Sonntag, 11. Oktober 2015

RETOUCHED - Chapter 7 - Open Doors


Level Five announces tour dates for Korea

After Levelers were outraged because Level Five was starting their great Upgrade Tour in Japan instead of South Korea, Elbi Entertainment finally announced the tour dates for their Korean concerts.

„[…] We did not want to upset our Korean fans. We started with the tour in Japan, because we were not able to schedule all Korean dates yet. Since this tour is supposed to visit a lot of different cities, it took some time to manage all the dates. […]“

With that being said, Elbi announced seven concerts in Korea, two of them in Seoul. Fans should not be disappointed, even though they have to wait to see their hubbies at least one more month.

Tickets are out for sale soon:


In about thirty minutes, Level Five would leave the headquarters of Elbi Entertainment and start for their Japan tour. And I was still stuck inside a car, my heart pounding like crazy, sweating because I was so nervous. I had to get there in time. I couldn’t let Taejung leave before I told him the truth. I had no real explanation why I waited until the last minute, but I couldn’t change it either.
I didn’t even know if I was nervous, because I sort of wanted to confess to Taejung or because I was afraid of not getting there soon enough. 
     The car didn’t even stop when I already opened the door and jumped outside. I ran into the building, pass the paparazzi, tried to somewhat smile and wave at them and rushed towards the stairs. I had no clue where Level Five was right now. And the building was huge. I stopped for a second to take a deep breath and concentrate. Only when I was about to take the first step, I heard a familiar voice coming from the left. When turned my head, I spotted Mr. Park, their manager. And he was followed by Chaemin, Heojae, Seoljin, Baeksoo and Taejung. It felt like all the weight on me just fell off of my shoulders. But at the same time I realized what I was about to do. I was basically putting all my hope into what I was thinking Taejung was like. I was believing he would understand and that everything would be fine after that.
Taejung looked startled when he saw me. It wasn’t his usual happy smiling face, but some kind of confusion. I just waved at the other members while Taejung came walking towards me. 
„Hey, is everything alright?“, he asked. 
Something inside of me wanted to back down. I really didn’t need to tell him, did I? It wasn’t that big of a lie… I focused on his black eyes, observed every inch of his pale face. His skin seemed so smooth and flawless. Dark, long lashed framed his eyes and made his iris seem even blacker. His hair was covering his forehead. He always looked a lot younger with his hair down.
„I need to talk to you.“, I said and my voice sounded shaky. 
„I really don’t have much time right now.“, he said and turned to see what his band members were doing. 
Seoljin’s hair gleamed in a pretty silvery color, reflecting the bright lights inside the headquarters, while Heojae’s hair was bleached to a nice golden color. It was a little bit weird seeing this tough guy with hair like a prince but I found this mismatch pretty interesting. Mr. Park was on the phone, walking up and down in front of the big glass door. They were waiting for the car, so I only had a few minutes left. This was not the mood I was expecting, but it was all that I got and I needed to do it now.
„It doesn’t take too long, but I really need to get this straight before you leave for one month.“
„Don’t worry about it, okay?“, he said.
I was taken aback. What was he talking about?
The next second Level Five’s car was stoping right in front of the entrance. Mr. Park glanced in our direction, still speaking on the phone.
„Listen, Taejung…“, I said and grabbed for his arms. He finally looked at me again, even though I couldn’t decide if this was actually helpful. 
„Clover!“, he said with a strong voice. „I’m sorry about what happened the other day. I know you’ve been avoiding me ever since. But don’t think too much into it. I was just going a little overboard with this entire pretending thing.“, he freed himself from by grip. 
„What?“, was all I was able to say. 
„So don’t worry about it okay? It won’t happen again. We’re just friends.“, his words hit me in the face. I didn’t want to be ‚just friends‘. This conversation was heading into a total wrong direction.
The thoughts inside my head tried to get into some logical order. I wasn’t sure if he was meaning what he said. If so, I totally had been getting the wrong idea all this time.
I saw from the corner of my eye, that Mr. Park was shoving his phone into his pocket. My time was passing. 
„That’s not why I was avoiding you.“, I said.
     „Taejung, are you coming?“, Mr. Park yelled through the lobby.
Taejung didn’t even listen to my words. 
„I need to go now.“, he said but I saw some doubts inside his movements. That was everything that I needed to believe he didn’t mean what he just said and that there was still some hope for ‚us‘. 
„Just one more minute.“, I pretty much begged. 
     „We need to leave now!“, Mr. Park’s voice sounded again. 
„Look, I’m really sorry to cut you off, but we need to get to the airport now.“
„But it’s really important.“, I said reaching out for his arms, but he turned around and left before I was able to get a hold of him.
„Whatever it is, we can talk when I’m back or you can talk with Mr. Kwon or Sunhi.“, he said while crossing the lobby to join the rest of Level Five in front of the door. 
     I gathered all my courage. I ran after Taejung, passing him to stand right in front of him. He almost ran into me, his black eyes looking at me questioningly. 
There was no time for an entire explanation. My chance to tell him who I really was had already passed, but I had to make sure not to lose him completely. I could not let him leave thinking that we were friends, that I didn’t want that kiss.
I tiptoed, leaning forward, clasping my arms around his body and reaching my head to his shoulders. I felt how his body tensed. He didn’t respond my hug, but that didn’t matter. 
„I really like you, Taejung, like really a lot…“, I whispered. I heard him swallow. He didn’t say anything.
I let go of him, and took off. I wasn’t able to look into his eyes. I was too afraid of how revealing his gaze might have been.
„Have a safe trip everyone.“, I yelled and waved at Level Five, while walking backwards. I still avoided Taejung’s glance, even though he was looking right at me.
I ran up the stairs and across the corridors to the gym. I really had no other place to go and I needed to get somewhere to overthink what I’d just done.
I leaned against my locker, letting the cold metal cool me down. 
I didn’t act according to my plan, but it was all that I had left. If I hadn’t told him right now, he would have left for Japan for one entire month. He could have met a bunch of other girls there. But I wanted him to just think of me. At least now he knew what I felt. Although I wasn’t too sure if he was even feeling the same.

It came as I thought, I heard nothing from Taejung. I knew he had a strict schedule in Japan, but still I was hoping for some kind of text message or anything like that. It was driving me crazy not hearing a single word, not knowing what he was thinking right now.
Luckily Mr. Kwon’s schedule for me was keeping me busy quite a bit. 
It had already passed a week, but it felt like only one day since Taejung left.
     I arrived at the Cha General Hospital for my charity work. It was the hospital that Elbi was working with, but also Stardom sent some of their actors and models to attend the event. I felt a little weird dressing up for charity work. It had something rude to it. At least that’s what I thought.
I was relieved that Mr. Kwon was actually coming with me. Since it was my first time attending a charity event, I had no idea what I was even supposed to do. On the meet-up, that was held a week ago, they told me to read books for kids, which I didn’t understand, because I thought we were raising money for deaf children. I couldn’t read for the deaf, they wouldn’t hear a word I’d say. But since no one seemed to question this, I decided not to ask. I just thought maybe I was too inexperienced to get the whole point of this.
„Joosuk!“, a man said and opened his arms. He hugged Mr. Kwon. „I’m so glad to see you.“
„Han, I was hoping to see you here.“, Mr. Kwon replied. 
I just stood next to him watching back and forth between the two men. 
„I told you I would come. There’s nothing better than scouting new actors from a charity event.“, the man, who’s name was Han, smiled.
Mr. Kwon laughed. 
„So this must be Clover.“, he said observing me.
I bowed carefully.
„Clover, this is Yoo Han, he’s a producer.“, Mr. Kwon introduced me.
„Hello, Mr. Yoo.“, I said. 
Mr. Yoo smiled. He was a tall, handsome guy. He wore a neat suit and his hair was totally on point. 
„Joosuk told me that you want to become an actress.“, Mr. Yoo said.
I blinked a few times. What did he just say? „Sort of.“, I answered.
„Well you don’t seem too sure about it.“, he said.
I felt the glance, Mr. Kwon was giving me. He was not really pleased over my reaction.
„Let’s talk a little before you start your reading.“, Mr. Yoo said and put his arm around my shoulder. „You don’t mind, Joosuk, do you?“, he grinned. Mr. Kwon shook his head and we left him behind.
„I am producing a new drama called ‚At the end of the rainbow‘, maybe you’ve heard of it.“
Of course I have.
„And I’m still missing a female lead.“, he continued. „Mr. Kwon suggested you for the role, what do you think?“
„You want me for a lead?“, I asked. He couldn’t be serious about this.
Mr. Yoo grinned again. It was a nice and friendly grin, unlike the way Mr. Kwon always smiled.
„I am indeed considering you for the role.“, he said.
„But I’m not an actress. I don’t have any education in this field.“, I commented.
„I know, I know. But I saw you acting in Level Five’s music video and I see potential.“
„Are you serious?“, I wanted to know.
„Well, nothing’s been decided yet. I want you to meet Kang Sihyun and see if your chemistry fits. I need an authentic couple as the lead roles.“
„Kang Sihyun?“. He was a quite famous actor.
Mr. Yoo nodded. „Yes, he’s here today. I set you two up to meet after your reading sessions.“

The reading went horrible. I wasn’t able to concentrate at all. I was about to meet Kang Sihyun. I felt like I was dreaming. This couldn’t be real. 
I was trying to give my best at the reading session, but my thoughts kept running off and I totally lost track. Cha General Hospital would probably not invite me a second time to read.
When I was finally finished and turned around to leave the room, I saw Sihyun standing in the doorframe, watching me. 
This was beyond embarrassing. I blushed right away.
„Clover, right?“, he said and smiled.
He was stunningly attractive. Even more handsome than on TV. His face had some slight Japanese features, at least that’s what I would describe him like. His bone structure was perfect, his jaw was wide, somewhat square shaped. His eyes sparkled in a dark black color, which matched his hair perfectly. He smiled at me with a splendid set of white teeth and only now I realized how weirdly I was starring at him.
„I’m sorry.“, I said quietly.
„Oh, don’t be.“, he smiled. „Did you enjoy the reading?“, he asked.
„I think I’m not really a good reader.“, I said sheepishly.
„The kids seemed to like the story a lot.“, he said. „Do you want some coffee?“, he asked.
I nodded and we started walking through the corridor to a vending machine. 
Sihyun got us some coffee and we rested on a bench.
„Do you feel uncomfortable?“, he asked.
„No, no.“, I said quickly. „It just feels a little weird.“, I tried to explain.
„Well, you’re Sihyun and I am sitting with you inside a hospital drinking vending machine coffee.“, I grinned. 
Sihyun laughed. „Okay, I agree, it is quite weird.“
„I’m sorry if you don’t want to be here. I know Mr. Yoo set this up, but I can imagine you have better things to do.“
„Don’t say that.“, he seemed a little frustrated. „I thought taking you as a lead, would be a great idea. That’s why agreed on meeting you.“, he added.
„Why is everyone thinking I would be a good actress?“, I wanted to know.
Sihyun shrugged his shoulders. „Don’t ask me, I just think your looks match the character of Nari really well.“, he said. He turned to me and his knee touched mine. „But Mr. Yoo is experienced and if he thinks you would make a good actress, there’s probably something true about it.“
I nodded. Still it seemed unreal. 
„Can I ask you something?“
Sihyun looked at me with his gorgeous face. His hair was perfectly shining in the white hospital lights. He reminded me of Taejung. They had the same hair and eye color, although Taejung’s jaw was more of a v-line and he looked younger than Sihyun. And there was something that Sihyun was missing. Taejung always had this seductive sparkle inside his eyes, that made me lose my focus, while Sihyun wasn’t effecting me like that. 
„The kids I read to weren’t deaf, were they?!“
Sihyun started laughing. His entire body was shaking in laughter. „No, they could hear you perfectly fine.“, he answered my question, almost crying because he was so amused.
„I mean, because I thought this charity event was for deaf children. It confused me.“
„Ah, I see. Well, the hospital raises money for the research of the technologies for deaf this year. And in order to get attention from the sponsors we are here.“, he explained.
That made totally sense and I felt stupid that I didn’t think of that myself.


Model Clover spotted with Kang Sihyun at Cha General Hospital charity event

Again it was time for the yearly charity event hosted by Cha General Hospital. This year’s focus was the treatment for deaf children. 
The Cha General Hospital introduced some new technologies to make deaf children able to hear again. With the yearly charity event, the hospital is raising money from sponsors to pay for new technologies and research.

A lot of celebrities joined the charity event by reading for sick children or painting together.
But one celebrity couple was quite unexpected. Model Clover, Level Five’s Taejung’s girlfriend was spotted with actor Kang Sihyun at the event. They were giggling and seemed really familiar with each other. Already Levelers go crazy on SNS, accusing the model of cheating on Taejung, who is in Japan for the Level Five Upgrade Tour.

This might also interest you: 2015 Cha General Hospital Charity Event

comment box

i hate her! Taejung’s gone for a week and she’s already hooking 
up with the next guy?! BITCH!!

Reply 897 Likes

plastic bitch thinks she’s so great? I can’t stand her at all. She should
leave Taejung and Sihyun alone…

Reply 672 Likes

@levelxxpunji the poor guys…Clover is totally using them to get fame…

Reply 176 Likes


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