Sonntag, 22. November 2015

RETOUCHED - Chapter 13 - My name is Baek Hyeonmin

Where am I, was the first thing I thought when I woke up. I was laying on the floor, a soft blanket covered my body. I looked around and recognized a traditional house. The unknown surroundings made me panic right away and I sat straight up on the futon. This wasn’t the greatest idea. My head immediately started spinning. 
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. When I opened them again I reminded myself to stay calm. I slowly let my gaze wander around the room. I found my jacket on a hanger next to the slide door. Also my purse was there. I crawled over the floor to get it and searched for my phone. The battery was dead and I didn’t bring my charger. 
My fingers started tickling as I got more curious where I was and more important how I even got here. I didn’t remember anything from last night. Or from whatever night it was. I wasn’t even sure if it was only the next day or if I was maybe passed out for more.
     The door slid open and I backed off, holding my purse in front of me as if I could hide behind it.
„You’re awake.“, a woman said. I looked at her with huge, scared eyes. She replied with a nice smile. „Don’t be scared, Clover.“, she said. Why did she know my name?
„Where am I?“, I asked her with a shaky voice. I hated that my voice never sounded strong when I wanted it to.
„I’m Lee Junha, Taejung’s mom.“, she said.
„Taejung’s mom?“, I stuttered. 
She nodded. Junha had short black hair and a fringe that covered her forehead. She looked young but there was something inside of her face, that made her look mature.
„Taejung brought you here last night. He said you weren’t feeling well and that you needed to stay here for a while.“, she started explaining.
„Taejung brought me here?“, I asked because I couldn’t believe her. Was this still a dream?!
„Why is it so astonishing?“, she grinned. „You should go wash up and eat something.“ And with these words she left the room and closed the door behind her.
I was confused. Why would Taejung bring me here. What had happened? I tried to remember but there were only blurry pictures. The only thing I seemed to remember was lying in Taejung’s arms. But until just now I thought that was part of my dream.
I did as Junha said. I discovered a small bathroom behind a door and that this traditional house was more modern than I first thought.
I slipped inside some comfy clogs and tried to make my way to the kitchen. I followed the smell of rice and the quiet babbling I could hear.
The kitchen was actually a rather big room with a cooking place and a huge table which was surrounded by a bunch of chairs. It didn’t look like only one family was living here. Although there were only few people sitting on the table, eating rice and side dishes.
„Come sit.“, Junha said with a friendly voice and a bright smile while placing another bowl of hot steaming rice onto the table. I nodded shyly and took my seat on the empty chair next to a grey haired women. I wasn’t sure how to behave but bowed my head a little to greet them. They were obviously elders but I didn’t know how conservative they were. The old lady grinned at me, showing a row of yellow teeth. 
„You must be Clover.“, she oinked.
„Who else is she supposed to be. We don’t even have guests.“, Junha said and frowned.
The old lady immediately starred at her and symbolized her to shut her mouth.
„Clover.“, the old lady said towards me. The name made me flinch again.
„Please, call me Hyeonmin.“, I said. It was the first time I brought those words over my lips.
The ajumma looked at me with her blurry eyes and even the man who was sitting with us looked up from his dish. Everyone was silent, waiting for my explanation. 
„My actual name is Baek Hyeonmin. Clover is some sort of stage name.“, I said and tried to avoid their looks.
„Why didn’t Taejung tell us her real name, Junha?“, the women gasped. Junha shrugged her shoulders in apology. 
„Eat your rice, Hyeonmin.“, the ajumma said and I thought I saw something like a smile. 

After eating I was supposed to help the ajumma to clean the driveway. It was pretty cold outside and I was happy that Taejung’s mother gave me a warm coat to wear.
„Hyeonmin?“, the ajumma asked me, when we were sweeping the driveway. I looked up, but she wasn’t focusing me.
„Why did my Taejung bring you here? Junha won’t tell me.“
„Why wouldn’t she tell you?“, I asked in reply and just noticed how impolite that was.
But she answered anyway. „She always wants to protect me and I’m not even her mother. But she has a good soul. She always had. That’s why I allowed my son to marry her. I wasn’t happy with her in the beginning. She was a terrible cook. Do you know how to cook?“, she blabbered.
„No.“, I said a bit startled.
„You better learn to cook if you want to marry my Taejung.“, she said.
„But, Lee…“, I said and then noticed I didn’t know her name. 
„Call me halmoni*.“, she said before I could even end my sentence.
Taejung’s grandma nodded with a huge smile on her lips.
„But I don’t think Taejung and me are going to marry.“, I said and I couldn’t hide that I was somehow sad about that.
„Oh yes you will.“, she said. „He never brought a girl home. So you must be someone really special to him.“
„He never brought a girl home?“, I wanted to know.
„He brought you here, so that means he wants the approval of me.“, she said.
I needed to smile because I found it really cute how she thought Taejung wanted the approval to marry me. I was wondering if she didn’t read the news or knew anything at all about what had been going on with me and him.
„I really don’t want to object, but Taejung and I aren’t a couple.“, I carefully said.
Taejung’s grandma stopped sweeping. „Let’s take a short break.“, she said and together we rested on a small bench underneath some trees.
     „Where is Taejung now?“, I asked.
„He’s back in Seoul. He has to work with his band. That’s what he said. He doesn’t visit us often and it was quite said when he came to drop you off but left right away.“, her voice sounded sad.
„Do you know why he brought me here?“
She looked at me in confusion.
„I can’t remember anything that happened last night.“, I admitted and looked onto the ground.
„It’s not right for a young girl to not remember what she did.“, she said. 
I nodded. 
„Are you bothering Hyeonmin?“, Junha interrupted us. 
Taejung’s grandma squinted her eyes, took her broom and started to sweep away the leaves again. 
„Can I talk to you for a while?“, Junha asked me. There was something serious inside her voice that made me worry.
„Taejung said he found you at a dangerous place yesterday. That Seoul is a dangerous place and that someone is looking for you. So you have to stay here.“, she said.
„Someone is looking for me?“, I breathed.
Junha nodded. „Taejung doesn’t really trust me, so he didn’t say much. He just said to watch you and to not let you go until he comes back to get you.“
My heart jumped when I heard he would be coming back for me.
„But he trusts you enough to bring me here.“, I said and my attempt to cheer her up seemed to work since a barely noticeable smile sneaked onto her lips.
„Do you want to talk to me about what happened?“, she asked me.
I sighed. „I don’t really know actually.“, I admitted. „There had been so much that was going wrong and it feels like a relief that I’m now far away from everything.“
„Taejung must’ve known this.“, Junha said.
„Which is the weird part about it.“
I saw inside Junha’s eyes that I had to explain myself. Sometimes I wished the words wouldn’t just pop out of my mouth.
„We didn’t separate well. We had a huge fight. Well, things weren’t exactly neat.“
„Why did you fight?“, she asked.
I looked into her black eyes, which had the same shape as Taejung’s.
„Oh, I see.“, Junha suddenly said. „It’s okay if you can’t tell me. But you should get things straight with Taejung. He has a good soul and I’m sure this was all just a misunderstanding.“
It was remarkable how she used the exact same words to describe Taejung as her mother-in-law had used to describe her.

It was a few days later when I was washing rice in the kitchen. Even though I had no access to my phone, nor did I call anyone, I felt pretty comfortable. I didn’t even want anyone to know where I was. I enjoyed being myself and I enjoyed being loved for myself. I didn’t have to pretend to be Clover anymore and no one was calling me by that name. It felt like the cloud that had constantly rained onto my head was finally gone.
„Hyeonmin!“, I heard the excited voice of Taejung’s grandma. A second later she appeared in the door frame. Her cute grey hair was a little messy and she was somewhat breathless. 
I didn’t know what she wanted but I was about to find out a moment later.
He was here. 
He wore a black T-shirt, competing with the darkness of his hair. 
„Hyeonmin?“, he asked and looked at me like an owl, turning his head.
I almost dropped the colander by looking at him. 
„I will finish this, just go.“, Junha said. She was nervous but probably not as nervous as I was.
     We walked outside. Well, I followed Taejung outside. 
He had his hands shoved into his pockets. I knew this was a gesture of refusal. He didn’t want to be here. At least not with me. 
„I’m sorry I made you go through so much.“, I said. I didn’t know what else to say and it didn’t seem like Taejung would make the start of this conversation.
I tried to look at him, his eyes pierced me. I wished he would smile, like the many times we spent together. But things had changed. 
„I’m sorry, too.“, his voice broke the silence. „I should’ve protected you. I should’ve never left you when you asked me to“
I shook my head in disapproval. None of this was his fault.
„Please don’t be sorry. I deserve that you hate me.“
„Why?“, he asked. And I knew he was only asking because he wanted me to explain to him with my own words and my own voice.
„Because I lied. I lied to you and everyone all this time.“, I finally admitted what I wanted to say for so long.
Taejung sighed but he didn’t seem too surprised.
„Why did you lie to me? I thought you trusted me.“
„I trusted you. I still do.“, I replied. I felt like crying. This conversation hurt so much and I couldn’t even explain why.
„Then why couldn’t you be honest with me?“, his voice was so incredibly soft that I wanted to melt down onto my knees and beg for forgiveness. 
„I was afraid.“, I said sobbing. 
„Afraid of what?“
„That you wouldn’t like me the same.“, I looked onto the ground.
„None of your actions make any sense.“, he said and surprised me with that.
I looked at him and found a weird smile on his lips that I wasn’t able to interpret. 
„Aigoo, what should I do with you?!“, he sighed.
I didn’t understand what he meant. 
„First off, you should stop crying.“, he chuckled and wiped my cheek. „And then we should discuss what we do about Mr. Kwon.“
Mr. Kwon was really someone I didn’t want to think of. I actually didn’t want to think of any of that.
„You know you can’t run away from him, like you did with me.“
„I didn’t run away.“, I wanted to defend myself. Although I sure knew what he was talking about.
Taejung rose his eyebrows. 
„Hyeonmin.“, he said my name and made me shiver. „What is there that I need to know about you?“
„There’s not too much.“, I carefully said.
„No lies you want to put straight?“, he asked me.
„I actually didn’t lie when I was around you. I felt like I could be myself with you. That’s why I got so scared.“, I confessed. „I was afraid you would make me careless and that someone would find out eventually. I wanted you to like me for me and I hated to be called Clover more and more. So I started to push you away.“
„I understand. I’m not sure if I can forgive you though.“, he said.
I sadly nodded. 
„I set up an interview for you.“, he added. „I want to you confess everything on MBC Daily. I want you to tell the truth about Mr. Kwon and everything that he did. I know it’s a lot that I request…“
I shook my head. „No, it’s okay. I’ll do it.“, I said even though the thought of telling everyone the truth on TV scared me a lot.

The sticky air inside the car made me feel sick. It was a long drive back to Seoul and to the MBC studios where their show MBC Daily was recorded. I wasn’t sure what was awaiting me. But I was scared. I knew everyone would hate me after that. If they didn’t already. 
I knew there would be massive consequences for Mr. Kwon and that I would probably have to attend to court. After all I would tell serious offences and crimes that Mr. Kwon had committed. Not to mention Dr. Yoo. 
I looked through the car’s windows and saw the amount of reporters that waited for me to go inside the building. I should’ve been used to it, but I still wasn’t. I felt weak and alone. I wished my mother would be with me. But she would probably say things like ‚we told you from the beginning‘ and ‚see, you’re not good enough‘. 
All of the sudden the door was opened. I flinched. I wasn’t ready to be left out into the lions cage yet. I needed some more minutes to prepare myself.
A hand reached inside the car, waiting to be held. I recognized Taejung’s hand right away and grabbed it. He gently pulled me out of the car and put his hand around my waist. 
„Shall we?!“, he smiled. My fear wore off right away. 
The cameras started flashing and a flustered murmur went through the masses. Taejung and I quickly passed them and entered the save building. At least it was safe until I was sitting in front of the next camera, airing live into the world. 
There wasn’t much time left until the interview would begin. The make-up team dragged me away from Taejung and I couldn’t even thank him. I lost him when the team shoved me into a small room and started to powder my face and fix my make-up and hair. It felt weird having all those hands on me again. I wasn’t sure if I liked it or not. 
„Let’s go.“, someone said and I was supposed to follow the women out of the room and to the set. My heart started to pound like crazy. This was it. This was the day Clover would be buried for ever.
„You can do it.“, Taejung said right behind me. He put his hands onto my shoulders.
I turned around to see if he was actually here, because I was afraid I was only imagining his presence.
„Just remember, that whatever you say out there, I’m still here waiting for you.“, he said.
I wasn’t able to reply anything. I was startled.
„And don’t forget about me.“, another voice said. Sihyun appeared right behind Taejung. 
„You made it.“, Taejung welcomed Sihyun and they both smiled at me.
„Sihyun.“, I gasped and stepped forward to hug him. He returned my hug with laughter. 
„I think you got the wrong guy.“, he joked. I blushed but luckily no one saw, because I pressed my face into Sihyun’s shirt.

„Today I have a really special guest. We all knew her by her stage name Clover. But her real name is Baek Hyeonmin. She caused quite a fuss when news appeared she was missing. But now she is back with a shocking story about the background of her disappearance. Please welcome, Baek Hyeonmin.“, Cha Sooah introduced me.
I walked over to the small red sofa still feeling awkward. But it calmed me down a lot that Taejung and Sihyun were both here to support me.
The audience applauded and I tried not to look at them, since people still made me nervous.
„Hello, Hyeonmin. Is it okay, if I call you that?“, Sooah asked me. She wore a nice pencil skirt with a matching Blazer and her black hair was put into neat curls.
„Yes, that’s fine.“
„I believe this is a rather difficult topic for you to talk about, so I’ll try my best to guide you through this, okay?“
I nodded. 
„So to start this off could you tell us the reason for your stage name?“
„Clover was actually a marketing concept. The character of her should be exotic and somewhat mystical since she doesn’t have a last name.“
„You’re talking of Clover as a ‚her‘, don’t you identify yourself with her?“
„No. I don’t.“, I said and peaked over to the spot where Sihyun and Taejung stood. It felt so great that they were still here. That they were helping me go through this. I almost felt like crying again. Not from sadness, but from happiness. I didn’t think I had real friends, but it seemed like I had been wrong.
„How is Clover someone else than you?“, Sooah wanted to know.
I took a deep breath to get some extra seconds to think of something to answer.
„Well the main difference is probably the age.“, I started my sentence. I was afraid to confess because Taejung didn’t know that yet. He seemed to have accepted that I wasn’t Clover, but I wasn’t sure how he would be reacting if he knew I was a lot younger than everyone thought.
„I’m only fifteen. Turning sixteen in a few weeks, but still Clover is already seventeen.“, I babbled. 
„Fifteen?“, Sooah almost yelled.
I avoided to look at Taejung right now.
„Isn’t this a little too young? I mean as a trainee that would’ve been fine. But…“
„Yes. Clover was older so she could work under different conditions.“
„That’s actually against the law. Are you guys aware of this?“, Sooah turned to the audience and mumbling arose.
„Who came up with that idea? Your manager or the agency?
I looked onto the ground. I felt really bad talking about this. I knew very well that Mr. Kwon screwed up, but still I didn’t want to pillory him. Especially not on TV in front of everyone.
„Elbi Entertainment has nothing to do with this. I believe they’re not aware to this point. It was all my manager’s doing.“, I quietly said.
„If I’m correct your manager is Kwon Joosuk, right?“
I nodded.
„Why don’t you tell us something about him?“, Sooah requested.
„I’m not sure if this would be the right thing to do, since he isn’t here to defend himself. I don’t really like talking about someone behind their back.“, I explained.
„Those are some mature words for your age.“, Sooah remarked.
I looked at Taejung and Sihyun again and they both nodded.
„Let’s change the topic slightly then. You have been missing the last few days and everyone was worrying. Where have you been and why did you decide to go underground?“
„I just had too much to be honest. I was put under a lot of pressure and I didn’t find a way to handle it. I even started to get somewhat depressive. I wasn’t really noticing how I was slowly loosing my track but luckily I have some great friends, who were there to help me, even though I did nothing to deserve their help.“, I answered and a soft smile whizzed over my lips.
„A lot of young artists are dealing with depression. Are you thinking of going into therapy?“
„I think that would be the right thing to do.“ 
„You still have ongoing projects, like the drama At the end of the rainbow. What are you going to do about that?“
I sighed. I didn’t actually made a decision yet, but it was about time that I made one. Right now.
„I think that I have to drop out of that. I’m really sorry to let everyone down, especially since the filming was delayed because of me and now I need to quit. But I’m also sure that Yoo Han will understand my decision and he will find a perfect replacement for me.“, I finally said focusing on Sihyun. I wasn’t sure how he would take it. But I also thought he already knew my decision. He looked a little sad but also he smiled at me, showing me that it was okay.
„What are your plans then?“, Sooah asked. „I mean the drama would be the perfect opportunity for you to enter into entertainment industry as an actress. You’ll never know when you will get an opportunity like that.“
„I know, but that’s not actually something I think about. I’m not even sure if I want to be part of this industry anymore and I think it would be better for me to return to my hometown and finish my school.“
I noticed how Taejung shrugged at my words and the smile on Sihyun’s face vanished.
„Wow, this seems like a harsh decision. I know I’m not in a position to judge you, but I think that this would be the right way for you.“, Sooah said. 
I smiled at her words. „I think so too.“
„Is there anything else that you want to share with us? Any difficulties that you had to go through?“
„I will press charges against Mr. Kwon and I seriously hope that he won’t be able to work as someone’s manager in the future.“
„So there is something he did, that you didn’t reveal yet?“
„There’s quite a few but like I said, I don’t think it would be fair to spill this here.“
„I can understand your decision, although I must admit you make me quite curious. Isn’t she making us curious?“, Sooah asked the audience. Everyone seemed to agree with a murmur.
I didn’t say anything anymore. My decision was set. I knew people wanted me to tell them all the juicy stuff about Mr. Kwon, but I wouldn’t go so low. I would do it the right way and report him to the police. 


Clover’s real identity was revealed on MBC Daily

After model Clover went missing, she was now back for an exclusive life interview on MBC Daily, revealing her true identity. Apparently the young model’s real name is Baek Hyeonmin and her real age is fifteen, which is much more fitting to her visuals. 
Although Baek Hyeonmin didn’t spill anything about her manager Kwon Joosuk, who was also the manager of Ahn Jaerin, who committed suicide in 2012. Now the history seemed to almost have repeated itself, since Hyeonmin stated to suffer from depression.
She finally revealed she will be dropping out of the upcoming drama project ‚At the end of the rainbow‘ to finish her school in her hometown and to go into therapy.

With this Clover aka Baek Hyeonmin leaves everyone curious, if she will ever make a comeback as a model or even become an actress. She also claimed to press legal charges against Kwon Joosuk, who might not be able to return into business this time. Netizens sympathize with Hyeonmin, showing their support with #100hyeonmin on twitter.

But what was also a big shock to a lot of fans was the fact, that none other than Level Five’s Taejung was accompanying Hyeonmin to her interview at MBC Daily. This heats up the dating rumors once again.

Find the complete interview here.


* korean word for grandma
#100hyeonmin (100=baek)

© all rights reserved || copyright by J.J.B.

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