Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2015



Ahn Jaerin rushes off premiere party after fight with manager

Song Kangho’s new movie Howling premiered last night and that was celebrated with a lot of celebrities and idols.

But the scenery was overshadowed by young singer Ahn Jaerin, who seemed to have a huge fight with her manager. Insiders say it was about her single Butterfly, which flopped in the end of January. 
After loud screaming and yelling, Ahn Jaerin was reported to rush outside and leave the party.


Missing idol - Police continues their investigation

After leaving the premiere party of Howling on Thursday, Ahn Jaerin was not found in her dorm and no one was able to contact her.
Friends and family started to worry, but Elbi Entertainment stayed calm and explained Ahn Jaerin’s absence with an overreaction to the fight with her manager.
Although Elbi did report her missing to the police right away.

Last man seeing her was her driver Shin Youngil, who stated he dropped her off at her dorm as usual. The police now searches for any hints regarding Ahn Jaerin’s whereabouts.


Ahn Jaerin found dead at Lumia Hotel

Shocking news go viral since early this morning. The missing idol Ahn Jaerin was found dead last night in a hotel room of the Lumia Hotel in Jung-gu. 

The Hotel manager contacted the police after one of his staff members said, that Ahn Jaerin might stay at their hotel.
Apparently no one would pick up the phone in her room and no one would respond to the room service in front of the door either. 

After getting access to the hotel room, the police found Ahn Jaerin’s dead body on the bed. The cause of her death remains uncertain. 


Ahn Jaerin’s driver accused of murder?

Apparently the driver of Ahn Jaerin is now under arrest and has to stand up for being accused of murdering the seventeen-year-old singer. 

As we reported on Saturday, Shin Youngil was the one person, seeing Ahn Jaerin last by driving her to her dorm.
Roommates of Jaerin now told the police, that she never arrived at the dorm. The video surveillance camera of the car was checked by the police and it was clearly shown that the car did not drive to the dorm, but to Hangang* instead. The car was parked there for almost half an hour and continued it’s way back to Elbi Entertainment. Though it is not shown if Ahn Jaerin left the car or was still inside when arriving at Elbi Entertainment.


Fans mourn for Ahn Jaerin

Fans of singer Ahn Jaerin are still shocked by the recent happenings. After all, the death of the young idol opens up a lot of questions, which aren’t answered yet.

Ahn Jaerin debuted in early 2011. Her career was said to be exceptional and her debut album was placed first in the Music Bank album charts for twelve weeks, breaking every record. After that huge success, things around Jaerin became quiet. She was supposedly working on a new concept to even outdo her first album. She once stated in an interview that her success is no reason for her to work less hard and she will always try to do the best she can.

On this year’s January 26th, Ahn Jaerin dropped her new single Butterfly. The concept was a total different, which led to a lot of repulsion by her fans. Jaerin was known for her remarkable voice. Ballads and strong songs, was what fans loved her for. Butterfly surprised with pop-tunes and a complete new style of the solo singer. She changed her long goddess hair into a fancy layered hairstyle and switched cute dresses for provocative leather pieces, showing a lot of skin.
The single flopped and only ranked 89 in the Music Bank charts. 

Although her musical success seemed to find a temporary end, fans still stood by her side and showed their support. Ahn Jaerin was not only beloved because of her music, but also because of her outstanding personality. She was one of the first idols to be down to earth and really connect with her fans. The sadder it is, that she left us so soon.

R.I.P. Ahn Jaerin. 


News in the case of Ahn Jaerin - Shin Youngil released from the police

Only two days after being arrested by the police, Shin Youngil is now a free man. Apparently he has an alibi for the night of Jaerin’s death.
Insiders reveal that the idol wanted to be driven to Hangang to get some fresh air and calm down. As she told in an interview in July 2011, she loved Hangang and the cool breeze, taking strolls or riding a bike. 

Still it remains uncertain how and why Ahn Jaerin visited the Lumia Hotel instead of going back to her dorm.


Did Ahn Jaerin commit suicide?

Three days after Ahn Jaerin was found dead, rumors occur, saying the seventeen-year-old singer might have committed suicide.
Friends of the descendent told the investigators that Jaerin’s condition seemed to be unstable. Apparently she was suffering from depression. It was even said that Jaerin had a lot of nightmares, waking up the entire dorm, by screaming at night. 


Elbi Entertainment denies depression rumors of Ahn Jaerin

Although Elbi Entertainment usually doesn’t react to any rumors, they now posted an official statement regarding the latest rumors saying Ahn Jaerin was suffering from depression.

„Ahn Jaerin did not suffer from any kind of depression. Due to her diabetes she was seeing a doctor regularly and getting treatment for this, and no other illness.“

Also Dr. Yoo Hyojin, the doctor in charge of Ahn Jaerin, let the police view her medical records, dislodging suicide rumors.


Farewell note written by Ahn Jaerin revealed to the public

The case of Ahn Jaerin’s death is still unsolved and everyone is waiting for the toxicology report. 
By now, her parents did not appear to the public. It was only reported that they arrived in Seoul Monday morning. 

After Elbi tried to suppress all the suicide rumors of Ahn Jaerin, her parents now turned to MBC News for an official interview, in which it was revealed that Jaerin indeed left a farewell note, writing about her reasons for suicide.

The interviewer asked the parents to talk about the content of the letter. Ahn Jaerin’s father said that Jaerin sounded desperate and left alone. She wrote about the pressure caused by her agency and management, that she was not pleased with the concept they wanted for her and that they pushed her into things, she didn’t want to do. 

Jaerin’s mother even read a small passage, driving everyone in the studio to tears:

„I know this may sound ridiculous, I’m not an adult, I’m a child…but they treat my like I’m not even a human being. I am human, ain’t I? I deserve to live. I feel like I cannot breathe. They’re taking everything from me. First they took my health, then my privacy, then my identity…“

After this heartbreaking interview, Elbi gains a lot of criticism for their management. Furthermore Ahn Jaerin is not the first idol to have controversial issues with Elbi Entertainment.
Fans are shocked what lead this young girl to committing suicide and want her manager to speak up in this case.

You can find the entire interview on


Elbi Entertainment dismissed Kwon Joosuk

Elbi Entertainment finally reacts to the death of Ahn Jaerin by dismissing her manager, Kwon Joosuk. 
He has been employed at Elbi since 2001. He is the former manager of Choi Yoonyoung before the actress signed with Management Koo and was the co-manager of the rookie band Superhero, which separated only two months after their debut in 2006.

Kwon Joosuk just recently gained a spot as one of the top managers in Seoul, mostly due to Ahn Jaerin’s huge success. Jaerin was not the only client Kwon Joosuk was managing. 
Elbi released the following official statement:

„We are truly sorry of everything that happened. Our hearts are broken and our prayers are with the young, extraordinary Ahn Jaerin. Words aren’t enough to fix what we did wrong. 
As for now we discharged Kwon Joosuk from all of his functions at Elbi Entertainment. In addition we transferred his remaining clients to other managers of our agency and arranged appointments to check their mental conditions with doctors from Cha General Hospital. […]“


Toxic Results clear the cause of death of Ahn Jaerin

According to the toxic results that have been released by the police this morning, Ahn Jaerin died due to an overdose of chlordiazepoxide, which is a component used in medication to treat insomnia and anxiety. 
Her medical record does not show any prescription of medication other than for her diabetes. Though insiders state they saw her taking medicine regularly and reputedly she was taking sleeping pills because she had problems with nightmares.


Yoo Hyojin under arrest for wrong medical records

The doctor in charge of Ahn Jaerin, Dr. Yoo Hyojin was revealed to have fudged the medical records for several idols. 
Investigators stumbled upon some discrepancies examining Ahn Jaerin’s records and started to check on other patients treated by Dr. Yoo Hyojin. That showed that he wrote prescriptions for patients under wrong names. The reason for this is probably to elude any issues at the physical examination done at the agencies hospital check ups. 

Yoo Hyojin has to stand trial in several cases. Though other names of those affected were not revealed. It lays now in the responsibility of the agencies to take care of their clients and get their medical records updated. 

It is still uncertain what other managers, besides Kwon Joosuk were aware of the wrong records and may have to stand trial for their actions.


United Entertainment releases list of managers involved in Yoo-Affair

Yoo-Affair is what people call the latest scandal about the wrong medical records, written by Dr. Yoo Hyojin. It has been revealed that Kwon Joosuk was one of the managers, who willingly manipulated the medical record of his client, solo singer Ahn Jaerin, who recently passed away, due to an overdose of medication, prescribed by Dr. Yoo Hyojin.

Fans attack Kwon Joosuk for handling the matter unprofessionally and not taking care of the health of his client. Also Elbi Entertainment gains negative publicity, although they already dismissed Kwon Joosuk from their agency.

United Entertainment now steps forward by releasing the list of the managers of their agency, who were also involved in the Yoo-Affair with the following words:

„Us, of United Entertainment were not aware of any actions regarding the Yoo-Affair. Although the lists were given to us in privacy, we do not want to protect the wrong doings of those people and we do not want to support their illegal actions in any way. With that we release the names of the managers that have been proven to have taken part in the Yoo-Affair:

Ri Bunhui
Yu Sunbok
Chu Dooman

 Of course we dismissed all of them from our Agency and marked them on the Red List“


Entertainments follow UE by releasing Yoo-Affair names

After United Entertainment took actions and outed the three managers, who had been involved in the Yoo-Affair, several other entertainments followed this example and posted the names on their websites, also dismissing them from any work functions.

It shows that mostly minor entertainments were fudging medical records. Stardom, Habakyu and Red Lion are the other three agencies next to UE and Elbi that have to live with the consequences bred by some of their employees. All agencies state that they were not aware of anything happening. 
The case of Ahn Jaerin still seems to be the worst of them all, since her medication was not set for her body type. Experts say that medications nowadays are portioned well enough and that cases of death can only be caused by side effects, such as allergic reactions and abusive consumption of alcohol, but not by taking too many pills, if prescribed correctly. 


Kwon Joosuk releases first letter of apology

The manager of Ahn Jaerin now speaks up for the first time. His lawyer released a letter of apology this morning. 

„[…] I did not intend to harm Ahn Jaerin. I only wanted her to be able to pursue her career. Many idols suffer from temporary depression or insomnia. Taking medication for that is nothing wrong. I did not officially let her get the medicine, so the entertainment would not consider her condition as unstable. Since it was not. […]“

Ahn Jaerin’s family, friends and fans are outraged. Kwon Joosuk did not state a single word of apology in his entire letter. He only briefly explained his actions, trying to excuse himself by stating he did nothing wrong. He also claims that Ahn Jaerin’s condition was stable, though there is no doctor, to prove this.

Find the entire letter on


Dr. Yoo Hyojin indicted for negligent homicide

Yoo Hyojin and the nine managers who are involved in the Yoo-Affair were standing trial today. Although the verdict was rather sobering. 

The managers all got away with fines. They are marked on the Red List, but that does not mean, that they cannot find work anywhere. 

Yoo Hyojin was indicted for forgery and negligent homicide. But due to lack of evidence he was only convicted for the wrong medical records. He lost his permit and has to pay injury award to all victims and their families. 

Read more about the trial on


Family and friends hold funeral mass for Ahn Jaerin

The death of seventeen-year-old Ahn Jaerin on February 11th 2012 put a shadow on the entertainment industry. Fourty-three days after her death things finally seem to be settled. All of the responsible people had to stand trial and got their punishment. Although this was no compensation to the pain that had been caused. 

In devotion of the talented singer, her family and friends held a funeral mass so that Ahn Jaerin’s body can be laid to rest in her hometown Daejeon.

* Hangang = Han River

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