Sonntag, 27. September 2015

RETOUCHED - Chapter 6 - Alleged Truth

I was just finished with my morning work out, heading towards Elbi Entertainment’s lobby when my phone rang. Luckily the medication by Dr. Yoo helped pretty good and I was already feeling better the next day.
I searched for my phone and stopped walking when I saw Taejung’s name on the screen. I couldn’t move. I wasn’t even sure if I should answer that call.
„Hello?“, I finally took it.
„Hey, how are you?“, Taejung’s voice asked me.
„I’m good and you?“ I started walking again, trying to calm myself down.
I couldn’t remember much of that album release night, but I had the feeling that whatever had happened wasn’t too good.
„Me too.“, he said. „Where are you at?“
„I’m at Elbi’s, I just finished my work out.“, I replied. I reached the stairs leading down to the lobby and saw Taejung standing at the entrance right away.
„That’s great, let’s go out for lunch.“, he said. He also spotted me and smiled at me with probably the brightest smile that I’ve ever seen.
I went down the stairs, hanging up my phone. My heart started to race again.
Taejung offered me his arm and together we went outside were some paparazzi were waiting for opportunities like this. I wasn’t sure if Taejung wanted to set this up, or if he had other intentions. Maybe it was wrong that I had so little trust in him. But I couldn’t help it, since I knew what Mr. Kwon was up to. I automatically thought, Mr. Park was the same.
     Taejung and I went to a small place called Bonjuk.
„Is this a porridge restaurant?“, I wanted to know when we stood in front of the small entrance.
Taejung turned around and smiled at me. „Since I couldn’t make you any porridge when you were sick, I at least wanted to treat you to some now.“
This was definitely one of the cutest gestures that anyone had ever done for me.
We went inside the restaurant and took our seats in a somewhat hidden corner. Luckily no paparazzi had followed us here, but I was still nervous that fans started to recognize us, or recognize HIM. I didn’t feel like anyone would come up to us for ME.
„Don’t be nervous.“, he said. He had noticed my hectic glances through the restaurant, observing the other people. Taejung reached out for my hand. This wasn’t exactly helping.
A waiter came to us and I could tell he knew who we were. He wore an apron around his waist and a huge pair of black framed glasses on his nose. He had a note pad in his hands and he was shaking as he held the pen and wrote down our table number.
„What can I bring you?“, he asked. It wasn’t only his hands shaking, but his voice too.
„We take two pumpkin porridges and some water, please.“, Taejung ordered.
I sort of didn’t like that he ordered for me too. I felt like he was still seeing me as the little sister he had to order for. But then again, maybe he just wanted to be a gentlemen. I should just stop thinking.
„Or do you want something else?“, Taejung asked me.
The waiter looked at me, his eyes very small behind those huge glasses.
„No, pumpkin porridge sounds good.“, I said.
     The porridge looked really good and it smelled so delicious. Though I had a weird blocking inside my head which made me feel bad for thinking about eating.
Taejung caught my gaze. „Are you okay?“, he wanted to know.
I nodded, starring at my plate.
„Hey, look at me.“, he said and took my hand again.
I breathed in deeply and rose my head to face him.
„You should really eat something. I don’t want you to get sick again.“, he said with such softness inside his voice that I almost felt bad for making him say something like this.
I couldn’t even remember the last time I had a warm dish. I was eating tofu and cucumber every day. It was almost like warm food was a total new experience to me. But it felt so good and my entire body seemed to thank me with warm shivers running down my back.
„Do you have any new jobs yet?“, Taejung asked and put another spoon of porridge into his mouth.
„Well, I have a casting in a few days for the spring campaign of ‚somethin‘ sweet’.“, I said.
„That sounds cool.“, he said. „Do you think you will get the job?“
I shrugged my shoulders.
„I think you’ll get it.“, he said.
„Why?“, I wanted to know. „Because I’m your girlfriend?“
I didn’t even know what made me react that way. Something just made me get really mad but I couldn’t explain what is was.
Taejung looked at me and seemed surprised. „No.“, he said really quietly.
„I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say that.“, again I managed to ruin the atmosphere.
„Do you really think so?“, he asked.
I couldn’t look at him and didn’t answer, but quietly ate my porridge.
„Do you really think people would book you, because you’re my girlfriend?“
This word cut right through me. It already hurt when I said it, but it hurt a lot more hearing him speaking this lie out loud.
„I always feel bad because I’m getting so much more out of this.“, he said.
„What do you mean?“
„I really needed this relationship. Level Five is gathering attention with the new album, but also Heojae and Baeksoo are. They have a lot of rapping parts in the new songs. You know who has less parts? Me. I barely have parts in any other song than Coffee Kiss. It would be really hard to promote my solo career after this. Nobody would talk about me if it wasn’t for you. You are the one making people interested in me.“, he explained.
I never thought about it this way. I always assumed that he was hating this fake relationship with me and just agreed because Mr. Park made him. I thought that was the reason why he wanted to force this relationship in the first place - because he wanted to show his manager that he did what he wanted and not what Mr. Park wanted.
„Sure, you’re a newcomer and now a lot more people know you because of me. But if you really look into it - you wouldn’t need me in order to be a successful model. But I need you to get my solo career.“, he said. He focused me with his black eyes. And I knew he wasn’t lying. He was meaning every word he said.
We kept quite for a while. I had no words to say and Taejung seemed to be miserable.
„I’ll leave for Japan in a few days.“, he then said.
„Japan? For how long.“, I asked.
„For one month. Maybe even longer. We have our tour there and depending on the response of the Japanese fans, we expand the tour schedule.“ His voice wasn’t as cheerful as usual.
„Don’t you want to go?“
„I do.“, he said and looked me deeply in the eyes. „But I also want to stay here with you.“
He always surprised me with his straight forward way to say things. I should have been used to it by that point, but I still wouldn’t believe what was happening.
After we finished our porridge, we headed towards my dorm. Taejung had a meeting later that day but he refused to just let me go home by myself and even walked me all the stairs up to the door.
„You really didn’t have to bring me all the way.“, I said.
„But I wanted to.“, he smiled.
I hated the feeling he gave me. I hated that I felt comfortable. It just made everything so much more complicated.
I searched for my key and when I was about to unlock the door, Taejung grabbed my shoulders and turned me around. He pulled me close, clasping his arms around my body. I was totally taken aback, squeezed by his hug so I almost couldn’t breathe.
He then let go of me, but still held me by the shoulders.
„I’m sorry, I just missed you.“, he said and he had this look again, searching for something within my expression.
„We spent the entire day together.“, I said and rose my eyebrows.
„I know.“, he said. His hand carefully put my hair behind my ears and stroke over my cheek. My eyes widened. I noticed he was focusing my lips and my fingers started to tingle.
Some part of me really wanted him to kiss me, but I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t let him kiss Clover. He was not supposed to actually like her - like me. I knew that this was what Mr. Kwon had wished for. I knew Mr. Kwon had some sort of evil plan to get rid of Taejung and he wanted me to make him fall in love with me. But I didn’t want to do it. I didn’t want to be that kind of person. Even though I still didn’t know if I could trust Taejung, I wanted to believe that he was an honest person. I wanted to believe that he wasn’t playing with me. I wanted to believe that he liked me.
Everything could’ve been so easy. But it wasn’t.
Taejung came closer and I tried to lean backwards to escape. I dropped my key, bent down to grab them and slipped out of his grip.
„Oh, I dropped my keys.“, I said, awkwardly laughing.
Taejung blinked a few times.
„Well, it’s getting late. I think you should better leave.“, I babbled. „Have a good day.“, I said, patted his shoulder and couldn’t unlock the door quick enough to slip inside my safe dorm.
That was close.
I breathed in deeply and slid down the cool wall onto the ground. I pulled my legs close to my body and rested my chin on my knees.
Maybe it was good that he was leaving for a month. I didn’t know how much longer I could take this. All those secrets and lies were weighing down on me.

A few days later I had my monthly meet up with Mr. Kwon. I was coming to his office to discuss my recent development and we made the schedule for the following month.
I was sitting inside his office, waiting for him to arrive. His office was a rather small room with white walls. There was a simple desk with a computer and a big leather chair. A few shelves with binders covered the wall to my left.
„Ah, you’re already here.“, Mr. Kwon said as he entered his office. He took his seat opposite me and clicked some things on his computer.
„It has been a great month so far. But I think we can top this.“, he said. He took off his shades and I starred into his dark eyes. He looked old and tired, somehow exhausted.
„First let me ask you something.“, he said. I wasn’t sure if I was only imagining the bitter tone in his voice.
„Where have you been during the album release?“, he asked. My heart stopped for a second. The album release was already over a week ago. And I had talked to Mr. Kwon since. He had never asked and I hoped he wouldn’t do so at any other time.
„What do you mean?“, I replied.
Mr. Kwon squinted his eyes, focussing me and observing my facial expressions.
„I thought I told you to hang around Taejung, but I never saw you again that night.“
„Really?“, I said, trying to get some time to think of something to say. „Well, I went to look for Sunhi and after I found her we went to the VIP section. But Level Five’s performance was about to start, so they needed to leave.“, I lied.
I saw inside his eyes, that he wasn’t believing me. The corner of his mouth was twitching. He sighed.
I remembered that Mr. Kwon gave me something to drink and I was feeling weird afterwards. I didn’t tell this Sunhi or Taejung. And I didn’t want to accuse Mr. Kwon of anything. I just thought it was a weird coincidence. Whatever his plans might have been, I didn’t want him to think that it worked out.
„Well…“, he started. „‚somethin‘ sweet’ called, you got the job. Also you have some offers from other companies. We should go through them and see which ones are fitting. You cannot take them all, since we don’t want people to think you’re desperate.“
I nodded.
I had eight offers in total. It was beyond crazy. I couldn’t even believe that I was a well-known model and that companies wanted me to be the face of their products. Out of the offers, Mr. Kwon suggested to only accept two. I didn’t understand much of marketing, but Mr. Kwon said something about my value and that some agencies just would want me more, if we turn them down the first time. I agreed to do attend to a charity event, which was collecting money for deaf children and shooting a commercial for SK Telecom. This, plus the ‚somethin‘ sweet’ shooting should fill my schedule for September. 
     „Mr. Kwon?“, I asked, when we were done with the actual meeting. „Can I ask you something?“
Mr. Kwon waited for my question, raising his eyebrows.
„What happened to Ahn Jaerin?“, I wanted to know. I knew this was a dangerous question, but after what Taejung told me, I just wanted to know Mr. Kwon’s side of the story.
„I think you already know what happened to her.“, he said.
„I only know what the internet says. But I’ve been working with you for so long now and I actually want to hear, what you have to say.“, I explained.
Mr. Kwon sighed again. „I really don’t want to talk about this, but I know you wouldn’t let go.“
„I wouldn’t.“, I agreed.
„I met Jaerin when she was about fourteen. I saw that she had potential and so I started to work with her. Of course she was way too young and untrained, but I didn’t want anyone else to discover her a few years later. So I sent her to singing classes. Her family didn’t have much money, so we made a contract. Jaerin was going to school and took singing classes on weekends and holidays. Her parents weren’t as convinced as I was and wanted her to focus on school. Jaerin enjoyed singing and she was begging me to get her into a trainee program. A year later, her parents agreed and she started as a trainee here at Elbi.“, he said.
„I didn’t know that she was a trainee.“, I said.
„That’s because it was somewhat unofficial. She wasn’t here to join a band. She was here to become a strong solo singer. She worked really hard because she wanted to debut as soon as possible. She got other offers from SM, JYP even. But since I was the one by her side from the beginning, she turned them all down. We had a really great relationship.“, he said with a soft voice. „She was like a niece to me. After her debut, she changed. She started to become obsessed with success. She wanted more. She wanted more concerts, more jobs and different songs. She didn’t like the concept we chose for her and she wanted to write her own songs. It became hard to work with her. She didn’t listen to me.“
„And that’s why her last album failed?“, I wanted to know.
Mr. Kwon nodded. He looked sad. I had never seen him sad. Angry, yes. Or sometimes even happy. But sadness was not actually something that Mr. Kwon showed.
„The failure was too much for her. I tried to explain, that this wasn’t the end. That this could happen and that she should just let us do our jobs. But we didn’t even came to that.“, he suddenly stopped speaking and I knew what was following. I didn’t need to hear his words. I didn’t even want him to say it out loud.
„Does this answer your question?“, he asked and tried to smile.
I nodded.
„I really know what I’m doing here, you just need to trust me.“, he added.
„I know. It’s just that those lies, this secret identity…it’s too much.“
Mr. Kwon sighed. „You can only tell those who you can fully trust. And you cannot trust anyone one-hundred percent.“, he said. He had his strong voice back.
„But I can trust you.“
Mr. Kwon smiled. A weird grin, that confused me.
He didn’t tell me to not tell anyone. He said I could tell people that I trust. And I trusted Taejung, didn’t I. I was trying to not like him. But it didn’t work out and I was too weak to fight this anymore. I wanted to keep him distant because I wasn’t honest with him. Because I wanted him to like the real me and not this illusion of myself named Clover. 
I didn’t know if I could trust him. But I couldn’t imagine he would do everything he did so far, if he was just pretending to like me. He saved me at the album release, he had been a person I could rely on. I remembered that moment when his lips were so close, they almost touched mine. All I wanted in this moment, was to burst out the truth and tell him, who I really was. He needed to know. Even though I was scared he wouldn’t understand and would turn his back on me, I needed to tell him. 


Level Five leaves for Japan tour?!

Things couldn’t be any better for Level Five.
Their 2nd album Upgrade places first in this weeks Music Bank album charts. Also Coffee Kiss hits 10 million viewers on youtube (elbientertainment). 

But before Levelers get to see the already announced music video for Bean Queen, the band visits Japan for their Upgrade album tour. Fans have been disappointed and showed their frustration in a recent post on pann:

„ How can Level Five’s management plan a tour in Japan right after the album release? What about us Korean fans? We don’t deserve concerts?
I never liked Elbi Entertainment in the first place. They have a lot of negative press, like the death of Ahn Jaerin, Park Jikyun’s back injury and the split of Sunshine. The management lacks quite a bit, but we started to oversee this, with Level Five becoming so popular. They seem to get the right treatment and the concept really matches their potential. Level Five is what made Elbi great. I don’t think Mun Minwo would have signed with Elbi, if he didn’t think the company made progress. After all YG wanted him. 
I really don’t get what Elbi thinks. We were waiting for the comeback and album since January. Level Five didn’t have a single concert in Seoul, not even Korea, since last year.
I don’t care if they visit Japan or not, maybe it’s good for money and of course Japanese fans want to see them, too. But why don’t they start here? Instead they let the Korean fans down…“

[+121, +6] Elbi really messed it up again

[+97, -4] Really? There’s no concert schedule for Korea???

Unnoticed by Korean Levelers, Elbi set up the tour dates for Japan in July. In fact the tour starts in three days, shown on the bands latest instagram posts, where they show their preparations to leave for Japan. But still no schedule, not even a word about Korea. 


before reading Chaper 7, please read the Ahn Jaerin Special.

© all rights reserved || copyright by J.J.B.

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