Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2016

Sneaky Pretty You - SuJu FanFiction - Chapter 2

The next morning Ryan felt even more horrible than expected. Whatever drove her to her actions from last night was now completely gone and she feared of facing Heechul. How should she behave? After all he had just left after… Ryan shook her head as she got dressed and tried to forget the last night. Not that she regretted anything. But it was something else if you had to see whoever you slept with the next day and you had to act as if nothing had happened. 
Ryan left her hotel room and went down with the elevator to enter the lobby. Eunhyuk was already waiting for her.
„There you are.“, he smiled at her. He wore a bright red thick jacket with a fur collar. „I see you met Heechul last night?!“, he stated.
„What?“, Ryan flinched. How did he know?!“
„Your scarf.“, he said and pointed onto Ryan’s neck.
She looked down and sighed in relief. „Oh the scarf.“
„You look pale all of the sudden. Are you okay?“, he looked at her worriedly.
„Everything’s fine.“, Ryan grinned the awkwardness away.
„Let’s go have some breakfast.“, he said and guided Ryan with his hand on her back.
They went to a small silver car, that looked really boring.
„Where are the others?“, Ryan asked and looked around for the van.
„I told Leeteuk that I wanted to spend some time alone with you.“, Eunhyuk grinned as they entered the car. „Is that okay?“, he asked and felt nervous.
„Totally.“, Ryan said. She felt relieved that she didn’t have to see Heechul today. 
„Something’s different today.“, Eunhyuk said and started the engine.
„What do you mean?“, Ryan wanted to know. She hated his suspicious vein. He’s always been like that.
„I’m not sure. But if there’s something wrong you can talk to me.“, he said.
„I know.“, Ryan smiled.
     They arrived at a small cafe. Eunhyuk was again wearing a pair of sunglasses. As if this would help to not recognize him, Ryan thought. But she didn’t want to discuss with him so she let him play his little disguise game.
„What would you like to eat?“, he asked her.
Ryan noticed that the waitress was staring at Eunhyuk, her mouth wide open.
„I’d like a caramel latte and…“, Ryan said and searched for something good on the menu. „I want the sweet fried bread.“, she chose.
Eunhyuk ordered while Ryan already looked for an empty table.
„You know the waitress totally knows who you are.“, she then said because she found it too funny.
„No she doesn’t.“, Eunhyuk countered.
Ryan rose her eyebrows. „She’s still staring at you.“, she noted.
Eunhyuk turned around and waved at the waitress. „Maybe she thinks I’m hot.“, he grinned.
„That must be it.“
„Yah!“, he gasped and slapped Ryan’s arm.
„I’m sorry.“, she giggled. 
„It’s nice having you back.“, Eunhyuk sighed. „It was really hard for me right after you left, you know.“
Ryan’s smile vanished and her face froze.
„I missed you a lot. I was always missing someone I could talk to. I mean we sent mails and stuff but it wasn’t the same anymore.“
„But you have the guys.“, Ryan said and of course Heechul had to appear inside of her head again. What was up with him that his splitting image was anchored in her mind?!
„That’s true.“, Eunhyuk brought her back to reality. „And I’m really grateful. Still, you were missing all this time.“
„I missed you too.“, Ryan said. She didn’t really know what to say. She never had those talks with Eunhyuk before. They had been best friends but he had never said something like this before.
„What do you want to do today?“, he asked and changed the topic.
Ryan shrugged her shoulders. „I don’t know. Just something. I don’t like to do all the tourist stuff. I just want to see how people live here.“
Eunhyuk started to grin. It was a cute smile, revealing his teeth. „I know. That’s why I wanted to save you from Leeteuk’s plans. He had the complete tourist tour scheduled.“
„But now I feel bad.“, Ryan complained. She really had a bad feeling that someone actually planned something for her and she didn’t even acknowledge it properly.
„Don’t feel bad! No one asked him to do that. He’s just always like that.“, Eunhyuk shrugged his shoulders and the two packed their stuff to leave the cafe and head into the heart of Seoul to explore the city.
„Will he be okay?“, Ryan asked.
Eunhyuk nodded. „Also you can spend tomorrow with him. He looked for some apartments to rent.“
„Really?“, Ryan got excited. „I was scared I wouldn’t be able to find an apartment soon enough.“, she explained.
„If you don’t, you could always come to our dorm.“, he grinned. „We have a lot of space, since some of the members moved out. Plus I wouldn’t mind sharing a room with you.“
„Nice try.“, Ryan laughed. „But I’d rather not stay with so many boys in one apartment.“
„Your loss.“, Eunhyuk shrugged.
     The two friends walked around for hours, talking and laughing. Ryan unpacked all of her High School stories, how she was the school nerd, although she had bad grades and how she started off college and then worked for a magazine where she was writing a stupid column where she should answer peoples love problems.
Eunhyuk was amused from her stories and also shared all of his experiences from starting out at SM Entertainment to debuting and to having his sub unit with Donghae.
„I really wished I would’ve been there.“, Ryan said.
„It would have been nice.“, Eunhyuk agreed. „But at least you’re here now.“
His phone interrupted their conversation.
„It’s Donghae.“, Eunhyuk said and answered the phone. „Yes?“
‚Where are you?‘, Donghae wanted to know. ‚You know Leeteuk is sulky because you didn’t want him to come.‘
„I know.“, Eunhyuk simply answered. „He will get over it eventually.“
‚What are you doing then?‘
„We’re just walking around, talking.“, Eunhyuk said and watched Ryan as she observed the window of a jewelry shop.
‚Can I come too. I’m so bored. Heechul is playing video games on the big screen, Yesung left mumbling something about his hair and Kyuhyun is reading.‘
„What’s Leeteuk doing? And Siwon?“, Eunhyuk asked. He didn’t want to admit it, but he actually did not want Donghae to come, since he wanted to be alone with Ryan.
‚I don’t know. Leeteuk hasn’t been coming out of his room and I haven’t seen Siwon all day.‘
Eunhyuk sighed.
‚Please Hyung, let me come. You had all morning with Ryan.‘
Silence arose between the two as Eunhyuk tried to think of something to answer.
‚Is it because you’re in love with her?‘, Donghae teased his Hyung.
„What?“, Eunhyuk bursted and people around him gave him weird looks. 
‚If not then let me come.‘, Donghae said.
„Fine then.“, Eunhyuk gave up.

Donghae met them a while after his call.
„I can’t believe you almost didn’t let me come.“, he joked, although Eunhyuk was not amused about this.
„Let’s go do some karaoke.“, Donghae suggested.
„Really?“, Eunhyuk was annoyed already.
„That sounds fun. I mean, I can’t sing but you two can.“, Ryan smiled.
„Fine then.“, Eunhyuk gave in.
There were many karaoke places around but Donghae seemed to have a special one in mind as he guided the group through the crowded streets, around some corners until he finally stopped in front of a rather scabby looking building, squeezed in between a fancy looking boutique that actually seemed to be some sort of sex shop when taking a closer look and a disgusting smelling food shop that didn’t look as if it would pass any hygiene inspection.
„Seriously?“, Ryan made a face.
„It’s the best place I know. They have amazing chicken in here.“, Donghae said excitedly.
„Are you sure you don’t get food poisoning?“, Eunhyuk furrowed.
„Did I ever had food poisoning?“, Donghae rose his eyebrows at his Hyung.
„Yes?!“, Eunhyuk replied.
„Well that one time, but I didn’t come here that day.“, Donghae said but then he seemed lost in thought for a second before he continued to speak. „I guess I was here that day.“
„Ya!“, Eunhyuk slapped him. „You want to kill us?“, he yelled.
Donghae backed off and bumped into Ryan who was standing next to him. He took this chance to grab her shoulders and push her in front of himself. „Save me.“, he whimpered.
Ryan started laughing.
„Donghae-ya! Get right here. Don’t hide behind a girl.“, Eunhyuk frowned and tried to get around Ryan to slap Donghae. But Donghae kept on holding Ryan’s shoulders and turned her as if he would be dancing.
„You guys stop it already.“, Ryan giggled as she got moved from left to right and right to left.
„He started it.“, Eunhyuk stated.
„I didn’t start anything.“, Donghae replied.
„See this is why I didn’t want you to come.“, Eunhyuk barked.
Donghae suddenly froze in movement. He leaned onto Ryan’s shoulder, resting his head close to her neck. Ryan flinched because of his sudden closeness.
„Why are you so mean?“, Donghae asked with honest disappointment inside of his voice. Ryan could feel his warm breath on her cheek and it made her shiver. 
Eunhyuk looked at Ryan and then at Donghae.
„Oppa, you made Donghae sad.“, Ryan pouted in exaggeration and made Eunhyuk find his smile again.
„Alright, alright.“, he went.
„Weird.“, Donghae suddenly said.
„Huh?“, Ryan went and Eunhyuk looked at Donghae wondering what was going on.
„Ryan smells like Heechul.“, Donghae stated. He stuck his nose into her scarf and took a sniff. „Her scarf smells like Hyung’s perfume.“, he wondered.
Ryan was in shock. She balled her hands into fists and the thoughts in her head spun wildly around not allowing her to think of anything that could help right now.
„Ryan forgot her scarf last night and Heechul brought it to her. I told you he uses way too much of this stinky water but no one ever listens to me.“, Eunhyuk said and Ryan’s tensed body started to relax again.
„Is that so?“, Donghae asked.
Ryan saw again how she opened the door and looked into Heechul’s chocolate fudge eyes. They were so deep and hypnotizing. She saw how he lifted his shirt and again she felt the urge to touch his soft skin.
A hand waved in front of her eyes. „Do you hear me?“, Eunhyuk asked.
Ryan shrugged as she noticed what she was just thinking about. „Shall we go inside. I’m really cold.“, Ryan then said and walked towards the entrance to let this awkwardness behind her. Why did everything have to be so complicated since she was in Seoul? Or was she just making things complicated?
The boys followed Ryan into the thing that tried to be a karaoke bar and a few minutes later they found each other inside of a room that actually looked neater than expected.
„This isn’t too bad.“, Ryan said while closely observing the wallpaper and the plant that was put next to the flat screen.
„I still don’t trust this.“, Eunhyuk wrinkled his nose.
Donghae went over to the couch, made himself comfortable and chose the first song.
„Hyung! Order some chicken.“, he said and took the mic into his hands.
Ryan took off her coat and sat down next to Donghae. Eunhyuk placed himself on her other side and ignored Donghae’s wish for chicken.
„Aren’t you going to order it?“, she asked him.
Eunhyuk shook his head and faced the screen to read along the lyrics of the first song Donghae had chosen.
Ryan was fascinated when hearing him sing. In fact she was stoked when the two of them paired up to sing together. She had never known Eunhyuk was a singer when they were little. He always liked to dance but she never heard him sing.
Ryan clapped when they were finished and just in time the all so famous chicken arrived. Donghae had simply ordered it himself when Eunyhuk was busy picking out a song.
„After we eat, Ryan has to sing.“, Donghae said.
„Oh no!“, she said and waved her hands to emphasize her disapproval.
„Oh yes!“, Eunhyuk jumped.
„I’ll sing with you.“ Donghae said and smiled at Ryan while taking another bite of the chicken. He didn’t lie. The chicken was indeed really delicious and the basket got pretty much emptied in the blink of an eye.
„I know the perfect song.“, Donghae rose his arm and moved over to pick the song for him and Ryan.
„I don’t want to sing.“, Ryan whined. 
„Don’t be so whiny.“, Donghae joked and pushed his shoulder continuously against hers.
„I’m a terrible singer.“, she tried to get herself out if this.
„I don’t believe you.“, Eunhyuk said.
„You have such a lovely voice, you have to be a good singer.“, Donghae stated and made Ryan somewhat speechless with his comment. Did he even notice that he just complimented her?!
Eunhyuk watched Donghae as he looked at Ryan with a bright smile on his lips. He didn’t know if he was only imagining stuff. But he felt like Donghae hasn’t been smiling like this in a long time.
„Please sing with me.“, Donghae asked with a really cute voice and tried the puppy face on Ryan. She had to laugh when he starred at her with his huge brown eyes.
„Fine then. What song are we going to sing?“, she then asked.
Donghae almost jumped off the couch in joy and clapped his hands.
„Breakups are so like me.“, he announced the song title.
„I don’t know this song.“, Ryan admitted.
„It’s really easy.“, he grinned. „You take Heechul’s part.“, he added and the song started.
„What?“, Ryan gasped. 
„I always sing Kim Janghoon’s part, so you have to sing Heechul.“, he explained.
Ryan was again in shock. Why on earth was this Heechul guy following her everywhere. Everywhere someone would mention him in the most stupid and nonsense way possible.
„But since you always sing that other guy, you can sing Heechul now.“ Ryan tried to convince Donghae and it felt like she had bitten on an ink cartridge when she said Heechul’s name.
Donghae quickly shook his head. „It’s starting.“, he said and then began to sing the lyrics that obviously belonged to Kim Janghoon. 
Ryan frowned and starred onto the screen. Luckily they didn’t play the music video along with the song. Or else Ryan would have probably fainted. 
„This song is so sad.“, Ryan said when she was done singing.
She turned around to find Eunhyuk staring at her with huge eyes.
„What?“, she asked him.
„Daebak! You sounded amazing.“, Eunhyuk gasped.
„Don’t exaggerate.“, Ryan replied and felt how her face turned red.
„No really.“, Donghae agreed. „I think we harmonized quite well.“, he added.
„You think?“, Ryan smiled and turned to Donghae.
Eunhyuk’s smile froze as he watched Donghae look at her. His eyes were sparkling. Eunhyuk didn’t even listen to their conversation anymore. It seemed like his ears shut down to not make him hear Ryan’s laughter and Donghae’s kind compliments. He sat down on the couch again and took the last piece of chicken that was left over.
„Maybe you should become a singer.“, Donghae suggested.
„I’m really not that good.“, Ryan refused, though she liked being complimented that much.
„We could sing a duet.“, he said.
„That would be really awesome. Though singing is not really my thing.“, she laughed.
„But we would look amazing together. You can’t wear heels though, or else I look too short.“, he said and placed himself next to Ryan to check their height.
Ryan tiptoed to make herself taller than Donghae.
„Ya! Don’t do this.“, he said and gently pulled her down by grabbing her shoulders.
The two were facing each other on equal height now. 
Ryan blinked into his eyes and also Donghae seemed startled. Ryan looked at his smooth skin, followed the streaks of his hazel hair covering his forehead, felt his breath and even heard his heart beating underneath his white v-neck shirt and showed the beginning of his breast muscles.
Donghae didn’t move as he held onto Ryan’s gaze. She didn’t look like she had an American father. She had curvy black eyes, a small rather flat nose and a pouty pair of pink lips. Her skin was white and the perfect contrast to the deep blackness of her pupils that melted within her iris. She wore her brown hair down, one side tucked behind her ear. Her roots were already grown out quite a bit, though it blended nicely with the rest of her hair.
Donghae swallowed down the sudden lump inside his throat as his gaze stopped on her soft-looking lips. Lucious, cute lips that looked like they would taste like peaches.
„Can we leave now?“, Eunhyuk interrupted the moment of complete silence.
Ryan flinched and immediately backed off to get to her coat.
„Yes, sure. Let’s do something else.“, she said.
Donghae ran his hands through his hair and tried to get a hold of himself. He didn’t know what had just happened. That moment seemed to be incredibly intense. Though it wasn’t supposed to be, he thought.

It was already dark outside and Ryan started to feel very tired and exhausted.
„Maybe it’s jet lag now.“, Eunhyuk commented when they walked through the streets that were now illuminated from all the bright and colorful signs that wanted to get the people into their stores.
„No!“, Ryan refused.
„We should bring her to her hotel so she could get some sleep.“, Donghae said.
Eunhyuk didn’t want his day with Ryan to be over yet. Especially since Donghae had interfered so much. But he had to admit that Ryan looked tired and also she had to view apartments the next day. Running from apartment to apartment with Leeteuk would be a tiring activity. So maybe he should let her get some sleep.
„Let’s take you to sleep.“, Eunhyuk then agreed and they went back to their car.
Eunhyuk went to the drivers seat, while Donghae helped Ryan into the back seat and then climbed in himself.
„Why are you sitting in the back?“, Eunhyuk asked.
„I can’t let her sit in the back all by herself.“, Donghae furrowed.
Ryan was already resting her head against the icy window as the sleep started to pull her into the land of dreams.
„Don’t sleep yet. We still have to get you into your room.“, Donghae laughed.
Ryan rose her head and forced her eyes to stay open.
„I know.“, she murmured. „I don’t know why I’m so tired all of the sudden.“ She leaned back in her seat, slid down to get more comfortable and closed her eyes again.
„Fine then. I’ll wake you when we arrive.“, Donghae giggled.
Ryan nodded and then her head tilted to the right onto Donghae’s shoulder. He looked down at her in surprise and tried not to move. He didn’t think his shoulder was really comforting though.
Eunhyuk looked through the driving mirror and he didn’t like what he saw. He gripped the wheel harder and clenched his teeth. 
Eunhyuk was glad when they finally arrived at the hotel. He wouldn’t have stood it a second longer, watching Ryan cuddle against Donghae’s chest.
„Ryan!“, Donghae whispered to gently wake her up. „We’re at your hotel. You need to wake up. You can sleep in your room.“
Donghae’s whisper tickled her cheeks. She slowly woke up without realizing she was actually this close to him.
„Ryan, wake up.“, Eunhyuk spat.
„Ya! Don’t yell at me.“, Ryan grumbled.
Eunhyuk rolled his eyes and left the car. He slammed the door shut and walked a few steps, breathing in the cold air.
„What’s wrong with him?“, Donghae asked but his question wasn’t actually asked towards Ryan.
Ryan snuggled her head into Donghae’s coat and wanted to fall asleep again.
„Ryan.“, he whispered again. „You need to wake up and go to your room.“, he said with a smile on his lips. He thought she was really cute, digging her face into the warm fabric.
„If this was a movie, you would carry me all the way to my room.“, she mumbled.
A quite laughter went over Donghae’s lips. 
„But this isn’t a movie.“, he whispered and stroke over Ryan’s silky hair.
She puffed and began to sit straight again to exit the car. „Fine then.“, she grunted.
Donghae also left the car and went straight to her side to help her walk.
„I can walk.“, she barked and freed her arm from Donghae with a huge gesture that almost made her loose her balance.
„Do you want me to bring you to your room?“, Donghae asked rather shyly. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked at Ryan as she starred at him with her tired eyes.
„I think I’m fine. You try to calm down Hyukie.“, Ryan said.
Donghae glanced over to look for Eunhyuk who was still standing a few steps away from the car.
„I should, huh?!“, Donghae went and turned back to Ryan.
„Good night then.“, she smiled. „Hopefully I’ll see you again soon.“
Donghae’s heart made a slight jump on her last words. „Sweet dreams.“, he replied with a sparkle inside of his eyes that was left unnoticed by Ryan.

Ryan went straight to the elevator and up to her room. She slid off her shoes, threw her coat to the floor and went to the bathroom. There was no way she would go to sleep with make-up on. There was no time for any zits because she had been to tired. Ryan quickly washed her face and the water somewhat made her feel more awake. At least for a few minutes. She peeled off her jeans and sweater and climbed underneath the blanket on her hotel bed. 
The silence around her was annoyingly loud inside of her ears. 
Ryan’s gaze fell onto her grey scarf that was rumpled up within her coat. She reached out her hand and fished the scarf over to her. She pressed it against her body and let her face sink into the fabric. It did smell like Heechul. A lot. Ryan found herself closing her eyes as she thought of having Heechul near her.
„What?!“, she suddenly gasped and threw the scarf to the floor staring at it as if it could start burning that way.
She grunted and turned around to face the window. Then she switched off the lights to find some sleep.
‚사랑이 떠나간다 나 억지로 웃어본다. 멋지게 너를 보내주고 싶지만‘, she heard herself sing inside of her head and bobbing her feet to the rhythm. (the song Ryan and Donghae sang before)
„Aish! I hate that song.“, she hissed and tried to think of something else. But the melody was stuck. It was stuck all night and all the way to the morning when Ryan was woken up by her alarm.
     Ryan went to the lobby again. But this time she didn’t search for Eunhyuk, but for Leeteuk. Unfortunately Eunhyuk and Donghae had a really time-consuming schedule and so Leeteuk took the lead. 
„Good morning!“, Leeteuk smiled at her.
Ryan frowned.
„What’s wrong with you?“, he made a face.
„I’m sorry. I just had a hard time sleeping.“, she said.
„I hope my apartment tour can cheer you up.“
They went outside followed by some curious looks and went over to a car that looked really similar to the one they had taken yesterday. 
Ryan already saw someone sitting on the passengers seat and her apprehension got confirmed when she came closer. It was in fact Heechul who was inside of the car.
Ryan threw her head back and tried to swallow down the sudden disgust she was feeling.
She went onto the backseat. „Morning.“, she said because she thought it would have been too childish to ignore him.
„Morning.“, he replied.
The sound of his voice made Ryan shiver as she remembered him moan into her ear.
„Here.“, Heechul said and turned around to hand her coffee and a bag with a sandwich.
„We don’t really have time to have breakfast, so we bought you something.“, Leeteuk noted.
„Thank you.“, Ryan said and took the coffee and paper bag from Heechul without looking him in the eye.
It was a rather long drive to the apartment, though mostly because of traffic.
„I heard you went to karaoke yesterday?!“, Leeteuk said.
Ryan nodded.
„And I also heard you’re a great singer.“, he smiled.
„That part isn’t true.“, she laughed.
„But they said you jammed out to ‚Breakups are so like me‘.“, Leeteuk said. 
Ryan observed Heechul, although she could only see his black hair that covered the side of his face.
„It was okay I guess. I didn’t know the song before.“, she said.
„You’re not really into Korean music?“, Leeteuk wanted to confirm.
„I just never really listened to anything. But I liked the song.“
„Of course you like it because I sang it.“, Heechul commented.
Leeteuk bursted out in laughter while Ryan rose her eyebrows. 
„I think I liked it because Donghae’s voice was so matching.“, she countered with an evil grin on her lips.

When they arrived the apartment building Ryan was flabbergasted. 
„This looks way too expensive.“, she said.
Leeteuk shook his head. „I picked apartments that needed to be rented next week, so the owners have to go down with the price in order to get it sold.“, he explained.
The three of them went up the elevator to the 11th floor, went down the hallway and took a turn until they reached an apartment where a man was waiting.
He was the owner and waited to show them the apartment.
„This is huge.“, Heechul stated when they went inside.
Ryan watched him as he walked around the apartment. He wore the same black coat, had his hands buried in his pockets. His hair looked even shinier than the last time and his eyes seemed more cheerful.
„What do you say?“, Leeteuk asked Ryan. He was excited and loved his picks for an apartment for Ryan.
„I think this is too big.“, Ryan admitted. 
Leeteuk shrugged his shoulders. „We still have three more apartments to go to.“, he smiled.
     The next two apartments weren’t a lot smaller. Ryan started to doubt whether Leeteuk was actually a good guide. He had only picked apartments in top locations and no normal person would be able to afford this. How was she supposed to live here?!
The last option seemed to be more of Ryan’s taste.
It was a rather small yellow building. They went up again and went into the apartment. The floor was covered with dark brown wood and the walls were painted with a cappuccino color.
„This is really pretty.“, Ryan gasped and wandered around the apartment. There was a small cooking place and a comfy looking couch with a coffee table on a fuzzy rug. She went into the bed room, followed by Heechul, while Leeteuk was talking to the owner.
„You like it?“, he asked her.
Ryan nodded. „I think it’s really comfortable.“
She went over to the closet and opened it to already plan how she could sort in her clothes, once they would arrive with the container.
Heechul drew closer. „You’re checking out the closet, but wouldn’t you want to check the bed instead?“, he whispered.
Ryan turned around only to find herself caught between the closet and Heechul’s body. She blinked at his face, not sure what to answer.
All of the sudden she reached out for his face and took a strand of hair out of his eye.
„That was bothering me.“, she said with a cheeky smile on her lips.
A smile reached Heechul’s eyes. He still held her gaze.
„Leeteuk is bothering me.“, Heechul then said also smiling.
„Why?“, Ryan awkwardly laughed.
„Just imagine what we could do in here, if he wouldn’t be around.“, he said and Ryan guessed he was trying to sound rather seductive. In fact, he sounded extremely hot, but now was not the time to admit this. 
„Sort of already had that.“, Ryan shrugged her shoulders, shoved Heechul aside and left the bedroom.
Heechul was startled. He turned around in disbelief and watched Ryan as she swung her hips outside the room.
     „So what do you think?“, Leeteuk grinned for the fourth time.
„I love this place.“, she said.
The owner seemed relieved.
„Then it’s settled. You move here by the end of next week.“
„Really, I can move next week already?“, she gasped. „That’s awesome.“
„I will take care of everything.“, the owner said. He was a friendly looking man in his forties. 
„Thank you for your time.“, Leeteuk said. He then looked around for Heechul. „Where’s Heechul?“, he asked confusedly.
„He’s probably still in the bedroom.“, Ryan stated.
„What’s he doing in there?“, Leeteuk wrinkled his nose.
Ryan shrugged her shoulders. „I go get him.“, she said and went back to the bedroom.
Heechul was standing in front of the window.
„Ya, we want to leave.“, Ryan said harshly.
Heechul was illuminated from the sunlight that dug itself through the window. His skin looked even paler and more porcelain-like. The bright light almost made him look like someone from a black and white picture.
„It’s a really pretty view from here.“, he said with his melodic voice that Ryan only got to hear sometimes.
„It’s a pretty view from here too.“, she grinned.
Heechul turned to her, catching her gaze by staring back at her with his dark eyes. There it was again this intense, hypnotizing look of his. 
She only now realized what she just said and gasped, covering her mouth with her hand.
„Just so we’re clear…“, he said and came closer, stopping right in front of Ryan. „That night was a one-off.“, he finished his sentence.
„Ya, I’m not the one who talked about stuff we could do in the bedroom.“, she furrowed. Although she hated that he had actually said it out loud. She had never thought of anything else than a one-off, but hearing him say it, was somewhat hurtful.
„True.“, he replied and left the room.

It was Saturday and that group had decided to go to a bowling center and have some fun. Well actually it was Leeteuks plan again.
„I don’t like Bowling.“, Kyuhyun complained when they arrived at the center and put their bowling shows on.
„My shoes are wet.“, he made a face.
Ryan laughed. She loved bowling, although she didn’t used to go often. 
„Let’s make the teams.“, Donghae suggested.
„I want to team with Hyukie.“, Ryan shouted and jumped close to him, throwing her arms around his waist and resting her head on his chest.
Eunhyuk replied her hug with a satisfied smile on his lips. 
„I want to be in their team as well.“, Donghae stated.
„I already made the teams.“, Leeteuk put into consideration.
„I team up with Hyukie.“, Ryan repeated with a large grin.
„I don’t want to be in any team.“, Kyuhyun said. „Can I watch?“, he wanted to know.
Siwon chuckled and shook his head. „Kyu is in my team.“, he said while putting a hand around his shoulder and leading him over to the bowling alley they had been advised to.
„How can you guys throw over my plans.“, Leeteuk pouted.
„Just get over it already.“, Yesung said and patted his back. 
„Let’s go Hyukie.“, Ryan warbled.
Heechul wrinkled his nose as the watched the two walk away still in their close embrace.
„What’s with you?“, Yesung asked him. „What team do you want to be in.“
Heechul shrugged his shoulders. 
They also went over the alley were Ryan was observing the bowling balls until she lifted up a purple one that seemed to glitter.
„I call this one.“, she grinned.
Heechul looked at her. Her hair was put into soft curls, she wore a light blue pair of skinny jeans and a blue and white striped sweater with cuffed sleeves. She held the bowling ball high in the air and presented it to her team mates.
„I’m just typing in our names, okay?!“, Siwon said. „Who else is in our team?“, he wanted to know after typing in Kyuhyun and himself.
„I’m gonna be in Donghae’s team.“, Yesung rose in hand.
Donghae nodded and put in Yesung as the fourth member. Which meant Leeteuk and Heechul were teamed up with Siwon and Kyuhyun.
„I want to go first.“, Ryan said.
„Make our team win.“, Donghae said. He rose from his seat behind the monitor and went over to Ryan. He put his hands on her shoulders from behind. „Are you good at bowling?“, he asked her.
Ryan turned around. „Of course.“, she winked at him. 
„I don’t remember you being good.“, Eunhyuk said.
Ryan gave him a mad look as he chuckled.
„I got much better since you last saw me bowl.“, she stated and rose her nose high in the air to pretend to be pouting.
„I want to go first too.“, Heechul said and rose with a sigh. All of his team members watched him with risen eyebrows as he took a bowling ball and prepared on their team’s alley.
„Don’t let yourself be distracted from him.“, Donghae said. „He wants to show off again.“
„I don’t want to show off.“, Heechul countered.
„He wants to show off.“, Leeteuk confirmed and leaned back, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
„Ya! You’re on my team.“, Heechul frowned. „Ladies first.“, he then said and nodded at Ryan.
Donghae let go of her and Ryan threw the ball hitting a few pins. She grumbled as she took another bowling ball and went for her second attempt. A spare.
Her eyes went wide and she jumped in joy, hugging Donghae, who was closest to her.
„Beat that.“, she said and stuck out her tongue at Heechul.
He smiled and Ryan froze. She had never seen him smile to brightely, exposing his teeth and showing the dimple on his left side. Ryan swallowed down the sudden lump inside her throat and placed herself next to Eunhyuk on the bench to wait for her next round.
     The game went on pretty evened out. Kyuhyun sighed every time his team wanted him to stand up. Though he wasn’t even bad. Siwon actually failed mostly so that team Rocket, as they called themselves after the third round, had more and more of an easy win, since Siwon’s team, with no team name, began to fall behind.
The group sent Heechul to order some food and Ryan decided to help him out, since they had just finished their round and the others were next up.
Ryan trotted behind Heechul along the alleys to the small staircase. The floor got actually more slippery and Ryan tripped when stepping on the tiles.
Heechul heard her soft scream and quickly turned around to grab her. He got a hand of her left arm and shoulder. Ryan stumbled forward and crashed right into him, her hair tangled up in the buttons of his shirt.
„Be careful. The floor is slippery.“, he said.
„I sort of figured.“, Ryan said embarrassedly. „Sorry.“
„Wait, I’ll get your hair out. Don’t move.“, Heechul instructed and started to entangle the streaks of her brown hair.
„You know you can be kind of sweet.“, Ryan said really quietly.
Heechul chuckled and Ryan looked up at him, hoping to see his beautiful smile once again. Her eyes sparkled when she saw his gleaming face, his gaze concentrated on her hair.
„Don’t get used to it.“, he said.
„You’ll be rid of me soon anyway.“, Ryan said and she didn’t know if she was actually sad about it or relieved.
„Why?“, Heechul asked while freeing the last strand.
„Once I have the job and move to my own apartment you guys don’t have to watch over me anymore. I’m glad that you found the time to spend together with me, though I really don’t want to bother anyone.“
„Why are you always saying that you don’t want to bother?!“, Heechul asked. „No one ever said they’re bothered, did they? Maybe we actually want to spend time with you?!“
Ryan looked into his deep eyes, her hair free now, as she stroke it straight again. „Do you want to spend time with me?“, she asked but immediately regretted her question. Of course he meant the other members and not himself. He probably felt as awkward as she felt when being around him, after the night they had spent together. They should’ve known beforehand that this maybe wasn’t one of their best plans.
Heechul didn’t answer. He wanted to, but the words didn’t come over his lips.
„My parents were always bothered.“, she then changed the topic and they went over to the counter to finally order the food. „They were always busy with work and whenever I wanted something they were annoyed. They told me to talk to someone else, to ask my friends or something. They didn’t even care when I decided to move back to Korea.“, she explained.
Ryan nodded. She didn’t know why had told Heechul. It wasn’t that he asked or anything. In fact he probably didn’t even care at all. But still it felt better after telling someone, what was bothering her all this time. She felt a little lighter now.
„Why are you guys taking so long?“, Eunhyuk interrupted from behind. „Ryan, are you alright?“, he asked her when she turned to face him.
„I’m fine.“, she smiled her sorrows away.
     After getting the food they went back. They had ordered a bunch of french fries and burgers, sitting down on the benched and happily munching on the warm, salty snacks.
„You got some sauce on your chin.“, Donghae grinned and rubbed his thumb over Ryan’s chin to wipe it away.
„Thank you.“, she chewed.
„Do you want to try my burger?“, Donghae asked her.
„What’s yours?“, Ryan wanted to know.
„It’s onion rings I believe. There’s onion rings, lettuce and chicken on it.“
„Let me try.“, Ryan said excitedly.
Donghae held the burger for her and Ryan took a large bite of it. 
Eunhyuk looked at her, somewhat grossed out.
„It’s really good. Try mine.“, she said and held it in front of Donghae’s face.
„Siwon, do you want to try my burger as well?“, Kyuhyun asked.
Siwon rose his eyebrows and shoved Kyuhyun’s hand aside. „No?!“
„Then let me try yours.“, he grinned, though Siwon simply ignored him and finished his burger in no time. 
„Everything tastes better in Korea.“, Ryan smiled and shoved a handful of fries into her mouth.
„That’s why you eat so much.“, Yesung grinned.
Again Ryan noticed how she had eaten a lot and probably more than one of the boys. 
„Some of us don’t need to have a great figure.“, Heechul grinned smugly.
Ryan threw a glare at him. „Some of us don’t have a great figure.“, she threw back at him.
The rest of them laughed at her comment. 
„She totally sussed you, Heechul.“, Donghae chuckled.
„I have a great figure.“, Heechul furrowed.
„Oh yea?“, Ryan teased further. „Where’s your sixpack then? I bet Donghae has a sixpack.“, she said and leaned over rubbing her hand over Donghae’s stomach.
Donghae’s eyes widened as he gulped and blushed from her touch. 
Heechul squinted his eyes.
„How does she know you don’t have a sixpack, hyung?“, Siwon slapped Heechul’s back. „I told you, you’re too obvious.“
Ryan flinched, though unnoticed by everyone else. She had almost exposed herself. Good, that no one seemed to question why Ryan knew Heechul wasn’t as muscular.
„Even I look more like having a sixpack.“, Kyuhyun proudly threw into the round, earning laughter.
„We should continue with our game.“, Leeteuk then said. „There’s only a few rounds left.“
„I’m so stuffed, I think I can’t even throw a ball right now.“, Ryan said and leaned against Donghae, who welcomed her by stroking her back.
„I just stay here, you can play for me.“, she waved and closed her eyes, enjoying Donghae’s hand over her back, sending shivers through her body.
„It’s your turn now Ryan.“, Eunhyuk spat. He rose from his seat, grabbed both of Ryan’s wrists and pulled her away from Donghae.
„Fine.“, she gave in and went for the glittery purple ball again. „This is my lucky ball and I pick you…“, she pointed at Donghae with one hand, the bowling ball inside the other hand. „…as my lucky charm.“, she smiled.
„What’s that supposed to mean?“, Yesung asked.
„We came up with this when we were kids.“, Eunhyuk said and he wasn’t pleased that he wasn’t the one chose by Ryan. „You can choose your lucky charm and he can transfer his energy over which makes you better in whatever you’re trying to do. We always did that before tests or before my dance contests.“, he explained and memories of him and Ryan popped into his head.
„What do I have to do then?“, Donghae asked and blinked from Ryan to Eunhyuk and back.
„Come here.“, Ryan said. And so Donghae went a few steps onto her direction.
„You just have to put your hand right here.“, she started and took Donghae’s hand to right above her chest, near her collarbone. Donghae’s heart started to beat faster when he was this close to Ryan.
„You don’t need a lucky charm.“, Eunhyuk raged.
„Do you want to win or not?!“, Ryan yelled at him.
„Guys, calm down.“, Leeteuk quickly stepped in.
„This is ridiculous.“, Eunhyuk stated.
Ryan glared at him. „It wasn’t ridiculous when we did it as kids.“, she said and his comment had hurt her quite a bit. Since Eunhyuk and her had come up with their lucky charm tradition, Ryan had always continued it with her friends in Montana. Even though everyone thought it would be a waste of time, she believed in something like that and until this moment she had though, Eunhyuk would understand her.
„But we’re not kids anymore.“, Eunhyuk said.
Donghae still had his hand on Ryan and felt awkward.
„You can let go of me.“, Ryan sadly said.
Everyone looked back and forth between her and Eunhyuk.
„I don’t feel like lucky charming anymore.“, she added even more disappointed.
Donghae swallowed down the lump inside his throat and also the other members felt the negative mood inside the atmosphere.
Ryan turned around, let her gaze strive over Heechul, who looked at her, expressionless as always.
She threw the purple bowling ball. A gutterball. And another one.
„This is all your fault.“, Donghae snapped at Eunhyuk, who didn’t seem to know how to behave. He felt that he had hurt Ryan but he was too confused to apologize. He didn’t want to yell at her and by far he didn’t want to talk ill of lucky charming. But seeing Ryan with Donghae caused a mental blackout. First Donghae had interfered on their day alone and now it was again Donghae who received most of Ryan’s attention. He couldn’t stand seeing them together and everything he did was unthought and stupid. 
Ryan’s mood was dead. Although she tried to not let everyone see her major sadness. Unsuccessfully of course. Leeteuk talked insistently to Eunhyuk, wanting him to apologize, though it had the same effect as he had talked to a blank wall. Eunhyuk ignored him completely and starred into the distance, without any focus.
Team Rocket won, despite Ryan’s gutterballs. But real joy wasn’t what everyone felt. 
They headed back to their vans, but instead of going to the back with Eunhyuk, Ryan places herself next to Heechul. She didn’t want to sit next to Heechul either, but it was better than being all the way in the back with Eunhyuk who didn’t even look at her anymore.
Leeteuk turned up the music and sang along, trying to cheer everyone up. Donghae turned around a few times, looking at Ryan worriedly. 
„Don’t be so sad.“, Heechul leaned close and whispered into her ear. He peered back to see if Eunhyuk was watching, but he was staring outside the window with a pair of earbuds inside his ears.
„I’m trying to.“, Ryan said. She couldn’t explain why she felt this sadness. After all it was just a stupid child tradition. Nothing too important. But it was showing how much Eunhyuk had changed. He wasn’t the same anymore, at least that was what Ryan saw of him now and she didn’t like it at all.
„I know a way to cheer you up.“, Heechul murmured into her ear.
„I’m really not in the mood for your jokes right now.“, Ryan replied.
„You really must be in a bad mood.“, Heechul figured. 
Ryan nodded. „I’m sorry.“
„Don’t worry about it. I live with six other guys. It’s probably not as bad as girls and their mood swings but it can be pretty dramatic too.“, he said and a slight grin flashed over Ryan’s lips.
„You’re probably the worst.“, she said and found a little piece of her humor.
„Probably.“, Heechul agreed and chuckled.
„Thanks.“, Ryan then said.
„For what?“, Heechul wanted to know.
„For trying to cheer me up.“, she said.
„Don’t get used to it.“
„I know, I know. I won’t get used to anything of you, alright?!“, she went.
Heechul looked into her eyes, her beautiful brown eyes and Ryan held his gaze. The streetlights they passed with the car, danced on Heechul’s white skin, while Ryan lay completely in the dark.
Ryan heard her heart inside of her chest and it was beating way too fast. 
„Why are you looking at me like that?“, she asked him.
„Because you’re looking at me like that.“, he replied.
Ryan’s eyes wandered down Heechul’s nose, to his pouty lips that moved as he spoke. All of the sudden she remembered how these lips had covered her body and she felt the urge to pull him closer. She balled her hands into fists, trying to withstand his attractive power.
Heechul reached out for her face, ran his thumb over her cheek and neared his face. Ryan froze as his lips were only inches apart from hers. She sucked in the air and stared at him with huge eyes.
„Did you think I was going to kiss you?“, he whispered and his warm breath made goosebumps run over her back.
„No.“, she lied. Although she didn’t actually believe he was going to kiss her, since there were possible witnesses around.
He grinned at her.
„Are you guys okay in the back?“, Leeteuk’s voice interrupted and drowned the loud music.
Ryan quickly pushed Heechul away from her and turned to only see Donghae checking on them in exactly this moment.
„We’re okay.“, Ryan said and smiled at Donghae, who returned her smile and was glad that her mood seemed to finally be better.
„Eunhyuk-ah, are you okay too?“, Donghae wanted to know. He could barely see him since it was so dark inside the car.
Ryan turned around and flinched when she stared right into Eunhyuk’s eyes. How long had he been looking at her like that? She had totally forgotten that he had been there. Last time she checked he had faced the window with his eyes closed. How much of Heechul’s and her interactions had he been able to watch.
Ryan swallowed down the lump inside her throat as she stared at him with huge, scared eyes. She searched for something inside of his face. But there was nothing. His expression was blank, not revealing a thing. Or maybe it was just too dark to see anything.

„I’m okay, too.“, Eunhyuk then answered Donghae’s question.

© all rights reserved || copyright by J.J.B.