Sonntag, 1. November 2015

RETOUCHED - Chapter 10 - Love-Hate

I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do. I wasn’t sure how long I could take Mr. Kwon’s actions. He was making my life miserable and the web was filled with more rumors about me. 
I haven’t heard from Taejung since and I was sincerely hoping he wouldn’t believe what was written about me and Jung Junyoung. 
But also new rumors about plastic surgery had been going viral. They even had pictures of me in front of one of the top plastic surgery clinics in Seoul. 
I remembered that day well. It was in early summer, when my career wasn’t actually rolling. I was still going everywhere by bus or with a cab. Mr. Kwon sent me to a casting but I ended up in front of the clinic. I had no idea why I was there, but Mr. Kwon simply told me he misread the address and that I had to go somewhere else. I never thought he would have something else in mind. Who could have known he would turn such a thing into a scandal. I knew it was him. I had this feeling that he was trying to get rid of me. He knew I wasn’t doing what he wanted. I wasn’t helping him getting successful anymore. Or at least I probably wouldn’t for ever. Even though he threatened me, he knew I wasn’t bearing his horrible behavior. I wouldn’t let it slide. 
I was hurt that he set me up with Jung Junyoung. If it wasn’t for Junyoung, I could have been seriously in danger. He wanted me to believe that I slept with some random older guy. He wanted a fifteen year old girl to actually believe this. What sort of human was doing such a thing…
I really wanted to pursue my career, I wanted to become an actress and prove my parents wrong. But I also started to doubt whether this was worth it. Maybe I should quit and go back to my family. Maybe this would be the best. Not only for me, but for everyone involved.

„What are you thinking of?“, Sihyun interrupted my thoughts.
I was sitting inside my dressing room and was supposed to read the script so I could start practicing with my acting coach.
„Nothing important.“, I replied and tried to smile.
Sihyun looked at me, not believing my attempt. „Are you okay?“, he wanted to know.
I didn’t understand what he meant.
„I mean there are some serious rumors about you, this is probably not easy, huh?“, he said.
I didn’t want to talk about it. Especially not with him. I didn’t need to explain anything to him and I didn’t care what he thought of me.
„I’m okay. I’m used to it.“, I said and shoved myself past him. 
Sihyun grabbed my wrist and held me back.
„Don’t act so strong.“, he said. 
I turned around to look at him. He was taller than me, so I needed to look up into his dark eyes. They were matte and somewhat empty. He seemed tired, with shadows contouring his face. And he was pale, paler than I remembered. 
„I know how hard things can be. There have been a lot of rumors about me and I was effected by it.“
„Well, I’m not you.“, I said with a bitter undertone.
Sihyun let go of my hand but still stared at me as if he was thinking of the right words to say.
„Who are you trying to fool?“, he asked.
„What?“, I replied.
„I know you are not that tough arrogant girl.“
I didn’t say anything. I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to react. I didn’t want to let my guard down.
„You are a little girl and your life is going crazy. I know how you must feel.“, he continued.
„Who are you calling a little girl?“, I started to get offended my his words. Although I still didn’t understand what he was even trying to say.
Sihyun sighed. He stroke his hair back out of his eyes. 
„Clover.“, he said. His voice got more serious. „I can see that you’re pretending to be someone. I’m an actor and I can tell when someone is not their self.“
„What are you saying?“
„Is Clover even your real name?“, he said and rose his eyebrows.
I automatically backed off. 
„I discovered you aren’t who you try to be.“, he grinned. I wasn’t sure if it was a mischievous grin or if he was proud of himself.
I wasn’t able to say one single word.
„I’m not going to reveal anything.“, he said. „I don’t even know what is there to reveal. I just don’t want you to get hurt.“
„Why?“, I breathed.
„Because I care about people. Especially if they have anything to do with Mr. Kwon.“, he continued.
I looked onto the ground. I didn’t want to look at him anymore. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t pretend to be Clover when he just found out that wasn’t the real me. I wasn’t even sure when I started to become Hyeonmin again. I wanted to forget Hyeonmin and finally become Clover, but I completely lost her. I even started to hate her. She was naive and stupid, just running after fame. 
„I think I need to quit.“, I said all of the sudden.
Sihyun shrugged. „What are you saying?“, he asked.
„I can’t do this anymore. You’re right, I’m not who I pretend to be, but I can’t tell you the truth because there is someone who deserves to know first.“, I said. When I rose my gaze, I saw a sparkle of sadness inside Sihyun’s eyes. He didn’t seem to understand what I was trying to say.
„You can’t quit. That wouldn’t be the right way.“, he said.
„Then what is?“, I wanted to know. Desperation sneaked into my voice. And again tears wanted to run down my cheeks. But I forced myself to swallow them down.
„I don’t know yet. But please don’t make any hasty decisions that you might regret later on. I won’t tell anyone about anything. This is between you and me.“

The door to my dressing room opened again. Apparently people thought they could come and go as they liked. Who cared if I was maybe changing clothes or something.
„We have a meeting now.“, a man said. I had seen him before and recognized him as Sihyun’s manager. „Clover is supposed to come too.“, he added. He didn’t seem to be pleased. I changed a quick glimpse with Sihyun who shrugged his shoulders. At least I wasn’t the only one who had the feeling that something was strange about this.
A minute later Sihyun, his manager and I went into a conference room which was in the building of the KBS studios. Mr. Kwon was already sitting on one of the leather sofas that were arranged around a small glass table on a grey rug. I was feeling uncomfortable immediately. 
We took our seats and Mr. Yoo began to speak: „I’m really sorry to gather you here under these circumstances.“
I looked at Sihyun who caught my gaze but shrug his shoulders again. He too had no idea what this was all about. Mr. Kwon was sitting right next to me. He didn’t wear his shades for a change, but instead a complacent smile, that didn’t seem to be good. He had his arm crossed in front of his chest and starred at the wall. 
„I don’t really want to bother you all, but I’m a little concerned.“, Mr. Yoo started again.
Everyone was deadly quiet. Sihyun’s manager looked nervous. 
„Actually this matter concerns Clover.“, he sighed. He turned his head at me. I was a bit startled.
„Well, I’m not sure how to put this, but I’m afraid we might have to cancel our collaboration.“, he stated.
I was taken aback and Sihyun jumped in his seat.
„What?“, I breathed.
I could see that Mr. Yoo had a hard time speaking and he was rubbing his knees with his fists.
„There have been a lot of negative reports about you in the media lately and I don’t want this to effect my drama.“, he said. 
„Oh.“, I said. It felt like my heart started to beat slower. I felt sad. Really sad.
„I know this might not seem fair but this is not only effecting me, but the entire team. We’ve been working so hard and I want this to be a success. I’m afraid your reputation will weigh the show down.“
His words cut right through me. Every single bit of it hurt so much. I noticed Mr. Kwon’s ugly smile next to me. I didn’t want to effect Mr. Yoo’s show in a negative way. But at the same time, I felt like he was doing me wrong. I never did anything that was released in the media. So why was I removed from the project?
„This won’t do.“, Sihyun suddenly spoke up. All heads turned into his direction. He put his forehead into wrinkles of anger and glared at the director.
„You cannot fire her.“, he said really loud. 
„Sihyun!“, the director said. He seemed as surprised as everyone else. „I’m not firing her. We didn’t even sign the contract yet.“
„Well, you should sign it. You yourself said that she matches Nari perfectly. You searched for an actress for so long and you want to throw it away because there are some stupid rumors? You know how this business works, you should not act according to any type of news.“
„You’re right, I know this business and that’s exactly why I know that rumors can cause trouble. It wasn’t an easy decision but it was a decision that had to be made.“, Mr. Yoo replied. His face turned angry and he didn’t seem to like that Sihyun was defending me.
„It’s okay. I can understand.“, I said. I felt like people forgot I was even in this room with them.
„No!“, Sihyun yelled. „If Clover won’t be the lead actress, I will drop out of this.“
Everyone looked at him in shock.
„Sihyun!“, I gasped.
„What are you saying?“, Mr. Yoo stuttered.
„You heard me. You said I have the right to choose an actress with you and that’s exactly what we did. There is no real reason against this collaboration.“
„Didn’t you listen?“, Mr. Yoo asked him. 
„Oh, I listened. But I find it doesn’t make any sense. You want to remove the perfect match from the drama just so that her somewhat bad reputation won’t effect you? There’s no guarantee this will even happen. Did she effect Level Five? Yes, she did, but it was in a good way.“, he explained.
Mr. Yoo closed his mouth and looked through the round of people that was gathered inside his office.
„Anyways, I won’t be part of this if Clover isn’t.“, Sihyun said with a serious tone. Then he rose from the sofa and walked out the door. 
Mr. Yoo looked quite shocked. He excused himself and went after Sihyun. I was only slowly getting what was happening around me. Maybe I should’ve quit after all.

Director Yoo Han confirms Kang Sihyun and Clover as the leads of his drama

Everyone is still waiting for the upcoming drama ‚At the end of the rainbow‘, that director Yoo Han announced early this year. The drama is following a young couple through their high school days. Kang Sihyun plays the son of the owner of an engineering company. While he wants to be an athlete his father has other plans for him. Clover is supposed to be his fiancé, who starts to doubt whether Kang Sihyun’s character is the one she wants to marry and spend her entire life with.

Of course there’s much more in ‚At the end of the rainbow‘ and we can’t wait to find out.
Yoo Han did the first step by announcing the two lead roles and stating that the filming will start soon.

The lead role would be model Clover’s first acting role, though people already started to hate on her for getting the part. Just recently she broke up with former boyfriend Taejung from Level Five and now new dating rumors occur again, involving her and Kang Sihyun. Although the incident with her and singer Jung Junyoung is still making it’s rounds.

What do you think of Kang Sihyun and Clover as the main roles?


I was called into Yoo Han’s office about a week later. I knew it was Sihyun who I needed to thank. He stepped in for me when no one else was. Not even Mr. Kwon was helping me. Instead he slowly watched me drowning. I was frustrated. Of course I was happy that I would be part of a drama, that I landed my first role, but I was afraid of what Mr. Kwon would come up with next. He set up so many things, that it was likely he would continue. He obviously wanted me to get thrown out of the project. He must be furious now that his wishes didn’t come true.
Mr. Yoo apologized profusely for what he did and said and promised to protect me from now on. I wasn’t too sure if I should believe him. After all he wanted to throw be out because the internet was claiming things about me. I was sure that there would be more rumors and I felt bad for causing him trouble.

It was already late at night when I came home from my nightly work out. I was tired and exhausted and didn’t even look up from the ground, otherwise I would have noticed him sooner.
„Hey.“, he said. 
I felt like I was dreaming. Did I really just here his voice? When I looked up I saw Taejung standing right in front of me. I was overwhelmed by the sudden flood of feelings that spread through my body.
„Can we talk?“, he asked. I heard a serious tone within his voice but nodded.
Taejung and I walked a few steps around the building to a small park. It was not even worth calling it a park. It was a small grass area with one single tree and a bench. But it was quiet and empty enough for us to talk alone.
„When did you get back to Seoul?“, I asked.
„Just now.“, he said and we took our seats on the bench.
We stayed silent for a while and I tried to see some stars at the night sky. But the lights of the city were way too bright to let them show.
„A lot has happened.“, Taejung said. It was already really dark and there was no lantern in the park, so I could barely see Taejung’s face. 
I nodded.
„Did you want the breakup because of Kang Sihyun or Jung Junyoung?“, he asked with a sudden bitterness inside his voice.
I shrugged. „What? No.“, I quickly said.
„Don’t lie.“, he said.
„I’m not! What makes you think so?“, I wanted to know. I couldn’t believe Taejung would really believe that was the reason I wanted him to break up with me. I opened up my heart for him, I confessed and didn’t get anything back. But furthermore I needed to let him go in order to protect him. But that was not exactly what I was able to tell him.
„Isn’t Junyoung a little old?“, Taejung asked.
His question pierced my heart. I turned my head away. I was too disappointed to look at him.
„Now you can’t even look me in the eye?“, he shook his head.
I didn’t answer. There was so much I wanted to say. I wanted to apologize for what I did to him, I wanted to explain my motives. But I couldn’t.
I felt like crying again. Since when did my world become so full of tears.
„I’m glad you made me break up with you. I’m better off without you anyway.“, he said.
I tensed my entire body and tried to shake off the upcoming sadness. 
„I guess you are.“, I said. And I meant it. A sad smile flashed over my lips.
I felt Taejung’s glance laying on me. 
„You are an awful person.“, he spitted out. „How can you even look into the mirror?“
That was one question that I was asking myself over and over again. Even though his words ripped my heart out, threw it on the ground and stomped on it, I knew I had to endure it. It was better when he was hating me. He was save that way.
„Are you seriously not saying anything?“, he asked and got louder.
„There’s nothing that needs to be said.“, I replied. Then I got up and left him alone. As soon as I was around the corner, I started running. I rushed into the building, up the stairs and into my dorm. I let myself fall onto my bed, pressed my face into the pillows and screamed. It was the most unbearable pain that I had ever felt. My entire body felt like I had bruises everywhere. I couldn’t breathe normally, I felt like I was choking, gasping for air, still not able to stop screaming. I wanted it to stop, I wanted to feel numb. I saw Taejung right in front of me. I saw him smile at me, I remembered the first day we met, that moment he touched my hand during the video shoot. It was like I was seeing all our moments again and I started to pack them up to some hidden corner inside my memory. I needed to forget everything about him. I needed to forget that ‚we‘ ever existed.


Taejung reveals the relationship with Clover was fake?!

Shocking news are going viral since this morning. Level Five’s maknae Taejung posted an official statement regarding his relationship with model Clover.
According to his post the relationship was set up by their manager to promote both of them.

„I’m truly sorry that I wronged everybody. It was never my intention to hurt anyone, although my intentions weren’t good either.
I met Clover during the Coffee Kiss video shoot. After people starting to rumor about us, our managers decided to cause rumors on purpose and eventually decided to confirm that we are in a relationship. The truth is, Clover and I have never been in any sort of relationship and now broke all contact. Furthermore we’ve only been seen together because we first agreed to proceed with the relationship in order to promote Clover and myself. None of this has to do with Level Five and none of the members were aware of any of this. I hope my beloved fans and friends can forgive me one day. I will take responsibility for my actions and promise to be honest in the future.“

Clover did not respond to anything yet, neither has the management or Elbi Entertainment.


© all rights reserved || copyright by J.J.B.

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