Sonntag, 13. September 2015

RETOUCHED - Chapter 4 - Everland

I sighed, wiped some sweat off of my forehead and tried to breathe normally. I starred outside the huge window wall into the tiny little light spots caused by the lit rooms in the skyscrapers in front of me. I drank some water and the dizziness slowly started to get better.
It was really hot inside the gym and even though it was close to midnight, I wasn’t the only one working out this late.
It was quiet. Everyone seemed concentrated. But I was done for today. My legs felt like jelly and I couldn’t wait to just fall into bed and sleep.
I went into the locker room, took a quick shower and headed downstairs to get to my car. The Elbi building was really scary at night. The white lamps illuminated the great lobby with an eery light. Every footstep I took was echoed by the walls and sunk into my ears.
I finally reached the car, which was waiting outside the building. Luckily there weren’t any paparazzi at this hour. I probably looked like a ghost myself and I needed some rest.
I took my phone out and started to scroll through my instagram feed. I gained a lot of followers over the past weeks, while trying my best to ignore all the harsh comments and threats I got, since the rumors of me and Taejung had occurred.
‚Is this Clover? Are you still awake?‘, someone messaged me.
I opened my Line and looked at the unfamiliar number.
‚Who is this?‘, I replied and waited for that someone to answer.
‚It’s Taejung.‘, the person said.
I wasn’t sure if I should believe this. I never gave him my number, so where did he get it from.
‚We should go on a date tomorrow.‘, he texted again when I didn’t answer.
‚Ya, sure.‘, I texted. As if Taejung would suggest such a thing?!
‚Pick you up tomorrow.‘


Elbi Entertainment confirms Taejung and Clover dating

Netizens had been pretty sure that Level Five’s Taejung and model Clover were dating after their appearance at the Stylenanda opening event earlier this week.
Though everyone was waiting for Elbi Entertainment’s official statement, since the management had been denying all the dating rumors until now.

This morning Elbi’s president Song Woohyuk let the press department release the following message:
„We confirm the two (Taejung and Clover) are seeing each other with good feelings. They got close through shooting ads together and began dating after recently developing good feelings. Please look upon them warmly so the two idols may continue their relationship and cheer each other on as colleagues and lovers in the future“*

Model Clover rapidly gained follower on instagram and having endless discussions going on in the comments of her pictures. The young model receives a lot of hate and is called a ‚wannabe‘ which does not have ‚the beauty to be a model‘ and is furthermore accused of having plastic surgery done.

comment box

she’s not even an idol?! warmly my ass…

Reply 579 Likes

who does that bitch think she is??? she’s no idol, she’s just
a stupid model. and she’s ugly. like what’s up with her PS
face?? she’s a total faker!!

Reply 348 Likes

@minihaha i know!! her nose is totally done. i can tell. 

Reply 56 Likes

@minihaha @rubinheartsy I don’t think she had PS. And even
if she did, it looks really natural. She’s not plastic at all. You
can’t make things up and hate on her just because she’s
dating Taejung. She didn’t do anything wrong so stop the
crappy attitude!!

Reply 89 Likes

this won’t last anyway. as if he would like that plastic wannabe.

Reply 124 Likes


I was woken up by girl screaming and giggling.
I turned around in bed and covered my ears with my blanket.
Someone knocked at my door. „Clover?“, I heard Minsoo call my name.
„What?“, I moaned.
Minsoo opened the door and stuck her head inside our room.
„Why aren’t you coming in? This is your room, too.“, I said.
Minsoo’s cheeks were bright red. „Someone’s here for you.“, she said really quietly, so I had a hard time understanding her words and had to lipread.
The next moment Taejung came bursting into my room.
„I’m here to pick you up.“, he smiled.
I was shocked. My hair was a total mess and I probably looked awful.
„What?“, I gasped.
„I texted you that I’ll pick you up.“, he said and examined me.
So it really was Taejung, who texted me?!
„Where did you get my number?“, was all I could think of.
Only now I noticed Minsoo, who was still standing next to Taejung looking back and forth between us.
Taejung shrugged his shoulder smiling. „Get up already.“, he said
When I didn’t move he stepped forward, grabbed my blanket and pulled it off of my bed. I tried to pull it back and held it tightly but Taejung was way too strong and my blanket landed on the floor.
„How could you…what if I was naked?“, I protested.
„Would have been quite enjoyable too.“, Taejung grinned.
„Jerk!“, I spitted.
„Now come on and get ready.“, he requested.
„I have to take a shower and stuff.“, I said. I wasn’t ready to just go out with Taejung. What was he planning on?
„That’s okay. I’ll wait.“, he said, turned around and left my room.
Minsoo starred at me with her huge fake blue eyes.
„Am I dreaming?“, I asked her.
Minsoo shook her head. She seemed as confused as I was.
I probably should’ve been happy that Taejung appeared in my dorm on a Saturday morning. But since I was put into the little-sister-zone the last time we spoke, I wanted to avoid any contact with him. I wasn’t hurt or anything, or maybe I was, but the point was, that Clover and Taejung only had a PR-relationship, which was totally not enough for Hyeonmin. It was wrong.
And there she was again.
I took a shower and washed off all the feelings that Hyeonmin had. It was a good thing that Taejung was here. We would go on our fake date, get some pictures taken, people would write some articles and I would be getting attention.
It was a simple plan, yet it seemed so awfully hard to actually stick to it.
     After I got ready, I left my room and followed the high pitched voices and embarrassing giggling that came from the living room.
I saw Taejung sitting on one of the couches surrounded by actually every girl living in this dorm. We were about ten girls, mostly the others were Elbi trainees.
Taejung stopped talking and starred at me.
„Can we leave?“, I asked. I just wanted to get this over with.
„You look so pretty, Clover.“, Yubin said. She was supposed to be debuting this year.
„I know.“, I said and gave her a complacent look.
„Sorry girls, but I gotta leave now.“, Taejung said and slowly made his way through them.
Taejung and I left the dorm, walked down the stairs and outside the building.
„So where are we going?“, I wanted to know.
„That’s a surprise.“, he said. He walked over to a silver car and opened the door for me.
„Wait, you have a car?“, I asked. I couldn’t believe my eyes.
„Sure.“, he smiled. 

We were driving for quite a while, until I could see rollercoasters and a huge sign saying ‚Everland‘.
„Are you serious?“, I asked.
Taejung smiled at me. I was speechless for a moment. His gorgeous eyes caught me.
„But…“, I said and looked outside the window.
Taejung drove onto the parking lot, looking for an empty spot.
„Is this okay? I mean an amusement park is so public.“
„Do you ever check the news?“, he asked me with his cute voice. He had this little laughter within his voice, which made him sound cheerful.
„What news?“, I asked.
He shook his head, laughed and held his phone in front of my nose, so I could read the latest kpopobsession article.
„They really confirmed it?“, I looked at him, my eyes wide open, not believing what I just saw.
„They had to.“, he said. I knew it was part of his plan to force the management into actions, they wouldn’t like. But I’d never thought it would actually work.
„So we can have some fun today.“, he said.
Taejung parked the car. We walked over the sandy ground to the entrance of Everland. I was a little nervous. I had never been to an amusement park before and I was afraid people would recognize us.
I saw how people stuck their heads together, they whispered and starred at us. Some of them started to follow us all the way to the entrance.
„Just ignore them.“, Taejung said.
„You don’t need to tell me what to do.“, I replied and crossed my arms in front of my chest.
     A few minutes later we had our day tickets and were ready to enter Everland. The rollercoasters seemed even bigger standing right in front of them.
I felt uncomfortable and I wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.
„Taejung! Can we get a picture?“, some girls asked.
And Taejung smiled for them and took a picture.
This scenario followed us the entire way through the park.
„Do you want to ride anything?“, Taejung asked.
I shook my head.
„Oh, let’s go over there!“, he said and pulled me to a caricaturist.
„This is so lame.“, I said and looked at all the weird faces that the man had drawn.
He was right in the middle of drawing a couple. The girl looked at me with sad eyes, when she heard my comment. But I didn’t care. I shrugged my shoulders and turned around to walk away.
„Clover!“, Taejung grabbed my wrist and stopped me. „What’s wrong with you?“, he asked.
„Nothing.“, I said.
He starred at me. There was pain in his eyes. My heart starting beating faster.
„I don’t believe you.“, he said with a soft, whispery voice.
„Like I care.“, I said, freed my wrist and walked pass him.
„Don’t walk away.“, he said and ran after me, blocking my way. „If you have a problem, just tell me. I thought you would enjoy a day off here at Everland.“
„Ya well, I don’t.“
Taejung didn’t have any words anymore.
„Taejung-oppa, can I have a picture with you two?“, a group of three girls had come up to us, interrupting our discussion.
„Of course.“, Taejung smiled.
That was too much for me to handle.
„Oh, common, give it a rest.“, I said and took off.
I did not have to do this.
The dating was confirmed, so there was no need for us to be seen together. And I didn’t want to take stupid pictures with Taejung.
„What the heck?“, Taejung stopped me again. „You cannot do this to your fans.“, he said.
„Just leave me alone.“, I said. I was really mad and my voice sounded a lot sharper than I intended to.
„You know what?! I will.“, he said angrily. „I don’t know what has gotten into to you, but this attitude of yours…I can’t stand it any longer. I wanted you to have a good time but all you do is being rude and disrespectful. So do whatever you want, I will enjoy my day.“, he stated and left me standing in the middle of the path.
I watched him disappear. He didn’t turn around anymore.
Tears were pushing against my eyes. I pressed my jaw together and dug my nails into my hands to hold back the tears. I walked back to the exit as fast as I could. I kept looking on the ground and hoped no one would recognize me. When I reached the parking area, I started running to the car. I didn’t know what I should do. My hands were shaking and my head was a mess.
I sank onto the ground, leaned my back against Taejung’s silver car and started crying.
My heart was hurting. It felt like it was ripped apart into thousand pieces. But that was only Hyeonmin’s heart. So it would be okay. I had to push Taejung away. I could not let him inside. It was harder than I thought. Every pore of my body seemed to fight against my decision.
This situation was hopeless. I didn’t bring enough money to buy a bus ticket back and I was too afraid to call my driver all the way to Everland, because Mr. Kwon would probably find out what had happened and get mad at me again. After all I didn’t stick to his plan again.
     „Can we talk?“, Taejung appeared in front of me. I didn’t look at him.
„Please get up.“, he said.
I was standing only inches apart from Taejung, still looking away.
„I’m sorry.“, he said.
How could he be sorry? He didn’t even do anything.
„I didn’t mean to yell at you. It was probably a little selfish of me to take you here without asking.“
„No, it wasn’t.“, I interrupted his apology.
Taejung came a little closer. „Were you crying?“, he asked.
„No.“, I said and tears were filling up my eyes again.
„Clover?“, he said whispering. I felt his arms clasping around my body, embracing me. Automatically my arms went around his waist.
Taejung hugged me tightly and stroke over my back. I dug my face into his white v-neck shirt and let the tears run.
„What’s wrong?“, he asked.
I shook my head, still leaning against his chest. „I can’t tell you.“, I cried.
I breathed in his smell and calmed down a little. I wanted to tell him. I really wanted to tell him the truth. But I couldn’t. He would probably hate me after this. And even though he only seemed to care about Clover, is was better than nothing.
„Do you want to go home?“, he asked.
I shook my head again.
„No?“, he asked in confusion.
I leaned back to look at him. „I would actually like to go on the Ferris wheel, if that’s okay?!“
Taejung laughed. „Of course.“, he smiled at me. He handed me a tissue from his backpack so I could dry my face.
„I’m sorry, I wet your shirt.“, I said and laughed when Taejung looked down onto his shirt and grinned at me.

Taejung somehow managed to get us a Ferris wheel basket for ourselves. Actually there were eight people fitting inside, but we had it just for us.
The view was phenomenal. I could almost see the ocean. Or maybe it just looked like it.
„It’s nice and chilly up here.“, Taejung said.
„Why are we even doing this?“, I asked.
„What do you mean?“
„It’s been confirmed that we’re dating, so we don’t need to make people suspicious by coming here.“, I said.
I tried to avoid his glance, even though I felt his eyes observing me.
„I didn’t come for that reason.“, he said. I heard how my assumption let his voice sound hurt. „I wanted to spend time with you.“
„Really?“ I didn’t want to believe him.
But Taejung nodded. „I don’t know how to explain it.“, he said. „I want to get to know you. You seem like two different people to me. I met you as a shy and cute girl. But you also have this unapproachable side. I’m curious who you are. And I’m curious what we are.“
I starred at him. I knew the answer to his question, but he would not like it very much.
„What I’m trying to say is, that, yes, we’re pretending to be dating, but that doesn’t mean that everything of this is fake.“, he stated.
I was caught by his gaze. The sun let his black eyes sparkle. The light breeze stroke his black hair. He almost looked like a black and white picture.
„I’m sorry, if I made you uncomfortable.“
I shook my head, still not able to speak. Taejung’s words flowed inside my head. I felt horrible. For the first time I really felt like I was lying to him.
Since I was telling everyone my name was Clover, I never had that feeling. I just saw it as some kind of screen name, like some actors had.
I noticed that Clover wasn’t only a name, but it was a role I had to adopt. The entire industry seemed unreal to me. Everyone was faking and everyone played their role. I never thought that one day I wouldn’t want to play Clover anymore. But I had already chosen. And there was no other option than sticking with it.
I turned my head away from Taejung. „I’m okay.“, I said „Can we go back to that caricaturist?“, I asked and wanted to change the subject.
„Are you sure?“, Taejung asked raising his eyebrows.
„You wanted to get a picture, didn’t you?“
He nodded. „It’s some sort of tradition.“, he said.
„The caricature?“
„Everytime I come to Everland I get my picture taken there. I have a bunch of drawings at my family’s place.“, he explained.
„When was the last time you were here?“, I wanted to know.
Taejung sighed. „I think it was before my debut.“ Level Five had their debut around two years ago, but I knew that Taejung had been a trainee since he was fourteen. So maybe he hasn’t been here since then.
„I’m sorry that I ruined your day.“, I said, because I felt stupid.
„You didn’t ruin it. You ALMOST ruined it.“, he grinned and made me smile. 


Taejung and Clover spend free day at Everland

Elbi Entertainment only confirmed the dating rumors regarding Level Five’s Taejung and model Clover this morning.
The new couple used this official statement to spend the day together at the amusement park Everland located in Yongin. Fans spotted the couple taking a stroll through the park and having a romantic ride at the Ferris wheel. 

Everland’s manager Mr. Lee stated:
„We weren’t aware that they were coming. Their management didn’t announce them, so I myself was quite surprised when I got the message by one of our supervisors and thought it was a joke.“

The number of visitors at Everland rapidly increased after #TaeverAtEverland took over twitter and instagram. Even Everland posted a picture of Taejung and Clover (@witheverland).
Join our photo collection by posting your picture with Taejung and Clover in the comment box down below. 


* based on the dating confirmation of Kim Woobin and Shin Minah

PS = short for Plastic Surgery

© all rights reserved || copyright by J.J.B.

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