Sonntag, 6. September 2015

RETOUCHED - Chapter 3 - Erase my past

„Hyeonmin!“, someone knocked at my door.
I recognized her voice immediately. I rushed to the door and opened it.
„Mom!“, I yelled and clasped my arms around her body. My mom was quite short and a little chubby but she looked really young for her age. 
„I told you not to call me that anymore! Haven’t you read my emails?“, I asked her.
„I’m sorry, honey. I totally forgot. Clover is it, right?!“
I was so happy she was here. The last days had been overwhelming for me. There were so many rumors all over the internet. And I was busy calming Mr. Kwon down, who was still mad at me for that recent instagram post with Taejung. I haven’t talked to Taejung since, which made me a little nervous. I was scared he would do something, without me agreeing and it would cause more trouble with my manager. I was wondering what Mr. Park’s thoughts were.
     „You look so skinny. Where are your legs?“, my mom stated with a concerned voice. „Let’s go out for something to eat. I’ll treat you.“, she suggested.
„Wait!“, I said when my mom was about to head out the door. „I can’t!“
„I’m a celebrity now. I can’t walk around the streets. People will recognize me.“, I said.
My mom seemed sad and I wasn’t sure if she was able to understand what I was saying.
„But I know a place where we can go.“, I quickly said to cheer her up.
Moments later we were sitting in my car and the driver was supposed to bring us to the headquarters of Elbi Entertainment. It was the safest place I knew.
„This is your car?“, my mom asked me.
I nodded. I knew she didn’t like me being famous. She always hated it.
„That’s impressive.“, she said.
„You don’t have to lie.“, I replied.
She looked at me with her brown eyes. Fine lines surrounded them like small branches. She looked older than when I last saw her.
„How’s dad?“, I wanted to know.
She didn’t answer. Instead she turned her head and faced the window.
„I’m sorry, mom.“, I said.
I saw her nodding.
„You know I had to do this.“
„Let’s not talk about this again.“, she said and put a fake smile onto her lips. „Tell me about your life. I’ve been hearing so many things from the ladies at my card round.“, she said, changing the topic.
„I don’t even know where to start.“, I said. „It’s amazing. Really, mom!“, I started. „You know I had this music video shoot and since then everyone is going crazy.“, I told her.
„Yeeun showed it to me once. Her daughter was all obsessed over it.“, she said. Of course she would only mention Yeeun’s daughter and wouldn’t say a word about me.
I tried not to be too disappointed. „I had a shoot with Binggrae again together with Taejung.“, I continued.
„Is that the one, you’re dating now?“, she interrupted me.
Apparently my mom did know quite a lot about my new life. I wasn’t prepared for that. I didn’t know how to explain it to her. Was I allowed to tell her the truth? Would she keep it a secret?
     We arrived at Elbi Entertainment. Mr. Kwon told me to take my mom to the cafeteria here. And of course there were photographers placed in front of the building.
„Maybe you should stay inside and take the other entrance.“, I said biting my lip. Mr. Kwon had told me to take my mom with me so the photographers would get some good pictures. But I wasn’t sure, if my mom would like this. And I didn’t want her to be involved in something she really despised.
I was prepared for Mr. Kwon getting mad. I would take it, because it was my mother we were talking about. Using other celebrities was okay, since everyone did it. I just couldn’t do the same with my mother.
We met again inside and went to the 14th floor to get some food inside the cafeteria. The food there was actually really tasty and cheap. I got my mom a whole lot of different things and placed it on a tray in front of her.
„What about you?“, she looked at me.
„I’m fine.“, I said and took a zip of water.
I saw her eyebrows raising but I decided to ignore it. She wouldn’t understand my diet plan, even if I would explain it to her.
„Are you happy?“, she asked after a short pause.
„Of course I am.“, I answered right away. „I know you might not understand this, but it’s everything I ever wanted. It’s becoming real.“, I said.
„I’m just worried.“, she said not looking at me. „Your dad and I…“, she started another sentence. „…we were hoping you would come to your right mind and come back living with us.“, she said really quietly.
„I know, mom.“
„Just don’t feel ashamed if you want to quit everything, okay? You’re always welcome at home. Even though your father said those harsh things.“
I sighed.
„Tell me about your boyfriend.“, she said and shoved some of the food into her tiny mouth.
„Well…“, I began. „I don’t think we’re actually dating. We only met a few times.“
„But why is the internet saying you two are a couple?“
„It’s just rumors.“
„Then why don’t you tell them you’re not dating?!“, she asked me.
„Because it’s good publicity having those articles coming out.“
„Ah, that’s how it is. I’m not sure if I like this kind of business.“, my mom said and I noticed the sharp tone in her voice.
„You don’t have to like it.“, I said. I started to get mad at her. She came all the way to Seoul to see me and then she was only criticizing me. She could’ve just been happy for me.
„Look, mom. I don’t really have too much time left.“, I said.
„Why not? What’s on your schedule?“, she wanted to know.
„Tonight is the grand opening of the new Stylenanda store and I have to be there.“, I explained.
She nodded but didn’t seem satisfied. „I was hoping to have more time with you. But that’s how it is now.“, she sighed. 

I was glad when my mom had left. Of course I missed her. But I didn’t miss the life, she was constantly reminding me of.
When I started out to be a model, she was trying to talk me out of it. She wanted me to finish school, to make something out of my life.
My dad was a fishermen. And my mom sold the fish he caught. She was pushing me through school, because she didn’t want me to end up like them. She was proud of her life and she was happy the way it was. But there were hard times every now and then, that she didn’t wish anyone.
I remembered the day I left home, like it was yesterday, though it was already over a year ago. My dad was furious, he told me not to ever come home, if I left. But I did leave. And I never returned since.
I sat inside the make-up room and got ready for the store opening. I starred into my reflection, like I always did. ‚You’re not pretty enough to be a model.‘, I heard my mom’s voice inside my head. ‚You and your huge thighs belong into a real job.‘, she had told me.
„What’s wrong, Miss Clover?“, Sunhi asked, when she was putting my hair into loose waves.
„Hm?!“, I shook my head.
„You seem so absent.“, she said quietly.
„I’m sorry. I just have a lot on my mind lately.“, I said and tried to smile.
„Are you really dating Lee Taejung, Miss Clover?“, she whispered.
„Apparently.“, I said.
„That’s so exciting.“, Sunhi gasped. „Is he coming tonight, as well?!“, she wanted to know.
I shrugged my shoulders. „I don’t know.“
Sunhi opened her mouth in disbelieve. „How can you not know?“
„Since we both have really tight schedules, we don’t get to talk much.“, I told her.
„How unfortunate. I hope you’re having more time, once the promotions for the album are over.“
I nodded.
„Why did you not stick to our arrangement?“, Mr. Kwon said. He sat in the car, missing his blue shades.
„I just couldn’t involve my family.“, I said. „She would probably tell everyone my real name.“, I explained to him. I was surprised how easy lying became over the time.
Mr. Kwon sighed and put his blue sunglasses on. „Fine then. Make sure to be around Taejung tonight.“, he said and answered my unasked question.
I felt how my heart started racing. I was nervous. But there was more. It was a strange happy feeling mixed with tingling fingers and an awkwardness inside my belly.
„Don’t mess up this time.“, he said.
„I won’t.“
„Just stay around him, get some pictures taken and answer some questions of the reporters.“
„I have to answer questions?“, I asked in shock. I jumped up from my seat and almost hit the car’s roof. „But you didn’t give me the training yet.“, I remarked.
„You watched Level Five’s interview, didn’t you?“, he said. „So you’re good.“
I took some deep breaths. How hard could it be, to answer some questions. It wasn’t that they could ask something I didn’t know.
     I got out of the car, pulled down my mini skirt and smoothed my hair into place.
One. Two. Three. I went onto the carpet that was put in front of the great entrance doors of the new Stylenanda store. A few celebrities were talking and some posed for the photographers. I was one of them now. I just had to sell myself. And it worked. I was posing for the cameras. A women waved me closer. She held a mic in her tiny hands and focused me with her eyes.
„Clover, over here.“, she said. Some other interviewers started to yell my name.
„How is it that you’re not with Taejung now?“, the women asked.
„He’s coming with Level Five, so I get to see him later.“, I answered.
„So you’re confirming that you two are dating?!“, she stated.
My thoughts were racing inside my head. I couldn’t confirm it. I haven’t talked to Taejung about it. What if he had something else in mind.
„My management will take care of any official statements that have to be made.“, I answered.
The women grinned. „You’re new to the business, what are your plans?“, she then asked. I was so glad that she wasn’t asking about Taejung anymore.
„I want to do more shootings and I would love to do more commercials.“, I said.
„Do you want to become an actress?“, another women with a mic asked.
„Well, I probably wouldn’t turn down any offers.“, I said and smiled.
„What are you wearing tonight?“, I was asked.
„I’m wearing Stylenanda the new Partylight collection.“
The group started to get nervous. I heard whispering and mumbling. Did I say something wrong?
„Clover, Taejung is here.“, the interviewer said and pointed into the direction were Level Five’s car had just arrived.
My heart froze. Taejung jumped out of the car. His shimmery black hair swept sideways. He wore a black pair of jeans and a leather jacket. Every member of Level Five was dressed in black tonight.
„Can you get him for an interview?“, the reporter asked.
„I see what I can do.“, I smiled. I hated her for making me do this.
I walked over to Taejung.
„That women over there…“, I said and pointed at her. „…she wants an interview of us. But if you don’t want to, I agree. I just didn’t know what to tell her, since we didn’t talk about what we’re doing next.“, I sputtered.
„Do you want to be dating?“, he asked me.
I looked at him in surprise. I didn’t expect this question.
„I mean, for the reporters.“, he added and killed my excitement. Of course he meant if I wanted to pretend to be dating.
„Do you think this is a good idea?“, I asked.
„Don’t you?“
„But how are we getting out of this?“, I wanted to know. We couldn’t pretend to be dating for the rest of our lives. And a breakup would most likely end bad for at least one person involved.
„We come up with this later.“, he said and smiled at me. His smile had such a warmth that my worries seemed to wash away.
„I’ll be right back, I just have to do some interview with Clover.“, he said to Chaemin, Heojae, Seoljin and Baeksoo.
He then put his arm around my waist and guided me over to the women I was just talking to.
All the cameras started to take pictures. The flashes were so bright I thought I would go blind any second. Reporters came rushing to the spot in front of the carpet, shoving each other aside.
„Could we make this a little more organized, please?!“, Taejung said, still having his arm around me.
„Is this an official confirmation of you two dating?“, a man asked and tried to reach his mic up to Taejung.
„The management will make an official statement regarding this topic soon.“, he stated.
„Rumors say you know each other for a long time already. Is this true?“, someone asked.
„No. We just met at the music video shooting.“, Taejung said. I heard his soft voice vibrating inside his chest. I felt so comfortable next to him.
„In your latest instagram post you’re talking about having a great time with Clover on Jeju Island. Was she really with you?“
Taejung pulled me a little closer and looked down at me.
„Yes, I was with him.“, I said, causing flustered whispering. 

„Are you okay?“, Taejung asked after we finished the interview and he was done getting pictures taken with Level Five.
„I’m fine. How about you?“, I asked.
We were wandering through the store, looking at the clothing items and tried not to gather too much attention.
He nodded. „I just hope I didn’t push you into it.“, he said.
„No, no.“, I quickly said. But still I had my doubts about it. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea after all.
„Will your manager be okay with it?“, he asked.
I shrugged my shoulders and looked around the store to see if Mr. Kwon was somewhere around.
„I’m not sure. He was mad the last time.“
„He was? Really? I’m sorry, if I…“
„It’s fine.“, I interrupted him. „It wasn’t too bad.“, I smiled.
Taejung seemed relieved. „Can I ask you something?“
I looked at him waiting for his question.
„How did you end up with Mr. Kwon?“, he wanted to know.
„Because of Ahn Jaerin.“, he said and lowered his voice.
„Who?“, her name sounded familiar, but I couldn’t think of who she was.
„Mr. Kwon’s former client?!“, Taejung looked me deeply in the eyes but still I had no clue what he was talking about.
Taejung looked around. Then he grabbed my wrist and pulled me out to the terrace. Since it got really cold, we were pretty much alone out there.
„Don’t tell me you haven’t heard the story.“, Taejung said.
I felt his grip around my wrist. Even though it was somewhat tight, it had something so soft and innocent to it. I starred into Taejung’s dark eyes, searching for the pupil that melted into the iris.
„What story?“, I breathed.
„Ahn Jaerin, the solo singer, who killed herself three years ago…“, he said.
„What about her?“, I briefly remembered to hear something about this incident.
„She was Mr. Kwon’s client. And it’s said that he drove her into suicide.“
„Really?“, I didn’t know if I was shocked or if my mind just told my body that I had to be shocked.
Taejung nodded. „I mean, I don’t believe rumors. Obviously.“, he said. „But please just be careful around him.“ I heard how concerned his voice sounded.
I nodded.
„Clover, I mean it!“, he said. His hands grabbed my face and he forced me to look at him. He was searching for something inside my eyes, but he didn’t seem to find it.
„If you have too much stress or anything like that, just tell me.“, he said.
I tried to nod within his grab.
He sighed and let go of me.
„Why do you care?“, I asked. I noticed that some of the other guests on the terrace were watching us.
He looked at me in confusion.
„We’re not actually dating, so why do you care?“, I was surprised about the strength I was able to put into my voice and ask that question. Not that it was important why he cared. But since those weird feelings wouldn’t go away, I just needed to know what he thought of me.
„I think because I’m the youngest it’s just something new to me if anyone is younger than me. I just feel like I have to watch you.“, he said but didn’t seem too sure about his own words. „You are younger than me, aren’t you?“
„I’m fif… seventeen.“, I said. That’s what I called the little-sister-zone.
Taejung looked at me for a moment. „We should get back inside.“, he said.
I sat inside the car, heading back to my dorm, starred into the dark night sky and sighed.
I still felt where Taejung’s hands had touched my face. 
I liked being around him. I liked it way too much. 
All this time I had to pretend to be someone, I wasn’t. But when I was around Taejung, I felt like I was myself again. It had been hard for me to put on the Clover-mask. And it was even harder to maintain like this. I had the feeling that Clover was someone I wasn’t fitting. She was too different. She was confident and pretty. But I was not. How could I pretend to be someone like that? Clover was just so much better than I was, she wasn’t reachable for me.
While trying to come up to Mr. Kwon’s expectations as Clover, I totally lost myself. Hyeonmin was gone. I didn’t even know who I was anymore. Whenever I was with Taejung, I started to remember. I started to feel something. I suddenly knew how wrong it was for me to lie and I was shocked how easy a lie went over my lips by now. Clover never cared too much.
But ultimately, I wasn’t Hyeonmin anymore. And I couldn’t let her back into my life. I had to be Clover and banish every bit that was left of Hyeonmin. I had to live Clover’s life. Even though this meant I could never be with Taejung.


Taejung and Clover attend Stylenanda opening event together

Both, Taejung and Clover did not answer the question whether they are dating or not. But for Netizens this didn’t need to be said out loud.
Taejung and Clover seemed really comfortable around each other. In fact there was a lot of body contact and amorous glances. Though the two did not arrive together.
Clover came early explaining Taejung’s absence with him arriving with the other Level Five members. As soon as L5 arrived at the event, Taejung only had eyes for Clover, answering the questions of the curious reporters, while tightly hugging his alleged girlfriend.

Taejung disproved the rumor of him and Clover dating since early this year by stating that they only recently met during the MV shoot for Coffee Kiss. But there had been another rumor to be revealed when Clover confirmed she was indeed with Taejung on Jeju Island when he posted the picture to his instagram account last week (@L5TJ).
Many Leveler’s hearts broke today, when hearing L5’s Maknae seems to be dating a young and pretty model. Fans even started an anti-Taever twitter spree with #TJbelongstoL5, clearly stating their disapproval of the dating speculations.

comment box

who’s this Clover anyway? Like nobody’s ever heard of her…

Reply 178 Likes

태송 오빠 왜?? :((

Reply 5 Likes

If you’re real fans, you should be happy for him.
I can’t stand this Clover chick either, but if Taejung likes her,
she has to have something. So suck it up and don’t cry like
little babies. It’s not like you have a chance anyway…

Reply 27 Likes

@yomugon you’re just jealous because you can’t have him.
If you don’t like Clover, you should not like them dating. She’s
really bad for him.

Reply 34 Likes

Aaaaw. I am so happy for Taejung-oppa. Finally he find a girl too.
I think they look good together. 축하 한다!! :DD
sorry my english not so good…

Reply 89 Likes

is Jisun not in the video? why?

Reply 18 Likes

@yubinloverunni XD

Reply 46 Likes


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