled. My fear wore off right away. 
The cameras started flashing and a flustered murmur went through the masses. Taejung and I quickly passed them and entered the save building. At least it was safe until I was sitting in front of the next camera, airing live into the world. 
There wasn’t much time left until the interview would begin. The make-up team dragged me away from Taejung and I couldn’t even thank him. I lost him when the team shoved me into a small room and started to powder my face and fix my make-up and hair. It felt weird having all those hands on me again. I wasn’t sure if I liked it or not. 
„Let’s go.“, someone said and I was supposed to follow the women out of the room and to the set. My heart started to pound like crazy. This was it. This was the day Clover would be buried for ever.
„You can do it.“, Taejung said right behind me. He put his hands onto my shoulders.
I turned around to see if he was actually here, because I was afraid I was only imagining his presence.
„Just remember, that whatever you say out there, I’m still here waiting for you.“, he said.
I wasn’t able to reply anything. I was startled.
„And don’t forget about me.“, another voice said. Sihyun appeared right behind Taejung. 
„You made it.“, Taejung welcomed Sihyun and they both smiled at me.
„Sihyun.“, I gasped and stepped forward to hug him. He returned my hug with laughter. 
„I think you got the wrong guy.“, he joked. I blushed but luckily no one saw, because I pressed my face into Sihyun’s shirt.

„Today I have a really special guest. We all knew her by her stage name Clover. But her real name is Baek Hyeonmin. She caused quite a fuss when news appeared she was missing. But now she is back with a shocking story about the background of her disappearance. Please welcome, Baek Hyeonmin.“, Cha Sooah introduced me.
I walked over to the small red sofa still feeling awkward. But it calmed me down a lot that Taejung and Sihyun were both here to support me.
The audience applauded and I tried not to look at them, since people still made me nervous.
„Hello, Hyeonmin. Is it okay, if I call you that?“, Sooah asked me. She wore a nice pencil skirt with a matching Blazer and her black hair was put into neat curls.
„Yes, that’s fine.“
„I believe this is a rather difficult topic for you to talk about, so I’ll try my best to guide you through this, okay?“
I nodded. 
„So to start this off could you tell us the reason for your stage name?“
„Clover was actually a marketing concept. The character of her should be exotic and somewhat mystical since she doesn’t have a last name.“
„You’re talking of Clover as a ‚her‘, don’t you identify yourself with her?“
„No. I don’t.“, I said and peaked over to the spot where Sihyun and Taejung stood. It felt so great that they were still here. That they were helping me go through this. I almost felt like crying again. Not from sadness, but from happiness. I didn’t think I had real friends, but it seemed like I had been wrong.
„How is Clover someone else than you?“, Sooah wanted to know.
I took a deep breath to get some extra seconds to think of something to answer.
„Well the main difference is probably the age.“, I started my sentence. I was afraid to confess because Taejung didn’t know that yet. He seemed to have accepted that I wasn’t Clover, but I wasn’t sure how he would be reacting if he knew I was a lot younger than everyone thought.
„I’m only fifteen. Turning sixteen in a few weeks, but still Clover is already seventeen.“, I babbled. 
„Fifteen?“, Sooah almost yelled.
I avoided to look at Taejung right now.
„Isn’t this a little too young? I mean as a trainee that would’ve been fine. But…“
„Yes. Clover was older so she could work under different conditions.“
„That’s actually against the law. Are you guys aware of this?“, Sooah turned to the audience and mumbling arose.
„Who came up with that idea? Your manager or the agency?
I looked onto the ground. I felt really bad talking about this. I knew very well that Mr. Kwon screwed up, but still I didn’t want to pillory him. Especially not on TV in front of everyone.
„Elbi Entertainment has nothing to do with this. I believe they’re not aware to this point. It was all my manager’s doing.“, I quietly said.
„If I’m correct your manager is Kwon Joosuk, right?“
I nodded.
„Why don’t you tell us something about him?“, Sooah requested.
„I’m not sure if this would be the right thing to do, since he isn’t here to defend himself. I don’t really like talking about someone behind their back.“, I explained.
„Those are some mature words for your age.“, Sooah remarked.
I looked at Taejung and Sihyun again and they both nodded.
„Let’s change the topic slightly then. You have been missing the last few days and everyone was worrying. Where have you been and why did you decide to go underground?“
„I just had too much to be honest. I was put under a lot of pressure and I didn’t find a way to handle it. I even started to get somewhat depressive. I wasn’t really noticing how I was slowly loosing my track but luckily I have some great friends, who were there to help me, even though I did nothing to deserve their help.“, I answered and a soft smile whizzed over my lips.
„A lot of young artists are dealing with depression. Are you thinking of going into therapy?“
„I think that would be the right thing to do.“ 
„You still have ongoing projects, like the drama At the end of the rainbow. What are you going to do about that?“
I sighed. I didn’t actually made a decision yet, but it was about time that I made one. Right now.
„I think that I have to drop out of that. I’m really sorry to let everyone down, especially since the filming was delayed because of me and now I need to quit. But I’m also sure that Yoo Han will understand my decision and he will find a perfect replacement for me.“, I finally said focusing on Sihyun. I wasn’t sure how he would take it. But I also thought he already knew my decision. He looked a little sad but also he smiled at me, showing me that it was okay.
„What are your plans then?“, Sooah asked. „I mean the drama would be the perfect opportunity for you to enter into entertainment industry as an actress. You’ll never know when you will get an opportunity like that.“
„I know, but that’s not actually something I think about. I’m not even sure if I want to be part of this industry anymore and I think it would be better for me to return to my hometown and finish my school.“
I noticed how Taejung shrugged at my words and the smile on Sihyun’s face vanished.
„Wow, this seems like a harsh decision. I know I’m not in a position to judge you, but I think that this would be the right way for you.“, Sooah said. 
I smiled at her words. „I think so too.“
„Is there anything else that you want to share with us? Any difficulties that you had to go through?“
„I will press charges against Mr. Kwon and I seriously hope that he won’t be able to work as someone’s manager in the future.“
„So there is something he did, that you didn’t reveal yet?“
„There’s quite a few but like I said, I don’t think it would be fair to spill this here.“
„I can understand your decision, although I must admit you make me quite curious. Isn’t she making us curious?“, Sooah asked the audience. Everyone seemed to agree with a murmur.
I didn’t say anything anymore. My decision was set. I knew people wanted me to tell them all the juicy stuff about Mr. Kwon, but I wouldn’t go so low. I would do it the right way and report him to the police. 


Clover’s real identity was revealed on MBC Daily

After model Clover went missing, she was now back for an exclusive life interview on MBC Daily, revealing her true identity. Apparently the young model’s real name is Baek Hyeonmin and her real age is fifteen, which is much more fitting to her visuals. 
Although Baek Hyeonmin didn’t spill anything about her manager Kwon Joosuk, who was also the manager of Ahn Jaerin, who committed suicide in 2012. Now the history seemed to almost have repeated itself, since Hyeonmin stated to suffer from depression.
She finally revealed she will be dropping out of the upcoming drama project ‚At the end of the rainbow‘ to finish her school in her hometown and to go into therapy.

With this Clover aka Baek Hyeonmin leaves everyone curious, if she will ever make a comeback as a model or even become an actress. She also claimed to press legal charges against Kwon Joosuk, who might not be able to return into business this time. Netizens sympathize with Hyeonmin, showing their support with #100hyeonmin on twitter.

But what was also a big shock to a lot of fans was the fact, that none other than Level Five’s Taejung was accompanying Hyeonmin to her interview at MBC Daily. This heats up the dating rumors once again.

Find the complete interview here.


* korean word for grandma
#100hyeonmin (100=baek)

© all rights reserved || copyright by J.J.B.

Sonntag, 15. November 2015

RETOUCHED - Chapter 12 - Die, Clover, die!

„Can you turn the lights down when you go?“, I mumbled into my pillows.
Minsoo sighed but she switched the light off as she left our room to start her day. I noticed my phone gleam from time to time, but I was too careless to even bother and get up to reach it until the battery finally died and I was left behind in darkness.
Soothing black surroundings with nothing to see and nothing to hear. Just the rustle in my ears and the distant sound of moving cars coming from the open window, which led cool air into the room.
The door opened with a bang. Mr. Kwon rushed into my room, took my blanket and pulled it off of me.
„What are you doing?“, I whined.
„You are supposed to be at your acting training right now. Mr. Yoo called me and said that you didn’t show up.“, he frowned. 
„I don’t feel well.“, I replied and tried to fetch my blanket back.
„Then I’ll bring you to a doctor.“
I rolled my eyes and turned away from Mr. Kwon to face my desk. 
„I’ll give you five minutes. You don’t even want to know what happens if you won’t be out by then.“, Mr. Kwon glared at me. I could hear he was snarling his teeth. A second later he was out the door.
As I was some part of a slow motion video I started to get dressed and finally made my way to the door where Mr. Kwon was already waiting for me. He pulled me down the stairs and into the car, straight on the way to the hospital we always went. It all went so fast I didn’t even notice the yelling and flashing of the reporters. I only heard something really loud and annoying and felt like I was going to get blind. 
     „What is it this time?“, Dr. Yoo asked. He stood in front of me, closely observing my face.
I shrugged my shoulders. I didn’t even want to be there. 
„She said she’s not feeling well.“, Mr. Kwon answered for me.
„Clover, can you tell me were you’re hurting?“, Dr. Yoo requested.
I focused Mr. Kwon and Dr. Yoo understood I wasn’t going to tell him if my manager was with us inside the room.
„Joosuk, may I talk to her alone for a moment, please?!“, Dr. Yoo said. Something about his voice was really calming this time. I found him nice the other day too, although there was still this strange feeling I had whenever I looked through his glasses.
Mr. Kwon looked a little shocked. He squinted his eyes and then he left.
„You can talk freely now.“, Dr. Yoo said and gave me a smile.
I starred at him, my head empty with nothing to say and nothing to think of. We remained like that for a while. Then Dr. Yoo sighed.
„What’s wrong?“, he asked.
„Everything.“, I whispered. I wasn’t strong enough to bring out a single real word.
Dr. Yoo didn’t seem surprised but focused on me while pulling up a chair to sit down.
„You can trust me, Clover.“, he said, his voice trying to hypnotize me.
„Like Ahn Jaerin could trust you?“, the words slipped outside my mouth. I saw the quick motion inside of his eyes but he tried hard to not let it show.
„I read the articles.“, I continued as he didn’t say anything. „Didn’t you lose your license? How come you’re working as a doctor?“, I asked him. 
Dr. Yoo’s expression didn’t change. His eyes, huge like an owl glared at me. But I could hear the gears work inside of his head.
„I can send you over to another doctor if you want. Joosuk, I mean Mr. Kwon probably wants me to prescribe you some medicine. If you tell me what you have, I will arrange you will get real treatment without Mr. Kwon’s influence.“, he finally said.
I needed a few seconds to process the words inside my brain. I wasn’t sure if I could believe he actually wanted to help me.
„I just can’t take it anymore.“, I said. My mouth felt dry and my hands started shaking. All of the sudden I was really tired. My head hurt and I wanted to rest.
„Is it the pressure? The media?“, Dr. Yoo wanted to know.
I nodded. Of course he knew what was going on.
„Can you even sleep?“, he asked.
„Barely.“, I said. I looked onto the ground, fighting against the tiredness and upcoming dizziness.
„Clover! It’s really important that you stay focused. You can do this.“, he said. Dr. Yoo got up and put his hands on my shoulders, waiting for our glances to collide.
I finally looked up, seeing the worry inside of his dark eyes. But at the same time I felt like my body was floating away. Where was I even? 
„Clover?“, Dr. Yoo asked.
„Don’t call me that“, I suddenly yelled. I rose from the cot and pushed Dr. Yoo backwards, shaking his hands off of me. He immediately backed off.
I pressed my hands against my temples, the heat and the pain started to get unbearable.
„I hate her, I hate her so much.“, I cried.
Dr. Yoo tried to get a hold of me. „Who are you hating?“, he asked me.
„Clover, I hate Clover.“, I yelled back at him. Finally my legs gave up and I sank onto the ground crying. „I want her to die! Why isn’t she dead already?“
„What is happening in here?“, Mr. Kwon dashed into Dr. Yoo’s office. „What’s going on?“
„Joosuk.“, I heard Dr. Yoo speak. „I think you should really take her into a clinic. She’s going mental. She needs help.“
„What the heck are you saying? There’s no way this is going to happen.“, Mr. Kwon roared.
„Can’t you see that she’s at the end of her strength already?“, Dr. Yoo asked with desperation inside of his voice.
„Then give her something to feel better.“, Mr. Kwon demanded.
„This isn’t going to work.“, Dr. Yoo tried to explain. „She needs to see a professional.“
„I said you should give her something.“, Mr. Kwon said again. He hasn’t completely freaked out yet but I knew he was about to lose it.
Dr. Yoo shook his head. „I don’t want to do this.“, he said.
„You’re really testing you’re limits, aren’t you.“, Mr. Kwon barked. „Either you give her something right now, or you will lose your job. And this time you won’t get back so easily.“
A moment of silence followed. Then Dr. Yoo went over to his desk, scrabbled through his things and went over to a shelf to grab some tubes to hand them to Mr. Kwon. 
„Get up now.“, Mr. Kwon yelled. When I didn’t move, he harshly grabbed my wrist and pulled me off of the floor. 
He dragged me out of the room and rushed down the hallway out of the hospital.
     „I’ll bring you to your acting class now.“, Mr. Kwon spitted out when we were in the car.
I didn’t answer, but held onto the small piece of paper that Dr. Yoo had given me right when Mr. Kwon had pulled me away. ‚Placebo‘, was written onto it.

„Where have you been?“, Sihyun asked as soon as arrived at the KBS studios.
„Clover! Finally. We tried to reach you all day.“, Mr. Yoo said. 
I wasn’t in the mood to answer. In fact I wasn’t in the mood for anything.
„Can you explain what you did all morning?“, Mr. Yoo asked. I knew he was mad, but still I couldn’t apologize and I didn’t even feel sorry.
„I’ll take care of her, okay?!“, Sihyun said. Together we went up the stairs to the rooftop, leaving a startled Mr. Yoo behind. The fresh air was feeling good. Finally I could breathe. It was a small piece of freedom, although it was all I had.
„I can’t protect you all the time.“, Sihyun sighed.
We were leaning against the rail and let our eyes sweep over the city.
„Then don’t.“, I said.
„You know you can talk to me.“
I nodded. I took the tube of pills out of the pocket of my jacket and put them down in front of him. He didn’t say anything but looked at the plastic container.
„I was in the hospital. Mr. Kwon wants me to take these.“, I said with a monotone voice.
„What are those?“, Sihyun asked.
„They’re supposed to be antidepressants, I suppose. But don’t worry, they’re only placebos.“
„How do you know?“
I shrugged my shoulders. „Dr. Yoo said it.“
Sihyun looked at me questioningly. „Do you trust him?“, he then asked.
I nodded again.
„Why?“ I felt Sihyun’s glance laying on me.
„It’s a feeling, I guess.“
„A feeling?“, he doubted.
„The same feeling I get with you.“, I said and smiled at him. The first smile I was able to share in a long time. Or at least it felt like that.
„What are you going to do now?“, Sihyun wanted to know after a while.
„I’m not sure yet.“, I admitted.
„I’m worried.“, he said almost whispering.
„Don’t be.“, I replied. „Just don’t even care about me too much.“, I added with a sad smile.
„You can’t expect this from me.“
„I want to though.“, I quietly said. I didn’t look at Sihyun, even though I noticed he was searching for my glance. „I don’t want to drag you into this.“
„I’m already dragged in since the second I saw you.“, Sihyun said. His voice was a lot stronger now and actually made me turn my head. „But do you know, who isn’t dragged in yet?“
I didn’t answer him, waiting for his reply.
„Taejung.“, he finally breathed. „You should tell him.“
I starred at him, trying not to let my surprise show. Sihyun always brought up Taejung, while I wanted to forget he was even once a part of my life. I wanted everyone to stay out of this, because I didn’t want to cause any more pain.


Clover sets her instagram on private

Model Clover now finally reacts to all the negative comments on instagram by putting her profile to private and unfollowing everyone. Furthermore a lot of pictures have been removed from her account recently. Although this might not help too much, since she still has a lot of followers, who hate on her. It still shows that the young model is effected by the happenings. Until now Clover never gave an official statement, nor respond to any rude comments.


I was hammering on to the dashboard, my heart pounding inside of my chest as if it was trying to dig it’s way out of my corpse. 
„Do you think he’ll come?“, I asked Sihyun.
He had parked his car on an outlying spot at the Hangang. It was already dark outside and I was starring over the water and watched the reflections of the lights move on the surface.
I had called Taejung earlier that day and asked him to come see me. I finally made the decision to tell him the truth. I understood now that people were already involved with me and that there was no way in preventing them to get hurt unless I was honest with them. Taejung had to know his enemy and he needed to know that it wasn’t me. Still I was nervous. 
„He’ll show up.“, Sihyun said.
„How can you be so sure?“
„Just a feeling, I guess.“, he grinned and I slapped his arm in reply. „What?“, he squeaked.
„Wait, there’s a car.“, I said as I noticed headlights coming our way. 
„Is it him?“, Sihyun asked.
     It was him. I recognized the car, which parked a few feet away from us and then Taejung appeared. He looked stunningly gorgeous. It had been a long time since I’d seen him and it overwhelmed me once again. 
„You can do it.“, Sihyun encouraged me.
I took a deep breath and went outside the car. The nightly air was a little windy. Taejung shoved his hands into his pockets and walked a few steps in my direction. 
We changed a glance. But it felt awkward. Taejung was awfully distant. Something between us had changed. I wanted to turn around and run away. 
„Thank you for coming.“, I said and looked onto the ground because I couldn’t stand looking into his face anymore.
Taejung didn’t reply anything.
„I…“, I started. „…I don’t even know how to begin.“, I stuttered.
„You said you wanted to tell me something important.“, Taejung’s harsh words cut the night.
I shrugged. He was apparently still mad. But what was I thinking, of course he hated me.
„I wanted to apologize…“, I began another sentence.
All of the sudden a flash lit the area. Then another one and another one.
„Are you serious?“, Taejung yelled. I turned my head and saw a photographer taking his pictures. How did he find us? I was shocked, not able to move.
„You asked me to come here to get stupid pictures. Are you really that low?“, Taejung yelled.
„It wasn’t me.“, was everything I was able to say.
Taejung shook his head and turned around to leave.
I went after him and grabbed his arm. „Please, wait. I swear I didn’t do this. Please, you need to believe me. I need you, Taejung. I need you.“, I whined.
He stopped for a second, but didn’t turn back at me. A sparkle of hope rose inside of my body. But the next moment Taejung shook off my hand and walked to his car. The headlights blinded me as I sank onto my knees, watching him drive away. Now my heart really bled.


Clover breaks down at Hangang dumped by Taejung

Last night model Clover was spotted with Level Five’s Taejung at Hangang. The river side is a common spot for couples and romantic dates. So what was the reason for Clover and Taejung to meet up?

It was only reported that their relation was set up by their management, but maybe this wasn’t true after all?! But the two seem to have separated for good this time, as the pictures show a devastated Clover, who is left behind by Taejung, who leaves with his car.

Good for Clover that Netizens start to sympathize with the young model, who seems heartbroken on the pictures. True fans of Clover even started to hate on Taejung for hurting the model and blame him for playing around with her. Until now only Taejung confirmed that the relationship was set up, while Clover’s side never responded to any of that. It is now assumed that Clover didn’t know of the set up and was left in the unknown.

What do you think? Did Taejung play with Clover in order to draw attention on Level Five’s comeback?


Clover deletes her instagram account

After recently setting her instagram account to private, model Clover now deleted the account. 
Clover’s pictures were spammed with comments, either hating on her for her negative press or supporting her, while hating on Level Five’s Taejung.

It seemed like the model and future actress in ‚At the end of the rainbow‘ had enough of the social media and ended this with deleting her account. In addition she has been inactive on all other social media platforms. The only posts that appeared on her SNS were written by her management.


The next evening Mr. Kwon invited me to some weird party. I had no idea what I was even doing there.
„Did you take your medicine?“,  he asked me.
I simply nodded. The talk with Taejung was still tearing me down. All I could see in front of my eyes was Taejung’s face - how it turned from madness to disbelief. And the article that appeared right away wasn’t helping at all.
     The party was more like a meet up of old men in suits. I had never seen any of them before. I was the only girl here, standing at the bar and observed the surroundings. The bar, we were inside of, was held in dark wood with yellow lights. A gloomy and somewhat old-fashioned style.
„Your private room is now ready.“, the bar tender said. He seemed a little too fancy for this kind of bar and we shared a look, that I wasn’t able to interpret. 
Mr. Kwon and the others shoved their suited bodies through a door into a small room. The walls were also covered with dark wood and the yellow light was the same. Though the furniture was a lot more comfortable. Black crumply couches surrounded a small wooden table. The men took their seats. Mr. Kwon pulled me next to him and pushed me into the seat.
I wasn’t paying attention too much. My mind was still somewhere else and I couldn’t concentrate. 
„Here, drink this.“, Mr. Kwon grinned and handed me a glass. I could smell it was alcohol. I just drank it. Didn’t people drink to feel better? Why not give it a shot then.
The men lit their cigars and soon the room was covered with smoke so that it was hard to even breathe. I felt Mr. Kwon’s hand on my bare leg. But then again, was I actually feeling it?
He basically handed me one drink after another. My head was spinning but also the alcohol seemed to numb me. The pain I felt inside was slowly fading and was replaced with a burning sensation of the alcohol running down my gullet.
I then only saw, but didn’t feel that Mr. Kwon was rubbing my leg and that he shoved his body closer to mine.
„Joosuk, you should share your girl.“, I heard a man say. He had white hair, his tie was already gone and his button-down shirt was opened so his few grey chest hairs were peaking through.
„Clover, go over to Mr. Chang.“, Mr. Kwon said quietly and stroke over my back. 
I had no idea what was making me do it, but I got up and weaved over to the drunk, smoking man. He was really short and a little chubby.
„No, no, dear.“, he grinned when I wanted to take my seat next to him on the couch. „Here.“, he patted his lap. And so I sat on his lap.
I was happy that I was still numbed from the alcohol. But I started to feel disgusted. The man, who’s name was Mr. Chang, put his hands on my legs, but way to much under my skirt, almost revealing my underwear. 
„She’s such a beauty.“, he said and stroke my hair back out of my face, just to run his thick fingers over my cheeks and down my neck.
„And this smell.“, he sang and dragged me down so that his lips almost touched my collar bone.
A single tear ran down my cheek. Although I wasn’t able to feel too much or to even understand what was happening, something inside of me reacted to it.
     All of the sudden the door was thrown open.
„Get your hands off of her.“, a voice said. A second later I recognized Sihyun. „I said, get your hands off.“, he repeated. Mr. Chang was startled, but pulled his hands back.
Sihyun crossed the room and took my hand.
„What do you think you’re doing?“, Mr. Kwon interrupted. He jumped up from his couch and glared at Sihyun.
„I’m saving you from making a big mistake.“, he said with a serious tone. „Let’s go.“, he then said much softer and together we left the private room.
„Why didn’t you do anything?“, he asked me. 
I starred at him, not able to understand my emotions.
And the next moment, I fainted.
Sihyun caught me, carefully put me into his car. But he wasn’t sure were to bring me. He knew Mr. Kwon wouldn’t let this slide and he wanted to protect me.
     „Hello?“, Taejung answered the phone.
„Thank god, you’re answering.“, Sihyun gasped. „Here’s Sihyun. I need your help.“
„Well, Clover needs your help.“
„Is it about her again? I’m done with that.“, Taejung said.
„Taejung, listen! I just found her at Mr. Kwon’s private bar place. With a lot of old men and it wasn’t legal what they wanted to do to her.“, Sihyun explained.
Taejung didn’t answer and Sihyun could only hear him breathing at the other end of the line.
„I know you don’t want to help her, because you think she betrayed you, but you have no idea what she did for you.“, Sihyun said.
„What did she do?“, Taejung wanted to know.
„I’m actually not supposed to tell you, but the reason why she wanted you to break up with her was, because Mr. Kwon was planning to release photoshopped pictures of her beaten up.“
„What does that have to do with me?“
„Oh, you know exactly what that has to do with you. You know Mr. Kwon too.“
The two boys both remained silent for a while.
„What do you need help with?“, Taejung then asked.
Sihyun sighed in relief. „We can’t let her here, we have to bring her somewhere where it’s safe.“
„What do you have in mind?“
„I thought you would know some place.“, Sihyun carefully laughed.
„I think I really know where we can bring her. Where should I meet you?“
„I’m in my parking lot right now. I think it would be best if you come here with your car and take her.“

It didn’t take too long until Taejung arrived in the parking lot of Sihyun’s apartment building. And he wasn’t alone. Chaemin was with him.
„Where is she?“, Taejung asked while he walked over to Sihyun’s car.
„She’s inside. She collapsed but I think she’s sleeping now.“, he said.
Taejung carefully put his hands around my body and carried me over from one car to the other. He seated me on the backseat and closed the door.
„Where will you take her?“, Sihyun asked.
„To my family’s home. We should be able to make it if we drive the entire night.“, he said.
Sihyun nodded. He didn’t like giving me into Taejung’s hands but he had no other choice than trusting a boy he barely knew.
     Chaemin climbed onto the driver’s seat, while Taejung went onto the backseat with me. He looked at me for a while, apparently thinking of what he should do. Then he pulled me closer and embraced me.
It was then when I was thinking I was probably dreaming, because he was so close all of the sudden. I pressed my head against his chest and clawed my hands into his shirt.
„Taejung.“, I whispered. I breathed in his smell and absorbed his warmth. What a wonderful dream.


Model Clover is missing - Case of Ahn Jaerin repeating itself?!

Again a young celebrity under Mr. Kwon’s wings went missing. And everyone remembers the sad case of Ahn Jaerin, who committed suicide in 2012.

Insiders say Clover was attending a private party but didn’t arrive at her dorm afterwards. Apparently Mr. Kwon reported Clover’s disappearance but the police did not start their investigations yet, due to the few hours that had passed since the incident.


© all rights reserved || copyright by J.J.B.