Sonntag, 20. September 2015

RETOUCHED - Chapter 5 - Delirious

I woke up from the sound of my alarm. The ringing tone tortured my ears until I finally switched it off.
I felt horrible. My entire body was sore. My back and legs hurt and my head felt like a huge balloon which was about to explode. I didn’t want to get up. I was tired and so exhausted. It wasn’t the normal exhausted, I pretty much felt like every day. This time was different. It was much worse.
I forced myself out of bed. Today was important.
It was the day of the album release of Level Five and of course I had to attend the event. I wasn’t quite sure, if I really wanted to go there. It was a good opportunity to get photographed, but also I somehow didn’t want to meet Taejung.
Ever since we visited Everland the mood between us got a little weird. That day ruined everything I had been putting up. He knew I had two different characters, though he didn’t know which one was the real me. Even I didn’t know that.
The album release was yet another opportunity for me to show Taejung, that this relationship was only for our both advantages and had nothing to do with actual feelings. I didn’t exactly come up with a plan, but there were still some hours for me to think of something.

It was definitely not the best idea to get out of bed. My head spun.
„Are you okay?“, Minsoo asked.
I tried to nod while pressing my palms against my temples. „I guess I’m just a little sick.“
Minsoo came over to me and patted my forehead to feel my temperature.
„You’re burning hot.“, she cried out and jumped back as if she was shocked. „You really need to see a doctor.“
„I really don’t have time for that.“, I tried to explain. „I need to work out and get my makeup done afterwards.“
„You’re not going anywhere.“, she said and pulled me back into bed.
I wanted to get rid of her, but I was way to weak to fight against that short girl.
Minsoo left our room and came back with a thermometer.
„See, I told you. You have a fever.“, she said and shook her head. „I call Mr. Kwon for you.“, she reached out for my phone.
„Don’t!“, I wanted her to stop, but she was too fast, grabbed my phone and backed off.
„Mr. Kwon, here’s Minsoo. Clover is really sick, I think she should see a doctor.“, she told him on the phone. I didn’t hear how he reacted, but I was sure, he wasn’t too happy about it.

Mr. Kwon came to pick me up and brought me to a hospital. We didn’t take my car, because it would cause too much attention. And people should not know, that I visited the hospital.
„Did I allow you to get sick?“, he asked.
I shook my head.
„You making it awfully hard for me to manage you.“, he said while pulling me down a hallway until we finally reached a door.
Dr. Yoo was apparently a friend of Mr. Kwon. He checked me but his face didn’t seem to like, what he was seeing.
„She’s totally done.“, he sighed.
„What do you mean, she’s done?!“, Mr. Kwon raged.
„Her blood pressure is really low, due to her excessive dieting. I need to make a hemogram to check her blood values. I assume she lacks nutrients. Her temperature is also quite high. Her body is trying to make her rest because she’s exhausted. She should rest for some days and then come back here.“, Dr. Yoo explained.
Mr. Kwon shook his head. „We cannot do this. Clover has to attend Level Five’s album release tonight.“, he said.
„I don’t suggest her doing this. Her condition is unstable and it’s most likely she would faint. Plus you can see in how much pain she is by the expression on her face.“
„Can’t you give her anything so she can get through the night?“, Mr. Kwon asked. I couldn’t hear if there was desperation in his voice or if he sounded like he always did - cold and heartless. 
Dr. Yoo sighed. „If you would have watched her better, this wouldn’t have happened.“, he said.
„Don’t tell me what I should have done!“, Mr. Kwon yelled. „Have you seen the articles they write about her? Have you seen how everything works out for her career? And have you seen how many clients want to work with me since then?! It was all my doing. Everything worked out just fine.“
„I didn’t mean to insult you, Joosuk. I know that the past years had been rough for you. But you’re overestimating the amount of work a young girl can take.“, Dr. Yoo tried to calm Mr. Kwon down.
„Just let her get through the day. She can rest tomorrow. Today is too important to miss.“
„I really don’t want to do this.“
„I know.“, Mr. Kwon said. He didn’t wear his blue shades and ran up and down, seeming pretty nervous.
„Clover?“, Dr. Yoo asked me. „Do you want to attend that event tonight?“, he asked.
I was glad that he let the decision up to me. Even though, there wasn’t exactly an option. Mr. Kwon would be furious if I would refuse the medication for today. So I nodded.
„Fine then.“, again Dr. Yoo sighed. „I’ll give her some painkillers and an infusion. That should make her feel better.“ He went over to a board and grabbed some medicine.
„Take one every two hours for now and take two right before you leave to the event.“, he instructed me and handed me a small packet.

I was feeling a lot better after getting the infusion. Dr. Yoo told me to get some food and to start eating more regularly. But we both knew that this wouldn’t happen. That was not how it worked.
Mr. Kwon and I drove to Elbi Entertainment right away. We lost quite some time in the hospital and were almost a little late for me getting ready.
„Are you excited?“, Sunhi whispered.
I nodded and took another one of the pills Dr. Yoo gave me.
„What are those?“, Sunhi wanted to know.
„I’m a little sick.“, I told her. „I need to take these so I’m not feeling miserable.“
„I hope you’re feeling better soon.“, she answered. „I heard they have a chocolate fountain at the aftershow party.“
„I wish I could go there.“, she sighed.
„Then why don’t you come with me?“, I suggested.
„What?“, she gasped. „No way. I couldn’t do this.“
„Why not?“ I really didn’t see any reason.
„Because I’m a no one.“, she said.
„But you’re my friend. And I’m allowed to take someone, so I take you.“, I smiled at her.
„Are you sure?“ Sunhi didn’t seem convinced yet. „Mr. Kwon wouldn’t like that.“
„Oh, believe me, he owes me after today.“ 
And so it was decided.
Sunhi would be my perfect excuse to not hang around Taejung all night. Mr. Kwon already told me that apparently Level Five wanted me to join them on the red carpet. I didn’t know what Mr. Park thought he was getting out of this, but I didn’t really care anyway. 

„Many celebrities and idols attend this event tonight. One starlet after the other walks over the red carpet here at Club Octagon. And everyone is excited for the new album of Level Five. Levelers gathered and are waiting for their boys to arrive. Elbi Entertainment hinted there would be an exclusive performance of Level Five’s new songs.“, a women said holding a mic.
The album release party was bigger than I thought. I never attended one of those parties, so I didn’t know better.
But also Level Five came up with a perfect concept. The new album would be released at midnight and many stores would open up to sell ‚Upgrade‘ to all the fans, who waited all night. 
I was waiting for Level Five’s arrival in my car with Mr. Kwon and Sunhi. Mr. Kwon wasn’t stoked about my plan to bring Sunhi. But since I had agreed to take his medicine to attend this event, he didn’t have any choice.
Chaemin was the first member of Level Five that I saw. My heart stopped beating right away. This was it. My time had come. I was so nervous, I didn’t even think of any pain that I had before.
„Showtime.“, Mr. Kwon said and opened the door for me.
I heard the screaming fans. Everyone already knew that the boys had arrived.
„Isn’t it weird if I go with you?“, I asked.
Jisun smiled at me. He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me to his side. „Don’t worry about it.“, he said.
A second later I was dragged onto the red carpet. Chaemin made sure I was with Taejung and pushed me into his direction. We took our pose in front of the cameras and smiled. It was weird. I wasn’t one of them, but they pretended like I was. I felt Taejung’s body close to mine. My hands started to tickle again. I tried to not look at him, which was harder than I thought. I just really wanted to sneak a peek and see his pretty eyes and lips. But I had to focus on my work tonight. His hypnotizing gaze always made me forget Clover and I couldn’t risk this. 

I couldn’t escape fast enough when we were entering the club. I saw Sunhi in her green dress and pulled her away from the entrance through the crowded club to some safer area.
„What was that about?“, she asked.
„I just…“, I didn’t find the right words to explain.
„There’s the chocolate fountain.“, she said and her eyes got huge and sparkly.
Sunhi clapped her hands and jumped over to the fountain.
„This is so cool. Thank you so much for taking me here.“
„Who’s your friend?“, someone asked behind me. When I turned around I looked into Seoljin’s face. His blue hair had faded to a nice silvery color.
Sunhi almost choked on a chocolate covered strawberry when she noticed him.
„This is Sunhi. Sunhi, Seoljin.“, I introduced them.
„I sure know who you are.“, she said and her eyes were even huger than before.
„You two should come over to our VIP section.“, Seoljin said and smiled.
„We actually want to look around for a bit.“, I said.
„Okay, but make sure you come by later. Taejung is so lonely without you.“, he said and winked.
„Why aren’t we going?“, Sunhi wanted to know after Seoljin left.
I sighed.
„Did you and Taejung fight?“, she asked.
„No.“, I replied.
Sunhi waited for some kind of explanation. But there were no words.
„I know I said we were friends. But still there are things that I won’t tell you.“, I said. Maybe I sounded a little too grumpy but I was a little mad because Sunhi had no understanding for my situation.
But luckily she didn’t complain anymore. We went onto the dance floor and enjoyed ourselves. As much as this was possible. I still felt my illness coming through every now and then. Plus, I had the feeling that I was watched by Taejung and every time I risked a peek into his direction I caught him looking right at me.
„I go out for some air.“, I said to Sunhi.
„Is it okay, if I stay here?“, she asked. I nodded and left her behind.
     The fresh air of the night was pretty good. It was really loud inside the club and I liked the quietness outside.
But this didn’t last for long, because Mr. Kwon had found me.
„How are you feeling?“, he asked.
„I’m fine.“, I replied.
„Why aren’t you with Taejung?“
„Why would I?“, I shrugged my shoulders.
„Because you two are dating. People need to believe this.“
„Can’t we just blow this off?“, I asked.
„What the heck is wrong with you?!“, Mr. Kwon spitted out. „No, we cannot blow this off. You two made Elbi confirm your relationship. So stick with it. And make it believable.“
I looked into my reflection inside Mr. Kwon’s blue sunglasses. The makeup artists did an excellent job. I looked perfect. No hint of me being sick anymore.
„I’m just so tired of this.“, I said and turned away from Mr. Kwon looking into the night sky.
„I know. It won’t be for long anymore. I already have the perfect plan to get rid of him.“, he said.
To get rid of him - that didn’t sound like a nice plan.
„Let’s go back inside. It’s too cold out here.“, Mr. Kwon said. He put his arm around me and walked me back into the club.
„Let me get you a drink.“, he said and pulled me over to the bar.
I didn’t hear what he told the bartender, but a minute later Mr. Kwon handed me an orange liquid.
„Don’t worry it’s without alcohol. It has a lot of sugar though, so you’ll feel better.“, he said and then he left me. I was watching him finding his way through the crowd until I couldn’t see him any longer.
I took some zips of the drink. It was cold and really sweet. Almost too sweet for my taste.

My head spun. I got really tired. I couldn’t see anymore. Everything was blurry. I tried to get to a bench near the side of the dance floor. But with every step I took, I felt like the bench was drifting away.
„Clover, are you okay?“, Sunhi asked. She helped me walk and rested me on the bench.
„I feel horrible. Everything’s spinning.“, I said. Tears pushed against my eyes. My stomach was hurting and I felt like I had to through up any second.
„Wait right here. I get help.“, she said.
     „What is with her?“, I heard Taejung’s voice ask. I was too weak to open my eyes.
Sunhi started panicking. „I don’t know. She’s sick, she took a lot of pills before she got here.“
„What?!“, Taejung sounded shocked.
„She was alright earlier, I don’t know what happened.“
„Is this hers?“, Taejung asked and pointed at the cup that I was still holding in my hand.
„I guess so, she was holding it, when I found her.“, Sunhi said.
„What was in there?“
Sunhi shrugged her shoulders and grabbed the cup.
„We have to get her home.“, Taejung stated.
„I go get Mr. Kwon.“, Sunhi said.
„No.“, Taejung immediately held her back. „Don’t get Mr. Kwon. Do not tell him.“
Sunhi nodded. Something in Taejung’s voice made her feel the meaning within his words.

I was woken up when someone entered my room. It was dark. I had no idea how I got here or what had happened. I was wondering what time it was. My body felt numb and my head still hurt.
„Minsoo, is that you?“, I whispered into the black.
„No. It’s me, Taejung.“, he said and kneed next to my bed. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it a little.
„What happened?“, I asked him with a weak voice.
„You fainted during the aftershow party.
„What?“, tears pushed against my eyes. I tried to remember, but the pictures appearing inside my head were blurry and I wasn’t sure if they were even real.
„Mr. Park brought you here. I’m sorry, I’m so late. I had my performance, but I wanted to check if you’re okay.“, he said.
I wished I could see his face. I wished I could drown inside his black eyes, but all I could see was his hazy silhouette.
„You should rest.“, he said.
„Taejung.“, I said. I was really tired and about to fall asleep again. „Don’t leave. Please, don’t leave.“, I mumbled. I grabbed his wrist, so he couldn’t leave. Even though my grip wasn’t exactly what you would call tight.
„I’m scared.“, I said.
„What are you scared of?“, Taejung asked.
„I can’t do it anymore. I can’t.“, I said and shook my head.
„Hey, what’s wrong?“, he said. I felt how he leaned over, his hands touching my face. „I think you have a fever.“, he stated. His thumbs ran over my forehead, soothing the pain.
„Don’t leave me.“, I closed my eyes still holding Taejung’s wrist.
He freed himself from my grip, but took my hand instead, crossing our fingers together.
„I won’t leave you, Clover.“, he whispered and I could hear the little smile on his lips.
I shook my head again. „Don’t call me that name.“, I said.
„But that’s your name.“, he said.
„No. I don’t want it anymore.“
„Clover, what are you saying?“, Taejung wanted to know.
„I don’t…“, I pressed over my lips. I breathed heavily and was starting to feel really hot.
Taejung put his finger onto my mouth, so I wouldn’t speak anymore. „You should sleep. You have a fever, I think you’re not all here. I just go get a cool towel.“
„Don’t leave.“, I said again. I didn’t know what made me hold him back. I wanted him at my side. I felt like I would fall down into a swirl of nothingness but Taejung was keeping me from falling. I was clinging onto this small piece of reality he was reminding me of.
„I’ll be right back. I promise.“, he said, calming me down.
I didn’t notice Taejung coming back with the towel. The sleep finally overwhelmed me and numbed my body and senses.
When I woke up again, I was still holding hands with Taejung. He sat on the floor next to my bed, his head resting next to my body.
Someone knocked at the door and Minsoo stuck her head into the room.
„Are you awake?“, she asked me. She looked back and forth between me and the sleeping Taejung.
I nodded. Taejung suddenly woke up. He blinked into the light.
„Taejung, your manager is at the door. You have an appointment.“, Minsoo said.
„Oh, right. I’ll be right there.“, he said.
Minsoo nodded and left us alone again.
„How are you feeling?“, Taejung asked.
„Did you really stay here all night?“, I wanted to know because I just couldn’t believe he would do such a thing.
„Well…“, he smiled „you didn’t want me to leave. Is your head any better?“ He reached out to feel my temperature. „I think your fever went down. Are you feeling better?“
„Maybe a little.“, I said. „But my head still feels like it’s about to explode. In dramas when someone gets sick, they get treated by someone and they’re totally fine the next day.“, I said.
„But you forgot one important thing.“
„Which one?“, I wanted to know.
„There’s always someone making porridge for the sick person. Seems like the food’s doing all the magic.“, he grinned and made me laugh. „Listen, I need to go now, but I’ll be back as soon, as I can.“, he said with a more serious voice.
„Don’t worry about me. I will be fine.“, I said even though I would’ve liked it better if he stayed.
„I can tell Sunhi to come watch you.“, he suggested.
„Sunhi?“, I totally forgot that she was with me the last night. „Is she alright?“
Taejung nodded. „She’s fine. I’ll see you later.“
And with that I was left alone in my room.

Level Five release ‚Upgrade‘ at special event party

Many Levelers feared that Level Five would be downgraded to Level Four after the dating of member Taejung and model Clover was confirmed.
But the band showed up with all five members to their special release party, even including Clover in their red carpet arrival.

‚Upgrade‘ was long awaited and is finally out. Fans had gathered around Club Octagon after Elbi Entertainment hinted a special performance of the boys last night.
And fans didn’t get disappointed!
At 11:35p.m. Level Five’s manager announced the performance of three new songs of the album ‚Upgrade‘.
The boys showed their dance and singing skills in ‚Highway‘, ‚Hold me back‘ and ‚Bean Queen‘, which is the song following the plot of Level Five’s song ‚Coffee Kiss‘, the title track of the album.
Level Five topped off their performance with ‚Coffee Kiss‘ right before midnight. Only seconds after the boys finished the song, fire fountains lit the area near Gangnam and the album was officially released.

At midnight many stores opened their doors for the waiting Levelers to get their hands on the new album. By now many stores already sold out, which makes ‚Upgrade‘ Level Five’s probably most successful album since their debut in early 2013.
Their new concept really pays off. The overall sound of ‚Upgrade‘ follows ‚Coffee Kiss‘. Hip-hop beats and rap parts make the songs a lot different from what we’re used to hear from Level Five. Though Fans seem to like this new sound a lot, showing their support on SNS with #L5upgraded.
Lead rapper Heojae has a lot more parts due to the changed style of music. Also one of the most underrated members, Baeksoo, finally got his chance to shine and wins fans over with his rap and singing skills. 

Did you already buy ‚Upgrade‘? Tell us what you think in the comment box below.


© all rights reserved || copyright by J.J.B.

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