Sonntag, 14. Februar 2016

Sneaky Pretty You - SuJu FanFiction - Chapter 1

Ryan’s heart went crazy when the plane finally landed in Incheon. Her hands were shaking and she still couldn’t believe she was finally back in South Korea.
It’s been too long since she had been visiting the country she grew up in. 
The seat belt sign went off and everyone started to get crazy. Ryan’s seat neighbor was trying to push his fat body past her, though he got stuck between her and the seat in front. A disgusting smell of sweat went into Ryan’s nose and she made a face, though trying to hide it from the other passenger.
Finally the man made it onto the narrow corridor and got his hand luggage. 
Ryan took her bag and enqueued herself into the row of mostly Korean and American people who couldn’t wait to finally get off of the plane.
It was still wintertime in Korea and so Ryan was wrapped inside a grey coat and wore a hat on top of her long brown hair.
She left the plane and followed the signs direction her to the baggage claim. It took a while until she found the right one and of course it took hours for the suitcases to arrive on the conveyor belt.
When Ryan got her suitcase she went to the exit and now had to find her childhood friend. There were a lot of people with signs, but on none of them was her name. No one even seemed a bit familiar. Ryan hated these situations. She didn’t want to look lost and so she just started to walk in any direction. 
Then she spotted him. He was standing a little bit further away from the masses, wearing a face mask, hat and glasses. Ryan didn’t even know how she was able to tell it was him in this disguise, but she almost squeaked and ran over to him. She clasped her arms around his body.
„Hyukjae!“, Ryan screamed while hugging him.
„Psst!“, he went and quickly looked around but they were mostly ignored.
„Oh, right. Sorry. I forgot you’re famous now.“, she winked at him.
Eunhyuk knew he was made fun of, but since it was Ryan he decided to let it slide.
„How was your flight?“, he wanted to know.
„Long. I’m so tired you can’t even imagine.“, Ryan whined.
     The two of them went through the exit and directly to a black Van that was waiting outside. Ryan now noticed a tall man in a black suit and with sunglasses who approached them. She backed off but then she noticed he was opening the door for them.
„Does he belong to you?“, Ryan asked and looked at Eunhyuk.
„They practically follow me everywhere.“, he answered and shrugged his shoulders.
„That must be annoying.“, Ryan said and made a face. She got into the car followed by Eunhyuk.
„What’s up with your accent? It sounds horrible.“, he stated and rose his eyebrows.
When the car’s door was closed behind them Eunhyuk took off his shades and now Ryan could finally look into his brown, friendly eyes.
„Don’t judge me.“, she complained and slapped Eunhyuk’s arm.
„Yah!“, he went.
„I didn’t live here for years so of course my Korean is horrible.“, she said and frowned.
„We need to work on that.“, Eunhyuk said.
The next moment the car started to drive it’s way to Seoul.

Eunhyuk and Ryan finally arrived at her hotel.
„Wow, this is nice.“, she said while looking up the high building. „I think I don’t even want to rent an apartment.“, she smiled.
Eunhyuk laughed at her. „I can feel you. I would prefer this over the dorm too.“
„I don’t believe you. I know you love it there with the boys.“
„True.“, Eunhyuk had to admit.
     After the check in, Eunhyuk brought Ryan up to her room and then left her alone. Ryan wanted to unpack and get some rest before meeting Eunhyuk again at night. In fact she was supposed to meet all of his band members and the thought of that made her a little nervous. It was weird seeing her childhood friend being popular. He had changed quite a bit, though she still recognized him. He smiled the same and he was funny and sarcastic as always. 
Ryan sighed and let herself fall onto the bed to get some sleep. She had a hard time sleeping on the plane, since her porky seat neighbor was snoring extremely loud. It was nice finally laying down, enjoying the silence.
It didn’t take long and Ryan fell asleep.

It was her phone that woke her up. At least it was working she thought, though unpleased about the sudden interruption of her beauty sleep.
„Ya?“, she answered the phone.
„Are you still sleeping?“, Eunhyuk asked on the other end of the line.
„No.“, Ryan replied.
„I’m inside the lobby. You should come down and we go out for dinner.“, he said.
„I’ll be right down.“, she said.
In slow motion Ryan rose from her bed and went into the bathroom. She flinched when seeing the reflection in the mirror. She was pale and her mascara was smudged basically everywhere on her face. 
She quickly washed her face and put some make up on. Lastly she changed into a comfortable sweater, took her coat and scarf and went down with the elevator.
     „Are you hungry?“, Eunhyuk asked her and lead her outside.
„I’m dying.“, Ryan said.
They climbed into the car again and drove off.
„Are your friends coming too?“, Ryan asked after a while.
Eunhyuk nodded. „Not all of them though.“, he said.
„It’s okay that I don’t know their names, right?!“, Ryan asked.
„You don’t know their names?“, Eunhyuk asked her in shock and Ryan knew he was joking.
„Sorry.“, she giggled. „I swear I listened to almost every song because of you but, I don’t know, it’s not really my kind of music I guess.“
„What was your favorite song?“, he wanted to know.
„I don’t know the title.“, Ryan laughed. „I think it was only you and that handsome guy.“
„Ah, I hate you.“, Eunhyuk sighed.
„What?“, Ryan went and looked at Eunhyuk.
„Donghae’s always the handsome one.“, he grumbled.
Ryan slapped him again. „Don’t be like that. You’re handsome too.“, she said.
„Ya, something like that.“, he replied.

After a while the car stopped in front of a restaurant and Ryan and Eunhyuk got off.
„I really like this place.“, Eunhyuk said as they went inside.
A young girl lead them to their private room. Ryan could already hear the other’s inside and all of the sudden she got really nervous.
„I’m scared.“, she whispered.
Eunhyuk turned around to her. „You don’t need to be.“, he said. „They’ll love you.“
„What if they hate me?“, she asked.
„You’re behaving as if you were about to meet your boyfriend’s parents who’s approval you need. Just relax. It’s only a bunch of weird guys.“, he calmed her down.
Eunhyuk opened the door and the voices inside went silent.
Ryan stepped into the room and looked into a round of excited faces. She knew the faces, well at least some of them. They changed their hair colors way too much.
„This is Ryan everyone.“, Eunhyuk said and introduced her. 
Ryan bowed.
„These are Leeteuk, Kyuhyun, Siwon, Yesung, Heechul and Donghae.“, he said and pointed on his band members.
Ryan felt awkward being watched by a bunch of guys.
„Oh! Ryan is a girl?“, Siwon gasped and his eyes went big.
Kyuhyun next to him slapped him. „Are you never listening?!“, he went.
Ryan awkwardly smiled. Why was she always mistaken for a boy…
„Come sit.“, Leeteuk said.
Eunhyuk and Ryan made their way to the back of the table while being observed by the rest of the members.
„You only arrived today?“, Siwon wanted to know.
Ryan nodded. Since Eunhyuk had commented on her horrible accent, she was somewhat afraid to speak on front of everyone.
„Eunhyuk said you’re from Montana?!“, he continued asking.
Again Ryan nodded.
A minute later a servant came with huge trays of food. There was rice, bulgogi and all sorts of side dishes. Ryan’s stomach grumbled in reply and she glanced at the delicious looking dinner in front of her.
„Enjoy everyone.“, Leeteuk said and got his chopsticks ready to eat.
Ryan put some of everything onto her plate and she didn’t miss that the guy opposite of her was carefully following every move she made. Heechul was his name?!
When she looked up, his chocolate fudge eyes hit her. He starred at her for a while, but then Ryan cut off their eye contact when she was asked another question.
„So are you Half-Korean?“, Leeteuk, who sat on the head of the table grinned at her.
Ryan nodded.
Eunhyuk pushed her elbow into her side. „You can talk.“, he hissed.
„It’s scary.“, she hissed back.
All eyes were laying on her. Could this situation be anymore uncomfortable?!
„Her father is American and her mother is Korean.“, Eunhyuk answered for her.
„Have you been to Seoul before?“, Donghae asked.
Ryan shook her head.
„That’s great!“, Leeteuk excitedly shouted. „I made the perfect tour for us.“, he grinned.
Kyuhyun rolled his eyes. He knew Leeteuk’s plans mostly involved stuff nobody but him wanted to do. He immediately hoped he wouldn’t be involved in this.
„We start off tomorrow morning with a bike tour along Han River. It’s the prettiest when the sun rises.“, Leeteuk said while looking at a bunch of papers in front of him.
„Wait…“, Kyuhyun noted. „Sunrise? I’m not part of this, right?!“, he noted.
„Oh, you are.“, Leeteuk smiled. „Everyone is coming. And after our bike tour Eunhyuk and Donghae have their schedule so the rest of us will be in charge of Ryan.“
Kyuhyun’s face spoke volumes.
Ryan quickly looked at Eunhyuk. She didn’t know he had a schedule right now.
„I don’t want to get up early.“, Donghae complained and gave Ryan an apologetic look.
„No complains!“, Leeteuk demanded.
„Seriously can you guys quit this in front of her. You should make her feel welcome.“, Eunhyuk pouted and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
„Isn’t Ryan a boys name or something?“, Heechul interrupted the silence.
Everyone turned their heads at him and looked at him with disbelief. Also Ryan looked at him and blinked. Was this supposed to offend her? Hasn’t this already been discussed?
„What?“, Heechul went and shrugged his shoulders.
„I forgot I have this totally important thing tomorrow.“, Kyuhyun said while nodding with a serious expression on his face.
Leeteuk’s face darkened. „You’re coming too.“, he said. 
„It was worth a try.“, Kyuhyun said and shoved another spoon of rice into his mouth.
„But is this fair with jet lag and everything?“, Donghae put into consideration.
„Oh, I’m fine.“, Ryan said. „I never get jet lag whatsoever.“, suddenly feeling the confidence to speak.
„Really? What’s your secret?“, Yesung next to Heechul wanted to know. 
„I just don’t sleep on planes.“, Ryan shrugged.
„Your Korean is really good.“, Leeteuk noted and looked at her in surprise.
Ryan giggled. „Well I was raised bilingual, but my pronunciation isn’t too good.“
„Agreed.“, Heechul spat. 
„It really is horrible.“, Eunhyuk chuckled. „But we’ll work on it.“
„When do you have to start working? Eunhyuk said something about a job you have here.“, Siwon asked her.
„I have a job interview next week. I had an internship at Marie Claire before I worked at a minor magazine in Helena. But I’m still in contact with my supervisor and they told me that Marie Claire was hiring in Seoul.“, Ryan explained.
„Who’s Helena?“, Heechul asked.
„It’s Montana’s capital.“, Eunhyuk said and rolled his eyes.
„Do you think you’ll get the job?“, Siwon wanted to know.
„I don’t know.“, Ryan shrugged her shoulders. „I hope so. I have to look for an apartment too and pay for it. I can’t afford the hotel for long.“
„Good that you have me.“, Leeteuk grinned. „Apartments are on my list too.“, he said and held his paper up in the air while pointing on it.

After dinner Ryan decided to head straight back to the hotel. She was tired and since Leeteuk forced everyone to go biking the next morning, she would need every bit of sleep she could possibly get.
Luckily she really had no jet lag. She even woke up before her alarm went off. It was still dark outside. Ryan opened her hotel room window to breathe in the morning scent of Seoul, her new home city.
She quickly got dressed and went down to the lobby to wait until the others would come pick her up. It didn’t take long and Eunhyuk appeared at the door. He waved at Ryan, who jumped up to hug him. She still couldn’t believe she was here and had her Eunhyuk back. She had really missed him over the years, though they had emailed each other monthly.
They both went outside and again into the familiar van that was taking them to Han River.
Leeteuk was the driver of the car and Donghae was seated right next to him. Then there was Heechul. Eunhyuk and her climbed all the way to the back.
„The others already went ahead. They’re renting the bikes.“, Eunhyuk said.
„Did you have a pleasant first night here?“, Leeteuk asked her while looking through the driving mirror.
„I did.“, Ryan grinned.
„How can you be so awake?“, Donghae mumbled in his seat. He wore a pair of sunglasses and a hat that he had pulled deeply into his face.
It wasn’t long until they parked the car near the bike renting station.
„This is what I call timing.“, Leeteuk said and celebrated himself. The sun was about to start rising behind the high buildings of Seoul.
„Let’s get going.“, he said with way too much excitement. 
Especially Kyuhyun didn’t look pleased at all. They all took their bikes and with Leeteuk as their leader they went off.
„This is so nice.“, Ryan threw her head back and let the fresh air mess with her hair.
„We should’ve done this during summer. It’s freaking cold.“, Donghae whined.
„I think it’s a nice breeze.“, Yesung smiled. 
„Let’s take a short break here and watch the sun.“, Leeteuk said and everyone was happy they didn’t have to ride anymore. At least for now.
„Wait…where’s Kyuhyun?“, Siwon asked and looked around. He was right, Kyuhyun was missing.
„He’s back there.“, Heechul pointed into the distance.
Kyuhyun finally reached the rest of them, completely exhausted.
„This is seriously stressing me out.“, he breathed. „I’m so going home after this.“

Eunhyuk and Donghae had to leave the group soon. They still had to prepare for promotions and so Ryan was left with the rest of them. It was a little weird without Eunhyuk, since he was the only one she actually knew. She didn’t want the others to feel responsible for her.
„It was really nice of you to take me here. But I think I can spend the rest of the day by myself.“
Leeteuk blinked a few times. „But I made so much more plans.“
„I really don’t want to bother you.“, she said.
„You’re not bothering us.“, Siwon opposed.
„Going on bike rides is the bothering part of this.“, Kyuhyun pouted.
„I wanted to take you to do some shopping. You like shopping right?“, Leeteuk said.
„Are you really okay with this? I mean I’m just a friend of Eunhyuk and he’s not even here.“, Ryan put into consideration.
„Don’t be stupid. Eunhyuk’s friend is our friend.“, Yesung said and put his arm around her to gently pat her back.
„We should be going.“, Leeteuk took a look at his watch. „The stores are opening soon.“
„What’s up with him and his tight schedule?“, Kyuhyun asked and rolled his eyes again. „I’m hungry. We should go eat something nice.“, he added.
„Food sounds really nice right now.“, Siwon agreed and put a hand onto his stomach to emphasize his craving for breakfast.
„And I know just the place.“, Leeteuk said. 
They got back into the vans, just now Ryan let herself down right next to Heechul and the back seats were left empty. She didn’t know if it would be okay with him. His face never actually revealed what he was thinking. He looked outside the window for the entire ride and so Ryan decided to answer Leeteuk’s curious questions, since he was the only one left inside of their van.
They arrived at a waffle place pretty soon. It lay a little outside of the busy streets and only few people were inside the store.
„We haven’t been here in ages.“, Heechul said when they stood in front of the restaurant.
„This opens up memories.“, Yesung confirmed.
„What memories?“, Ryan wanted to know.
„We always came here when we were still trainees. Let’s go inside, we’ll show you something.“, Yesung said and so the group entered the restaurant.
The owner was a tiny woman with grey hair. She gasped as she saw the boys step inside.
„Is it really you?“, she asked and looked at them with huge eyes. „My Juniors.“, she said and her eyes teared up.
„Ooh don’t cry.“, Siwon said. 
„It’s been so long.“, the woman said. „You all grew up so well.“, she added and starred at them. „Let me take you to your table.“, she clapped into her hands and the guys and Ryan followed her through the restaurant.
„It’s really still here.“, Yesung said.
„What’s so great about this picture anyway? I’m not even on it.“, Kyuhyun frowned.
„Is this a picture of you?“, Ryan asked and stepped closer. Above a table in a corner was a picture that showed the members before their debut.
„Wow, what’s up with your hair.“, Ryan laughed. 
„What about it?“, Yesung asked.
„Yours looks almost the same.“, Ryan giggled. „But all of you look really strange.“
When Ryan turned back to face the group she got hit by Heechul’s gaze, again. She flinched and her smile immediately froze. Though in response there was a slight flash of an amused look inside of his chocolate fudge eyes. 
„I think she froze. Did she see a ghost?“, Leeteuk asked and looked around.
„A ghost?“, Kyuhyun screamed. „Is there a ghost?“, he whined and searched the place for something odd.
„There are no ghosts.“, Siwon said annoyed and tried to calm Kyuhyun down.
      A minute later they all gathered around the table and waited for their waffles.
„But there are so much more of you in this picture. Where’s the rest? And why is Kyuhyun not in it?“, Ryan asked.
„Kyuhyun only joined us later.“, Siwon answered.
„Some of us are still living in the dorm together. It’s just fun and we’re used to it. But since we all grew up the rest lives on their own.“, Leeteuk said.
„Isn’t this sort of sad?“, Ryan asked.
The round went silent. Maybe this was a topic Ryan shouldn’t have asked about.
„I’m sorry.“, she quickly said and thought of something she could say to make the awkward silence disappear.
It was the ahjumma who interrupted them with several plates of hot steaming waffles.
„Finally.“, Kyuhyun said.
„This looks so good.“, Ryan said and her mouth started watering.
„These are the best waffles ever.“, Leeteuk smiled and they all started to munch on the sweet dough. 
„Why did we stop coming here?, Yesung asked.
„It was when Kangin first enlisted.“, Siwon said.
„Oh right. I remember. We didn’t want to come here without being complete.“, Yesung said.
„We’re not complete now either.“, Kyuhyun remarked.
„But it doesn’t count since we have Ryan with us. It’s sort of a new tradition.“, Leeteuk said.
Siwon shrugged his shoulders. „I guess that’ll work.“
„Ryan? Can I ask you something?“, Kyuhyun leaned forward. Ryan looked at him. His voice sounded weird. They all exchanged strange looks.
„We were curious about something.“, Kyuhyun said and lowered his voice.
„About what?“
„You can’t ask her that.“, Leeteuk interrupted.
„Why not?“, Kyuhyun wanted to know.
„I think we can ask her.“, Yesung stated and Siwon nodded in agreement.
„Have you been in a relationship with Eunhyuk?“, Kyuhyun finally asked the question. All eyes lay on her now.
„What?“, Ryan bursted out.
„Just because he talked about you from time to time and we were wondering…“, Yesung tried to help Kyuhyun out.
Ryan looked at Heechul, who again had the spot opposite of her. She didn’t even know what made her look at him. His eyes quietly focused hers and for a second Ryan even forgot she still had to answer. There was something about Heechul’s presence that made her feel awfully tensed. In the beginning she thought he looked at her with refusal. As if he would quietly joke about her. He looked at her in a way that made her uncomfortable and insecure. 
Heechul noticed her stare and he found it quite amusing. He rested his chin inside of his palm and held her gaze.
„I think we might have gone too far with this question.“, Leeteuk said, crossing his arms in front his chest and leaning back into his chair. „It’s obvious you made her feel uncomfortable. She’s even blushing.“, he added.
„Huh?“, Ryan was back in reality when she heard the word blushing. She wasn’t someone to blush easily. She looked back at Heechul to check if he had noticed too, but he seemed concentrated on cutting up his waffles into tiny pieces. Ryan quickly covered her cheeks with her hands and tried to cool herself down.
„It’s nothing like that. We were way too young to think of anything like a relationship.“, Ryan said.
„Then why were you blushing?“, Kyuhyun squinted his eyes at her.
„She probably thought of being in a relationship with someone.“, Heechul said and looked up from his plate.
„What?“, Ryan went again. His comment threw her off course.
„Really? Is there someone?“, Siwon gasped in excitement.
„No, there’s no one. Really.“, Ryan tried to smile it off and waved her hands.
„But if you’re interested in Eunhyuk we can totally arrange something.“, Yesung said and rose his eyebrows.
„Thank you, but there’s really no need to.“, Ryan said and felt really awkward. She kept her eyes on her plate, since she was somewhat scared to look into Heechul’s eyes again.
„That’s too sad. This could’ve been so much fun.“, Siwon snapped his fingers.

After finishing their breakfast Leeteuk dropped off Kyuhyun and Siwon at the dorm, since they already had other plans. Or at least they said they have. But they promised to spend some time with Ryan again.
Leeteuk wasn’t too pleased about the sudden change of participants in his shopping spree, though he was happy less people could complain.
Ryan was actually a really comfortable person to shop with. She wouldn’t run into every single store, though Leeteuk took that part for her. 
„My legs hurt.“, Yesung said after a while and dropped onto a bench inside the mall.
„Mine too.“, Ryan said and sat down next to him.
„It’s already late so maybe we should get going.“, Yesung said.
„But Ryan didn’t even buy something.“, Leeteuk noted.
„I’m just not that much of a buyer. I like looking at neat stuff.“, she said.
Heechul had to suppress a laughter and slightly turned his back at the group.
„What’s so funny about that?“, Ryan snapped.
Heechul looked at her with the familiar smiling sparkle inside of his deep eyes. But he didn’t answer.
„Let’s go to one last store.“, Leeteuk ignored the tension between Ryan and Heechul.
Ryan still glared at him. He didn’t even say much, why did he come?! There would have been no difference anyway. She couldn’t even explain why she was mad all of the sudden. But something about Heechul and his constant smirky face was getting on her nerves and somewhat driving her crazy.
„Okay, let’s go then.“, Ryan decided to shake off her feelings and marched off.
„She doesn’t even know where I wanted to go.“, Leeteuk said confused but followed her.
„I want to go into that store.“, she said and pointed onto a store with pink lighting. 
Leeteuk eyes widened as he discovered Ryan wanted to go into a lingerie store.
Yesung abruptly stopped and looked at Ryan blinking in disbelief.
„What?“, Ryan said and threw gazes at them. „You don’t need to come.“, she said.
„Oh, I’m so coming.“, Yesung said and practically shoved Ryan into the store’s direction.
Heechul shrugged his shoulders and followed them. Just Leeteuk didn’t feel like joining them. Instead he started to wander up and down in save distance.
„Do you think this’ll suit me?“, Ryan asked while holding a see-through black night gown in front of her body.
Yesung was slightly taken aback. „I believe this would probably look stunning.“, he admitted.
„What do you think, Heechul?“, she asked. It probably wasn’t her best plan to tease him, but it was the only thing she could think of in such a rush.
„Do you have the figure for that?“, Heechul slapped into her face.
Ryan tried hard not to let her guards down and keep her pokerface.
„Heechul!“, Yesung slapped him.
„She asked for my opinion.“, he simply stated and rose his eyebrows.
„Don’t listen to him.“, Yesung quickly said to Ryan and shoved himself in front of Heechul to block him and keep him from saying something stupid.
„Easy.“, Ryan replied and turned to go through some other stuff. 
„Can I help you?“, a young woman came over to them and offered her help.
„No thank you. I’m just looking.“, Ryan said.
Though the store clerk did not leave but stared at Yesung and Heechul.
„I think I’m going to buy this.“, Ryan then decided because she couldn’t stand the attention the two boys were getting from the girl. She looked at Heechul, who was already looking at her. She flinched.
„Looking at something neat again?“, he asked.
Ryan quickly turned away from him and then stormed to the register to pay for her night gown. She didn’t really need it, but she didn’t want Heechul to think she didn’t buy it because his comment had effected her. Because it didn’t.
She slowly turned around just to catch Heechul’s gaze again. He was indeed pretty neat looking. In fact he was stunningly attractive. His chocolate fudge eyes and the black hair combined with his intense look and his slender figure and long coat, which made him look like some sort of vampire from a movie. Ryan quickly shook her head to get whatever she was thinking out of her mind. 
     Leeteuk was happy when he finally had some company again.
„You took forever in there.“, he said and dragged them to leave.
The small group of four went for some quick dinner and then decided to bring Ryan back to her hotel, since there was a new schedule for the next day.
„Oh, that’s so pretty.“, Ryan gasped when she saw a sparkly ice cream place. „Can we go there?“, she asked but regretted her question right away. She should not make them do stuff they didn’t want to.
„Of course. Who’s ready for desert?“, Leeteuk announced and pulled over the car.
Ryan was fascinated from the store. You could choose from several ice cream flavors and put all sorts of topics on it.
„I can’t even decide which one to choose.“, she sparkled and ran around the store.
Leeteuk tried to follow her though she was hectically running from one flavor to the other.
„Do you wish to taste any flavor?“, a shop assistant asked her.
„I can try them?“, Ryan’s eyes went even bigger.
„You can try whatever flavor you like before buying them.“, the girl confirmed. She wore a white dress with a pink apron and a cute pink cap on top of her brown hair.
„I want to try cheese cake.“, Ryan jumped up and down.
„It’s her first time.“, Leeteuk tried to excuse for Ryan’s behavior.
„It’s fine. We get this a lot.“, the assistant answered and then went to get Ryan a cheese cake sample.
„This is so good.“, Ryan went when she spooned the ice cream into her mouth. „I want to try this one too.“, she yelled and ran over to the cherry station.
„Watch where you’re going.“, Heechul snapped when Ryan accidentally ran into him in front of the ice cream machine.
„Sorry.“, she said and looked into his eyes a little scared. She only now noticed she might have gone a little overboard with her excitement.
„You have ice cream on your face.“, Heechul said. But before Ryan herself could wipe it away, Heechul reached out for her lips. He took the ice cream away with his thumb and then licked it while still focussing Ryan. 
„Cheese cake. My favorite.“, he said with a low voice.
 Ryan gulped down the sudden lump in her throat. She felt hot and she could swear her forehead was sweating.
„Here’s your cherry sample.“, the assistant interrupted the awkward silence between Heechul and Ryan.
„Th-Thank you.“, Ryan stuttered and tried to get a hold of herself. What was wrong with her?!
     The four chose a table in the middle of the store and gathered with their ice creams. The boys only had a small portion while Ryan took the largest size available.
„You can eat a lot for such a small girl.“, Yesung commented.
„Oh?“, Ryan went and looked at them as she was shoveling cherry and cheese cake ice cream into her mouth. „Sorry.“, she said and felt bad all of the sudden. Maybe she shouldn’t give in to her appetite. It wasn’t really lady-like was it?
„Why are you apologizing?“, Leeteuk wondered. „I think it’s really cute.“, he grinned.
„You think it’s cute when someone eats like that?“, Heechul barked although he had to admit it was really cute, how Ryan enjoyed the ice cream that much. 
Ryan looked up to him. Of course he was again sitting opposite of her. Like that was his thing or something. She actually planned on giving him a hateful look, but instead her eyes were filled with sadness and honest disappointment. Not that Heechul’s snippy comments hurt her. But they weren’t very comforting either nor were they funny.
Heechul’s face suddenly froze. He noticed he made one stupid comment too much. Something inside of him wanted to apologize but he wasn’t able to. Especially not in front of Leeteuk and Yesung.
„I also think it’s cute.“, Yesung stated and patted Ryan’s back. „What’s wrong with you?“, he asked Heechul, who was still speechless. 
„It’s okay. Some people just need to compensate their own insecurities.“, Ryan countered.

A knock made Ryan flinch. She had just closed the hotel room door behind her and wondered who was now in front of it.
She opened the door and looked into Heechul’s tired eyes and somewhat careless face.
He had Ryan’s scarf in one hand, the other hand buried inside his coat’s pocket.
„Oh, thanks. I didn’t even notice I forgot my scarf.“, Ryan said and he reached out the soft grey fabric into her direction.
A deep look pierced her and she couldn’t evaluate the feeling that started to spread through her body while looking at him.
Heechul quietly held Ryan’s gaze and she could even hear him breathing. It wasn’t an awkward silence like before, though Ryan was waiting for him to make a stupid comment again.
All of the sudden Heechul slightly nodded and then turned to leave.
„Oh?“, Ryan gasped and stepped outside her room to watch him walk down the hallway. But he didn’t go far until he stopped again. Ryan watched his slender figure, covered in his black coat, his skinny legs running into a pair of black boots. His dark hair shimmered in the hallway’s light.
He suddenly turned around and walked back to her. Ryan automatically backed off a little, but Heechul approached rather quickly. He reached out for her neck and gently but vigorously pushed her inside of her room and against the wall. His intense gaze hit her and made her speechless. His hands were warm and send shivers through her cold body. 
He searched for something inside of her face, observed every inch of it. He noticed the pale freckles on her nose and felt her heavy breath. He then closed the door. Ryan blinked at him in confusion. He was going to kill her right now…she shouldn’t have said the compensation part at the ice cream store.
The next moment Heechul’s voluminous lips met hers. Ryan closed her eyes and soaked in the air in surprise. Heechul didn’t move. His hands tightly cupped Ryan’s face to not let her escape, but it was gentle enough for her to push him away. Though she didn’t. 
It wasn’t until Ryan grabbed Heechul’s coat that he intensified his kiss. He let his tongue sink into Ryan’s mouth. She tasted like cherries from the ice cream that they had.
Ryan gasped for air, though she returned his kiss. His hands wandered under her coat and over her body, grabbing her hips and pulling her closer. 
Ryan breathed in his scent and let herself fall into the mass of warm and soothing kisses. A second later Heechul let go of her. He looked at Ryan again. Her lips were a little swollen already and her eyes sparkled at him. She still had her hands clawed into his coat and she did not intend on letting him go.
Heechul dug his head into her hair and slowly ran his lips over her neck while carefully slipping off Ryan’s coat. 
She had no idea how she got herself into this situation, nor did she know how to get out of it. He would probably not leave after kissing her for a while and Ryan had never experienced such a situation, so she started to feel rather nervous. 
She suddenly got overwhelmed by her own feelings and the first thing she could think of was pushing Heechul away. He was somewhat heavy but Ryan managed to free herself and slipped away from him. He grabbed her wrist immediately and pulled her back.
„But…“, Ryan gasped.
Heechul was only a little taller than her and his face was only inches apart from hers. A cheeky smile flashed over his lips. His black side-parted hair covered half of his left eye and made his gaze even more mysterious and intense. 
It was Ryan now who pressed her lips onto his. She didn’t know what drove her to kiss him, but he looked so stunningly beautiful that she wanted him to be closer. She wanted to taste him again and wanted to feel his hands on her body. 
Heechul did not hesitate, he ran his hands into her hair and kissed her even harder. He slowly pushed her backwards, while Ryan tried not to loose her balance. When Ryan hit the bed with her legs, Heechul looked at her once again. She hated him for looking at her like that. She knew he had her in his hands. 
Ryan let her hands glide underneath his coat, ran her fingers over his chest and down to his stomach. Her heart was beating like crazy and all of the sudden her legs felt like melting. 
Heechul finally took off his coat, though Ryan found he was still wearing way too much. She leaned forward to kiss his neck, she ran her tongue over his skin, tasted the saltiness while pressing her body against his. She felt how he tensed. He threw his head back and moaned with pleasure. Ryan ran her fingers underneath his shirt and carefully scratched over his skin with her nails. She felt how his body got covered in goosebumps and she couldn’t help it but giggle. Heechul answered by pushing her onto the bed. Ryan was somewhat exhausted. Adrenaline pumped through her veins and had reddened her cheeks. 
Heechul pulled his shirt over his head and exposed his bare upper body. His white skin looked almost like porcelain though there were fine red scratches from Ryan’s nails. Ryan let her eyes glide over his body and in the next moment he climbed on top of her, making her lay down and found her lips again.
Ryan immediately pulled him closer and her hands explored Heechul’s body. His long hair tickled her cheeks as his lips kissed their way over her chin down her neck and to her collar bones. 
Ryan moaned though she felt awkward being attracted by him in a way she never was before. Her fingers started to tickle and Heechul’s soft kisses on her skin made goosebumps run over her body again and again.
When he kissed her on her lips again, Ryan sucked in his lip and carefully bit it. A laughter built up inside of Heechul’s throat. The first real reaction he showed since he had attacked her.
Suddenly Heechul pulled up her sweater and his lips covered her belly. Ryan gasped. His kisses tickled her but at the same time it felt unbelievingly pleasing. 
Ryan felt how Heechul’s hands opened up the button of her pants and the zipper went down. Her body tensed but she tried not to flinch. She breathed in deeply and urged herself to remain calm. Was this what she wanted? She wasn’t sure but her head got clouded and she couldn’t think straight anymore. All she could think of was Heechul’s steamy body and his ability to make her long for his warm kisses.
Heechul lifted her sweater over her head and bit his lip by looking at her body. Ryan carefully observed his face, since she felt awkwardly exposed in front of him. Especially since he made that mean figure comment at the lingerie store. She wished the lights had been out even though she would not be able to look at him that way.
Ryan rested her hands on the waistband of his jeans, playing with the thought of opening them. But something was holding her back. A weird feeling of this being a dream creeped into her cloudy mind.
Heechul started to outline the seams of her bra and slid the straps off of her shoulders. Ryan looked at him with huge eyes, somewhat scared and somewhat excited. What on earth was she doing right now?!
She then reached out for him. She clasped her hands behind his neck and pulled his head down. He followed her invite and let his teeth sink into her neck. Ryan dug her nails into his back and made him moan again. His hands wandered over her body and she didn’t even notice how he was able to open her bra and pull it away. 
Heechul breathed into her ear and Ryan could feel his heart beat inside of his chest. She ran her fingers into his silky hair and felt how her pants were slowly removed.

     Heechul sat on the edge of the bed his back facing Ryan. Although she was covered with a blanket she felt cold. She watched Heechul as he got up and put on his pants, bent down for his shirt and threw it over. He went in front the mirror and fixed his hair that had gotten a little messy.
„Are you leaving?“, Ryan asked.
Heechul took his coat from the floor and put on his boots. He stopped in front of the door and looked at Ryan with the same careless face he mostly wore since she had met him only a day ago.
He nodded into her direction and opened the room’s door. „Sleep well.“, he said with his melodic voice and a second later he had vanished into the bright light of the hotel’s hallway.
Ryan sighed and turned on her back, staring at the ceiling.
„Seriously?!“, she said to herself and looked to the door in disbelief.

© all rights reserved || copyright by J.J.B.

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