Sonntag, 25. Oktober 2015

RETOUCHED - Chapter 9 - Saranghanikka


Level Five’s Taejung and model Clover broke up?

Late last night Level Five’s Taejung posted a picture of the view of his Osaka hotelroom to his instagram account (@L5TJ). The picture itself is nothing special, though his comment made fans suspicious if he and his girlfriend Clover may have broken up already.

„Seeing this view. Alone again.“, he wrote. This might only be a hint on being spatially separated from his girlfriend due to Level Five’s Japan tour, but Levelers pointed out that all recent posts involving Clover had been removed from his instagram account. 

Elbi Entertainment did not make any official statement yet. Although Elbi was never a big fan of official statements in the past. 

What do you think? Did Taejung and Clover split already? Tell us in the comments.


I was ordered to Jang Dongwon, Elbi’s CEO, the next morning. Apparently someone had told him about what happened between me and Mr. Kwon. 
I had only seen Mr. Jang a few times. He was a really busy man and mostly traveling.
I was a bit scared to meet him. If I had to see the CEO, it must’ve been serious. 
     The building was quiet. Almost too quiet. I was hoping Mr. Kwon wouldn’t be there. It would be the perfect opportunity to talk about getting out of my contract with Mr. Kwon and to get a new manager. Since I signed with Mr. Kwon, I never thought of working with someone else. But he was getting more and more unbearable. 
Ahn Jaerin was always in the back of my head. I only knew little about it, but I knew enough to not fully believe Mr. Kwon’s story. He was someone who wouldn’t tolerate own decisions. He never tolerated mine. 
I knocked at Mr. Jang’s glass door. Unnecessary, since he could already see me.
Mr. Jang was wearing a black suit. He waved me inside and offered me a seat. He himself sat on the other side of his desk and observed me carefully. 
„Mr. Kwon should be here any minute. Let’s wait until he gets here.“, he said and smiled. It was a weird smile, somewhat creepy. But it wasn’t what scared me most. He just said that Mr. Kwon would join us. I didn’t want to confront him. I didn’t want to tell Mr. Jang what had happened while Mr. Kwon was listening. I couldn’t tell him what Mr. Kwon’s plan was, that he tried to ruin Taejung and that he threatened me more than just once.
The door flew open and Mr. Kwon stumped into the room. He wore his blue sunglasses and chewed on some gum. His expression didn’t look pleased. Deep frown wrinkles covered his forehead. He sat himself on the free chair next to me, sank down and grunted.
„Great, now that we’re all here, let’s have a talk.“, Mr. Jang trolled. He was way to cheerful, in my opinion. 
„I heard that you two had a fight yesterday. Honestly I wouldn’t care too much about that, but since it happened within this building someone apparently thinks petty things like that fall under my authority.“, he said and grinned. It wasn’t hard to get the sarcasm that laid inside his voice.
Mr. Kwon grunted again and I was too confused to say something.
Before Mr. Jang could continue his weird conversation with us, his phone rang and he excused himself. Mr. Kwon took this chance immediately and turned to me. 
„Don’t you dare tell him anything.“, he said.
I pressed my jaw together and starred at him. There were so many words inside my head that wanted to burst out. But it was not the right time to yell at him.
„If you try to get out of this contract, I will make sure that you won’t sign with anyone ever again.“, his voice became darker and more intense. „I will reveal the truth about you and you will never get a foot back into this business.“
I haven’t thought of that. I had totally forgotten that Mr. Kwon actually had a trump. Getting out of my contract with Mr. Kwon meant giving up on my career. 
Mr. Jang came back into the office. „I don’t have too much time right now. I have to get my flight so let’s keep this short.“, he said sighing and got comfortable in his leather chair.
„Do you want to tell me what happened yesterday?“, he asked. 
Neither of us answered.
„You are waisting my time. Clover explain what happened.“, he demanded.
I shrugged. „It was just a misunderstanding.“, I said but my voice didn’t sound as strong as I intended to.
Mr. Jang raised his eyebrows. „A misunderstanding?“, he asked.
„I was overreacting and things got a little loud. It was no big deal though.“, Mr. Kwon then said.
„Is that so?“, Mr. Jang wanted to know. I saw the flicker inside his black pupil and I knew he wasn’t quite buying the story. But he didn’t care enough to ask any further questions. „Well…“, he sighed. „Then thank you, for this redundant meeting.“, he rose from his chair and practically pushed us outside of his office, following us all the way to the lobby of Elbi. 
Mr. Kwon and I watched the CEO leave the building and driving off in his car.
     „I’m sorry about yesterday.“, Mr. Kwon said.
Did he just apologize?! 
„I went a little overboard.“, he continued to say.
I simply nodded. I wasn’t sure why he was telling me this. I wasn’t believing he meant it.
„There’s a party tonight. You should go there, have some fun and relax. You deserve it.“
„A party?“
Mr. Kwon nodded. „It’s friday, there’s always a party somewhere.“
„And you are okay with me going there?“, I asked. 
„I just suggested it, didn’t I?“
„Are they letting me inside? I’m not eighteen yet.“, I remarked.
Mr. Kwon laughed. „You’re famous, you don’t need to be eighteen. Plus, it’s a Rookie party. Minsoo and some other girls from your dorm are going too.“
I actually didn’t feel much like partying. But maybe it would distract me a bit. I was tired of feeling this sting inside my heart. I wasn’t only when my thoughts came to Taejung, it was a constant pain that accompanied me. 
Seeing he deleted all of our memories pushed tears into my eyes. I wasn’t sure what I had expected. I just somehow wished he would not let me go that easily. But it was for the best.

Minsoo was talking the entire way to the club. She had neatly combed her bleached hair and decorated it with a sparkly pin. She wore her blue contacts as usual which built a mean contrast with her bright orange dress. 
I always wondered if she thought someone actually believed her eyes were naturally blue, or if she just liked it a lot more and didn’t care. I couldn’t imagine myself putting in contacts everyday. 
„Clover?“, Minsoo asked.
I looked at her. Her cheerful face faded to a more serious and worried look.
„I don’t really know how to put this…“, she said and avoided my sight. „Did you and Taejung really break up?“, she asked. „I saw the kpopobsession post and…“
„Yes, we broke up.“, I said. It was the first time I said it out loud and it was easier than I thought.
Minsoo shrugged, she looked at me, her eyes wide open. „Why?“, she breathed.
„It just didn’t work out. Our schedules are too packed and…“, I tried to explain. I just had to real answer. At least no answer that was true. Just in that moment I remembered that we weren’t even a couple. I wanted to be with him so bad, I had actually convinced myself that this was real. I laughed over my own stupidity and shook my head.
„What is it?“, Minsoo wanted to know. My reaction confused her.
„Nothing.“, I replied. „I just remembered a funny moment.“
Minsoo nodded. „I’m really sorry you broke up. I thought you were so cute together.“, she said after a while.
„Thanks, but you don’t need to say that.“, I said.
„But I mean it.“, she insisted. „He was so nice to you. I’d wish someone would look at me the way he looked at you.“, Minsoo said. She turned her head away but I saw her blushing.
„How did he look at me?“, I asked. 
„You never noticed that? Whenever you were around he had only eyes for you and he seemed so happy then.“, she said excitedly. 
I knew she probably meant to cheer me up, but her words actually made me feel worse. I didn’t want to hear how sweet Taejung was. I wanted to believe that I just imagined everything that was good in our relationship.
„I’m so sorry.“, Minsoo quickly said. She had noticed the tears that were sneaking their way over my cheeks and dropped onto my legs. „I didn’t mean to make you cry.“ She slid closer and put her arm around my body. I never noticed how comforting Minsoo’s presence felt. 
„It’s okay.“, I said and wiped my face.
„You really liked him, huh?!“, she said quietly and patted my back.
I nodded. I never thought I would admit that I liked him. But Minsoo made me feel like it was okay to tell the truth. She understood why things didn’t work out, even though she didn’t know the real reasons. 

The party was held in some club that I didn’t know. But mostly because I knew nothing about clubs and I also didn’t care too much for them anyway.
I tried my best to look somewhat happy, but I felt horrible. I wanted to go home and snuggle up in my bed. I told Minsoo to go have fun and went to the bar for some coke. I watched the others dance. They were smiling and giggling. 
‚Are you okay?‘, appeared on my phone’s screen. It was Taejung. I starred at the display, unable to do anything. I didn’t want to answer. Although I didn’t want to worry him either.
„Why are you starring at your phone like that?“, Minsoo suddenly asked, peeking over my shoulder.
„Is that Taejung?“, she asked and grabbed my phone. Her face got all excited. „See, I knew you two aren’t completely over yet.“, Minsoo gasped. „Answer him, answer him.“, she demanded and jumped up and down in front of me, sticking my phone to my face.
„We are completely over.“, I said and maybe it sounded a little too harsh. 
Minsoo’s smile faded quickly. She looked sad now.
„What?“, I asked her because she kept starring at me like a puppy with her huge blue eyes.
„I don’t even know what your problem is.“, she started. „I thought you liked him and it seems that he liked you too. So why wouldn’t you answer, if he texts you?!“
I had no real explanation for that. I thought Minsoo would understand. But she didn’t. Life wasn’t as easy as it might seem. And things between me and Taejung weren’t easy at all. There was too much between us, too much each of us would lose if we were together. 

Clover goes on an unfollowing spree on her instagram

Model Clover gained quite a lot of fans, not only showing in her amount of instagram followers (@Clover_x98). Many of them were heartbroken after the news of her breakup with Taejung went viral and wouldn’t believe the rumors.

But Clover seems to confirm the breakup by unfollowing not only Taejung, but all of the other Level Five members as well on instagram. Though none of L5 unfollowed her (yet).


I woke up the next morning, my head feeling heavy and my sight was blurry. I had no memory of anything happening last night. I slowly opened my eyes and found myself inside a bright room, which I had never seen before. Immediately my body reacted and I started panicking. But I wasn’t able to move yet. I took some deep breaths and tried to remember something. 
I let my eyes observe my surroundings. I was inside some apartment. The furniture looked expensive and most of the stuff in here was black or white. I saw my dress hanging over a chair close to the window and shrugged. My body was covered with a soft blanket and I was wondering what I was wearing underneath it.
A door to my right opened, the bathroom door, and a man stepped into the room. He had a towel around his hips, and rubbed his hair with another one. His bare upper body was still wet from his morning shower and displayed a set of muscles. 
„Oh you’re awake already.“, he said. He was a friendly looking man, probably in his mid twenties. But what the heck was I doing here?!
„Who are you?“, I asked. I grabbed my blanket as if it could protect me from the man.
„My name is Junyoung.“, he grinned. Was he making fun of me?
„Why am I here?“, I wanted to know. I wanted to be tough but my hands started to shake. Junyoung sat down on the other half of the bed and looked at me, still grinning.
„You don’t remember a thing, huh?“, he asked.
I didn’t answer. I didn’t want to admit it.
„Please just answer my question.“, I said. I felt sick. I wanted to leave this place, I was scared and I still didn’t know what had happened.
„I took you here.“, Junyoung then said.
I had enough of his grin. I climbed out of his bed, finding out I was wearing a white shirt, which was probably his.
„Listen!“, I said grumpy. „I have no clue who you are, why I’m here or what you did to me. So either you tell me exactly what happened or I call the cops.“
Junyoung’s expression remained the same. „I’m not sure if I should be offended that you don’t know me. After all we spent the night together.“, he said and rose from the bed. He walked over to a giant closet and started to search for something to wear.
„What?“, was all I could say.
„Don’t worry, okay?“, he said and sighed. He then started walking towards me.
„Don’t come any closer.“, I said and backed off. „Stay where you are.“
„Why are you so afraid?“, he asked. Something soft sneaked into his voice.
Tears started to fill up my eyes. „Because it’s frightening if you wake up somewhere with some man and don’t know how you got there or what might have happened to you.“, I pressed over my lips.
„Okay, okay, okay. Don’t cry.“, he said. „Just sit down and I’ll explain everything to you.“
I wasn’t sure if I should listen, but it was probably the only chance to get out of this quickly.
I took my seat on the bed, still wearing his shirt, which was surprisingly really comfortable.
Junyoung walked back to the closet and finally put on something over his half naked body. 
„You weren’t feeling well yesterday.“, he started. „I mean at that party. It was a lame party so maybe that’s why. I mean really that music? Whoever put together that playlist is a total dumbass. And have you seen all those kiddies, no offense, but I felt like I was on a birthday party or something like a sweet sixteen. By the way is that show still running? I loved it. That one time the girl wanted to celebrate on a boat, but she was afraid of water, can you imagine someone, who’s afraid of water, celebrating on a boat? It was hilarious.“, he babbled.
„Junyoung!“, I interrupted him.
He looked at me questioningly. 
„I wanted to know what happened yesterday and not the plot of some TV show.“, I said.
„Oh, right. Sorry, I tend to lose the thread.“, he said and smiled at me. 
I wasn’t scared anymore. Whoever he was his first impression wasn’t too bad after all. He seemed like a nice person, but rapists could probably be nice too…
„Anyhow, you weren’t feeling well and I sort of ran into you. You couldn’t tell me what was wrong and you said all your friends already left. You wined something about telling the truth and that you wanted to go home. When I asked you to take you to your dorm you didn’t want to and then you sort of passed out. That’s why I took you here.“
„Why am I wearing your shirt?“, I asked. I believed his story because it sounded like me. Although I didn’t know what caused me passing out. That was unusual. Unless Mr. Kwon had something to do with it. 
Junyoung shrugged his shoulders. „I thought it would be more comfortable than your dress.“
I didn’t even want to ask how he got me into his shirt.
„Why don’t you take a shower and I’ll make some breakfast.“, he suggested.
I looked at him for a moment. I tried to sort my feelings. I was afraid in the beginning but now I wasn’t anymore. Even though Junyoung was a stranger, he didn’t feel like one. 
„I just tell my friends that I’m okay, in case they worry.“, I said and looked for my purse.
Junyoung apparently knew what I was looking for. He got up went over to the couch and came back with my bag. 
A kidnapper would probably not hand me my phone on his own. Not only Minsoo had texted me quite a lot, also Taejung sent some messages. I didn’t read them but tried to ignore them. Instead I sent a quick message to Minsoo to tell her I was fine and that I would be back in the dorm soon. 

After I took a shower in Junyoung’s bathroom, I put on my dress and went to the small kitchen place where Junyoung prepared some rice and eggs. 
„Here, have some.“, he said and put a bowl on the counter. „I usually don’t cook, but since you’re here I thought why not. I spend all my money on food. Really I go out all the time.“
„But your kitchen looks so nice.“, I said and took a spoon full of rice.
„That’s because it’s pretty much unused.“, Junyoung said and winked. „I can drive you home after we finished eating.“, he said.
„That would probably be a good idea. I’m not sure if my manager would be too pleased if he finds out where I am.“, I replied.
     Junyoung handed me a jacket of his and we went down with the elevator. I knew this building, it was famous for some celebrities that lived here. And of course there were paparazzi in front of the entrance. 
I immediately stopped walking. 
„What’s up?“, Junyoung asked. He had his hands inside his pockets and waited for me to come.
„Do we have to go out there?“, I wanted to know.
„You’ll be fine.“, he said.

I was glad to finally get into the car. 
I knew there would be some sort of article about me. But I decided to not care. There had been so many stupid articles about me, one more or less wouldn’t change anything.
„I need to tell you something.“, Junyoung said when we arrived at my dorm. „This was all set up by Mr. Kwon. I’m sorry. I owed him. I had no other choice than doing it.“, he said and looked at me. He searched for my gaze and when he caught it his expression became even stronger.
„I sort of thought so already.“, I said.
„You did?“, he seemed surprised.
„I never drink at parties, so it had so be something else that made feel the way I felt yesterday. I’m just glad it was only you who took me home and not someone really crazy.“
„I see.“, Junyoung said. I could hear the pity inside his voice. „I’m not even supposed to tell you that, you know. He wanted me to convince you that I slept with you.“
„Thank you, that you told me anyway. I know Mr. Kwon is not someone you want to betray.“
Junyoung nodded. „I’m glad you understand. And again, I’m sorry.“, he sighed.
I got out of his car and went into the building, taking the stairs up to my dorm.


Clover preferring older men?

Does model Clover already have a new man? Or might he be the reason for the recent breakup with ex boyfriend Taejung?

This afternoon the model was spotted leaving the Waterfall building with no other than singer Jung Junyoung. Apparently the two left the Rookies party that was held on friday night together. Insiders say the two looked really close and that Clover left with Junyoung in his car.
This was confirmed when Clover was again seen with Junyoung today, leaving his apartment.

Fans are shocked and accuse the model of cheating on Taejung. Although there is no proof Clover and Junyoung have met before. The rock singer just recently came back from L.A., where he worked on his new album. 

Clover’s reputation is quite controversial. The young model gets a lot of hate because she’s supposedly flirting with men for fame. The accusation started when Clover started dating Taejung. Levelers claimed she was only dating him, because Level Five was having their comeback, which drew a lot of attention to the band and Clover. The next case was actor Kang Sihyun, who just confirmed to have a role in the upcoming drama ‚At the end of the rainbow‘. Jung Junyoung might be the third victim that Clover is using for getting in the media. The singer is supposed to have his comeback in about a month.

comment box

stupid bitch…i don’t even get why all the guys fall for her…she’s so 
fake and plastic. poor Taejung…

Reply 638 Likes

This is so ridiculous!! You guys are so stupid, if you believe everything
on the internet. Clover and Sihyun simply attended the same charity
event. Talking isn’t hooking up!! I don’t know what happened with her
and Junyoung. If she really spent the night, this is sort of awkward. He’s
so much older than her… But still her and Taejung aren’t together 
anymore, so she can do whatever she wants.

Reply 259 Likes

@leafarimchan you’re totally right. Just because someone writes it, it 
doesn’t have to be true. And btw, insiders? who’s supposed to be that?!

Reply 67 Likes

i think it’s just really sad. i started to like her cause TJ seemed to
happy with her. i liked the way he was smiling when he was with
her. i don’t know their reasons for breaking up, but i really hope
it wasn’t cause of Junyoung. he’s way too old for her :(

Reply 143 Likes

kkk u should stop defend her. she’s a hoe!

Reply 42 Likes

i don’t think Junyoung would do something like that. he’s 9 yrs
older than her. i think they have more like a uncle-niece
relationship. don’t just judge her without considering the other

Reply 185 Likes

@rubinsarang exactly! I can imagine Clover doing something
like that, but I can’t imagine Junyoung. 

Reply 34 Likes


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