Freitag, 31. Januar 2014

Chapter 2 - All Parts/Complete

Leksi had turned around in her pillows ignoring Elodies questions and mumbling random words into the blankets. She enjoyed talking to Blake at the meals. Even though she wasn’t attending a lot of the other classes yet. Blake made her laugh. Leksi couldn’t really explain why his closeness gave her so much repose. It made the loss easier because he distracted her from the shattering pain at least for a short period of time.
Leksi was just on her way to Mrs. Wayland, the headmistress of the academy. Leksi didn’t really know what she wanted from her. She was a tall, scraggy woman with a tight hair knot and outmoded clothing. In her face lay something scaring. Leksi was hoping Mrs. Wayland would tell her news from the institute in Montreal, news about the investigations or at least what would happen at the end of this semester. She knocked on the wooden door, its frame covered with multiple runes. Shortly after Mrs. Wayland called her in with her deep voice.
„Please sit down.“, Mrs. Wayland pointed on a chair. She herself sat behind a heavy desk made out of dark wood. The walls were paneled, while one wall was completely coated with books. The high windows were masked with curtains so only a sparsely light could urge into the room. Leksi sat down on the chair, which was covered in green velvet and looked at the headmistress curiously. 
She sighed. „Miss Monteverde, it has been brought to my attention that you were feeling better. You were even spotted in the dining room.“, in her voice lay something menacing Leksi didn’t know how to interpret. She nodded barely noticeable. 
„Well, this institution is no hospital but actually conduces education. That is why I entrust you to attend to all of your classes. We admitted you the friendliest in the middle of the school year, or even the end, and it doesn’t seem like you would treasure this concession.“
Leksi looked at her thoughtfully. Mrs. Wayland raised her eyebrows surveying her.
„I feel very sorry, Mrs. Wayland, if it created the impression, I wasn’t to bits grateful. But you need to understand that I give my best to meet your requirements. It was never my purpose to refuse your concession.“, Leksi said with a clearness in her voice that put Mrs. Wayland off her stride and made her gasp for air.
„I can ensure that I have a lot of understanding for your situation. But this understanding doesn’t last into vastness. Therefore the faculty and I decided to involve you into classes completely. We know that we demand a lot from you, but your education can not be ignored, may the personal circumstances be as devastating.“ The headmistress squinnied her eyes to small slits. Leksi had turned her away head. She hasn’t thought that she would be once discussing with the headmistress. She almost felt a little outrageous.
„As you wish.“, Leksi said quietly, though didn’t look at Mrs. Wayland anymore. 
„Good, that would be all.“, she said.
„Mrs. Wayland?“, Leksi started her sentence. „Are there any news?“, she asked and looked at the headmistress pleading. She was obviously surprised by this question.
„I am really sorry, but I have strict instructions from the council. I can not give you any information.“ For the first time Leksi could find something like honest sympathy in her face. Mrs. Wayland was now standing in front of the books starring at them, like she would wanted to avoid to look at Leksi. Leksi breathed in disappointedly, raised from the chair to leave the room.
„If I could give you one last tip, Miss Monteverde.“
Leksi turned around to the headmistress, who warded off of the books.
„This case is in safe keeping by the council and Mrs. Penhallow. I understand your inner turmoil and the compulsion to help. But please understand in return that it would be a too heavy burden for you in your specific situation, particularly since you are underaged and this case has too much of a personal value.“
The headmistress was right. Leksi has never seen it from that side. She felt excluded for no reason, thought the others would take her for a little girl seeing death for the first time.
„You should face other things. I give you my word I will inform you as soon as those responsible are found.“
Leksi nodded. Although she knew that she should heed Mrs. Wayland’s advice, it was hard for her to just give up. Actually it wasn’t giving up but it felt just like it.

Blake noticed Leksi’s disgruntled mood immediately. His face hardened as he met her on the corridor in front of her room.
„You look undelightfully.“, he said and didn’t ask any more questions. He didn’t want to push her into talking to him about her problems, because as he got to know her, she was more of a discreet person.
„Maybe it cheers you up a little that Mrs. Wayland actually gave me permission to go on a trip with you. As long as we stay in Alicante“, he said and jogged her shoulder. A tired smile came over her lips. Now she knew why she was supposed to attend to class all of the sudden. Mrs. Wayland didn’t want to tolerate that she was feeling well enough to leave the academy but not to participate on the daily routine. Leksi had to bite the bullet if she would ever want to see this building from the outside. In a dash of anger she put the blame on Blake. But she shook that thought of. Lastly Blake didn’t have the purpose to bring her in an unpleasant situation.
„Have you been to Alicante a lot?“, Blake wanted to know and Leksi was really thankful that he changed the subject.
„No, honestly only when I was little. But I can barely remember anything.“, Leksi admitted. She and Blake were on their way to the library. They just walked through the room, which was emptied this day. Madame Agatha smiled at them friendly and continued to sort the returned books into the shelves. 
„One ought to think shadowhunters would know Alicante inside out, right?!“ He sighed and looked outside the window. Leksi sat next to him on the sill underneath something like a radiator was put and let her legs dangling.
„Are you familiar with the city?“, Leksi asked.
„Only because I’m here in the academy for a long time already.“, he stated lost in thoughts and stroked over the cold stone of the sill.
„Do your parents live in Alicante?“, Leksi wanted to know and in this moment she was hoping he would answer without asking the same question.
Blake shook is head. Desire lay in his eyes. His expression was soft and the black of his jacket made the contours of his face stand out. 
„They run the institute in Moscow.“, he said.
„Why aren’t you with them?“, she asked quietly.
He looked her directly in the eye. His look was so intense that Leksi thought he could read her mind and see her soul. His eyes glided over to her pink lips. Then further to her neck, over her light blonde hair that fell in slight curls to her chest. Only the parts in front were shorter in pinned back from her face with silver bodkins so Blake could see the pearlstuds in her ears. A smile played around the corners of his mouth and he almost reached out to touch her soft, white skin and stroke over her pale cheeks.
Leksi held his look and it felt like she could read his entire story just by the way he was looking at her. She saw the fire in his eyes, a consume, a rage but also an acceptance.
„So I get my personal tour guide through Alicante?“ Leksi more stated than asked a question. Immediately something in Blake’s face changed and he smiled with an unbelievable warmth.
„Agreed.“, he said full of joy and turned his head towards the window. Outside the sun draw to the horizon and enriched the snow covered landscape. They couldn’t see the houses of the city because the massive forest area in front of the gates of the academy were covering them. Only the gleaming tops of the demon towers, reflecting the light of the evening sun, loomed over the white treetops of the usually green trees.

More than just listless, Leksi put on her shadowhunter gear in the morning. It was a strange sense to feel the tight leather on her skin. She hasn’t worn the gear for a long time and now it almost felt foreign. She put her blonde hair into a high ponytail, took the pearl studs out of her ears and stuck her feet into the heavy boots. Elodie sat cross-legged on the bed watching the happenings, pretending to study in one of the school books. Still drowsy Leksi mumbled something like a good-bye to Elodie and shoved herself out of the door. Some students were already in the corridor on their way to class or the dining room. Leksi didn’t have much time left to go eat because she lay in bed until last minute, letting her alarm ringing over and over again. She felt really stupid in her outfit. Nevertheless she could figure who was with her in class that way. In the institute she had worn her gear day by day but here in the academy it felt wrong. She went right to the long buffet and took a cheese-filled roll. Curious looks were darted at her but she noticed it weren’t those distanced looks, they were indeed filled with something like sympathy. Leksi wasn’t in the mood for fighting class by Mr. Verlac. Firstly it was way too early in the morning and secondly she wasn’t quite the person needing any lessons in fighting. Since she had been a kid she sort of had a natural talent in fighting and her excitement for almost every combat sport, she mastered, made her a prime fighter.
The large room was flooded with light. Floorboards covered the ground. In the very back of the room lay some mats. There were many punchbags, something like an assault course, a climbing wall and targets on some of the walls. Still chewing on her roll Leksi entered the  stuffy room. Some shadowhunters were already present, absorbed in conversations, so nobody payed Leksi any attention. She walked through the room and sat down on one of the benches parting the room into two sections. 
„Arrange!“, a lovely voice resounded through the hall. Mr. Verlac entered the room. He had black hair, looked really young and also wore a shadowhunter gear. Immediately the students jumped up arranging in front of the benches. Leksi joined them and then saw Blake, who raced into the room to quickly make it into the row. He gave Leksi a warm smile, making the tension fell off of her. 
„I heard that we have a new face in our row.“, Mr. Verlac stated. He had his hands crossed behind his back, walking up and down in front of his students.
„Miss Aleksa Monteverde, I am really glad you finally thought it would be adequate to attend to my class. I already heard quite a bit about you.“, he continued, flashing his eyes at Leksi provocatively. Unconfidently Leksi stepped from one foot on the other.
„Start to warm up, now.“, Nolan Verlac commanded. The class started to move and made some weird warm-up exercises, Leksi never had seen and was assure she would be sore at parts of her body she wouldn’t even know you could get sore at. After that the students built two rows opposite of one another. Blake had told her this were the training groups Nolan Verlac had composed at the beginning of school year. He wanted to try to convince Nolan to make him Leksi’s partner. 
„I really appreciate your efforts, Blake, but I had my own idea of partner for Aleksa.“, Mr. Verlac smiled. Shamefaced Blake looked at the ground and went back to his place towards his partner.
„Elijah.“, Nolan sad loudly. Everyone kept quite. A brown-haired young man stepped out of the row. „You’ll be Aleksa’s partner from now on.“
Leksi looked at the young man curiously, who made a face.
„I’m supposed to train with a girl?“, he asked snarky and didn’t look at Leksi directly. His light brown hair wildly sticked out in every direction from his head. His eyes were light blue, even from this far away, Leksi could see the dark blue ring, that surrounded his almost white iris.
„I hope you don’t wanna tell me that girls don’t fight as good as boys do, Elijah.“, Nolan meant challengingly. 
„Anyhow worse than me.“, he spit out, staring at Leksi furiously. 
A smile played around Nolan’s mouth. „Nevertheless Greg will fight with Mira.“, he said with a clearness in his voice, that didn’t want to hear any objections.
A tiny girl stepped out of the end of the line and Leksi knew this was Mira Penhallow, who haven’t had a partner yet and was smiling over her entire face. Greg Ravenscar didn’t say a word, gave Mira a smile and apologetically shrugged his shoulders when Elijah looked at him angrily. 
„You two are the first to choose a weapon.“, Nolan said and nodded towards a door Leksi hasn’t seen by now. Elijah stamped madly to the door and teared it open, vanishing into the inside.
„Are you coming already?!“, he stuck is head out of the door, yelling at Leksi. She began to move and found herself inside an armory.
„So, here we have the shortswords, right next to them the broadswords.“, Elijah explained
reluctantly the arrangement of the swords. „Up here are the longswords, there a few random weapons - crossbows and stuff like that. And here…“, he pointed at the wall at the left „…are the single-edged swords.“
Leksi nodded and looked around for a matching weapon.
„These are all training swords, no real seraph blades.“, he added. „Choose one and hurry up.“, he crowded her and took a Tachi off of the wall with the longswords. Leksi knew right away what weapon she was going for and also took a longsword.
„Are you sure, you can handle a Katana?, Elijah asked sceptically and raised his eyebrow.
„Pretty sure.“, Leksi said and smiled at him. Without further words she turned around and left the armory. Elijah followed her and went to his side of the mat.
„Excellent choice.“, Nolan noted. He looked at them with a strange face, something like a knowing smile played around his mouth and his eyes gleamed frightening. 
„Have you ever fought with a Katana?“, Elijah wanted to know, balancing his Tachi in his hands and looking annoyed at Leksi.
„Have you ever fought with a Tachi?, Leksi responded snippy. Elijah huffed and stared at her furiously. His jaw muscles tensed.
„So are we gonna start?“, Leksi asked provocatively and took her Katana in both hands. Elijah got in position looking quite unimpressed. In the meantime the other students were choosing their weapons and Nolan gave his entire attention to the two squabblers. Then they started training. The first group started, which Leksi was in.
Nolan gave instructions. He yelled certain cuts through the room, that group 1 had to implement on their opponents. It was really easy for Leksi to place one cut after the other precisely and bring Elijah out of his shell. He seemed to be used to repel attacks easily, but by his face Leksi could tell he had to strain a little to operate quick enough. She held her longsword tightly clasped, pushed with all of her strength forward, swirling around Elijah’s blade, then pushing the sword downward and wrested his weapon from him. His sword hit the ground clashing. With torn open eyes he stared at his Tachi then at Leksi, who smiled at him triumphantly. The other students stopped in the middle of their motions and stared unbelievingly from Elijah to Leksi. Nolan neared and applauded.
„I knew you would give Elijah the low-down.“, he said.
„That was beginner’s luck.“, he said cheeky and bend down to his sword.
„As the gentleman wishes.“, Leksi laughed. A murmur went through the hall. Blake gave Leksi an amused smile.
„So can we move on now, or are you standing there for ages?“, Elijah asked.
Nolan clapped in his hands and the others continued immediately. Now it was the second group’s turn. Leksi had to admit that Elijah was a brilliant fighter and could handle his long Tachi outstandingly. Back in the institute she was the only one knowing how to fight with Japanese longswords and it made her somehow happy that she wasn’t the only one loving those weapons. Elijah didn’t look directly at Leksi for the rest of training. She didn’t know if it was injured pride and if he was sulky or if it had different reasons. She almost got a guilty conscience because she sort of exposed him in front of the class. He wasn’t able to disarm her and the others seemed to notice that.
Greg casted furtive glances at the two and Leksi could feel Blake’s glance laying on her. 
When Leksi and Elijah brought back their weapons, he couldn’t rush out the room any faster. To Blake’s surprise, Leksi swooshed past him and stuck to Elijah’s heels.
„You’re really good.“, she said when she outran him and walked next to him.
„I know.“, he said and didn’t pay her any attention.
„Are Japanese longswords your speciality?“, she wanted to now.
„Inter alia.“, he said.
„I thinks that’s probably the reason why Nolan made us partner up.“, she added and tried to make Elijah stop or at least walk any slower. He rushed with such a speed through he hallways that Leksi had a hard time keeping up with him.
„What?“, he asked confused and looked at her for the first time.
„Japanese longswords are also my speciality. I believe Nolan knew that and put us together.“, Leksi explained her assumption.
„Great. So you’re getting on my nerves with this the entire day?“, he walked even faster.
„Oh, sorry, that I even said something.“, she threw at him.
Elijah actually stopped and looked at her wondering. But Leksi had enough and wasn’t in the mood for a conversation anymore. She turned around and stamped away.
Blake came towards her on the corridor. He was just on the way to his room to change his clothes. Leksi had to determine that he looked gorgeous in his gear. The black made his eyes stand out and the tight cut emphasized his broad back and slender hips.
„Everything alright?“, he asked as Leksi was within earshot.
„Such an arrogant idiot.“, slipped out of her mouth. Blake smiled.
„I could have told you that beforehand. I am really sorry you have him as a partner.“
„And that’s not even the worst part of it.“, Leksi said angrily.
Blake looked at her requesting. His glance lay on her light eyes. The training made some of her hair strands fall out of her queue.
„I’ll tell you later. I need to hurry to get to my next class.“, she said and raced off towards the girl corridor.

Leksi was rudely awakened on saturday morning. The loud hoot of her alarm, droned into her ears and gave her a headache.
„We’re leaving in half an hour.“, Elodie said, who stood in front of the mirror, putting on some mascara. The entire week Leksi had been looking forward to head into the city with Blake. The days were pretty exhausting and having Elijah as a parnter, didn’t make it any better. In the meanwhile he accepted that Leksi was a good fighter but he was still erratic, uptight and most of all uninterested.
Leksi put on a grey sweater, a black pair of skinny jeans, took her navy coat and ran out of the room. Some shadowhunters were already waiting in the foyer. Until now Leksi had spent the weekends all by herself sleeping or sitting in the library because barely anyone was in the academy these days.
„Is Loverboy already waiting for you?“, somebody said right behind Leksi. As she turned around, she looked into Elijah’s light eyes. He smiled at her and nodded into Blake’s direction.
„Jealous?“, Leksi asked snippy.
„Totally.“, Elijah laughed but for a moment anger flashed inside his eyes.
„I would ask you to join us but I get the feeling you really like to be alone.“, Leksi hissed and turned away without waiting for an answer.
„What did he want?“, Blake asked.
„Just the usual.“, Leksi said and shrugged her shoulders. When she turned around to Elijah, he was still looking at her. Today his skin was paler than normal and he had deep eye circles. He looked exhausted and tired, Leksi thought.
„Come on.“, Blake said in this moment tearing her out of her thoughts. The students started moving, shoving themselves outside the building. It was a nice day. The sun stood high on the sky and made everything glitter. Cold wind blew around Leksi’s ears. She inhaled the cool air, which made her headache a little better. There was a bus parked in front of the academy, ran by witchlight energy. Blake and Leksi chose their seats in the very front of the bus so they could easily jump off when they arrived in Alicante.

Elijah Blackthorn kept his eyes on Leksi for a little while. He saw the way Blake looked at her, watching every step she made. In the beginning Elijah had felt something like compassion. He knew how it was to loose someone you love. Of course he didn’t know how it was to loose their parabatai, but seeing your own father die was quite compareable. Back then Elijah had wished for someone to console him, holding his hand night after night when he was crying. Instead the freezing glances of his mother hit him, not talking a single word to him. She blamed him. That was the worst about it.
But Leksi didn’t want any compassion. He had noticed this the minute they walked into the armory. She was strong and self confident and didn’t complain. Elijah somehow hated her for that. He felt week in her presence. She was different than the others. She wasn’t impressed by his bitter tone, she wasn’t buying his fossilized behavior, even though she wouldn’t admit it. But Elijah knew that she registered his true self. It was this one look she gave him. He had been surprised that she followed him after that first training and wanted to push her away. Now that he made it, he didn’t know if this had been the right thing to do. He found that they had a lot in common. Not only the pain and the loss. He could also see the anger. An anger that had almost destroyed him. He had pushed everyone away, became a loner. But he didn’t care because it was more important that people saw him as strong and independent.
When he passed by Leksi in the bus, he looked down to not face her glance. He had the feeling each time he looked at her she could see even more of him. He sat down on a bench in the very back of the bus, so he could only see Blake’s dark hair.

When the bus stopped after a short drive, the shadowhunters streamed out in every direction. Leksi looked around curiously. The canal, flowing between the magnificent houses, was frozen and the streets were emptied because of the icy temperatures. Together Leksi and Blake walked up a street. The bronze roofs were covered with snow and Leksi was freezing even though she was wearing her thick coat. After a while they came across a square, seamed by high, narrow houses. In the middle was a statue of Raziel.
„This is the heart of the city.“, Blake said. Leksi stopped, starring at the white building appearing familiar. White marble stairs lead to a pillared arcade with a large double door.
„That’s the Accords Hall.“, Blake continued. „They say all the streets lead to this square, but I actually never tried.“
„I thought all the streets lead to Rome.“, Leksi laughed.
They resumed their way and soon arrived at a platform, framed by a heavy stone rail, showing the view on the city. A few benches were placed in front of the rail.
„Wow.“, Leksi whispered. Blake smiled next to her.
They sat down on one of the benches watching the white city.
„Back there is he the Gard.“, Blake said pointing at a huge building you couldn’t oversee. Leksi shiverd a little. She looked at Blake, whose dark hair had fallen into his eyes. His skin was reddened from the cold but seemed smooth. She felt his warmth that sent pleasant shivers over her body.
„Are you cold?“, Blake wanted to know.
„A little.“, Leksi admitted. All of the sudden, Blake smiled over his entire face.
„I’m glad that I took this with me.“, he said and held a wool blanket in his hands, wrapping it around Leksi.
„Aren’t you cold?“, Leksi asked. The warm fabric of the blanket felt really good.
„It’s alright.“, Blake smiled.
„We can share if you’d like. The blanket is big enough.“, she said.
„Are you sure?“, he asked but Leksi already spread the blanket over his back.
„Thank you.“, she whispered and a tingling diffused in her belly. It was somehow romantic sitting on this bench in the cold together with Blake. Nobody was seen far and wide, they were all alone. She felt Blake’s arm at her shoulder and had the indecent desire to slide closer to Blake, but didn’t know how to accomplish that without him noticing. 
Even though Leksi was more of an offensive type, she was panicking to do something wrong. By the angel, what were those feelings, making her forget everything else. Annbeth popped in her mind and her face became sad.
„What is with you?“, Blake, who noticed her expression, asked.
„It’s okay.“, she said but noticed how tears filled her eyes. Blake watched her worried and didn’t know if it was his fault.
„You can talk to me.“, he said quietly.
Leksi shook her head. She jumped off of the bench. She didn’t want Blake that close.
„This is all wrong.“, slipped out of her mouth. She stood at the rail and didn’t know what to do next. She couldn’t just sit back down but she also couldn’t run off because she didn’t know the way back to the bus.
„What do you mean?“, Blake asked surprised and rose.
„Everything.“, the anger won and the tears disappeared. Blake gulped.
„I am so sorry if I offended you. I should have clarified the circumstances. I don’t know what drove me.“, he sputtered and Leksi didn’t get what he was even talking about.
„Of course you have a boyfriend. Why wouldn’t you. I feel very sorry.“, he continued.
„No, I don’t have a boyfriend, you idiot!“, she bursted.
„Not? But what is it then?“, he wanted to know.
„Annabeth. I am supposed to find her murderer and not sitting around.“, she turned away quickly. Blake stepped closer so Leksi could hear his breath.
„Do you know a way to help her?“, she asked but wasn’t hoping for an answer. Blake sighed.
„Leksi I am the head boy and I need to behave like one.“, he said and tears drenched her eyes.
„Please don’t cry.“, he said and wiped away a tear on her cheek. But this didn’t have the desired effect and Leksi bursted into tears. She threw herself into Blake’s arms and pressed her head against his shoulder. He held her tight and stroked her hair. He enjoyed her closeness, his heart pounded faster. He closed his eyes, breathing in her sweet scent.
„I’m here for you.“, he said but knew he couldn’t give her what she needed. Of course he knew how Leksi could get back into the institute in Montreal in only a few seconds, but he wasn’t allowed to help her. He made an oath and he couldn’t break it.
„We probably should go back.“, he said. He felt how Leksi shook her head.
„I don’t want to go back.“, she sobbed. „I hate the academy.“
Blake pulled her even tighter. „I promise you, by the end of next week you’ll get out of here. I don’t know how I achieve this, but I give you my word.“
Leksi loosened the caress and looked at him. In his glance lay deep honesty. His green eyes sparkled in the sun. A smile played around the corners of his mouth. 

© all rights reserved || copyright by J.J.B.

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